Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Montana Supreme Court Rejects Global Warming Petition
Sow of sanity from the heartland.
In a precedent-making decision, the Montana Supreme Court dismissed yesterday the Petition for Original Jurisdiction by Our Children�s Trust saying unsettled factual issues related to limiting emissions of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) must first be addressed in a lower court.The Montana Supreme Court followed the recommendations of the Montana Attorney General, and rejected the claim made by Our Children’s Trust in its May 4, 2011, Petition, that a “scientific consensus exists that increasing emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) are affecting the Earth’s climate.” The ruling forces those filing future GHG-emissions lawsuits to first prove the scientific credibility of their global warming claims by means of legally competent evidence.
As the Montana Supreme Court stated the case:
Petitioners ask us to enter judgment in this original proceeding to declare that the State of Montana (State) holds the atmosphere in trust for the present and future citizens of the State of Montana. Petitioners further contend that this trust imposes on the State the affirmative duty to protect and preserve the atmosphere, including establishing and enforcing limitations on the levels of greenhouse gas emissions as necessary to mitigate human-caused climate change.
But, the Court wrote, it was “persuaded” by the Attorney General�s arguments that the evidence Our Children’s Trust offered for human-caused global warming is in legally substantial doubt...
Monday, January 30, 2012
Global warming activists seek to purge ‘deniers’ among local weathermen
Fascism at it's finest.
Concerned that too many “deniers” are in the meteorology business, global warming activists this month launched a campaign to recruit local weathermen to hop aboard the alarmism bandwagon and expose those who are not fully convinced that the world is facing man-made doom.
The Forecast the Facts campaign — led by 350.org, the League of Conservation Voters and the Citizen Engagement Lab — is pushing for more of a focus on global warming in weather forecasts, and is highlighting the many meteorologists who do not share their beliefs.
“Our goal is nothing short of changing how the entire profession of meteorology tackles the issue of climate change,” the group explains on their website. “We’ll empower everyday people to make sure meteorologists understand that their viewers are counting on them to get this story right, and that those who continue to shirk their professional responsibility will be held accountable.”
According to the Washington Post, the reason for the campaign can be found in a 2010 George Mason University surveys, which found that 63% of television weathermen think that global warming is a product of natural causes, while 31% believe it is from human activity.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Romney’s negative ratings soaring among independents
I’ve got a new partisan breakdown of some numbers from the new NBC/WSJ poll, and here’s the verdict: Romney’s unfavorability rating among independents has spiked 20 points in the last two months.If he can't pull even a majority of independents, we are truly doomed.
The poll found that among overall Americans, Romney is rated very or somewhat positively by 31 percent, while he’s rated very or somewhat negatively by 36 percent............
In November, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 22 percent of independents.
In December, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 29 percent of independents.
And in the new poll, Romney was rated somewhat or very negatively by 42 percent of independents — 20 points higher than two months ago.
Also: In November, Romney was beating Obama 47-34 among those voters. Now the numbers are upside down: Obama is beating Romney 44-36.
Friday, January 27, 2012
Boys Attack Cyclist Who Fights Back, Kills 1:
This guy should be the "Poster Senior" for CCW all across the country.
A 65-year-old man riding his bicycle along a Berks County trail became the target of three teenage boys looking to allegedly mug him Wednesday morning, according to authorities.
In a matter of moments the teens became the target of the cyclist, according to Cumru Township Police.
The three teens had cut school and were set on robbing people -- having already attacked two elderly men -- when they came upon the 65-year-old riding on the Thun Trail, according to Berks County District Attorney John T. Adams.
The cyclist was near the Bertolet Fishing Dock at S First Avenue and Chestnut Street in West Reading, Pa. around 11 a.m. when one of the teens knocked the man down, police said.
Adams picks it up from here:
"One of the juveniles punched the bike rider in the face, knocking him off his bike. Julius Johnson ran up to bike rider and kicked him."
