They have a take no prisoners mentality and are being successful in the process.
Ethiopian tanks were rolling south yesterday through Somalia for a final showdown with the hardline Islamists driven from power in a 10-day military offensive.
As the army convoy headed towards the southern port of Kismayo, the last stronghold of the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), Ethiopian fighter jets flew overhead. The Somali interim government and its Ethiopian allies have stated that they aim to crush the Islamic movement, which took control of much of southern Somalia.
Hundreds of people have died during the campaign, according to the International Committee of the Red Cross, and more fighting is expected. A Somali government soldier said the Islamists – accused by Addis Ababa and Washington of being backed by al-Qaeda – had laced the highway from Mogadishu with mines as they pulled back.
Appears that the Ethiopians have learned from our mistakes and are NOT trying to win a "politically correct" war.
Update: KISMAYO, Somalia Dec 31, 2006 (AP)— Islamic fighters abandoned the last major town they held early Monday and were seen heading south toward the Kenyan border while government forces approached slowly because of land mines, residents and the government spokesman said.
The Islamic forces began to disintegrate after a night of artillery attacks at the front line and following a mutiny within its ranks, witnesses said. Government spokesman Abdirahman Dinari said he had information that Islamic forces were moving south toward the Kenyan border.
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Muslims Refuse to Wash Hands at UK Hospitals
Now this is just silly........
Because the anti-bacterial gel contains alcohol: Muslims ‘refuse anti-MRSA gel’.
Some Muslims are undermining the battle to rid Britain’s hospitals of killer infections by refusing to wash their hands when visiting sick relatives.
Dispensers containing anti-bacterial gel have been placed outside wards at hospitals all over
Britain in a bid to get rid of superbugs like MRSA and PVL. It prevents people bringing in more infections. But some Muslims refuse to use the hand cleansers on religious grounds because they contain alcohol.
A simple but very illustrative example of how religious practice carried to the extreme crosses into the absurd.
Now this is just silly........
Because the anti-bacterial gel contains alcohol: Muslims ‘refuse anti-MRSA gel’.
Some Muslims are undermining the battle to rid Britain’s hospitals of killer infections by refusing to wash their hands when visiting sick relatives.
Dispensers containing anti-bacterial gel have been placed outside wards at hospitals all over
Britain in a bid to get rid of superbugs like MRSA and PVL. It prevents people bringing in more infections. But some Muslims refuse to use the hand cleansers on religious grounds because they contain alcohol.
A simple but very illustrative example of how religious practice carried to the extreme crosses into the absurd.
Opining on Saddam
And so it ends for one of the most ruthless dictators of the Twentieth Century dangling from a rope body twitching just as he had done to so many of "his subjects" before him.
The estimates vary but the consensus figure of somewhat over a million people being killed in his 40 years of tyranical dominance is fairly well agreed upon. This puts him in the same infamous category as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao all being charter members of the Million Man Club. These people all had another thing in common, they all believed deeply that they were right in what they did and their countries were far better off because of it. Sadaams last words were " Iraq is nothing without me". A power hungry despot is bad enough but when you combine that with a warped savior complex you have the makings of a mass murdering monster. Regardless of your stance on the Iraq war, one things certain; He needed killin.
The press has been absolutely surreal over the last 24 hours. The reporting ranged anywhere from thinly veiled sympathy for Sadaam to unbrideled cynicism. The usual suspects threw out such verbal inanities as "Primitive, Vindictive, Revengful , Rush to Judgment, Suspect" (timing) and so on. One media nimrod on Fox actually went so far as to say the Bush administration was remiss because they hadn't publicized the Sadaam atrocities via testimonials and video prior to the execution. WTF, isnt that the job of the press? Had he done so the hysterical screams of White House propagandizing would have been perpetual.
It's at times like these that the mainstream Press truly is insufferable. Whether this helps stabilize Iraq, who knows but some things are certain. The Iraqi people now know that this this murderous animal will not rise again as he had done so many times in the past. He will never torture a father while his wife and children are forced to watch; He will never slaughter entire villages or wage chemical or biological war on his neighbors and he will never pursue nuclear weapons. He was lawfully tried, found guilty and justice was meted out by the very people who were most entitled to do so.
The MSM ignores this because it's not nuanced, it's too cut and dried but it is the bottom line and everything else is simply noise.
The estimates vary but the consensus figure of somewhat over a million people being killed in his 40 years of tyranical dominance is fairly well agreed upon. This puts him in the same infamous category as Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao all being charter members of the Million Man Club. These people all had another thing in common, they all believed deeply that they were right in what they did and their countries were far better off because of it. Sadaams last words were " Iraq is nothing without me". A power hungry despot is bad enough but when you combine that with a warped savior complex you have the makings of a mass murdering monster. Regardless of your stance on the Iraq war, one things certain; He needed killin.
The press has been absolutely surreal over the last 24 hours. The reporting ranged anywhere from thinly veiled sympathy for Sadaam to unbrideled cynicism. The usual suspects threw out such verbal inanities as "Primitive, Vindictive, Revengful , Rush to Judgment, Suspect" (timing) and so on. One media nimrod on Fox actually went so far as to say the Bush administration was remiss because they hadn't publicized the Sadaam atrocities via testimonials and video prior to the execution. WTF, isnt that the job of the press? Had he done so the hysterical screams of White House propagandizing would have been perpetual.
It's at times like these that the mainstream Press truly is insufferable. Whether this helps stabilize Iraq, who knows but some things are certain. The Iraqi people now know that this this murderous animal will not rise again as he had done so many times in the past. He will never torture a father while his wife and children are forced to watch; He will never slaughter entire villages or wage chemical or biological war on his neighbors and he will never pursue nuclear weapons. He was lawfully tried, found guilty and justice was meted out by the very people who were most entitled to do so.
The MSM ignores this because it's not nuanced, it's too cut and dried but it is the bottom line and everything else is simply noise.
The Tyrant Pays

Video here.
Update: View entire Saddam hanging here and here
Update II:Breaking.... Saddam is still dead.
Friday, December 29, 2006
Opinipundit Opines on Ford
Just a few reflections on Gerald Ford and his Presidency.
I liked Ford well enough, he was an unassuming man who, unlike most of the politicians in this country and the world for that matter, had no obscession with the spotlight. He was an intelligent, relatively capable but fairly average man with fairly average abilities.
My first impression of him is he neither relished the Presidency nor the responsibilities that went with it. He shyed away from confrontation whenever possible and was devoid of the type of strong ideological motivations that have led many past Presidents to shape world events. He is the only President I can recall that actually sought to reduce executive power rather than expand it. Granted he was faced with a lopsided opposition majority in Congress and a unsympathetic public so any sweeping change he might have initiated would likely be doomed to failure.
Looking back he was in many ways the right person in the right job at the right time. A scrupilously honest man who kept a low profile, was pragmatic and amiable both personally and professionally . Go along to get along is rarely the modus operandi one looks for in a POTUS however in those unprecedented times it's what was called for. The country did not need a firebrand or earth shaker but rather a methodical steadying hand to sooth the inflamed sensibilities of past Presidential malfeasance. In Gerald Ford they got exactly that.
When you consider that Ford only lost the Presidential election to Carter 50.1% to 48% it becomes clear that his tenure was amazingly successful. Considering how fresh past events were in peoples minds and a relentlessly brutal press, Ford should have been clobbered by at least 10% points.
In the final analysis Ford did what he needed to do, no more, no less. He mollified the American public and helped exenterate the sour taste in the mouths of the collective populace concerning the Republican party. As much as Carters haplessness this opened the door for a Republican in 80. Ronald Reagan's viability was due in large part to Gerald Fords action , or maybe rather, inaction.
Under 99.8% of all possible scenarios I would not want Gerald Ford as my President. But at that very specific time in our history from 1973 to 1976, he was just what the doctor ordered.
I liked Ford well enough, he was an unassuming man who, unlike most of the politicians in this country and the world for that matter, had no obscession with the spotlight. He was an intelligent, relatively capable but fairly average man with fairly average abilities.
My first impression of him is he neither relished the Presidency nor the responsibilities that went with it. He shyed away from confrontation whenever possible and was devoid of the type of strong ideological motivations that have led many past Presidents to shape world events. He is the only President I can recall that actually sought to reduce executive power rather than expand it. Granted he was faced with a lopsided opposition majority in Congress and a unsympathetic public so any sweeping change he might have initiated would likely be doomed to failure.
Looking back he was in many ways the right person in the right job at the right time. A scrupilously honest man who kept a low profile, was pragmatic and amiable both personally and professionally . Go along to get along is rarely the modus operandi one looks for in a POTUS however in those unprecedented times it's what was called for. The country did not need a firebrand or earth shaker but rather a methodical steadying hand to sooth the inflamed sensibilities of past Presidential malfeasance. In Gerald Ford they got exactly that.
When you consider that Ford only lost the Presidential election to Carter 50.1% to 48% it becomes clear that his tenure was amazingly successful. Considering how fresh past events were in peoples minds and a relentlessly brutal press, Ford should have been clobbered by at least 10% points.
In the final analysis Ford did what he needed to do, no more, no less. He mollified the American public and helped exenterate the sour taste in the mouths of the collective populace concerning the Republican party. As much as Carters haplessness this opened the door for a Republican in 80. Ronald Reagan's viability was due in large part to Gerald Fords action , or maybe rather, inaction.
Under 99.8% of all possible scenarios I would not want Gerald Ford as my President. But at that very specific time in our history from 1973 to 1976, he was just what the doctor ordered.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Saddam To Be Hanged by Sunday

Update: Judge: Saddam to be executed by Saturday
Saddam Hussein has been transferred from U.S. custody, his lawyers said, and an Iraqi judge authorized to attend the former dictator's hanging said he would be executed no later than Saturday. The physical hand-over of Saddam to Iraqi authorities was believed to be one of the last steps before he was to be hanged, although the lawyers' statement did not specifically say Saddam was in Iraqi hands.
UpdateII: Witnesses to the execution are being assembled and the execution is expected to take place within the next few hours.
Quote of the Week
Referring to Jimmy Carter, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach declares with pinpoint accuracy what this ex President truly is.....
"He is, and always has been, a well-meaning imbecile, a well-intentioned fool, a man of good intentions bereft of good judgment."
"He is, and always has been, a well-meaning imbecile, a well-intentioned fool, a man of good intentions bereft of good judgment."
Iraq Qaeda suspect blamed for U.S. kidnapping captured
They're building the gallows for Sadaam as we speak. Shouldn't be too difficult to add a few extra slots.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi special forces backed by U.S. advisers have captured an al Qaeda cell leader believed to be behind the kidnap in June of two U.S. soldiers who were found tortured and dead, the U.S. military said on Thursday.
A U.S. statement said the man was captured in a raid on Tuesday in Yusifiya, 15 km (9 miles) south of Baghdad. It said he had recently been seen commenting on a video CD showing the kidnapping of the soldiers that was shown at a mosque.
"The terrorist is believed responsible for kidnapping two U.S. soldiers from a checkpoint in Yusifiya in June, 2006. The soldiers were later found tortured and murdered," a U.S. statement said.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Iraqi special forces backed by U.S. advisers have captured an al Qaeda cell leader believed to be behind the kidnap in June of two U.S. soldiers who were found tortured and dead, the U.S. military said on Thursday.
A U.S. statement said the man was captured in a raid on Tuesday in Yusifiya, 15 km (9 miles) south of Baghdad. It said he had recently been seen commenting on a video CD showing the kidnapping of the soldiers that was shown at a mosque.
"The terrorist is believed responsible for kidnapping two U.S. soldiers from a checkpoint in Yusifiya in June, 2006. The soldiers were later found tortured and murdered," a U.S. statement said.
Debunking Woodward
Quoting Bob Woodward from a WAPO interview which was curiously only to be released after Fords death he states:
Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. "I don't think I would have gone to war," he said a little more than a year after President Bush launched the invasion advocated and carried out by prominent veterans of Ford's own administration.
However in the last known interview of Ford from THOMAS M. DeFRANK of the New York Daily News in an article titled Last lunch with a legend Ford says something very different:
Ford was a few weeks shy of his 93rd birthday as we chatted for about 45 minutes. He'd been visited by President Bush and said."Saddam Hussein was an evil person and there was justification to get rid of him," he observed, " and said he'd told Bush he supported the war in Iraq but that the 43rd President had erred by staking the invasion on weapons of mass destruction.
and..."Saddam Hussein was an evil person and there was justification to get rid of him," he observed, "but we shouldn't have put the basis on weapons of mass destruction. That was a bad mistake.
So which is it? I'll put my money on DeFRANK as Mr. Woodwards credibility has become more than a little suspect of late.
Former president Gerald R. Ford said in an embargoed interview in July 2004 that the Iraq war was not justified. "I don't think I would have gone to war," he said a little more than a year after President Bush launched the invasion advocated and carried out by prominent veterans of Ford's own administration.
However in the last known interview of Ford from THOMAS M. DeFRANK of the New York Daily News in an article titled Last lunch with a legend Ford says something very different:
Ford was a few weeks shy of his 93rd birthday as we chatted for about 45 minutes. He'd been visited by President Bush and said."Saddam Hussein was an evil person and there was justification to get rid of him," he observed, " and said he'd told Bush he supported the war in Iraq but that the 43rd President had erred by staking the invasion on weapons of mass destruction.
and..."Saddam Hussein was an evil person and there was justification to get rid of him," he observed, "but we shouldn't have put the basis on weapons of mass destruction. That was a bad mistake.
So which is it? I'll put my money on DeFRANK as Mr. Woodwards credibility has become more than a little suspect of late.
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
U.S. Says Captured Iranians Can Be Linked to Attacks
I would suggest we let the Iraqi's do the questioning as Congress has made it abundantly clear we do not have the stomach for it.
BAGHDAD, Dec. 26 — The American military said Tuesday that it had credible evidence linking Iranians and their Iraqi associates, detained here in raids last week, to criminal activities, including attacks against American forces. Evidence also emerged that some detainees had been involved in shipments of weapons to illegal armed groups in Iraq.
In its first official confirmation of last week’s raids, the military said it had confiscated maps, videos, photographs and documents in one of the raids on a site in Baghdad. The military confirmed the arrests of five Iranians, and said three of them had been released.
The Bush administration has described the two Iranians still being held Tuesday night as senior military officials. Maj. Gen. William Caldwell IV, the chief spokesman for the American command, said the military, in the raid, had “gathered specific intelligence from highly credible sources that linked individuals and locations with criminal activities against Iraqi civilians, security forces and coalition force personnel.”
BAGHDAD, Dec. 26 — The American military said Tuesday that it had credible evidence linking Iranians and their Iraqi associates, detained here in raids last week, to criminal activities, including attacks against American forces. Evidence also emerged that some detainees had been involved in shipments of weapons to illegal armed groups in Iraq.
In its first official confirmation of last week’s raids, the military said it had confiscated maps, videos, photographs and documents in one of the raids on a site in Baghdad. The military confirmed the arrests of five Iranians, and said three of them had been released.
The Bush administration has described the two Iranians still being held Tuesday night as senior military officials. Maj. Gen. William Caldwell IV, the chief spokesman for the American command, said the military, in the raid, had “gathered specific intelligence from highly credible sources that linked individuals and locations with criminal activities against Iraqi civilians, security forces and coalition force personnel.”
Flatulence allegedly sparks jail fight
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. - Brian Bruggeman caused a stink at the Lincoln County Jail earlier this month and will now have to answer for it in court. Another inmate, Jesse Dorris, alleges that Bruggeman's flatulence, passed in close proximity to Dorris, sparked a Dec. 14 fight between the two at the jail.
Now Bruggeman, 38, faces a Jan. 11 preliminary hearing on the state's complaint of assault by a confined person. It's a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Bruggeman is accused of injuring Dorris, his cellmate, when he pushed him into cell bars. Dorris, 26, was not charged.
The two began scuffling, County Attorney Jeff Meyer said Tuesday, because Dorris was fed up with Bruggeman's flatulence.
Hang him.
Now Bruggeman, 38, faces a Jan. 11 preliminary hearing on the state's complaint of assault by a confined person. It's a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.
Bruggeman is accused of injuring Dorris, his cellmate, when he pushed him into cell bars. Dorris, 26, was not charged.
The two began scuffling, County Attorney Jeff Meyer said Tuesday, because Dorris was fed up with Bruggeman's flatulence.
Hang him.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Saddam Loses Final Appeal

