On Fox News: 3/28/10
WALLACE: ...have been persistent rumors in Florida that you are so far behind, at least currently, in the polls...that you may run instead as an independent. Here is your chance to dispel all the rumors. Are you willing to pledge right here, right now that you will run in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate and not run as an independent?
CRIST: I’m running as a Republican...
WALLACE: So are you ruling out that you will file as an independent by the April 30th deadline?
CRIST: That’s right. That’s right. I’m running as a Republican.
WALLACE: You will run not for a governor — you’ll run for Senate, and you will run as a — in the Republican primary.
CRIST: ...I’m running as a Republican...
WALLACE: Will you support the winner of the GOP primary, whether it’s you or Marco Rubio?
CRIST: Of course I will...
WALLACE: Well, I’m going to get — I’m going to — I’ll give you an opportunity for a final statement. I just want to say, though, you are saying you are going to run in the Republican primary for the U.S. Senate. You will not run on the no party affiliation line.
CRIST: That’s right. That’s right. That’s what I’m saying.
Good riddance you lying POS.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Obama's Demoralized Left
Rasmussen has the GOP at plus 6, I happen to believe it's somewhere in the middle. Even at plus 3 combined with the "intensity quotient", barring something earthshaking, the Democrats are likely to get shellacked come November.
The Gallup Poll generic congressional ballot of registered voters shows that those supporting Republicans and Democrats are in a statistical tie, with Republicans at 46% and Democrats at 45%. The real story, though, is the huge advantage that Republicans have in enthusiasm about voting. Gallup shows 57% of those supporting Republicans as very enthusiastic and only 37% of those supporting Democrats as very enthusiastic.
Several weeks before, the Marist Poll published a revealing profile of New York voters. The partisan breakdown of those "very enthusiastic" about voting this November showed these percentages: Republicans (34%), Democrats (25%), and Non-Enrolled (20%) -- a modest edge for Republicans. The enthusiasm of New York voters widened significantly when the ideology of the voter was considered: 38% of conservatives were very enthusiastic about voting; 22% of moderates felt the same; and only 18% of liberals were very enthusiastic about voting. The left in America is demoralized. This slide will continue, for several reasons...
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Photo of the Day
Team Obama calls out a swat team in full riot gear to keep Tea Party activists from becoming violent.

Supreme Court overturns objection to cross on public land
A splintered Supreme Court displayed its deep divisions over the separation of church and state Wednesday, with the court's prevailing conservatives signaling a broader openness to the idea that the Constitution does not require the removal of religious symbols from public land.Amen Justice Kennedy, Amen.
A 5 to 4 decision by the court overturns a federal judge's objection to a white cross erected more than 75 years ago on a stretch of the Mojave Desert to honor the dead of World War I. ... The bottom line, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote, is that "the Constitution does not oblige government to avoid any public acknowledgment of religion's role in society."
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
FBI agent short on details on militia inquiry
More governmental subterfuge...
DETROIT - An FBI agent who led the investigation of nine Michigan militia members charged with trying to launch war against the federal government couldn't recall many details of the two-year probe yesterday during questioning by defense lawyers.
Even the judge who must decide whether to release the nine until trial was puzzled.
"I share the frustrations of the defense team … that she doesn't know anything," U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts said after agent Leslie Larsen confessed she hadn't reviewed her notes recently and couldn't remember specific details of the case.
Obama administration defies congressional subpoena on Fort Hood documents
The most "open" and "transparent" administration ever... yea right.
The Obama administration said Tuesday it would provide more information to Congress about the Fort Hood shootings but continued to defy a subpoena request for witness statements and other documents.
After days of negotiations, the Pentagon and Justice Department informed a Senate committee that they would not comply with congressional subpoenas to share investigative records from the Nov. 5 shootings at Fort Hood, Tex., which killed 13 people.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
Economists: The stimulus didn't help
Money for nothing and your checks for free....
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- The recovery is picking up steam as employers boost payrolls, but economists think the government's stimulus package and jobs bill had little to do with the rebound, according to a survey released Monday.
