Friday, June 17, 2005

The Hildebeast Jumps on the Crapweasel Bandwagon

WASHINGTON - Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton on Thursday called on President Bush to create an independent commission to investigate allegations of prisoner abuse at the Defense Department's detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

"I would very strongly urge that we appoint an independent commission and that commission quickly look into all of these allegations and come up with recommendations," Clinton, D-N.Y., said on NBC's "Today" show.

"I really hope that the president would consider doing this, because every day that goes by, it really undermines our capacity to go to the rest of the world and talk about what's important about America," Clinton, said in an interview with co-host Matt Lauer.

Clinton spoke as Republicans focused on a floor speech given by Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois late Tuesday on the treatment of prisoners in the war on terrorism.

The left percieves this as a safe no lose position. I disagree, the incessant badmouthing of our military and policies is beginning to wear thin with the public in my opinion. There's a thin line between honest criticism and politicallyexpedient disingenuous vitriol. I believe the American people are beginning to see it as the latter.

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