"The appeals court approved the verdict to hang Saddam [Hussein]," Mouwafak al-Ruabaie said.
Lawyers launched an appeal after a court sentenced Saddam Hussein to death on 5 November for the 1982 killings of 148 Shias in the town Dujail.
Now expect the flood of lamentations from the left.
Cuba waits for Castro surgery diagnosis
Another Christmas in January?
CUBA is on tenterhooks today over Fidel Castro's fragile health, as residents of the Communist island await a visiting Spanish doctor's diagnois on whether additional surgery is needed.
Officials in Madrid confirmed today that a Spanish surgeon had been disptched to Cuba to treat Castro, 80, who has not been seen in public for five months. Few medical updates have been made public since his reported intestinal surgery.
"The Cuban Government decided to ask one of our top professionals to care for its president," health councilor for Madrid's regional government, Manuel Lamela said.
The surgeon they brought im specializes in the treatment of pancreatic cancer FWIW.
CUBA is on tenterhooks today over Fidel Castro's fragile health, as residents of the Communist island await a visiting Spanish doctor's diagnois on whether additional surgery is needed.
Officials in Madrid confirmed today that a Spanish surgeon had been disptched to Cuba to treat Castro, 80, who has not been seen in public for five months. Few medical updates have been made public since his reported intestinal surgery.
"The Cuban Government decided to ask one of our top professionals to care for its president," health councilor for Madrid's regional government, Manuel Lamela said.
The surgeon they brought im specializes in the treatment of pancreatic cancer FWIW.
Monday, December 25, 2006

Sunday, December 24, 2006
Blacks aren't judging Nifong
Just what would be the reaction in the black community if this case were being pursued against 3 black men accused of raping a white stripper? That's a rhetorical question as I think we all know the answer.
While scrutiny of the Durham district attorney's handling of the Duke lacrosse case intensifies, key members of the county's influential black community still back the prosecutor, though cautiously.
The district attorney, Mike Nifong, dropped rape charges Friday against former players David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann after the 28-year-old accuser said she was unsure whether the players had penetrated her.
The move spurred outrage against the district attorney for continuing a case many legal experts say has completely unraveled.
But several members of Durham County's African American community said they believe Nifong is keeping his word to fully investigate.
Isn't the common practice to "investigate" prior to the indictment?
While scrutiny of the Durham district attorney's handling of the Duke lacrosse case intensifies, key members of the county's influential black community still back the prosecutor, though cautiously.
The district attorney, Mike Nifong, dropped rape charges Friday against former players David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann after the 28-year-old accuser said she was unsure whether the players had penetrated her.
The move spurred outrage against the district attorney for continuing a case many legal experts say has completely unraveled.
But several members of Durham County's African American community said they believe Nifong is keeping his word to fully investigate.
Isn't the common practice to "investigate" prior to the indictment?
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Canadian troops surround Taliban
HOWZ-E MADAD, Afghanistan - There is no place to hide, and nowhere to run for the 700 to 900 Taliban insurgents now squeezed into a box near here by NATO forces.
They only have two options: Surrender, or attempt to fight their way out. [Let's hope it's the latter]
Such is the situation in and around Howz-e Madad, a dusty farming village 40 kilometres west of Kandahar City.
A week has passed since NATO and Afghan national security forces launched Operation Falcon's Summit, a massive demonstration of military might and discipline aimed at protecting Howz-e Madad from Taliban fighters to the south, and putting the insurgents in a quandary.
Sounds like it's time to dust off a Daisy Cutter.
They only have two options: Surrender, or attempt to fight their way out. [Let's hope it's the latter]
Such is the situation in and around Howz-e Madad, a dusty farming village 40 kilometres west of Kandahar City.
A week has passed since NATO and Afghan national security forces launched Operation Falcon's Summit, a massive demonstration of military might and discipline aimed at protecting Howz-e Madad from Taliban fighters to the south, and putting the insurgents in a quandary.
Sounds like it's time to dust off a Daisy Cutter.
Terrorist Bloopers and Practical Jokes

U.S. airstrike kills top Taliban leader

KABUL, Afghanistan - A top Taliban military commander described as a close associate of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leader Mullah Omar was killed in an airstrike this week close to the border with Pakistan, the U.S. military said Saturday.
Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Osmani was killed Tuesday by a U.S. airstrike while traveling by vehicle in a deserted area in the southern province of Helmand, the U.S. military said.
Osmani was the Taliban's chief military commander in southern Afghanistan and played a "central role in facilitating terrorist operations" including roadside bombs, suicide attacks and kidnappings, the U.S. said.
Friday, December 22, 2006
Rape Charges Dropped in Duke Lacrosse Case
If Nifong thinks this meaningless action will take a bit of the heat off him he's monumentally misguided.
Durham — Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong moved Friday to drop rape charges against three Duke University lacrosse players.
Nifong said he plans to proceed with kidnapping and sexual assault charges against the three players.
Nifong filed paperwork to dismiss forcible rape charges against Reade Seligmann, 20, Collin Finnerty, 20, and David Evans, 23. The players were indicted last spring after a North Carolina Central University student told police she was beaten and raped by three lacrosse players while performing as a stripper at a March 13 team party.
This mans malignant stubborness is inexplicable. He has painted himself into a corner and rather then stopping to look for a possible way out he just keeps painting his area of refuge smaller and smaller. When this whole thing is over he'll be lucky to have his freedom let alone his license to practice law.
Durham — Durham County District Attorney Mike Nifong moved Friday to drop rape charges against three Duke University lacrosse players.
Nifong said he plans to proceed with kidnapping and sexual assault charges against the three players.
Nifong filed paperwork to dismiss forcible rape charges against Reade Seligmann, 20, Collin Finnerty, 20, and David Evans, 23. The players were indicted last spring after a North Carolina Central University student told police she was beaten and raped by three lacrosse players while performing as a stripper at a March 13 team party.
This mans malignant stubborness is inexplicable. He has painted himself into a corner and rather then stopping to look for a possible way out he just keeps painting his area of refuge smaller and smaller. When this whole thing is over he'll be lucky to have his freedom let alone his license to practice law.
Quote of the Week Part Deux
"The perfect scenario would be Rosie eats The Donald and chokes to death in the process."
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Quote of the Week
Appearing on "The View" the former first lady noted, "We've never had a mother who ever ran for or held that position" [President].
Au contraire Madam Thighness as your husband was one of the biggest "mothers" ever to hold the office.
Au contraire Madam Thighness as your husband was one of the biggest "mothers" ever to hold the office.
Inspector General Says Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger Hid Classified Docs

WASHINGTON — President Clinton's national security adviser removed classified documents from the National Archives, hid them under a construction trailer and later tried to find the trash collector to retrieve them, the agency's internal watchdog said Wednesday.
The report was issued more than a year after Sandy Berger pleaded guilty and received a criminal sentence for removing the documents.
Berger took the documents in the fall of 2003 while working to prepare himself and Clinton administration witnesses for testimony to the Sept. 11 commission. Berger was authorized as the Clinton administration's representative to make sure the commission got the correct classified materials.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
The Top 20 Weirdest gadgets of 2006

LumiGram fibre optic clothing Scared you won't stand out from the crowd at your office Chrimbo party? How about clothing with fibre optics inside for a shimmery effect? Nigel from Accounts will love it. Read more
That Kwazy Kwanzaa

Maulana Karenga was up to no good.
He'd tortured a woman and spent time in jail.
He needed a new scam that just wouldn't fail.
("So what if I stuck some chick's toe in a vice?
Nobody said revolution was nice!")
The Sixties were over. Now what would he do?
Why, he went back to school -- so that's "Dr." to you!
He once ordered shootouts at UCLA
Now he teaches Black Studies just miles away.
Then to top it all off, the good Doctor's new plan
Was to get rid of Christmas and piss off The Man.
Karenga invented a fake holiday.
He called the thing Kwanza. "Hey, what's that you say?
"You don't get what's 'black' about Maoist baloney?
You say that my festival's totally phony?
"Who cares if corn isn't an African crop?
Who cares if our harvest's a month or two off?
Who cares if Swahili's not our mother tongue?
A lie for The Cause never hurt anyone!
"Umoja! Ujima! Kujichagulia, too!
Collectivist crap never sounded so cool!
Those guilty white liberals -- easy to fool.
Your kids will now celebrate Kwanzaa in school!"
And we heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight:
"Happy Kwanzaa to all, except if you're white!"
Kathy Shaidle
U.S. forces seize a top al Qaeda leader
Squeeze whatever information you can outta him then turn him over to the Iraqi people. He'll plead for a ticket to Club Gitmo.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces have captured a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader accused of killing hundreds of Iraqi civilians, including women and children, the U.S. military said in a statement on Wednesday.
The military said the "terrorist leader", whom they did not identify, was captured on December 14 in the northern city of Mosul in a raid which also netted five other suspects.
"The terrorist leader was captured when Coalition Forces raided a known terrorist meeting place. (He) was attempting to flee from the location when Coalition Forces chased him across a street and detained him," it said in a statement.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. forces have captured a senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader accused of killing hundreds of Iraqi civilians, including women and children, the U.S. military said in a statement on Wednesday.
The military said the "terrorist leader", whom they did not identify, was captured on December 14 in the northern city of Mosul in a raid which also netted five other suspects.
"The terrorist leader was captured when Coalition Forces raided a known terrorist meeting place. (He) was attempting to flee from the location when Coalition Forces chased him across a street and detained him," it said in a statement.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Video: Compares Baker And ISG To Neville Chamberlain, Ahmadinejad to Hitler
See the latest masterpiece from Jerrry Zucker here. It would be even funnier if it wasn't so ominously accurate.
And then there's Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber....Sens. Kerry and Dodd arrive in Damascus for talks on Iraq
And then there's Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber....Sens. Kerry and Dodd arrive in Damascus for talks on Iraq
Sean Penn: Impeach George W. Bush, Dick Cheney

Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn called for the impeachment of President Bush and Vice President Cheney in an impassioned speech Monday night in New York.
The occasion was Penn's winning the first annual Christopher Reeve First Amendment Award from the Creative Coalition, a non-partisan [Say What?] advocacy and lobbying group founded by New York actors such as Reeve, Ron Silver and Susan Sarandon more than a decade ago
Monday, December 18, 2006
More campus thought police
"You ain't gonna need no third [seminar], 'cause you gonna get your mind right. "
The agents of political correctness who police the nation's college and university campuses generally use shame and scorn to beat down free expression deemed offensive by the tiniest minority.
But sometimes, institutions aren't content to merely marginalize those who fail to embrace a worldview that emphasizes the rights of groups over those of individuals. Rather than engage these free spirits in open debate in a classroom setting -- isn't that what college is all about? -- administrators seek to re-educate these malefactors on the proper way to think.
Michigan State University has taken the multicultural mantra of indoctrination to a new extreme. Students whose speech or behavior is deemed inappropriate for a university setting are ordered to complete, at their own expense, the school's Student Accountability in Community Seminar.
This program bills itself as an "early intervention" for those who take "any action of obscuring, concealing, or changing people's perceptions that result in your advantage and/or another's disadvantage." In other words, any behavior that might make someone feel bad. Seminar participants have included students who've argued with professors or cracked offensive jokes -- constitutionally protected free speech.
The agents of political correctness who police the nation's college and university campuses generally use shame and scorn to beat down free expression deemed offensive by the tiniest minority.
But sometimes, institutions aren't content to merely marginalize those who fail to embrace a worldview that emphasizes the rights of groups over those of individuals. Rather than engage these free spirits in open debate in a classroom setting -- isn't that what college is all about? -- administrators seek to re-educate these malefactors on the proper way to think.
Michigan State University has taken the multicultural mantra of indoctrination to a new extreme. Students whose speech or behavior is deemed inappropriate for a university setting are ordered to complete, at their own expense, the school's Student Accountability in Community Seminar.
This program bills itself as an "early intervention" for those who take "any action of obscuring, concealing, or changing people's perceptions that result in your advantage and/or another's disadvantage." In other words, any behavior that might make someone feel bad. Seminar participants have included students who've argued with professors or cracked offensive jokes -- constitutionally protected free speech.
British Lord Stings Senators Rockefeller and Snowe: 'Uphold Free Speech or Resign'
Free speech for me but not for thee.....
WASHINGTON, Dec 18, 2006 /PRNewswire-- Lord Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley, has sent an open letter to Senators Rockefeller (D-WV) and Snowe (R-Maine) in response to their recent open letter telling the CEO of ExxonMobil to cease funding climate-skeptic scientists.
Lord Monckton, former policy adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, writes: "You defy every tenet of democracy when you invite ExxonMobil to deny itself the right to provide information to 'senior elected and appointed government officials' who disagree with your opinion."
In what The Charleston (WV) Daily Mail has called "an intemperate attempt to squelch debate with a hint of political consequences," Senators Rockefeller and Snowe released an open letter dated October 30 to ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson, insisting he end Exxon's funding of a "climate change denial campaign." The Senators labeled scientists with whom they disagree as "deniers," a term usually directed at "Holocaust deniers." Some voices on the political left have called for the arrest and prosecution of skeptical scientists. The British Foreign Secretary has said skeptics should be treated like advocates of Islamic terror and must be denied access to the media.
WASHINGTON, Dec 18, 2006 /PRNewswire-- Lord Monckton, Viscount of Brenchley, has sent an open letter to Senators Rockefeller (D-WV) and Snowe (R-Maine) in response to their recent open letter telling the CEO of ExxonMobil to cease funding climate-skeptic scientists.
Lord Monckton, former policy adviser to Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, writes: "You defy every tenet of democracy when you invite ExxonMobil to deny itself the right to provide information to 'senior elected and appointed government officials' who disagree with your opinion."
In what The Charleston (WV) Daily Mail has called "an intemperate attempt to squelch debate with a hint of political consequences," Senators Rockefeller and Snowe released an open letter dated October 30 to ExxonMobil CEO, Rex Tillerson, insisting he end Exxon's funding of a "climate change denial campaign." The Senators labeled scientists with whom they disagree as "deniers," a term usually directed at "Holocaust deniers." Some voices on the political left have called for the arrest and prosecution of skeptical scientists. The British Foreign Secretary has said skeptics should be treated like advocates of Islamic terror and must be denied access to the media.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Heartless Ba$tard Post of the Week
Just to get this out of the way, I do believe that in the name of common humanity we are doing the right thing trying to rescue the climbers stranded on Mt. Hood. That being said....
Our society often tries to protect the imbeciles of this country often to a ridiculous degree. You've heard of course of "legislating against stupidity". It isn't possible although there are thousands of laws on the books attempting to do just that.
My point is this ....where as a society do we draw the line when this so called safety net we offer up is no longer prudent. I'm a strong believer in letting people commit suicide if that's their irrevocable intention. I am however adamantly opposed to paying for it.
Has climbing Mount Hood (even by experienced mountainers) in December crossed that line? Mountain climbing is a dangerous business and climbing a mother like Mt Hood is decidedly so. You think not? Talk to a life insurance rep and see how much life insurance costs someone who does this sort of thing regularly. VERY expensive if obtainable at all. It's not because the insurance people believe they're dealing with imbeciles but because the endeavor is "inherently" perilous.
Some would argue the same could be said of hiking boating and even driving. It's a specious argument; A person who does regular hiking or boating will not be rated up but a person who skydives, cliffdives, mountain climbs, paraglides etc. most definately will because the % liklihood of a catastophic accident is significantly greater for people in these groups.
As a society we should say fine, do what you want but there are certain endeavors which, should you choose to engage in, it's YOUR personal responsibility to cover your own a$$. If a search and rescue is required, you pay.
Let these folks who engage in high risk behaviors self insure. YOU want to dance, YOU pay the band. Just as we require proof of insurance to drive a car, let SAR insurance be required for those who would be most likely to require the service.
NO card, NO climb.
Our society often tries to protect the imbeciles of this country often to a ridiculous degree. You've heard of course of "legislating against stupidity". It isn't possible although there are thousands of laws on the books attempting to do just that.
My point is this ....where as a society do we draw the line when this so called safety net we offer up is no longer prudent. I'm a strong believer in letting people commit suicide if that's their irrevocable intention. I am however adamantly opposed to paying for it.
Has climbing Mount Hood (even by experienced mountainers) in December crossed that line? Mountain climbing is a dangerous business and climbing a mother like Mt Hood is decidedly so. You think not? Talk to a life insurance rep and see how much life insurance costs someone who does this sort of thing regularly. VERY expensive if obtainable at all. It's not because the insurance people believe they're dealing with imbeciles but because the endeavor is "inherently" perilous.
Some would argue the same could be said of hiking boating and even driving. It's a specious argument; A person who does regular hiking or boating will not be rated up but a person who skydives, cliffdives, mountain climbs, paraglides etc. most definately will because the % liklihood of a catastophic accident is significantly greater for people in these groups.
As a society we should say fine, do what you want but there are certain endeavors which, should you choose to engage in, it's YOUR personal responsibility to cover your own a$$. If a search and rescue is required, you pay.
Let these folks who engage in high risk behaviors self insure. YOU want to dance, YOU pay the band. Just as we require proof of insurance to drive a car, let SAR insurance be required for those who would be most likely to require the service.
NO card, NO climb.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Bush May Back Sending More Troops to Iraq
This is one of the few times I've disagreed with Rummie and agreed with McCain. Baghdad needs to be secured and I believe the 30,000+ troops are the only way to accomplish this end. We shall see.
Dec. 16, 2006 — President Bush is likely to support a plan for a "surge" of additional U.S. troops to Iraq, officials close to the process told ABC News.
The surge could involve more than 30,000 additional troops and last as long as two years, sources say. That could bring the total number of troops in Iraq to at least 164,000 — the highest total yet.
According to sources, the surge likely would start in Baghdad and then move to Anbar, with troops remaining behind in Baghdad to keep control of the capital city — though the specific mission of any additional troops was still being worked out, as was how to measure their success.
Dec. 16, 2006 — President Bush is likely to support a plan for a "surge" of additional U.S. troops to Iraq, officials close to the process told ABC News.
The surge could involve more than 30,000 additional troops and last as long as two years, sources say. That could bring the total number of troops in Iraq to at least 164,000 — the highest total yet.
According to sources, the surge likely would start in Baghdad and then move to Anbar, with troops remaining behind in Baghdad to keep control of the capital city — though the specific mission of any additional troops was still being worked out, as was how to measure their success.
I received this E-mail this morning from Deborah Uhler the author of a new book entitled "Blogalicious". She has compiled some terrific recipes from some of the most influential bloggers in the business and even the not so influential ones like me.
Hi. The blogger cookbook we "talked about" last summer is finally published. Thank you again for sending me the recipe for Pork Grill Marinade, which I have included in the book.
"Blogalicious" is available right now only through my blog (using PayPal). It will take a few weeks for Amazon,, to get the book in their systems.
Check it out here.
Hi. The blogger cookbook we "talked about" last summer is finally published. Thank you again for sending me the recipe for Pork Grill Marinade, which I have included in the book.
"Blogalicious" is available right now only through my blog (using PayPal). It will take a few weeks for Amazon,, to get the book in their systems.
Check it out here.
Walmart Wises Up
Just got back from doing a bit of Christmas Shopping at Walmart and was gratified to see that the Salvation Army bellringer was again doing her thing at the front door. I gladly dropped a fin in her kettle. The SA does great work and has one of the highest percentage of dollars going to doing good as compared to "administration expenses" of any charity around.
I also noticed that the Walmart employees were noticeably going out of their way to wish me a Merry Christmas. Last year I got the gratuitous "Happy Holidays" to which I replied "I do not celebrate the holidays, I celebrate the birth of Christ (Christmas) and would prefer they save their greeting for someone who does not.
It appears that the policy making gurus finally realized that pi$$ing off 70% of the buying public to mollify the 3% of malcontents was not the soundest of business plans.
I also noticed that the Walmart employees were noticeably going out of their way to wish me a Merry Christmas. Last year I got the gratuitous "Happy Holidays" to which I replied "I do not celebrate the holidays, I celebrate the birth of Christ (Christmas) and would prefer they save their greeting for someone who does not.
It appears that the policy making gurus finally realized that pi$$ing off 70% of the buying public to mollify the 3% of malcontents was not the soundest of business plans.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Olympic skater Sasha Cohen "stunned" by Xmas flap

