Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Boxer Hammered on Fox

Boxer in her predictable know it all self righteous condescension, talks about how at the appeals level, judges are not supposed to make law, but at the Supreme Court, they are supposed to mold the law with their judicial philosophy , so we need to know Roberts' ideology, etc., Then she brought up the "French Fry Case" and talked about how unfortunate it was that Roberts had voted to keep a little 12-year old girl locked up for eating french fries.

I'm WT (without Tivo) so this is paraphrased....

Kiran Chetry "Senator, wasn't that a unanimous decision of the court in that case which basically said that there was nothing in the consitution that prohibited the police from arresting her?"

Boxer: no, I don't believe it was a unanimous decision, and, in fact, Roberts was in the minority on that decision.

Chetry: "Senator - I've read it - it was unanimous."

For the record, here's the summary of the case in question:

In the unanimous ruling last October in Hedgepeth v. WMATA, Roberts upheld the arrest, handcuffing and detention of a 12-year-old girl for eating a single french fry inside a D.C. Metrorail station. "No one is very happy about the events that led to this litigation," Roberts acknowledged in the decision, but he ruled that nothing the police did violated the girl's Fourth Amendment or Fifth Amendment rights.

Nothing like making up the facts to bolster your misguided dogma eh Babs.

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