Saturday, February 19, 2005

Castro Blasts US - Led War In Iraq

If that headline doesn't tell you we are doing the right thing...nothing will.

In comments televised Friday from a speech two days earlier, Castro said
the billions of dollars being spent in Iraq "won't cure Aids, wont cure any
disease, won't cure anybody."

We all know historically what a humanitarian, philanthropist and Aids activist Uncle Fidel has been, don't we. Now that Cuba is on the UN's human rights panel it appears his concerns for world suffering and welfare have been invigorated, or maybe just his chutzpah.

Castro advised those who accuse Cuba of human rights violations to focus on
their own problems.
Guess he means all those people that aren't on the UN human rights panel, but he is, so, neeener neeener neeeeeener.

DU poster proudbluestater seems to agree, saying: "The older I get, the more sense he makes"

pbs might seriously consider being tested for possible early onset Alzheimer's.


Anonymous said...

Yea Castro and Chavez, DU loves em

Anonymous said...

The UN is such a joke. It boggles my mind how they can have any credibility left after all the fiascos