Sunday, March 12, 2006

We heard you loud and clear

I hate to say I told you so but......I TOLD YOU SO. This is one of the very few times I have been truly ashamed of my party, it is the only time I have been truly ashamed of many of my fellow conservative bloggers. Intellectual myopia has not been an affliction commonly attributable to the conservative blogospere.....untill now that is. Being on the same side as the Democrats should have been the tip-off but alas rationality was cast aside and the PMS mentality ruled the day. Revel in the victory as it will be short lived.

According to a Gulf News poll, 64 per cent of readers say the DP World affair "changed their opinion for the worse" about investing in the United States. A number of businessmen told the newspaper yesterday that Arab investors would think about other destinations. The majority agreed that DP World has been forced out of the US port operations due to "racism".
President George W. Bush admitted Congress has sent the "wrong message" to the rest of the world.

We don't feel that DP World lost. It in fact won the respect of the international business community when it won the bid to acquire the British P&O Company. It gained the admiration of the political community when it showed the maturity to bow out with grace.

Nevertheless, the whole affair served as a lesson for other Arab companies who may have thought of investing in what has proved to be a hostile US atmosphere. All the free trade talk proved to be just empty rhetoric. Another irony is that the Democrats, the supporters of globalisation, were the key opponents of the deal. There must have been something else behind the sudden change of heart.

This is only the beginning of folks. Our actions against DPW are just starting to pay negative dividends and they will for many years to come.

Update: Read this dead on letter to the American people from a prominent UAE blogger.

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