Sunday, September 04, 2005

Poll: Bush Not Taking Brunt of Katrina Criticism

Despite the most concerted effort by the EM to besmirch the President since the last election, the the American people are having none of it.

Sept. 4, 2005 — Americans are broadly critical of government preparedness in the Hurricane Katrina disaster — but far fewer take George W. Bush personally to task for the problems, and public anger about the response is less widespread than some critics would suggest.

Forty-six percent of Americans approve of Bush's handling of the crisis, while 47 percent disapprove. That compares poorly with Bush's 91 percent approval rating for his performance in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but it's far from the broad discontent expressed by critics of the initial days of the hurricane response. (It also almost exactly matches Bush's overall job approval rating, 45 percent, in an ABC/Post poll a week ago.)

It becomes more evident on a daily basis that the EM no longer has the ability to change peoples opinions about anything

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