In latest quarterly survey by the National Association for Business Economics, the index that measures employment showed job growth for the first time in two years -- but a majority of respondents felt the fiscal stimulus had no impact.
NABE conducted the study by polling 68 of its members who work in economic roles at private-sector firms. About 73% of those surveyed said employment at their company is neither higher nor lower as a result of the $787 billion Recovery Act, which the White House's Council of Economic Advisers says is on track to create or save 3.5 million jobs by the end of the year.
That sentiment is shared for the recently passed $17.7 billion jobs bill that calls for tax breaks for businesses that hire and additional infrastructure spending. More than two-thirds of those polled believe the measure won't affect payrolls, while 30% expect it to boost hiring "moderately."
Significant Majority Approve of Arizona Immigration Law
Yet another thing this administration is at odds with the majority of Americans.
Arizona Governor Jan Brewer last week signed a new law into effect that authorizes local police to stop and verify the immigration status of anyone they suspect of being an illegal immigrant. A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds that 60% of voters nationwide favor such a law, while 31% are opposed.
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Republicans support the law along with 62% of voters not affiliated with either major party. Democratic voters are evenly divided on the measure.
At the same time, however, 58% of all voters are at least somewhat concerned that “efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants will also end up violating the civil rights of some U.S. citizens.” That figure includes 29% who are Very Concerned about possible civil rights violations.
Caterpillar: The Rest Of The World Is Coming Back Fast, But Boy, America Is Horrible
Expect a lot more of the same.
Shares of Caterpillar (CAT) are up 3% pre-market after the earth-moving company reported strong earnings and raised its outlook.
The numbers seem to be providing a lift to the overall market, but check out the internal numbers, and you see a WIDE disparity between what's going on globally, and what's going on domestically.
Asia/Pacific – Sales increased $469 million, or 40 percent.
North America – Sales decreased $326 million, or 15 percent.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday Quote
"We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams
Graham Pulls Support for Major Senate Climate Bill
Right move, wrong motive. I sincerely hope that the good people of SC give this fruitcake his walking papers in 12.
WASHINGTON — In a move that may derail a comprehensive climate change and energy bill in the Senate, one of the measure’s central architects, Senator Lindsey Graham, has issued an angry protest over what he says are Democratic plans to give priority to a debate over immigration policy.
Mr. Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said in a sharply worded letter on Saturday that he would no longer participate in negotiations on the energy bill, throwing its already cloudy prospects deeper into doubt. He had been working for months with Senators John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, and Joseph I. Lieberman, independent of Connecticut, on the a legislation, which they were scheduled to announce with considerable fanfare on Monday morning. That announcement has been indefinitely postponed.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Secret papers reveal Senate 'talks' between Obama and Blagojevich
Where there's one lie, there's lots and lots more.
Sections of court papers filed by scandal-scarred former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich that were mistakenly made public show a deeper involvement by President Obama in picking his Senate successor and call into question the president's public statements on the case.
According to passages in the papers filed Thursday by Blagojevich's lawyers -- which were blacked out under a judge's order but made visible by a computer glitch -- Obama, then president-elect, spoke directly to the disgraced governor on Dec. 1, 2008
But just one week later -- on the day Blagojevich was indicted -- Obama told reporters flatly, "I had no contact with the governor or his office, and so we were not -- I was not aware of what was happening."
Friday, April 23, 2010
Blagojevich sends not-so-subtle message to Obama
And the plot thickens.
Rod Blagojevich finally made good on a promise: He put President Barack Obama right in the middle of Blagojevich's own political corruption case.
And now it's finally clear why, from the moment of Blagojevich's arrest in December 2008, White House spinners loudly portrayed our former Gov. Dead Meat as some drooling, raving lunatic.
A lunatic is not to be believed, and Dead Meat will continue to be characterized as such by Obama defenders. But raving lunatics care little for their own survival. And in an amazing defense motion filed Thursday, Blagojevich proved once again that he is quite sane.
He wants Obama to testify in his federal criminal case. The feds allege that Blagojevich conspired to sell off Obama's old U.S. Senate seat, among other charges.