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - Olympic figure skater Sasha Cohen was "stunned" to learn that a U.S. high school choir had been ordered to stop singing Christmas carols at a holiday show because she is half-Jewish, her mother said on Thursday.
A city official accompanied by a police officer caused a stir by silencing the carols on Tuesday night as Cohen signed autographs after a performance in Riverside, California.
Cohen, who is half-Christian and "celebrates everything" during the holidays, learned only through news reports that the choir had been cut off on her account, the 22-year-old skater's mother and manager said.
"Sasha was stunned. We both thought the voices were just lovely, they were doing such a wonderful job," Galina Cohen told Reuters. "Christmas carols are part of celebrating the holiday season."
Sasha Cohen nude
Head of DNA lab says he and Nifong agreed not to report results
The more this thing plays out the more it's looking like a malicious prosecution on the part of Nifong.
The head of a private DNA laboratory said under oath today that he and District Attorney Mike Nifong agreed not to report DNA results favorable to Duke lacrosse players charged with rape.
Brian Meehan, director of DNA Security of Burlington, said his lab found DNA from unidentified men in the underwear, pubic hair and rectum of the woman who said she was gang-raped at a lacrosse party in March. Nurses at Duke Hospital collected the samples a few hours after the alleged assault. Meehan said the DNA did not come from Reade Seligmann, David Evans, or Collin Finnerty, who have been charged with rape and sexual assault in the case.
Meehan struggled to say why he didn’t include the favorable evidence in a report dated May 12, almost a month after Seligmann and Finnerty had been indicted. He cited concerns about the privacy of the lacrosse players, his discussions at several meetings with Nifong, and the fact that he didn’t know whose DNA it was.
Perhaps one of my astute readers can clarify what exactly constitutes prosecutorial malfeasance, malicious prosecution and what DA Nifong might have opened himself up for.
The head of a private DNA laboratory said under oath today that he and District Attorney Mike Nifong agreed not to report DNA results favorable to Duke lacrosse players charged with rape.
Brian Meehan, director of DNA Security of Burlington, said his lab found DNA from unidentified men in the underwear, pubic hair and rectum of the woman who said she was gang-raped at a lacrosse party in March. Nurses at Duke Hospital collected the samples a few hours after the alleged assault. Meehan said the DNA did not come from Reade Seligmann, David Evans, or Collin Finnerty, who have been charged with rape and sexual assault in the case.
Meehan struggled to say why he didn’t include the favorable evidence in a report dated May 12, almost a month after Seligmann and Finnerty had been indicted. He cited concerns about the privacy of the lacrosse players, his discussions at several meetings with Nifong, and the fact that he didn’t know whose DNA it was.
Perhaps one of my astute readers can clarify what exactly constitutes prosecutorial malfeasance, malicious prosecution and what DA Nifong might have opened himself up for.
Castro Near Death, U.S. Intelligence Chief Says
And the minions of hell are eagerly anticipating his arrival.
Cuban President Fidel Castro is very ill and close to death, Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte said yesterday.
"Everything we see indicates it will not be much longer . . . months, not years," Negroponte told a meeting of Washington Post editors and reporters.
Castro relinquished power for the first time in 47 years after surgery July 31 for an undisclosed intestinal disorder. His brother, Raul, has assumed Castro's duties, but Cuban authorities have repeatedly insisted that he is recovering and eventually will return to office. He was last seen in an Oct. 28 video, shown on Cuban national television, in which he appeared gaunt and weak and warned that his convalescence would be lengthy.
Cuban President Fidel Castro is very ill and close to death, Director of National Intelligence John D. Negroponte said yesterday.
"Everything we see indicates it will not be much longer . . . months, not years," Negroponte told a meeting of Washington Post editors and reporters.
Castro relinquished power for the first time in 47 years after surgery July 31 for an undisclosed intestinal disorder. His brother, Raul, has assumed Castro's duties, but Cuban authorities have repeatedly insisted that he is recovering and eventually will return to office. He was last seen in an Oct. 28 video, shown on Cuban national television, in which he appeared gaunt and weak and warned that his convalescence would be lengthy.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Judge upholds detainee rights terror law
Chalk one up for the good guys.
A federal judge upheld the Bush administration's new terrorism law Wednesday, agreeing that Guantanamo Bay detainees do not have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge James Robertson is the first to address the new Military Commissions Act and is a legal victory for the Bush administration at a time when it has been fending off criticism of the law from Democrats and libertarians.
Robertson rejected a legal challenge by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a former driver for Osama bin Laden whose case prompted the Supreme Court to strike down the Bush administration's policy on detainees last year.
A federal judge upheld the Bush administration's new terrorism law Wednesday, agreeing that Guantanamo Bay detainees do not have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts.
The ruling by U.S. District Judge James Robertson is the first to address the new Military Commissions Act and is a legal victory for the Bush administration at a time when it has been fending off criticism of the law from Democrats and libertarians.
Robertson rejected a legal challenge by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a former driver for Osama bin Laden whose case prompted the Supreme Court to strike down the Bush administration's policy on detainees last year.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Report:Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD) suffers stroke
Breaking: It is being reported by MSNBC that South Dakota Sen. Tim Johnson has suffered what "appears to have been a stroke"
Aside from the importance of a sitting US Senator suffering a significant health emergency the ramifications could be huge if this event proves to be incapacitating. The governor of South Dakota is a Republican who would apoint a Republican to replace Johnson. That would make the Senate 50-50 with Cheney breaking the tie thus giving the Republicans back control.
Will update when info is available.
Update: Senator Johnson is undergoing brain surgey. This would lead one to believe that the "event" that Johnson experienced was a aneurism and the surgery is being done to stop the bleeding. If my assumptions are correct it's an extremely serious situation.
One aside, It's curious how those who mocked President Bush for his strong faith in his higher power have themselves suddenly found God.
And the DU has wasted no time propagating their conspiratorial moonbattery....Poll : Did they try to "Wellstone" Tim Johnson?
Update II: "Johnson diagnosed w/congenital arteriovenous malformation" in his left brain.
Aside from the importance of a sitting US Senator suffering a significant health emergency the ramifications could be huge if this event proves to be incapacitating. The governor of South Dakota is a Republican who would apoint a Republican to replace Johnson. That would make the Senate 50-50 with Cheney breaking the tie thus giving the Republicans back control.
Will update when info is available.
Update: Senator Johnson is undergoing brain surgey. This would lead one to believe that the "event" that Johnson experienced was a aneurism and the surgery is being done to stop the bleeding. If my assumptions are correct it's an extremely serious situation.
One aside, It's curious how those who mocked President Bush for his strong faith in his higher power have themselves suddenly found God.
And the DU has wasted no time propagating their conspiratorial moonbattery....Poll : Did they try to "Wellstone" Tim Johnson?
Update II: "Johnson diagnosed w/congenital arteriovenous malformation" in his left brain.
Couric's ratings are down, but give her time, trio urge
Whiney feminazis want Couric to have the position of authority but not the responsiblity.......
So say three female media experts about the CBS Evening News anchor, who's been under the public microscope since her Sept. 5 debut.
With CBS mired in its usual third place in the weekly Nielsen derby, some critics say viewers aren't ready for a solo female anchor.
Adding fuel to their fire: In the November ratings sweeps, the $15 million-a-year Couric averaged almost 170,000 fewer viewers per night than did her less expensive "interim" predecessor, Bob Schieffer.
It's unfair to expect Couric to boost ratings simply because she's the first woman to solo- anchor a weeknight network newscast, Overholser says.
"It's a little bit like saying, 'We have a couple of women presidents in nations now, but still we don't have peace.' We have all these great expectations that haven't been achieved."
That's is very possibly the most tortured analogy I have ever heard. Television is not bean bag, the rewards are great ($15,000,000) but so are the expectations and responsibilities. You don't pay your way you're history just ask the thousands of would be sit com producers who got bumped after 6 episodes because of poor ratings.
If you can't stand the heat stay the he!! out of the kitchen!
So say three female media experts about the CBS Evening News anchor, who's been under the public microscope since her Sept. 5 debut.
With CBS mired in its usual third place in the weekly Nielsen derby, some critics say viewers aren't ready for a solo female anchor.
Adding fuel to their fire: In the November ratings sweeps, the $15 million-a-year Couric averaged almost 170,000 fewer viewers per night than did her less expensive "interim" predecessor, Bob Schieffer.
It's unfair to expect Couric to boost ratings simply because she's the first woman to solo- anchor a weeknight network newscast, Overholser says.
"It's a little bit like saying, 'We have a couple of women presidents in nations now, but still we don't have peace.' We have all these great expectations that haven't been achieved."
That's is very possibly the most tortured analogy I have ever heard. Television is not bean bag, the rewards are great ($15,000,000) but so are the expectations and responsibilities. You don't pay your way you're history just ask the thousands of would be sit com producers who got bumped after 6 episodes because of poor ratings.
If you can't stand the heat stay the he!! out of the kitchen!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Citing Stress, School Stops Publishing Honor Roll
Really, no sense in introducing students to stress as it might actually prepare them for the real world.
NEEDHAM, Mass. -- A Massachusetts school's decision has brought about mixed feelings from the community.
Needham High School has abandoned its long-standing practice of publishing the names of students who make the honor roll in the local newspaper.
Principal Paul Richards said a key reason for stopping the practice is its contribution to students' stress level in "this high-expectations-high-achievement culture." The proposal to stop publishing the honor roll came from a parent. Richards took the issue before the school council, which approved it. Parents were notified of the decision last month.
Richards said he received about 60 responses from both parents and students, and the feedback has been evenly split for and against.
Richards said one parent with three children attending Needham High told him publishing the honor roll is a constant cause of stress in her family. According to that parent, one of the three students routinely made the honor roll while the other two did not.
Next brilliant idea.....grades based on "perceived effort" rather than actual performance.
NEEDHAM, Mass. -- A Massachusetts school's decision has brought about mixed feelings from the community.
Needham High School has abandoned its long-standing practice of publishing the names of students who make the honor roll in the local newspaper.
Principal Paul Richards said a key reason for stopping the practice is its contribution to students' stress level in "this high-expectations-high-achievement culture." The proposal to stop publishing the honor roll came from a parent. Richards took the issue before the school council, which approved it. Parents were notified of the decision last month.
Richards said he received about 60 responses from both parents and students, and the feedback has been evenly split for and against.
Richards said one parent with three children attending Needham High told him publishing the honor roll is a constant cause of stress in her family. According to that parent, one of the three students routinely made the honor roll while the other two did not.
Next brilliant idea.....grades based on "perceived effort" rather than actual performance.
'Convert or die' game divides Christians

Liberal and progressive Christian groups say a new computer game in which players must either convert or kill non-Christians is the wrong gift to give this holiday season and that Wal-Mart, a major video game retailer, should yank it off its shelves.
The Campaign to Defend the Constitution and the Christian Alliance for Progress, two online political groups, plan to demand today that Wal-Mart dump Left Behind: Eternal Forces, a PC game inspired by a series of fictional Christian novels that are hugely popular, especially with teens.
The series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins is based on their interpretation of the Bible's Book of Revelation and takes place after the Rapture, when Jesus has taken his people to heaven and left nonbelievers behind to face the Antichrist.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Hamas official: We remain open to dialogue, and have met with US and European officials
Mapping out strategy for 08 maybe?
Bethlehem - Ma'an - The political advisor of the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr Ahmad Yousif, has confirmed the news about Hamas officials having met with high-ranking American figures, especially members of the Democratic party. (emphasis mine)
In an interview with Ma'an News, Dr Yousif stated that the meetings were fruitful in introducing the Hamas political vision, which harmonizes with other initiatives. Meetings are also ongoing throughout the Arab world, especially in Syria, with the contribution of other European figures.
Dr Yousif declared that, "other meetings will be held within the coming weeks to follow up the discussions to end the conflict."
Bethlehem - Ma'an - The political advisor of the Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr Ahmad Yousif, has confirmed the news about Hamas officials having met with high-ranking American figures, especially members of the Democratic party. (emphasis mine)
In an interview with Ma'an News, Dr Yousif stated that the meetings were fruitful in introducing the Hamas political vision, which harmonizes with other initiatives. Meetings are also ongoing throughout the Arab world, especially in Syria, with the contribution of other European figures.
Dr Yousif declared that, "other meetings will be held within the coming weeks to follow up the discussions to end the conflict."
The Second Coming?

I find the recent "rapture" associated with Barack Obama rather perplexing. The man is a junior US Senator (2 years grand total) who has yet to put his signature on one piece of substantial legislation. He has virtually no executive experience and his major claim to fame is that he was a State Senator in Illinois.
From my perspective he doesn't have the qualifications for a minor leadership position in the Senate let alone POTUS.
Zucker Called Another One

Sunday, December 10, 2006
Quote of the Week
From Donald Rumsfeld on his surprise farewell visit to Iraq.
"I leave understanding that the true strength of the United States military is not in Washington, it's not in the Pentagon, it's not in the weapons. It's in the hearts of the men and women who serve. It's your patriotism, it's your professionalism and indeed your determination,"
"I leave understanding that the true strength of the United States military is not in Washington, it's not in the Pentagon, it's not in the weapons. It's in the hearts of the men and women who serve. It's your patriotism, it's your professionalism and indeed your determination,"
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Canada's withholding funds from Palestinians 'criminal': Carter

Former U.S. president Jimmy Carter says the decision by Canada and other nations to withhold money from the Hamas-led Palestinian government is "a crime."
Israel and western donors such as Canada have demanded Hamas renounce violence, recognize Israel's right to exist and accept past peace agreements. Hamas, which is committed to Israel's destruction despite its stated offer of a long-term truce, rejects the conditions.
"It's a crime against the people of Palestine," Carter told CBC News in an exclusive interview from New York.
On what conceivable grounds could he consider it "criminal" for Canada, or any country for that matter, to withhold "discretionary" assistance from a gang of proven terrorists hostile not only to Israel's existence but to the West as a whole?
Friday, December 08, 2006
Woman Spits in Soldier's Face
From Jawa via Dreadpundit Bluto the latest abomination from the peacafists......
Syracuse radio station WFBL reports that Lauren Maggi, 35, of Thurber Street was charged with harassment for spitting in a soldier's face at Hancock Airport.
The incident happened over the Thanksgiving holiday. Maggi approached a soldier from the 10th Mountain Division, who apparently was not in uniform, and asked if he was a soldier. When he said yes, Maggi allegedly spit in his face.
WFBL's news service is supplied by television station WTVH, which has nothing posted yet about the incident on its website.
Any doubt this nitwit is a card carrying member of Code Pink?
Syracuse radio station WFBL reports that Lauren Maggi, 35, of Thurber Street was charged with harassment for spitting in a soldier's face at Hancock Airport.
The incident happened over the Thanksgiving holiday. Maggi approached a soldier from the 10th Mountain Division, who apparently was not in uniform, and asked if he was a soldier. When he said yes, Maggi allegedly spit in his face.
WFBL's news service is supplied by television station WTVH, which has nothing posted yet about the incident on its website.
Any doubt this nitwit is a card carrying member of Code Pink?
Chicago terror plot foiled
ABC News has learned a Chicago-area man has been charged with plotting a terrorist attack.
Sources say the man is accused of planning to use firearms and explosives to attack a specific mall in Rockford, Ill. The alleged plan was to target this mall during the holiday shopping season.
The suspect is being described as a "lone wolf" style terrorist and is not believed to have ties to any organized terrorist group.
Charges are expected to be formally announced in Chicago later today.
Update: WLS reports "The suspect -- who has been linked to al Qaeda -- is scheduled to appear in court later today."
Update II: WLS has removed the above statement and replaced it with this: The suspect is being described as a "lone wolf" style terrorist and is not believed to have ties to any organized terrorist group.
Another example of the MSM getting it right the first time ..sigh.
UpdateIII: The mans name is Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef. Oh jeez, not another Southern Baptist.
Sources say the man is accused of planning to use firearms and explosives to attack a specific mall in Rockford, Ill. The alleged plan was to target this mall during the holiday shopping season.
The suspect is being described as a "lone wolf" style terrorist and is not believed to have ties to any organized terrorist group.
Charges are expected to be formally announced in Chicago later today.
Update: WLS reports "The suspect -- who has been linked to al Qaeda -- is scheduled to appear in court later today."
Update II: WLS has removed the above statement and replaced it with this: The suspect is being described as a "lone wolf" style terrorist and is not believed to have ties to any organized terrorist group.
Another example of the MSM getting it right the first time ..sigh.
UpdateIII: The mans name is Talib Abu Salam Ibn Shareef. Oh jeez, not another Southern Baptist.
Jeane Kirkpatrick Passes Away

