Sunday, February 20, 2005

Paper: Bush Tapes Show Early Strategies

The left is salivating over these tapes of private conversations between George W. Bush and "friend "Doug Wead. From what's being offered to date, they better stick with the conspiracy theories for their adrenaline rush.

Bush also criticizes then Vice-President Al Gore for admitting marjuana use and
explains why he would not do the same.
"I wouldn't answer the marijuana
questions" he said according to the Times. you know why? Because I don't want
some little kid doing what I tried"

On one tape, Bush explains that he
had told one prominent evangelical that he could not kick gays because "I am a
sinner. How can I differentiate sin."

Wow, what a miserable scoundrel this guy is. Keeping something to himself so not to encourage children to make his mistake and not casting the first stone because he himself is a sinner and shall not judge.

Is it possible we actually have a President that walks the walk. A President that expresses the same values and ethics in private that he promotes in the public forum. A president that has core beliefs and lives by them.

You know, a President who actually has a Soul.


Anonymous said...

That's our President, he makes me so proud

Anonymous said...

I could just imagine if this guy had taped Clinton. Most of it would be X rated.

Kathy said...

He is, in private conversation, exactly what he is in public. What you see is what you get. He didn't try to "remake" the man. He became the man first and then sought the Presidency.

traderrob said...

well said

Anonymous said...

My god. This is ridiculous. Clinton was referred to as a pothead for years after he admitted smoking the wacky weed. And Bush gets a pass---why? Oh, right, because you love him. Cult of fuckin' personality.

Supporters of the President would have a lot more credibility if they could admit the man was not at all times perfect. One gets the idea that if Bush started lighting farts, there'd be a whole lot of singed conservative butts out there,

Anonymous said...

I simply find the fact that there remains controversy regarding marijuana asinine. the possable risks associated with the decriminalization of possession and legalization for industrial and medicinial purposes, these being potential economic damage for the textile, logging, and drug industries, would doubtless pale in comparison to the benifits reaped in the form of taxation, revenue to the agricultural sector, less public funds going in to the prison system, etc. Tobacco-industry style regulation of availability to minors would take care of the bad-influence issue, keeping in mind that marijuana is vastly less harmful than both tobacco and alcahol in terms of deaths credited to its use. The fact that the president has used it only goes to show that even the most intelligent individuals have not been adversly effected by its presence in their lives. But in any case - meh.

traderrob said...

grendelkhan, there was no admission, one could infer from his statements that he "tried" marijuana but the point is debatable. Speaking only for myself, the problem I had with Bubba was not that he had tried it, but rather in typical slick willy fashion the "I didn't inhale" caveat. If he would have said either "it's none of your business" or "I tried it and didn't like it" I would have repected that