Thursday, November 30, 2006

Iraq 'Ready Next June To Handle Own Security'

I'll believe it when I see it. One thing for sure, the left will do everything in their power to disrupt it lest they be issueless in 08.

Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Maliki said today that he believed Iraqi forces would be ready by next June to take full control of security in Iraq, an issue on which he pressed US President George Bush during their Amman, Jordan, summit.

In making the argument that his military and police could handle security in the country, al-Maliki has routinely said the force could do the job within six months.

“I can say that Iraqi forces will be ready, fully ready, to receive this command and to command its own forces and I can tell you that by next June our forces will be ready,” Maliki said in an interview with ABC television’s Charles Gibson.

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