Fox reports.
Blogs of War has net reaction.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Ayatollah’s health fails as Iran power struggle grows
The world rid of Castro & Khamenei in 07?
Three days ago, Iran’s dictator, Supreme Leader Ayatollah ali Khamenei, was rushed to the vast medical facility traditionally known as “Vanak” hospital (it now has an Arabic name that means “the 12th Imam Hospital”), a 1,200-room facility that saves half of its beds for the leadership.
Khamenei is known to be suffering from cancer, and taking considerable quantities of an opium-based pain killer. He has lost more than 17 pounds in the past ten months, and was told last spring that he was unlikely to see another New Year (In the Iranian calendar, the New Year begins at the end of March).
Khamenei first complained of chills, and then broke out in a cold sweat. He lay down to rest, and began to lose feeling in his feet, at which point his aides got him to the hospital.
Three days ago, Iran’s dictator, Supreme Leader Ayatollah ali Khamenei, was rushed to the vast medical facility traditionally known as “Vanak” hospital (it now has an Arabic name that means “the 12th Imam Hospital”), a 1,200-room facility that saves half of its beds for the leadership.
Khamenei is known to be suffering from cancer, and taking considerable quantities of an opium-based pain killer. He has lost more than 17 pounds in the past ten months, and was told last spring that he was unlikely to see another New Year (In the Iranian calendar, the New Year begins at the end of March).
Khamenei first complained of chills, and then broke out in a cold sweat. He lay down to rest, and began to lose feeling in his feet, at which point his aides got him to the hospital.
Thought of the Day
"Committees, and in particular "bipartisan" committees are absolutely worthless. By the time a concensus is reached the recommendations are so watered down, toothless and impotent they become incongruous, incoherent and completely unactionable.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Iraqi Surrender Group Report: Israel must withdraw from Golan
WASHINGTON – The Baker-Hamilton report submitted Wednesday evening to US President George W. Bush marks a change in the American policy regarding the Middle East, particularly on the Israeli-Syrian channel.
"In the context of a full and secure peace agreement, the Israeli sshould return the Golan Heights, with a US security guarantee for Israel that could include an international force on the border, including US troops if requested by both parties," the Iraq Study Group headed by James Baker and Lee Hamilton recommended.
Here's an idea, how about this: You (Syria and Iran) stop supplying and funding terrorists in Iraq, stop murdering Lebanese government officials and trying to manipulate their affairs, relinquish or destroy all weapons and programs of mass murder including nukes, and we won't bomb you into the stone age.
There, fixed.
"In the context of a full and secure peace agreement, the Israeli sshould return the Golan Heights, with a US security guarantee for Israel that could include an international force on the border, including US troops if requested by both parties," the Iraq Study Group headed by James Baker and Lee Hamilton recommended.
Here's an idea, how about this: You (Syria and Iran) stop supplying and funding terrorists in Iraq, stop murdering Lebanese government officials and trying to manipulate their affairs, relinquish or destroy all weapons and programs of mass murder including nukes, and we won't bomb you into the stone age.
There, fixed.
Ward Churchill Will Speak At New School
I don't know who is worse, Ward (Cleaver) Churchill or the idiots who give him a forum in which to spew his vile dictum.
A professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Ward Churchill — who ignited a national furor with his description of some of the World Trade Center employees killed on September 11, 2001, as "little Eichmanns" — is scheduled to speak Monday in New York at the New School.
At the invitation of the New School's Women of Color student group, which is funding the event from the university's student fees, Mr. Churchill will give a talk titled "Sterilizing History: The Fabrication of ‘Innocent Americans,'" in which he will discuss what he says are ongoing efforts to erase the history of native cultures. Mr. Churchill is a self-described American Indian — though his ancestry has recently been called into question — and his academic work has largely focused on America's treatment of indigenous peoples and political dissidents.
"Those of us students organizing this historic evening are not afraid of controversy as we stand firm in our support of academic freedom and Mr. Churchill's outstanding contributions and analyses.
Oh really? I am eagerly awaiting their invitation to Ann Coulter or Micahel Savage in the furtherment and support of "academic freedom".
A professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Ward Churchill — who ignited a national furor with his description of some of the World Trade Center employees killed on September 11, 2001, as "little Eichmanns" — is scheduled to speak Monday in New York at the New School.
At the invitation of the New School's Women of Color student group, which is funding the event from the university's student fees, Mr. Churchill will give a talk titled "Sterilizing History: The Fabrication of ‘Innocent Americans,'" in which he will discuss what he says are ongoing efforts to erase the history of native cultures. Mr. Churchill is a self-described American Indian — though his ancestry has recently been called into question — and his academic work has largely focused on America's treatment of indigenous peoples and political dissidents.
"Those of us students organizing this historic evening are not afraid of controversy as we stand firm in our support of academic freedom and Mr. Churchill's outstanding contributions and analyses.
Oh really? I am eagerly awaiting their invitation to Ann Coulter or Micahel Savage in the furtherment and support of "academic freedom".
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Gates Inane Declaration
I just had to comment on the stupid statement by Robert Gates in his Senate Testimony today.
When asked if he believed we were winning in Iraq he flatly said "No" Has this guy got all his marbles. What exactly in his mind constitutes winning? Does he have any idea the effect such an imbecilic statement has on our coalition allies not to mention the troops.
The Democrats loved it, they've been doing everything possible to get the administration to admit this regardless of whether it's true or not and here this nitwit comes in and cavalierly gift wraps it for them. If he honestly feels this way he has absolutely no business as Defense Secretary.
The only measure that one could use to possibly conclude we are not winning is that we have not yet withdrawn. The violence is an internal Iraqi problem. Our job has been and remains to train and strenghthen the Iraqi police and military to be in a position to control the situation on their own. We ARE SUCCEEDING in this function hence we are winning. Whether it is happening fast enough is debatable, whether we are making steady positive progress is not.
Either Gates was lying to achieve easy confirmation or he was exhibiting doctrine in direct opposition to the Presidents declared beliefs. Let's hope it's the former.
When asked if he believed we were winning in Iraq he flatly said "No" Has this guy got all his marbles. What exactly in his mind constitutes winning? Does he have any idea the effect such an imbecilic statement has on our coalition allies not to mention the troops.
The Democrats loved it, they've been doing everything possible to get the administration to admit this regardless of whether it's true or not and here this nitwit comes in and cavalierly gift wraps it for them. If he honestly feels this way he has absolutely no business as Defense Secretary.
The only measure that one could use to possibly conclude we are not winning is that we have not yet withdrawn. The violence is an internal Iraqi problem. Our job has been and remains to train and strenghthen the Iraqi police and military to be in a position to control the situation on their own. We ARE SUCCEEDING in this function hence we are winning. Whether it is happening fast enough is debatable, whether we are making steady positive progress is not.
Either Gates was lying to achieve easy confirmation or he was exhibiting doctrine in direct opposition to the Presidents declared beliefs. Let's hope it's the former.
WME Forces Unscheduled Landing (Weapons of Mass Expulsion)
Flatulence brought 99 passengers on an American Airlines flight to an unscheduled visit to Nashville early Monday morning.
American Flight 1053, from Washington Reagan National Airport and bound for Dallas/Fort Worth, made an emergency landing here after passengers reported smelling struck matches, said Lynne Lowrance, a spokeswoman for the Nashville International Airport Authority.
The plane landed safely. The FBI, Transportation Safety Administration and airport authority responded to the emergency, Lowrance said.
The FBI questioned a passenger who admitted she struck the matches in an attempt to conceal body odor, Lowrance said. The woman lives near Dallas and has a medical condition.
The flight took off again, but the woman was not allowed back on the plane.
American Flight 1053, from Washington Reagan National Airport and bound for Dallas/Fort Worth, made an emergency landing here after passengers reported smelling struck matches, said Lynne Lowrance, a spokeswoman for the Nashville International Airport Authority.
The plane landed safely. The FBI, Transportation Safety Administration and airport authority responded to the emergency, Lowrance said.
The FBI questioned a passenger who admitted she struck the matches in an attempt to conceal body odor, Lowrance said. The woman lives near Dallas and has a medical condition.
The flight took off again, but the woman was not allowed back on the plane.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Mookie Toast?

Update: Appears this was just net scuttlebutt as I am seeing this reported nowhere else.
Romney: Give Troopers Power to Arrest Illegals
Regardless whether this is politics or not, it's a good idea.
Massachusetts state troopers may soon be allowed to arrest immigrants who are in the state illegally.
Currently, troopers have no power to detain people for violations of their immigration status.
Troopers currently can call federal authorities for a check of their immigration status, and detain them if federal officials request it.
But Gov. Mitt Romney's office reportedly says the governor has worked out a deal with federal officials under which troopers will have the power to arrest.
About three dozen troopers will be given.
Massachusetts state troopers may soon be allowed to arrest immigrants who are in the state illegally.
Currently, troopers have no power to detain people for violations of their immigration status.
Troopers currently can call federal authorities for a check of their immigration status, and detain them if federal officials request it.
But Gov. Mitt Romney's office reportedly says the governor has worked out a deal with federal officials under which troopers will have the power to arrest.
About three dozen troopers will be given.
John Bolton resigns as ambassador to U.N.
Just damn!
WASHINGTON - Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his recess appointment expires soon, the White House said Monday.
Bolton’s nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections Nov. 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.
Politics wins over pragmatism.
WASHINGTON - Unable to win Senate confirmation, U.N. Ambassador John Bolton will step down when his recess appointment expires soon, the White House said Monday.
Bolton’s nomination has languished in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee for more than a year, blocked by Democrats and several Republicans. Sen. Lincoln Chafee, a moderate Republican who lost in the midterm elections Nov. 7 that swept Democrats to power in both houses of Congress, was adamantly opposed to Bolton.
Politics wins over pragmatism.
Sunday, December 03, 2006
US actress Gwyneth Paltrow prefers British dinner talk
Well here's another "celebrity" to cross off my list....
Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.
"I love the English lifestyle, it's not as capitalistic as America. People don't talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner," she told "NS," the weekend magazine supplement of daily Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias on Saturday.
"I like living here because I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans," the 34-year-old added.
Funny how easy is is to be "anti-capitalist" when one has more money than sense. I suppose being a dingbat isn't difficult when Madonna's your mentor.
Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.
"I love the English lifestyle, it's not as capitalistic as America. People don't talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner," she told "NS," the weekend magazine supplement of daily Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias on Saturday.
"I like living here because I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans," the 34-year-old added.
Funny how easy is is to be "anti-capitalist" when one has more money than sense. I suppose being a dingbat isn't difficult when Madonna's your mentor.
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Dr Paul Irwing:Twice as many men than women have 120 plus IQs
Over the vehement protests of Mrs. Traderrob I offer you this....
Dr Paul Irwing is a senior lecturer in organisational psychology at Manchester University. He claims that men are more intelligent than women.
All the research I've done points to a gender difference in general cognitive ability. There is a mean difference of about five IQ points. The further you go up the distribution the more and more skewed it becomes. There are twice as many men with an IQ of 120-plus as there are women, there are 30 times the number of men with an IQ of 170-plus as there are women.
Something most of us of the male persuasion have known for years.
Just kidding honeeeeeeee.
Dr Paul Irwing is a senior lecturer in organisational psychology at Manchester University. He claims that men are more intelligent than women.
All the research I've done points to a gender difference in general cognitive ability. There is a mean difference of about five IQ points. The further you go up the distribution the more and more skewed it becomes. There are twice as many men with an IQ of 120-plus as there are women, there are 30 times the number of men with an IQ of 170-plus as there are women.
Something most of us of the male persuasion have known for years.
Just kidding honeeeeeeee.
Friday, December 01, 2006
Illegal immigrants toiled for governor
SUCHITEPEQUEZ, Guatemala -- Outside his aqua-colored concrete house here, Rene Alvarez Rosales paused under an almond tree to answer questions about a subject with which he has surprising familiarity: Governor Mitt Romney's Belmont lawn.
For about eight years, Rosales said, he worked on and off landscaping the grounds at Romney's home, occasionally getting a "buenos dias" from Romney or a drink of water from his wife, Ann.
As Governor Mitt Romney explores a presidential bid, he has grown outspoken in his criticism of illegal immigration. But, for a decade, the governor has used a landscaping company that relies heavily on workers like these, illegal Guatemalan immigrants, to maintain the grounds surrounding his pink Colonial house on Marsh Street in Belmont.
I'm not sure if crap like this is being motivated by the hard HARD right who won't be happy with any Presidential nominee to the left of Tom Tancredo on immigration or by the left and their typical nonsense.
Regardless of the origin, it's ridiculous. There's a huge difference between someone who hires illegals and someone who hires a firm who hires illegals.
Are the authors of this tripe suggesting that anyone who does business with a company who has illegal aliens on their payroll are somehow complicit in the offense? That would mean anytime you go to a restaurant before taking your seat you better visit the kitchen and check the help for SS cards. You better also do the same for the garbage man, guys who pump your septic tank, cable guy and meter reader.
Had the good Governor questioned these employees on their country of origin and status the headline would read: "Massachussetts Governor Profiles in Illegal Alien Witchhunt"
For about eight years, Rosales said, he worked on and off landscaping the grounds at Romney's home, occasionally getting a "buenos dias" from Romney or a drink of water from his wife, Ann.
As Governor Mitt Romney explores a presidential bid, he has grown outspoken in his criticism of illegal immigration. But, for a decade, the governor has used a landscaping company that relies heavily on workers like these, illegal Guatemalan immigrants, to maintain the grounds surrounding his pink Colonial house on Marsh Street in Belmont.
I'm not sure if crap like this is being motivated by the hard HARD right who won't be happy with any Presidential nominee to the left of Tom Tancredo on immigration or by the left and their typical nonsense.
Regardless of the origin, it's ridiculous. There's a huge difference between someone who hires illegals and someone who hires a firm who hires illegals.
Are the authors of this tripe suggesting that anyone who does business with a company who has illegal aliens on their payroll are somehow complicit in the offense? That would mean anytime you go to a restaurant before taking your seat you better visit the kitchen and check the help for SS cards. You better also do the same for the garbage man, guys who pump your septic tank, cable guy and meter reader.
Had the good Governor questioned these employees on their country of origin and status the headline would read: "Massachussetts Governor Profiles in Illegal Alien Witchhunt"
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Safe For Now

