Thursday, September 18, 2008


Most of you regular readers know that this thing has been basically even for 2 months. The Dems got a convention bump then did the Republiblicans and here we are 7 weeks from election day even again.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Barack Obama gaining ground on John McCain for the third time in four days. The race for the White House is now tied with both candidates attracting 48% of the vote. Just a few days ago, McCain enjoyed a three-percentage point lead (see trends). Results are released every day at 9:30 a.m. Eastern and a FREE daily e-mail update is available.

The closeness of the race is confirmed by new state polling from Wisconsin and Oregon. While the ugliness of campaigns is always annoying to voters, just 23% believe that Election 2008 is more negative than most.
We are basicaslly a 55/45% nation. What makes this close is Iraq war residual resentment, economy worries and the generic general desire for indiscriminate change. Expect a rerun of 2000 with maybe Ohio being ground zero this time around.

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