N.Korea seizes S.Korean assets, warns of war
Ruh roh...
North Korea seized South Korean-owned assets at a mountain resort Friday, warning that the two countries were on the brink of war over the sinking of a warship on their disputed border.
The communist state also declared that highly symbolic cross-border tours to the scenic Mount Kumgang resort had been halted for good, accusing South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak of pursuing "confrontation" with the North.
The action comes amid high tension over the sinking of a South Korean warship last month that left 46 sailors dead.
"The situation has reached such extreme phase that it is at the crossroads of a war or peace, much less thinking of the resumption of the tour," a North Korean state agency said.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Overwhelmingly, Americans see Obama inviting attack
Not by any means a major poll by recognition, startling and intuitively correct results nonetheless.
Some 200 million-plus Americans – almost two of three in a new poll – believe that the United States is more likely to be targeted in an attack – either by a hostile military or a terrorist organization – because of the policies of President Barack Obama.
A majority also disagree with his newly announced policy against using nuclear weapons against those nations or groups that would attack the U.S. with biological or chemical weapons of mass destruction.
Citing the possibility of either a terrorist attack or a military assault on the U.S. shores, the poll, the first national assessment to address the issue, asked, "Do you think the current policies of the Obama administration are making it more or less likely that the U.S. will suffer such an attack?"
Forty-six percent responded much more likely and another 13.6 percent what somewhat more likely. Only about 28 percent said somewhat less likely or much less likely.
Mann sues: Minnesotans say “Go ahead. Make my day”
Remember this video? Well Michael Mann is suing for defamation.
The defendants reply:“Minnesotans 4 Global Warming hope Mann will proceed with his lawsuit so that the legal discovery process will force exposure of data and methods Mann has still not released and that the official whitewash inquiries refuse to investigate.”
I agree, bring it on "Mannbearpig".
The defendants reply:“Minnesotans 4 Global Warming hope Mann will proceed with his lawsuit so that the legal discovery process will force exposure of data and methods Mann has still not released and that the official whitewash inquiries refuse to investigate.”
I agree, bring it on "Mannbearpig".
The election of NO!
Thirty-four of 39 school budgets in the county were defeated.
School districts spending plans were massacred at the polls during the annual school elections Tuesday as voters used the ballot box to vent their frustrations about higher taxes.
According to unofficial results at press time, only five of 39 school district budgets were passed, a 12 percent approval rate, the lowest this decade and possibly longer.
The only other time this decade that fewer than half the budgets failed was in 2006 when only 17 of 39 budgets won approval.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
'South Park' Creators Could Face Retribution for Depicting Muhammad, Website Warns
A radical Islamic website is warning the creators of "South Park" that they could face violent retribution for depicting the Prophet Muhammad in a bear suit during an episode broadcast on Comedy Central last week."We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show," the posting reads. "This is not a threat, but a warning of the reality of what will likely happen to them."Sure as he!! sounds like a threat to me.
Reaching by phone early Tuesday, Abu Talhah al Amrikee, the author of the post, said he wrote the entry to "raise awareness." He said the grisly photograph of van Gogh was meant to "explain the severity" of what Parker and Stone did by mocking Muhammad.
"It's not a threat, but it really is a likely outcome," al Amrikee said, referring to the possibility that Parker and Stone could be murdered for mocking Muhammad. "They're going to be basically on a list in the back of the minds of a large number of Muslims.
FDA should regulate salt, panel says
More nanny statism on parade.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration should regulate the amount of salt that can be added to foods to help Americans eat less sodium, an influential federal panel said on Tuesday.
Because Americans get most of their sodium from processed and restaurant foods, it is not enough to simply tell them to eat less salt and regulation of the food industry is needed, the Institute of Medicine said.
The FDA is already putting together measures to do this, the Washington Post reported.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Top two Al-Qaeda in Iraq chiefs killed: Iraqi PM
Great news if it pans out.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki said on state television on Monday that the two leading Al-Qaeda figures in the country had been killed north of the capital Baghdad.CONFIRMED
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi and Abu Ayub al-Masri were killed in Salaheddin province by Iraqi intelligence agents who had been given US assistance, Maliki said, showing pictures of both men before and after their deaths.