That was when the 65-year-old pulled a gun and shot, officials said.
Johnson, 16, died at the scene while his 15-year-old alleged accomplice was taken to the hospital with a gunshot wound, officials said.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
New-home purchases fall, 2011 worst ever for sales
I know I've said it bofore but I'll say it again....untill this turns around, the economy won't.
Fewer Americans bought new homes in December. The decline made 2011 the worst year for new-home sales on records dating back nearly half a century.
The Commerce Department said Thursday new-home sales fell 2.2 percent last month to a seasonally adjusted annual pace of 307,000. The pace is less than half the 700,000 that economists say must be sold in a healthy economy.
About 302,000 new homes were sold last year. That's less than the 323,000 sold in 2010, making last year's sales the worst on records dating back to 1963. And it coincides with a report last week that said 2011 was the weakest year for single-family home construction on record.
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Romney Advisor: No Obamacare Repeal
It' would be perilous enough to say this in the general, but in a Republican primary....the kiss of death.
As Ben Domenech notes in his Transom, Mitt Romney’s advisors have now advised him to support “a $2 gas tax, a VAT, and open Taliban talks.” Add to that list not repealing Obamacare. Norm Coleman, an advisor to Romney, went on record saying:
As Ben Domenech notes in his Transom, Mitt Romney’s advisors have now advised him to support “a $2 gas tax, a VAT, and open Taliban talks.” Add to that list not repealing Obamacare. Norm Coleman, an advisor to Romney, went on record saying:
"We’re not going to do repeal. You’re not going to repeal Obamacare… It’s not a total repeal… You will not repeal the act in its entirety, but you will see major changes, particularly if there is a Republican president… You can’t whole-cloth throw it out. But you can substantially change what’s been done."
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Occupy Protestors Disrupt Washington Pro-Life Prayer Vigil
The "peaceful" pro-abortion crowd show thier true colors yet again.
A peaceful religious tradition was disrupted today as the pro-abortion version of Occupy Washington attempted to surround and overwhelm a group of prayerful pro-life advocates in front of the Supreme Court.
For the last nine years, CEC For Life has sponsored a prayer vigil for unborn babies on the morning of the March for Life. Opposition from pro-abortion advocates is always expected, but often minimal. This year, however, CEC For Life found themselves quickly surrounded by a much larger and far more hostile group than usual, according to Fr. Terry Gensemer of the o0rganization.
Gensemer said that, as those leading the prayer vigil began to invite pro-life advocates to join in worship, those with the pro-abortion opposition positioned themselves inches away from the musicians, chanting, screaming, and dragging a ten-foot banner between the team and those trying to pray and worship.
One member of the pro-abortion force actually spent an extended amount of time screaming into the face of an adopted child whose sign read: “I’m glad I was adopted and not murdered.”
Sunday, January 22, 2012
2012 Florida Republican PrimaryFlorida GOP Primary
We knew a Gingrich win in South Carolina would have ramifications but it's proving to be a full blown game changer.
Less than two weeks ago, Mitt Romney had a 22-point lead in Florida, but that’s ancient history in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Following his big win in South Carolina on Saturday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich now is on top in Florida by nine.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Florida Republican Primary Voters, taken Sunday evening, finds Gingrich earning 41% of the vote with Romney in second at 32%. Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum runs third with 11%, while Texas Congressman Ron Paul attracts support from eight percent (8%). Nine percent (9%) remain undecided.
Gingrich Beats Media in South Carolina, 54 to 14
Florida only despises the media slightly less.
(CNSNews.com) - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has defeated the national media in South Carolina by a margin of 54 percent to 14 percent, according to a survey conducted by a Democratic polling firm.
The poll, conducted by Raleigh, N.C.-based Public Policy Polling (PPP), interviewed 1,540 likely South Carolina Republican primary voters from Jan. 18 to Jan. 20. It showed that 54 percent of those voters said they had a favorable opinion of Gingrich while 37 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion of him.
