Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Schiavo Memo Mystery Solved

The legal counsel to Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) admitted yesterday that he was the author of a memo citing the political advantage to Republicans of intervening in the case of Terri Schiavo, the senator said in an interview last night.

Brian H. Darling, 39, a former lobbyist for the Alexander Strategy Group on gun rights and other issues, offered his resignation and it was immediately accepted, Martinez said.

A freshman mistake by Martinez and anything but the insideous plot hatched in the smoke filled back rooms of the Republican leadership and distributed en masse to the party faithful as portrayed by the press.

PS: Your humble citizen coorespondant did NOT jump on the "Democrats forged the memo" bandwagon.

Update: As I surf the conservative blogs this morning, I am both gratified and impressed with my fellow conservative bloggers. Those that promoted the idea the the Schiavo memo was concocted by the Democrats to muddy up Republicans are being humble and contrite. They are unabashadly admitting their error with neither trepidation or excuse.

The conservative blogosphere makes it's share of mistakes no question, the major difference between the pajama hadeen and the rest of the media however, is the distinct lack of arrogance. When we are wrong we admit it, explain why we were wrong and move on. The MSM on the other hand circles the wagons, does everything in their power to prove they were right through parsing and semantics and if that doesn't work, they just clam up and ignore the their opposition. The MSM and lefty blogs ie. Kos are famous for this tactic.

Being wrong is inevitable. The indication of true character of any news source is not that they are never wrong but, rather, how they react to discovering an error. In this respect the conservative blogospere did themselves proud.

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