Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mountains from Molehills

It appears now that the Times has dug up billing records showing that Fred Thompson spent a grand total of 20 hours "consulting with" a pro-abortion group back in 1991-1992.

The work was done as a professional courtesy for one of the Arent Fox partners and amounted to very little other than the minimal "lobbying" (3.5 hours) certain "administration officials" on behalf of the organization. One does not lobby for 3.5 hours in a year and a half, at most it was consultation and direction.

Nothing dredged up by the Times contradicts Thompsons statements that didn't he recall doing any lobbying work for the organization or that he DID NOT lobby John Sununu the White House Chief of Staff. Considering that Thompson career in law spans some 30+ years, not remembering 20 hours of consulting work 16 years ago is both plausible and understandable.

It's not the hard right pushing this story but rather the left. They are palpably fearful of the Fred and seem to feel that this story is particularly damaging to him. In the misguided belief that many of his supporters are uninfomred one issue dullards who will toss any candidate overboard if he can be even remotely linked to a pro-abortion group regardless of the circumstances; They greatly underestimate the right.

Fred Thompson is the staunchest pro-life top tier candidate we have. His voting record and statements on the subject show a strong consistent and long held opposition to abortion. The conservative electorate knows this and most if not all will see this grand kerfuffle for the red herring it is.

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