Monday, March 27, 2006

Moussaoui says he was to be part of 9/11 attacks

So much for the defense.

ALEXANDRIA, Virginia (Reuters) - Zacarias Moussaoui said on Monday he was supposed to fly a fifth airplane into the White House as part of the September 11 plot and he knew that two planes were due to fly into the World Trace Center.

In testimony at his sentencing trial, Moussaoui -- the only person charged in the United States in connection with the September 11 attacks -- said "shoebomber" Richard Reid was to join him as part of the crew in the suicide mission. Moussaoui said he did not know the date of the planned attacks when he was arrested in Minnesota on August 16, 2001. He faces the death penalty.

This puts a dent in the Chimpy McBushHitler /Zionist/Halliburton/Illuminati conspiracy executed by the CIA under the direction of Carl Rove and the Trilateralists.

Fox has more.

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