Saturday, November 17, 2007

Romney On Video Rejecting Human Life Amendment In March

Many Mittophiles including people in the upper eschelon of Romney's campaign have been screaming bloody murder over the recent NRLC endorsement of Fred Thompson. They insist that Romney deserved the endorsement and are incredulous over the fact that because Fred does NOT support changing the constitution to outlaw abortion at the federal level, he does not. As it clearly shows in THIS video, these people are the last ones who should be throwing stones.

Q: On the issue of abortion I was wondering do you support just the repeal of Roe v. Wade or do you support a human life amendment? What steps are you prepared to take?

ROMNEY: Here’s my view, and that is that the Supreme Court should over time to allow states to have more influence over their decisions on abortion. I am not calling for a nationwide ban of abortion. What I am calling for is for states to have their choice.

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