Via Stop the ACLU
A California appeals court today reversed a lower court decision that had determined that the transfer of the Mt. Soledad National War Memorial to the federal government was unconstitutional.
“The people spoke on this issue, and now the court has upheld their right to preserve the Mt. Soledad National War Memorial, which honors those who sacrificed themselves for our freedom,” said Alliance Defense Fund Litigation Counsel Tim Chandler. “Removal of the cross at Mt. Soledad would have no purpose other than to create heartache for the veterans’ families and comrades who cherish their memory. We, like them, are pleased with the court’s ruling.”
Iraq 'Ready Next June To Handle Own Security'
I'll believe it when I see it. One thing for sure, the left will do everything in their power to disrupt it lest they be issueless in 08.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki said today that he believed Iraqi forces would be ready by next June to take full control of security in Iraq, an issue on which he pressed US President George Bush during their Amman, Jordan, summit.
In making the argument that his military and police could handle security in the country, al-Maliki has routinely said the force could do the job within six months.
“I can say that Iraqi forces will be ready, fully ready, to receive this command and to command its own forces and I can tell you that by next June our forces will be ready,” Maliki said in an interview with ABC television’s Charles Gibson.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki said today that he believed Iraqi forces would be ready by next June to take full control of security in Iraq, an issue on which he pressed US President George Bush during their Amman, Jordan, summit.
In making the argument that his military and police could handle security in the country, al-Maliki has routinely said the force could do the job within six months.
“I can say that Iraqi forces will be ready, fully ready, to receive this command and to command its own forces and I can tell you that by next June our forces will be ready,” Maliki said in an interview with ABC television’s Charles Gibson.
EXCLUSIVE: Iranian Weapons Arm Iraqi Militia
BUT....BUT the realists ie. James Baker, Lee Hamilton etc. say we have to make nice with the Iranians, talk with them, push Israel to make concessions, reduce our provocative presence in Iraq because Iran truly wants to help us make things better! You bet.
U.S. officials say they have found smoking-gun evidence of Iranian support for terrorists in Iraq: brand-new weapons fresh from Iranian factories. According to a senior defense official, coalition forces have recently seized Iranian-made weapons and munitions that bear manufacturing dates in 2006.
This suggests, say the sources, that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without (Iranian) government approval," says a senior official.
Iranian-made munitions found in Iraq include advanced IEDs designed to pierce armor and anti-tank weapons. U.S. intelligence believes the weapons have been supplied to Iraq's growing Shia militias from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which is also believed to be training Iraqi militia fighters in Iran.
Evidence is mounting, too, that the most powerful militia in Iraq, Moktada al-Sadr's Mahdi army, is receiving training support from the Iranian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah.
U.S. officials say they have found smoking-gun evidence of Iranian support for terrorists in Iraq: brand-new weapons fresh from Iranian factories. According to a senior defense official, coalition forces have recently seized Iranian-made weapons and munitions that bear manufacturing dates in 2006.
This suggests, say the sources, that the material is going directly from Iranian factories to Shia militias, rather than taking a roundabout path through the black market. "There is no way this could be done without (Iranian) government approval," says a senior official.
Iranian-made munitions found in Iraq include advanced IEDs designed to pierce armor and anti-tank weapons. U.S. intelligence believes the weapons have been supplied to Iraq's growing Shia militias from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, which is also believed to be training Iraqi militia fighters in Iran.
Evidence is mounting, too, that the most powerful militia in Iraq, Moktada al-Sadr's Mahdi army, is receiving training support from the Iranian-backed terrorists of Hezbollah.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Craig Wants Gay Bond Scene
"Bond.... Gay Bond."
Daniel Craig is urging movie bosses to revolutionize the James Bond franchise by including a gay scene involving the superspy in the follow-up to Casino Royale.
The heart-throb actor has also reportedly told studio chiefs he is prepared to film a full frontal nude scene to please both his male and female admirers.
He says, "Why not? I think in this day and age, fans would have accepted it."
Coming to a theatre near you: Octopecker, Boldfinger, The Guy Who Lubed Me, At His Majesties Service, The Man With the Golden Buns, Thunderousballs, License to Fill, Lie Another Gay, Moonraper, K nuff, stop me before I quip again!
Seriously, I can't beilieve that the core audience for Bond flics will look favorable on such an idea.
Daniel Craig is urging movie bosses to revolutionize the James Bond franchise by including a gay scene involving the superspy in the follow-up to Casino Royale.
The heart-throb actor has also reportedly told studio chiefs he is prepared to film a full frontal nude scene to please both his male and female admirers.
He says, "Why not? I think in this day and age, fans would have accepted it."
Coming to a theatre near you: Octopecker, Boldfinger, The Guy Who Lubed Me, At His Majesties Service, The Man With the Golden Buns, Thunderousballs, License to Fill, Lie Another Gay, Moonraper, K nuff, stop me before I quip again!
Seriously, I can't beilieve that the core audience for Bond flics will look favorable on such an idea.
Freshly Baked Handouts Forbidden in Fairfax
If there's any doubt in your mind that the government local or otherwise is populated by imbeciles, read this....
The casserole has been canned.
Under a tough new Fairfax County policy, residents can no longer donate food prepared in their homes or a church kitchen -- be it a tuna casserole, sandwiches or even a batch of cookies -- unless the kitchen is approved by the county, health officials said yesterday.
They said the crackdown on home-cooked meals is aimed at preventing food poisoning among homeless people.
But it is infuriating operators of shelters for the homeless and leaders of a coalition of churches that provides shelter and meals to homeless people during the winter. They said the strict standards for food served in the shelters will make it more difficult to serve healthy, hot meals to homeless people. The enforcement also, they said, makes little sense.
The casserole has been canned.
Under a tough new Fairfax County policy, residents can no longer donate food prepared in their homes or a church kitchen -- be it a tuna casserole, sandwiches or even a batch of cookies -- unless the kitchen is approved by the county, health officials said yesterday.
They said the crackdown on home-cooked meals is aimed at preventing food poisoning among homeless people.
But it is infuriating operators of shelters for the homeless and leaders of a coalition of churches that provides shelter and meals to homeless people during the winter. They said the strict standards for food served in the shelters will make it more difficult to serve healthy, hot meals to homeless people. The enforcement also, they said, makes little sense.
Frist Won't Run
And the RINOs of the world lament....
From Hotline:
Sources close to outgoing Maj. Leader Bill Frist tell the Hotline that Frist has decided not to run for President.
He will make a formal announcement this afternoon, the sources said.
Frist made the decision in recent days after consulting family, friends and advisers
From Hotline:
Sources close to outgoing Maj. Leader Bill Frist tell the Hotline that Frist has decided not to run for President.
He will make a formal announcement this afternoon, the sources said.
Frist made the decision in recent days after consulting family, friends and advisers
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
She was caught between a rock and a hardspot. Now she'll have the CBC on her a$$.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, impeached as a federal judge in 1989 on corruption charges, dropped his bid under pressure on Tuesday to chair a congressional panel designed to help protect America's security, a party aide said.
Hastings took the action after being told by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, in line to head the U.S. House of Representatives when the new Congress convenes in January, that she would not give him the coveted job, the aide said.
As House speaker, Pelosi decides who in her party serves on the committee that helps oversee federal efforts to protect the United States.
Last week, Hastings made a public plea for the post, arguing that despite being removed by Congress as a federal judge, he did nothing wrong and was cleared by a court of the corruption charges.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, impeached as a federal judge in 1989 on corruption charges, dropped his bid under pressure on Tuesday to chair a congressional panel designed to help protect America's security, a party aide said.
Hastings took the action after being told by Rep. Nancy Pelosi, in line to head the U.S. House of Representatives when the new Congress convenes in January, that she would not give him the coveted job, the aide said.
As House speaker, Pelosi decides who in her party serves on the committee that helps oversee federal efforts to protect the United States.
Last week, Hastings made a public plea for the post, arguing that despite being removed by Congress as a federal judge, he did nothing wrong and was cleared by a court of the corruption charges.
It's Official: Media Body Burning Story is Bogus
Newsbusters does it again.....
The news that six Sunnis were captured by Shiites, doused with kerosine and burned alive, was too sensational to not be picked up by the mainstream media. But it turns out that the event never happened. Furthermore, the Iraqi "spokesman" relied on to give all information regarding this event is as fictional as the story itself.
Jamil Hussein, the man news reports called "police Capt. Jamil Hussein," was the source for all information regarding the burning. Although he is mentioned by USA Today, the Associated Press, CBS News, and other outlets, Central Command says no such person exists. Centcom also asked the Associated Press to retract the story unless it has proof beyond Jamil Hussein's word.
More MSM propaganda exposed as an out and out lie. How the Press maintains any shred of crediblity is beyond me.
The news that six Sunnis were captured by Shiites, doused with kerosine and burned alive, was too sensational to not be picked up by the mainstream media. But it turns out that the event never happened. Furthermore, the Iraqi "spokesman" relied on to give all information regarding this event is as fictional as the story itself.
Jamil Hussein, the man news reports called "police Capt. Jamil Hussein," was the source for all information regarding the burning. Although he is mentioned by USA Today, the Associated Press, CBS News, and other outlets, Central Command says no such person exists. Centcom also asked the Associated Press to retract the story unless it has proof beyond Jamil Hussein's word.
More MSM propaganda exposed as an out and out lie. How the Press maintains any shred of crediblity is beyond me.
Puter Probs
Sorry for the light blogging. I have run into a nasty little virus that is raising havoc with my computer. It's latched itself onto a legit program and is tenatiously resisting removal. I think I may have at least isolated it for now.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Poll: Kerry Ranks Low With Voters
Everyone knows he's history except him.
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry ranked last in a poll released Monday that scores the popularity of national leaders.
Americans have the warmest feelings about former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, the poll by Quinnipiac University showed.
The university's "thermometer reading," taken the week after the Nov. 7 election, asked voters to rate their feelings for 20 leaders on a scale of 0 to 100.
Kerry, the 2004 Democratic nominee who was roundly criticized before the election for suggesting that students who don't study could end up stuck in Iraq, came in last at 39.6.
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry ranked last in a poll released Monday that scores the popularity of national leaders.
Americans have the warmest feelings about former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Republican Sen. John McCain and Democratic Sen. Barack Obama, the poll by Quinnipiac University showed.
The university's "thermometer reading," taken the week after the Nov. 7 election, asked voters to rate their feelings for 20 leaders on a scale of 0 to 100.
Kerry, the 2004 Democratic nominee who was roundly criticized before the election for suggesting that students who don't study could end up stuck in Iraq, came in last at 39.6.
'All My Children' to Feature Transgender Character
Daytime television reaches a new high....
NEW YORK — In a story unusual even for a soap opera and believed to be a television first, ABC's "All My Children" this week will introduce a transgender character who is beginning to make the transition from a man into a woman.
The character, a flamboyant rock star known as Zarf, kisses the lesbian character Bianca and much drama ensues. The storyline begins with Thursday's episode of the daytime drama.
Next on the agenda, a heroic drop dead good looking pedophile.
NEW YORK — In a story unusual even for a soap opera and believed to be a television first, ABC's "All My Children" this week will introduce a transgender character who is beginning to make the transition from a man into a woman.
The character, a flamboyant rock star known as Zarf, kisses the lesbian character Bianca and much drama ensues. The storyline begins with Thursday's episode of the daytime drama.
Next on the agenda, a heroic drop dead good looking pedophile.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Iraq: Sunnis Kill 55 Al-Qaeda Fighters
The Iraqi's have taken back al-Anbar province. Now if they'd just show the same initiative in Baghdad.
RAMADI, Iraq, Nov 26 (Reuters) - The head of a tribal council in Iraq's western province of Anbar said on Sunday that tribesmen had killed 55 al Qaeda fighters in a battle on Saturday, but the U.S. military could not confirm the figures.
The death toll, if confirmed, would mark an unusually fierce clash with insurgents in a province where U.S. forces regularly battle foreign fighters they say are linked to al Qaeda and other Sunni insurgents.
The U.S. military said in a statement it launched air strikes and fired artillery to help a tribe in the town of Sofia after an attack by al Qaeda.
RAMADI, Iraq, Nov 26 (Reuters) - The head of a tribal council in Iraq's western province of Anbar said on Sunday that tribesmen had killed 55 al Qaeda fighters in a battle on Saturday, but the U.S. military could not confirm the figures.
The death toll, if confirmed, would mark an unusually fierce clash with insurgents in a province where U.S. forces regularly battle foreign fighters they say are linked to al Qaeda and other Sunni insurgents.
The U.S. military said in a statement it launched air strikes and fired artillery to help a tribe in the town of Sofia after an attack by al Qaeda.
Iran says will help U.S. if it quits Iraq
The really scary thing about this is a significant number of Americans will actually believe this maniac.
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday Iran was ready to help the United States and Britain in Iraq but only if they pledged to change their attitude and withdraw their troops.
The remark comes amid growing calls for Washington to engage Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria, to help prevent Iraq plunging into civil war.
A senior U.S. official said this month Washington was "in principle" ready to discuss Iraq with Iran but said the timing of such talks was unclear. Ahmadinejad has previously said he would talk but only if Washington
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Sunday Iran was ready to help the United States and Britain in Iraq but only if they pledged to change their attitude and withdraw their troops.
The remark comes amid growing calls for Washington to engage Iraq's neighbors, Iran and Syria, to help prevent Iraq plunging into civil war.
A senior U.S. official said this month Washington was "in principle" ready to discuss Iraq with Iran but said the timing of such talks was unclear. Ahmadinejad has previously said he would talk but only if Washington
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Post #210 ROP Chronicles...Nablus: Explosive teddy bears found in lab
Just when you thought these Islamoscumbags couldn't sink any lower, they do...
A joint paratrooper and Shin Bet force uncovered an explosive lab in Nablus Friday night. In the lab, the forces found teddy bears with wires hanging from them, apparently slated to be used as explosive devices.
The lab was detonated in a controlled manner, and there were no reports of injuries.
The forces also found in the explosives lab three belts made from cloth, ready to contain explosives, a hollow coat used for hiding explosives, and 20 light bulbs and light sockets used for activating explosives.
A joint paratrooper and Shin Bet force uncovered an explosive lab in Nablus Friday night. In the lab, the forces found teddy bears with wires hanging from them, apparently slated to be used as explosive devices.
The lab was detonated in a controlled manner, and there were no reports of injuries.
The forces also found in the explosives lab three belts made from cloth, ready to contain explosives, a hollow coat used for hiding explosives, and 20 light bulbs and light sockets used for activating explosives.
Friday, November 24, 2006
Ex-Russian spy poisoned by radioactive polonium - hospital source
KGB in action?
LONDON (AFX) - Former spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned by radioactive polonium, a source at the London hospital where he was treated told AFP.
Polonium is an extremely toxic and highly radioactive substance.
The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the substance experts initially thought was the heavy metal thallium was found to be polonium after tests.
Polonium is a highly radioactive and toxic element and is dangerous to handle. Even in milligram or microgram amounts, handling polonium-210 is very dangerous and requires special equipment used with strict procedures. Direct damage occurs from energy absorption into tissues from alpha particles.
The maximum allowable body burden for ingested polonium is only 1100 becquerels (0.03 microcurie), which is equivalent to a particle weighing only 6.8 × 10-12 gram. Weight for weight polonium is approximately 2.5 × 1011 times as toxic as hydrocyanic acid. The maximum permissible concentration for airborne soluble polonium compounds is about 7,500 Bq/m3 (2 × 10-11 µCi/cm3).
LONDON (AFX) - Former spy Alexander Litvinenko was poisoned by radioactive polonium, a source at the London hospital where he was treated told AFP.
Polonium is an extremely toxic and highly radioactive substance.
The source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told AFP that the substance experts initially thought was the heavy metal thallium was found to be polonium after tests.
Polonium is a highly radioactive and toxic element and is dangerous to handle. Even in milligram or microgram amounts, handling polonium-210 is very dangerous and requires special equipment used with strict procedures. Direct damage occurs from energy absorption into tissues from alpha particles.
The maximum allowable body burden for ingested polonium is only 1100 becquerels (0.03 microcurie), which is equivalent to a particle weighing only 6.8 × 10-12 gram. Weight for weight polonium is approximately 2.5 × 1011 times as toxic as hydrocyanic acid. The maximum permissible concentration for airborne soluble polonium compounds is about 7,500 Bq/m3 (2 × 10-11 µCi/cm3).
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Kramer's career in freefall after fresh claims of racism

