In my case, it was between Fred and Romney. But today's news about Romney backpedaling on his contention that Governor George Romney marched with Martin Luther King during the civil rights era is the straw that broke the camel's back. It never happened, and his campaign disingenuously came out with a statement saying that Mitt was "speaking figuratively" not "literally."
Well, figuratively speaking, I'm a fine figure of a man, devilishly handsome, and have women three at a time when I'm not battling terrorists and making liberals' heads explode.
On the other hand, if you want to be "literal" about it, I'm 50 pounds overweight, devilishly cute, haven't spoken to another woman since I met my Zsu-Zsu, and I write long, logical, cogent articles against terrorism while making liberals' heads explode.
I don't trust a man who speaks "figuratively" as an adjunct to using plain English. Romney speaks "figuratively" fluently – on abortion, gay marriage, immigration, and other issues. I can't abide politicians who find it necessary to shade, color, or otherwise try to obscure their positions on issues. It smacks of pandering which is not only dishonest but reveals an inconstant character and someone without any core principles or beliefs.
Read the whole thing
WHOA NELLY, scathing.
UPDATE: Four Pinocchios for Romney on MLK
Hopefully this will put an end once and for all to the obfuscation and spin on this subject...
"They [George Romney and Martin Luther King] were hand in hand...They led the march. We all swung our hands, and they held their hands up above everybody else's."
Quote distributed by the Mitt Romney campaign.
After news reports challenged Mitt Romney's repeated accounts of his father marching with Martin Luther King, his campaign put a reporter from Politico in touch with eyewitnesses who claimed to have seen the former Michigan governor "hand in hand" with the civil rights leader. But their memories are almost certainly flawed as contemporaneous news reports show that King was addressing a meeting in New Jersey at the time the eyewitnesses supposedly saw him in Grosse Pointe, MI.
The Facts:
Romney did show up at a smaller march the following Saturday in the exclusive Grosse Pointe suburb of Michigan to protest housing discrimination. But contemporaneous news reports show that King had left the Michigan area by then, and was traveling in the Northeast
"I was fifteen feet away from them [Romney and MLK]," said Robertson, 64, who attended Grosse Pointe high school. "You don't forget that kind of thing."
I called up one of the eyewitnesses cited by Politico and the Romney campaign, Ashby Robertson.
When I told Robertson that news reports placed Martin Luther King in New Jersey at the time, he replied: "Well, it was somebody who certainly looked like him."
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