At the same time, only 14 percent said they had a favorable opinion of the media, while 77 percent said they had an unfavorable opinion of the media.
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Prediction S. Carolina Primary
Predicted: Gingrich: 38%
Romney: 27%
Santorum: 19%
Actual: Gingrich: 40%
Romney: 27%
Santorum: 17%
Paul: 13%
Hmmmmm, not bad.
Romney: 27%
Santorum: 19%
Actual: Gingrich: 40%
Romney: 27%
Santorum: 17%
Paul: 13%
Hmmmmm, not bad.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
State Dept. To Reject Keystone Pipeline
Controverial my hiney, it's a no brainer for clear thinking Americans.
The controversial Keystone Pipeline will reportedly be denied by President Obama, according to Fox News.
The State Department is expected to vote against the pipeline this afternoon. Transcanada will however be allowed to reapply with an alternate route going through Nebraska
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Gingrich Shines in Debate
I watched the debate and Gingrich was just plain outstanding!
Newt Gingrich's fluent, policy-rich performances in the early debates, laced with derision for the media's attempts to question the Republican candidates, propelled him to the front of the GOP pack in early December.
His command of the stage here in Myrtle Beach for the 16th (yep, there have been that many, and the next is in Charleston on Thursday) could just be the lifeline he needs to achieve the task he has set himself - overcoming Mitt Romney's clear lead in the South Carolina polls to win the state on Saturday.
Romney was under pressure over releasing his tax returns (he eventually said that he would "probably" do so in April), on why he had not objected as Massachusetts governor to felons on parole having the right to vote and he gave an awkward, fumbling response to a softball about whether he had been hunting since 2007, even mixing up moose and elk.
Gingrich, however, ... scored quite a few points against Romney and the former Speaker's fluency with policy and ability to dissect questions and make a big-picture conservative case against Obama made him the night's big winner.
Monday, January 16, 2012
Indiana Senate Committee Passes Right-to-Work Bill
Loooooooong overdue.
INDIANAPOLIS — After nearly six hours of testimony and debate, the Indiana state Senate Pensions and Labor Committee approved Senate Bill 269 by a 6-to-4 vote. Commonly referred to as a "right-to-work" law, SB 269 would make it a Class A misdemeanor to require an individual to join or remain in a union or to pay any dues, fees or other charges to that same labor organization. The bill now goes to the full state Senate, despite the continued absence of a House quorum in the intended joint committee meeting between the House Employment, Labor and Pensions Committee and the Senate Pensions and Labor Committee.
No amendments were allowed in the hearing.
The House and Senate will be called back into session again on Monday. Republican proponents intend to pass the bill in the Senate by the end of next week, but await boycotting Democratic House members for the progression of the bill’s discussion.
All those who voted in favor of the bill were Republicans; all those who voted against the bill were Democrats save Republican Sen. Brent Waltz. In 2004, Sen. Waltz defeated Senate Finance Chairman Larry Borst, whose campaign was partially funded by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber testified in favor of right-to-work today.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Supreme Court delivers a knockout punch to the White House
Wednesday the United States Supreme Court delivered a knockout blow to the White House in the cause of religious liberty.
Chief Justice John Roberts, writing for a unanimous court swatted away the government’s claim that the Lutheran Church did not have the right to fire a “minister of religion” who, after six years of Lutheran religious training had been commissioned as a minister, upon election by her congregation.
The fired minister -- who also taught secular subjects -- claimed discrimination in employment. The Obama administration, always looking for opportunities to undermine the bedrock of First Amendment religious liberty, eagerly agreed.
There was just one big problem standing in the way of the government's plan: the U.S. Constitution. For a long time American courts have recognized the existence of a "ministerial exemption" which keeps government’s hands off the employment relationship between a religious institution and its ministers or clergy.