At the request of pal Jerry Seinfeld, Richards later appeared via satellite on the David Letterman Show to apologise.
But he has now been accused of making anti-Jewish comments during a stand-up routine as well.
Richards allegedly lashed out at Jews during performance earlier this year, yelling at one audience member: "You're a f***ing Jew. Your people are the cause of Jesus dying."
Program puts gifts under soldiers' family trees
FORT HUACHUCA — Soldiers are called upon to protect the country, and sometimes that means giving their lives.
But during the upcoming Christmas holiday, people are being asked to help soldiers’ families by giving to their children. About 400 children need presents, said Jo Moore, who heads the fort chaplains’ outreach ministries.
Holding up a three-ringed binder, Moore showed 3 inches of requests so far this year.
That does not include the needs of families who are scheduled to arrive on the fort before Christmas and stay in temporary quarters, Moore said.“I’ve gone down on Christmas Eve to deliver presents and a tree so a family will have something for their children,” she said.
Today, 264 soldiers and their families are enjoying a Thanksgiving meal because of special $50 certificates they received to purchase food, Moore said.
Many of the GIs are lower ranking enlisted men and women who have a number of children who have difficult times making ends meet on a soldier’s salary, Moore said.
If you wish to help, call or email Bill Hess, he can get you in touch with the Post Chaplain's Office, Jo Moore, Colleen Murray and Jim Callahan.
But during the upcoming Christmas holiday, people are being asked to help soldiers’ families by giving to their children. About 400 children need presents, said Jo Moore, who heads the fort chaplains’ outreach ministries.
Holding up a three-ringed binder, Moore showed 3 inches of requests so far this year.
That does not include the needs of families who are scheduled to arrive on the fort before Christmas and stay in temporary quarters, Moore said.“I’ve gone down on Christmas Eve to deliver presents and a tree so a family will have something for their children,” she said.
Today, 264 soldiers and their families are enjoying a Thanksgiving meal because of special $50 certificates they received to purchase food, Moore said.
Many of the GIs are lower ranking enlisted men and women who have a number of children who have difficult times making ends meet on a soldier’s salary, Moore said.
If you wish to help, call or email Bill Hess, he can get you in touch with the Post Chaplain's Office, Jo Moore, Colleen Murray and Jim Callahan.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Message found; teacher quits 'Destroy America' embedded in puzzle
The average American would be flabbergasted at the number of incidents like this (to a greater or lesser extent) that occur on a daily basis in our learning institutions.
A message embedded in a Spanish assignment that included the words "destroy America" has led a teacher to resign and sparked concerns among parents at a Johnston County high school.
Students said former Smithfield-Selma High Spanish teacher Khalid Chahhou gave them an extra-credit "word search" Thursday that required them to translate vocabulary words and find them in a grid of letters.
They started seeing other words such as "destroy" and "terrorist" and eventually put together a few sentences that decry violence against Palestinians and appear to condemn the United States for its involvement in the conflict.
Students alerted the school administration, which confronted Chahhou. Chahhou resigned from the district late Thursday. When reached by phone Monday, he confirmed this account but refused to comment further on the incident.
Shakil Ahmed, president of the Islamic Association of Cary, said Chahhou told him he had made the puzzle when he was upset after seeing news reports of deaths of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli troops.
A message embedded in a Spanish assignment that included the words "destroy America" has led a teacher to resign and sparked concerns among parents at a Johnston County high school.
Students said former Smithfield-Selma High Spanish teacher Khalid Chahhou gave them an extra-credit "word search" Thursday that required them to translate vocabulary words and find them in a grid of letters.
They started seeing other words such as "destroy" and "terrorist" and eventually put together a few sentences that decry violence against Palestinians and appear to condemn the United States for its involvement in the conflict.
Students alerted the school administration, which confronted Chahhou. Chahhou resigned from the district late Thursday. When reached by phone Monday, he confirmed this account but refused to comment further on the incident.
Shakil Ahmed, president of the Islamic Association of Cary, said Chahhou told him he had made the puzzle when he was upset after seeing news reports of deaths of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli troops.
Post # 209 ROP Chronicles...Saudi Girl Sentenced to More Lashes Than Her Rapists
Ridiculous. Cannot be too judgmental however considering the judicial idiocy that goes on every day in this country.
AL-AWWAMIYA, Saudi Arabia (Nov. 21) - When the teenager went to the police a few months ago to report she was gang-raped by seven men, she never imagined the judge would punish her - and that she would be sentenced to more lashes than one of her alleged rapists received.
The story of the Girl of Qatif, as the alleged rape victim has been called by the media here, has triggered a rare debate about Saudi Arabia's legal system, in which judges have wide discretion in punishing a criminal, rules of evidence are shaky and sometimes no defense lawyers are present.
The result, critics say, are sentences left to the whim of judges. These include one in which a group of men got heavier sentences for harassing women than the men in the Girl of Qatif rape case or three men who were convicted of raping a boy. In another, a woman was ordered to divorce her husband against her will based on a demand by her relatives.
AL-AWWAMIYA, Saudi Arabia (Nov. 21) - When the teenager went to the police a few months ago to report she was gang-raped by seven men, she never imagined the judge would punish her - and that she would be sentenced to more lashes than one of her alleged rapists received.
The story of the Girl of Qatif, as the alleged rape victim has been called by the media here, has triggered a rare debate about Saudi Arabia's legal system, in which judges have wide discretion in punishing a criminal, rules of evidence are shaky and sometimes no defense lawyers are present.
The result, critics say, are sentences left to the whim of judges. These include one in which a group of men got heavier sentences for harassing women than the men in the Girl of Qatif rape case or three men who were convicted of raping a boy. In another, a woman was ordered to divorce her husband against her will based on a demand by her relatives.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Harrods bans soldiers on Poppy Day
Britain offers us a preview of coming attractions here in the good old US of A if the peacafists have their way.
A serving Army officer was banned from entering Harrods on Remembrance Day in case his uniform upset other shoppers.
Lieutenant Daniel Lenherr had just taken part in a parade honouring Britain's war dead when the London department store turned him away at the door.
The security guard told him other customers might be intimidated by the uniform.
The 26-year-old soldier, who serves in the 1st regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery, had been at commemorations in Hyde Park Corner last weekend when he decided to visit the shop with his wife Michelle and their one-year-old son.
The only intimidating thing at Harrods is the pricing. Btw, Harrods is owned by the Fayed family fwiw.
A serving Army officer was banned from entering Harrods on Remembrance Day in case his uniform upset other shoppers.
Lieutenant Daniel Lenherr had just taken part in a parade honouring Britain's war dead when the London department store turned him away at the door.
The security guard told him other customers might be intimidated by the uniform.
The 26-year-old soldier, who serves in the 1st regiment of the Royal Horse Artillery, had been at commemorations in Hyde Park Corner last weekend when he decided to visit the shop with his wife Michelle and their one-year-old son.
The only intimidating thing at Harrods is the pricing. Btw, Harrods is owned by the Fayed family fwiw.
Lebanon's industry minister has been assasinated (Updated)

