Friday, February 18, 2005

Kerry on Meet the Press

Well it's going on three weeks since John Kerry was on Meet The Press and said:

Russert: Would you sign form 180?

Kerry: But everything, Tim....

Russert: Would you sign form 180?

Kerry: Yes, I will. But everything we put in it, Tim--everything we put in--I mean, everything that was out was a full documentation of all the medical records, all of the fitness reports.

Glad I'm not holding my breath


Anonymous said...

I new when he said it, it would never happen. Forget about the press holding him to it

Anonymous said...

Didn't someone actually hand him a filled-out Form 180 awaiting his signature on television? What was he thinking? "Oh, well, maybe they'll never ask." He did more damage to himself by withholding the documents than they could conceivably have done, no matter what they contained.