South Carolina AG to fight feds over voter ID law
There is absolutely no legitimate reason that someone can't reasonably excercise a minimal effort to obtain a voter ID. The only reasons would be they're just too damn lazy or they are complicit in the attempt to commit voter fraud.
Three of South Carolina’s top political leaders announced Tuesday their plans to file a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice’s decision to block the state’s controversial voter ID law.
Attorney General Alan Wilson said he will file a lawsuit within the next two weeks against the Justice Department in Washington D.C. district court.
It’s necessary, Wilson said, to protect the integrity of South Carolina elections.
“Our intent of the office is to look at this legislation through the litigation process and to ensure that no voter is suppressed in the right to vote and that the integrity of the electoral process is protected,” he said “That is of paramount importance that we protect the electoral process and ensure that voter irregularities and potential voter fraud is curtailed, curbed or prevented.”
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Obama's Numbers Down Even Among his Most Stalwart Supporters
Starting to stink it up even among the minority rank and file.
Remember just two weeks ago when the media and even many conservative pundits flatly proclaimed Obama’s BIG victory in the payroll tax cut showdown had handed him a BIG edge going into an election year? If you do you are in the minority. The American people were not fooled.
New Gallup survey numbers tell us a Georgia State Judge’s ruling that Barack Obama is not legible to be president as per Georgia law, may end up being a merciful death to his reelection plans.
In early December Obama’s Gallup survey approve/disapprove numbers were 43/50. His BIG victory just before Christmas got him to 45/47. Immediately after the BIG victory he’s back down to 42/49.
Not only are these numbers bad, they become still worse when broken down into individual voter categories. Obama’s approval among his “MUST have” core groups is dangerously low. Blacks give him an 83% rating and Hispanics, just 46%.
These numbers are made far worse in light of Gallup’s own recent survey of enthusiasm that set “non-White” enthusiasm at just 31%.
Keep in mind Obama got 65% of Blacks to vote 97% for him in 2008.
Monday, January 09, 2012
Is God Telling Us Something?
Tebow continues to inspire.
The game peaked with a rating/share of 31.6/46 (8:00-8:15 PM, ET).
1. Peak rating/share: 31.6
2. Passing yardage: 316
3. Yards per completion: 31.6
4. Steelers' possession time 31:06
5. Only interception of the game Broncos pick it off on a 3rd and 16.
6. John 3:16.
The game peaked with a rating/share of 31.6/46 (8:00-8:15 PM, ET).
1. Peak rating/share: 31.6
2. Passing yardage: 316
3. Yards per completion: 31.6
4. Steelers' possession time 31:06
5. Only interception of the game Broncos pick it off on a 3rd and 16.
6. John 3:16.
Gwyneth Paltrow’s New $425 GOOP Cleanse ‘A Waste Of Time And Money,’ Say Doctors
Another liberal Hollywood nimrod spewing lies for personal or professional gain at the expense of the public, who'd a thunk it.
Don’t spend your money or your effort subjecting yourself to actress Gwyneth Paltrow‘s “cleanse” or anyone else’s, say top NYC doctors.
“‘Cleansing’ is the equivalent of ’snake oil,’” says NYC internist, Dr. Robert Bos.
He adds that “there is no scientific proof” that a cleanse will help give your digestive system a break, eliminate toxins, rebuild beneficial bacteria or give you more energy, as Gwyneth promises in her GOOP newsletter.
Gwyneth’s cleanse program instructs you to drink her protein shake for breakfast, have a solid meal for lunch, another shake for dinner and take her GOOP “clean” supplements (which aren’t explained) throughout the day.
Sunday, January 08, 2012
They'll be at least a few more of these.
An Alabama Court has announced that it will hear arguments as to whether Barack Hussein Obama II is in fact eligible to appear on the State Presidential Primary Ballot.
Several Alabama citizens have filed a lawsuit within the Alabama Circuit Court to "prevent certification of President Barack Obama for 2012 Alabama ballot access pending final hearing based on factual evidentiary hearings."