Minister of Industry Pierre Gemayel was killed in a terrorist attack in Jdeideh in Beirut minutes ago. He was reportedly gunned down.
The attack took place as Saad Hariri was declaring in a press conference that March 14 was ready for a “peaceful confrontation” with Hizbullah and the pro-Syrians parties, who want to stage a coup in the country and put Syria back in control through street protests.
Saad interrupted the press conference upon receiving the news. He then returned to announce that Gemayel was killed.
Update: The coffins of prominent anti-Syrian Christian politician Pierre Gemayel, bottom right, and his bodyguard, left, are carried by relatives and friends in between hundreds of thousands of anti-Syrian protesters, at the Martyrs square, in Beirut, Lebanon, Thursday Nov. 23, 2006. Hundreds of thousands of Lebanese gathered to bid farewell to an assassinated young Christian politician Thursday, and his anti-Syrian allies turned his funeral into a powerful show of force against their opponents, led by the militant Shiite Muslim Hezbollah and its Syrian backers. (Photo above AP/Hussein Malla)
Monday, November 20, 2006
Bomb on passenger train in eastern India kills 8, wounds 60
CALCUTTA, India: A bomb exploded and ripped through two cars of a passenger train Monday in a remote area of eastern India, killing at least eight people and wounding about 60 others, officials and Indian media said.
Suspicion of responsibility for the blast in West Bengal state quickly fell on two groups: communist rebels active in wide swaths of rural India or militants fighting for an independent homeland in the neighboring state of Assam.
A spokesman for Northeastern Railways, T. Rabha, told The Associated Press that the bomb had been planted in one of train's cars and the explosion occurred about 6:20 p.m. near the Belacoba station, about 550 kilometers (345 miles) north of Calcutta.
CALCUTTA, India: A bomb exploded and ripped through two cars of a passenger train Monday in a remote area of eastern India, killing at least eight people and wounding about 60 others, officials and Indian media said.
Suspicion of responsibility for the blast in West Bengal state quickly fell on two groups: communist rebels active in wide swaths of rural India or militants fighting for an independent homeland in the neighboring state of Assam.
A spokesman for Northeastern Railways, T. Rabha, told The Associated Press that the bomb had been planted in one of train's cars and the explosion occurred about 6:20 p.m. near the Belacoba station, about 550 kilometers (345 miles) north of Calcutta.
Confronting Iran: Take Ahmadinejad with a grain of salt
Boys will be boys....
If you think Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes outlandish comments, consider what Mao Tse-tung said to a visiting head of state in 1954: If someone else can drop an atomic bomb, then I can too. The death of 10 or 20 million people is nothing to be afraid of.
Nonetheless, 15 years later, a nuclear-armed China was not only contained by the world, it opted for normalization of relations with its archenemy, the United States. Today, it is fashionable to equate Ahmadinejad with Hitler, yet the lesson of the 20th century is that rash leaders can, in fact, be deterred. And Iran's president will prove no exception.
Remember that Ahmadinejad’s comments are not even unique in the context of Iranian discourse. In 2001, the former Iranian president and putative moderate, Hashemi Rafsanjani, declared that although Israel would be destroyed by an atomic bomb, the Islamic world would only be damaged by one and therefore such a scenario is not inconceivable. Nevertheless, four years later, when Rafsanjani was running for president, Washington and its European allies were eagerly hoping that he would win.
We should have ignored Hitler even longer, maybe we could have avoided the second world war.
If you think Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes outlandish comments, consider what Mao Tse-tung said to a visiting head of state in 1954: If someone else can drop an atomic bomb, then I can too. The death of 10 or 20 million people is nothing to be afraid of.
Nonetheless, 15 years later, a nuclear-armed China was not only contained by the world, it opted for normalization of relations with its archenemy, the United States. Today, it is fashionable to equate Ahmadinejad with Hitler, yet the lesson of the 20th century is that rash leaders can, in fact, be deterred. And Iran's president will prove no exception.
Remember that Ahmadinejad’s comments are not even unique in the context of Iranian discourse. In 2001, the former Iranian president and putative moderate, Hashemi Rafsanjani, declared that although Israel would be destroyed by an atomic bomb, the Islamic world would only be damaged by one and therefore such a scenario is not inconceivable. Nevertheless, four years later, when Rafsanjani was running for president, Washington and its European allies were eagerly hoping that he would win.
We should have ignored Hitler even longer, maybe we could have avoided the second world war.
Some affiliates won't air Simpson show

Lin Broadcasting and Pappas Broadcasting, which own a combined nine Fox affiliates, have said they won't air it. Fox has scheduled the Simpson interview for Nov. 27 and 29.
The television special precedes the Nov. 30 publication of a book where Simpson talks about how he would have committed the murders "if he were the one responsible."
Update: Fox bails on OJ.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Kerry: Botched Joke Won't Affect 2008
Many years ago a wise and seasoned co-worker told me "if you want to be happy and succeed, never ever break the 11th commandment."("thou shalt not sh!t thyself") It appears that John Fn never received similar advice.
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry insisted on Sunday his "botched joke" about President Bush's Iraq policy would not undermine a possible White House campaign in 2008. "
Not in the least," Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in said when asked if the furor over his comment had caused him to reconsider a 2008 race. "The parlor game of who's up, who's down, today or tomorrow, if I listened to that stuff, I would never have won the nomination."
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry insisted on Sunday his "botched joke" about President Bush's Iraq policy would not undermine a possible White House campaign in 2008. "
Not in the least," Kerry, the Democratic presidential nominee in said when asked if the furor over his comment had caused him to reconsider a 2008 race. "The parlor game of who's up, who's down, today or tomorrow, if I listened to that stuff, I would never have won the nomination."
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Friday, November 17, 2006
US Senate backs India nuclear deal
Wow, they actually got something right!
THE US Senate has overwhelmingly approved Washington's nuclear deal with New Delhi, just hours after a telephone conversation between President George W.Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Under the agreement, India, a non-signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, will be allowed access to long-denied civilian nuclear technology in return for placing its atomic reactors under global safeguards. Yesterday's go-ahead for the deal seals India's historic shift towards closer ties with the West.
US Senate support for legislation implementing civilian nuclear energy co-operation between the two countries had been stalled, and New Delhi feared the deal could collapse following the Democrats' congressional election victories.
But with Mr Bush backing the legislation -- which he affirmed when he spoke to Dr Singh -- it passed the Senate by a majority of 85-12 after a debate lasting 11 hours. The delight among Indian officials yesterday appeared almost boundless.
THE US Senate has overwhelmingly approved Washington's nuclear deal with New Delhi, just hours after a telephone conversation between President George W.Bush and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Under the agreement, India, a non-signatory of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, will be allowed access to long-denied civilian nuclear technology in return for placing its atomic reactors under global safeguards. Yesterday's go-ahead for the deal seals India's historic shift towards closer ties with the West.
US Senate support for legislation implementing civilian nuclear energy co-operation between the two countries had been stalled, and New Delhi feared the deal could collapse following the Democrats' congressional election victories.
But with Mr Bush backing the legislation -- which he affirmed when he spoke to Dr Singh -- it passed the Senate by a majority of 85-12 after a debate lasting 11 hours. The delight among Indian officials yesterday appeared almost boundless.
Mitt Romney Gives Media What For
All the more reason to love him.....Here is the video of Mitt Romney letting the MSM have it.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Al-Qaida plotting nuclear attack on UK, officials warn
Can't be, according to Nancy Pelosi and company threats are only Republican scare tactics.
British intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is determined to attack the UK with a nuclear weapon, it emerged yesterday. The announcement, from an officially organised Foreign Office counter-terrorism briefing for the media, was the latest in a series of bleak assessments by senior officials and ministers about the terrorist threat facing Britain.
UK officials have detected "an awful lot of chatter" on jihadi websites expressing the desire to acquire chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons....
The warning comes after a speech last week by the foreign secretary, Margaret Beckett, on the terrorist threat facing the UK, and a rare public outing for Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5, who warned that there were at least 30 active plots to attack Britain.
With new counter-terrorism measures to be unveiled in tomorrow's Queen's speech, the weekend saw Gordon Brown back an extension to the time for which terrorism suspects can be held without charge, beyond the current 28 days....
British intelligence officials believe that al-Qaida is determined to attack the UK with a nuclear weapon, it emerged yesterday. The announcement, from an officially organised Foreign Office counter-terrorism briefing for the media, was the latest in a series of bleak assessments by senior officials and ministers about the terrorist threat facing Britain.
UK officials have detected "an awful lot of chatter" on jihadi websites expressing the desire to acquire chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear weapons....
The warning comes after a speech last week by the foreign secretary, Margaret Beckett, on the terrorist threat facing the UK, and a rare public outing for Dame Eliza Manningham-Buller, the head of MI5, who warned that there were at least 30 active plots to attack Britain.
With new counter-terrorism measures to be unveiled in tomorrow's Queen's speech, the weekend saw Gordon Brown back an extension to the time for which terrorism suspects can be held without charge, beyond the current 28 days....
IDF: Cell using undetectable bomb belts

The IDF and Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) announced Thursday morning that they had uncovered a Nablus-based terror cell which was manufacturing suicide belts with liquid explosive material that could not be detected by metal detectors.
The cell was activated by the Popular Resistance Committees in Gaza, the IDF said, which ordered the Nablus-based terrorists to manufacture the belts and perpetrate suicide attacks in Israel.
One such belt was worn by cell member Ashraf Hanani, who was arrested in Zahal Square in Jerusalem after he was stopped for a routine ID check in July.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
"Git with Mitt"
It's post midterms and it's time now to start evaluating the 08 Republican Presidential field.
Contrary to the toe suckers analysis there is indeed someone besides Rice that can beat Hillary but at this point only one other.
I like Rudy Giuliani , he has great name recognition, high favorables and he pretty decent on the campaign trail. He is however too liberal being pro-abortion, anti gun and considered by most to be both socially and fiscally moderate. The New York Press has a stack of files on him just waiting to be unleashed when the campaigns get hot and heavy. Should he survive that, many stalwart conservatives would find themseleves completely uninspired and probably withhold their vote.
McCain had his chance. Aside from the animus held by many conservatives for him because of the multiude of sins he has committed over the last decade, many of us feel the man may not be all that mentally stable. The love affair that he has with the MSM has begun to erode and within the year will be completely gone. With a fair chunk of his base estranged and no press to prop him up, the McCain candidacy is doomed to failure.
Rice says she won't run and she may mean it. She has a lot to offer but I just don't see this happening for a number of reasons. Shoe in for Veep if she wants it.
Others: Unfortunately Newt Gingerich is too conservative to get elected in the present climate, as are Huckabee, Brownback and Tancredo. Allen of course is history and Frist, forget about it.
Which leaves us with Opinipundits choice for the 2008 Republican headliner.......... Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is conservative enough to inspire the base but not so much as to be unelectable. He is good looking, smooth, articulate, and a proven executive with an impressive track record.
Romney is way ahead of the pack having an established PAC as well as a formidable political apparatus already in place.
If a man as conservative as Romney can get elected in Massachussetts, he can get elected anywhere. Unless a real impressive "dark horse" emerges from the shadows, Mitt Romney is the Republicans single best hope to re-occupy the White House in 08, PERIOD!
Contrary to the toe suckers analysis there is indeed someone besides Rice that can beat Hillary but at this point only one other.
I like Rudy Giuliani , he has great name recognition, high favorables and he pretty decent on the campaign trail. He is however too liberal being pro-abortion, anti gun and considered by most to be both socially and fiscally moderate. The New York Press has a stack of files on him just waiting to be unleashed when the campaigns get hot and heavy. Should he survive that, many stalwart conservatives would find themseleves completely uninspired and probably withhold their vote.
McCain had his chance. Aside from the animus held by many conservatives for him because of the multiude of sins he has committed over the last decade, many of us feel the man may not be all that mentally stable. The love affair that he has with the MSM has begun to erode and within the year will be completely gone. With a fair chunk of his base estranged and no press to prop him up, the McCain candidacy is doomed to failure.
Rice says she won't run and she may mean it. She has a lot to offer but I just don't see this happening for a number of reasons. Shoe in for Veep if she wants it.
Others: Unfortunately Newt Gingerich is too conservative to get elected in the present climate, as are Huckabee, Brownback and Tancredo. Allen of course is history and Frist, forget about it.
Which leaves us with Opinipundits choice for the 2008 Republican headliner.......... Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney is conservative enough to inspire the base but not so much as to be unelectable. He is good looking, smooth, articulate, and a proven executive with an impressive track record.
Romney is way ahead of the pack having an established PAC as well as a formidable political apparatus already in place.
If a man as conservative as Romney can get elected in Massachussetts, he can get elected anywhere. Unless a real impressive "dark horse" emerges from the shadows, Mitt Romney is the Republicans single best hope to re-occupy the White House in 08, PERIOD!
Top Al Qaeda operator 'arrested' in Iraq
"Operator"? The MSM seems to have an endless supply of euphemisms don't they.
Authorities say US and Iraqi forces have arrested a top operator of Iraq's Al Qaeda group.
Interior Ministry spokesman Major General Abdel Karim Khalaf says US forces parachuted on the Baghdad house of Abdullah Juburi in an overnight operation.
"He is one of the dangerous criminals in Al Qaeda," Major General Khalaf said.
He says Iraqi ground forces, including the rapid intervention force, raided Mr Juburi's house as US troops parachuted into the area, Arab Jubur, on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.
Authorities say US and Iraqi forces have arrested a top operator of Iraq's Al Qaeda group.
Interior Ministry spokesman Major General Abdel Karim Khalaf says US forces parachuted on the Baghdad house of Abdullah Juburi in an overnight operation.
"He is one of the dangerous criminals in Al Qaeda," Major General Khalaf said.
He says Iraqi ground forces, including the rapid intervention force, raided Mr Juburi's house as US troops parachuted into the area, Arab Jubur, on the southern outskirts of Baghdad.
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