Sunday, February 27, 2005

Democrats Switching Parties.....Again

An excellent observation by AnkleBitingPundits alerts us to the increasingly frequent phenomenon of Democrats becoming Republicans.....again.

During the Clinton presidency something like 450 Democrat elected officials
evacuated the Democrat party and never looked back. From US Senators to local
officials, long time Democrats just felt the party no longer represented them.
Two weeks into Howard Dean's chairmanship of the Democratic national
Committee, the scenario is beginning to replay itself

George Kelley of Maryland is the latest convert. He is good friends with Lt. Governor Michael Steele, who was incensed at the demeaning remarks Dean made concerning minorites two weeks ago. Oh, and BTW, Kelley is a lifelong Democrat and a black man.

Those of you who have been with me for awhile know that I have sensed for some time now a slow but perceptible shift in the politics of the black community toward the Republican party. Here is just another example of that suspician.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Look for more of this, lots more.