Saturday, January 07, 2012
7 teens charged with beating classmate unconscious
I'll guarantee if my 13 year old boys would have been on the bus this would have never happened, or they'd have gotten their a$$ kicked stopping it.
MIAMI (AP) — Seven central Florida teenagers were arrested after authorities said they punched and kicked a 13-year-old until she was unconscious while on a school bus.
The victim told authorities that Friday was her first time riding the bus and no one would let her sit down. About 75 children were riding the bus bound for a middle school in Ocala, a rural city north of Orlando. The victim said someone threw a shoe at her and she threw one back, according to an arrest report.
One girl allegedly asked students if they wanted to hit the victim, then instructed the teens to form a circle and began hitting and kicking the victim. Several witnesses said they saw the girl fall to the floor and "appear to have a seizure and pass out," according to the arrest report.
The victim, who is not being identified, was taken to the hospital and diagnosed with a concussion, severe bruising on her head and muscle spasms.
Friday, January 06, 2012
Grassley: New docs prove Admin knew about gun walking
As if there wasn't enough evidence already.
New documents obtained from the Justice Department Thursday prove that the administration knew that guns had been walked as part of Operation Wide Receiver, Senator Charles Grassley said in a press release, and then he reiterated his call for Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer to resign.
The documents include e-mails and copies of letters sent to Grassley by Assistant Attorney General Ronald Weich, including a Feb. 4, 2011 letter that insisted that the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives had never “sanctioned or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them into Mexico…” That letter has been “withdrawn” because facts uncovered over the past 11 months clearly show that guns were walked, and the ATF let it happen.
Thursday, January 05, 2012
GM to call back 8,000 electric Chevy Volts
For those unfamiliar with the situation, that's all of them.
General Motors plans to ask Volt owners to bring their electric cars into dealers to strengthen the structure around the batteries.
The automaker said Thursday it plans enhancements to the vehicle’s structure and battery coolant system to further protect the 400-pound lithium-ion battery from the possibility of an electrical fire occurring days or weeks after a severe crash.
The enhancements come in response to a National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Preliminary Evaluation to examine post-severe crash battery performance.
Wednesday, January 04, 2012
Iowa Results and Commentary
Romney: 24.6%
Santorum: 24.5%
Paul 21.4%
Gingrich 13.3%
Perry: 10.3%
It's all about electability and a scant majority of Iowans believe that Mitt Romney, warts and all, has the best chance of beating Obama.
I happen to believe it's flawed logic but bottom line, the person who can best convince the Republican primary electorate that he can do this will win the nomination.
Newt Gingrich had, with his debate performances, accomplished this but after a relentless onslaught by the MSM, Romney and a few others lost that confidence.
Santorum: 24.5%
Paul 21.4%
Gingrich 13.3%
Perry: 10.3%
It's all about electability and a scant majority of Iowans believe that Mitt Romney, warts and all, has the best chance of beating Obama.
I happen to believe it's flawed logic but bottom line, the person who can best convince the Republican primary electorate that he can do this will win the nomination.
Newt Gingrich had, with his debate performances, accomplished this but after a relentless onslaught by the MSM, Romney and a few others lost that confidence.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Chevy Volt Gets "Worst Product" Award
All the more infuriating condidering it cost us taxpayers $235,000 per vehicle.
General Motors' much-hyped Chevy Volt has yet another distinction to add to its long list of commendations. We had all heard repeatedly about Motor Trends' Car of the Year award, Consumer Reports' recommendation and Jay Leno's love affair with the car, but the Volt now gets a less publicized, more deserved distinction from Yahoo Finance's 24/7 Wall Street site. The Volt has made the list of "The Worst Product Flops of 2011" and apologists for the vehicle are sure to, once again, attack the credibility of those issuing the opinion.
Monday, January 02, 2012
Sunday, January 01, 2012
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