Poll: Americans' confidence in the federal government at a 50-year low, 80 percent are wary
Forget all the ridiculous spin by the MSM, this IS the Tea Party movement in a nutshell.
WASHINGTON (AP) — America's "Great Compromiser" Henry Clay called government "the great trust," but most Americans today have little faith in Washington's ability to deal with the nation's problems.
Public confidence in government is at one of the lowest points in a half century, according to a survey from the Pew Research Center. Nearly 8 in 10 Americans say they don't trust the federal government and have little faith it can solve America's ills, the survey found.
The survey illustrates the ominous situation President Barack Obama and the Democratic Party face as they struggle to maintain their comfortable congressional majorities in this fall's elections. Midterm prospects are typically tough for the party in power. Add a toxic environment like this and lots of incumbent Democrats could be out of work.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
UK Points the Way
At 40%, we're heading in this direction.
In many parts of the country more than two thirds of children are born out of wedlock, according to shocking official figures. The statistics reveal that the number of births to single mothers and unmarried couples is set to exceed 50 per cent across Britain in the next five years. Critics pounced on the figures as evidence of deteriorating family values since the election of Labour, which has scrapped recognition of marriage in the tax system.Anybody old enought to remember when this actually carried a social stigma?
Out of wedlock: the incidence of children being born to single mothers or unmarried couples is on the rise In 1997 the proportion of births outside marriage was just 36.7 per cent. By 2008 - the latest year for which figures are available - this had risen to 45 per cent - 30 per cent born to unmarried cohabiting couples and 15 per cent born to single mothers.
The damning figures, from the Office for National Statistics, show that in some areas it has become the norm for children to be born outside wedlock. In Knowsley, near Liverpool, 68.5 per cent of children were born outside marriage in 2007; the highest in the country. The figure is on course to exceed 75 per cent by 2014.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Gadhafi urges support for 'wise' and 'peaceful' Obama
You can judge a man's character by those that praise him...
SIRTE, Libya: Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi has urged global support for the “peaceful” policies of “wise” US President Barack Obama in his pursuit of a world without nuclear weapons.
“I appeal to everyone to give Obama time and to support his policies, as long as his program remains peaceful,” Gadhafi told a gathering late Thursday in a huge tent erected in the desert near the eastern coastal city of Sirte.
He was speaking during commemorations marking the anniversary of the bombing by American planes on April 15, 1986, of Tripoli and the eastern city of Benghazi which killed 41 people, including Gadhafi’s adoptive daughter.
Pic of the Day

After an oxygen tank exploded and crippled their service module, the Apollo 13 astronauts were forced to abandon plans to make the third manned lunar landing. The extent of the damage is revealed in this grainy, grim photo, taken as the service module was drifting away, jettisoned only hours prior to the command module's reentry and splashdown. An entire panel on the side of the service module has been blown away and extensive internal damage is apparent. Visible below the gutted compartment is a radio antenna and the large, bell-shaped nozzle of the service module's rocket engine. On April 17, 1970 the three astronauts returned safely to Earth.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Harry Reid

U.S. Sen. Harry Reid must pick up far more support from crossover Republicans and independents to win re-election, according to a new poll that shows him losing to the GOP front-runner in a full-ballot election with eight contenders and a "none of these candidates" option.
The survey of Nevada voters commissioned by the Review-Journal shows Reid getting 37 percent of the vote compared with 47 percent for Republican Sue Lowden, who would win if the election were today, while the slate of third-party and nonpartisan candidates would get slim to no backing.
The latest Mason-Dixon poll for the first time measured Reid's and Lowden's support in a full general election test instead of in a head-to-head or three-way matchup to see how much of the vote the record number of Senate candidates on the Nov. 2 ballot would siphon off from the Democratic incumbent and the top GOP challenger, pollster Brad Coker said.
Jobless claims rise for second straight week
Now the only question is how the White House and MSM will spin this as "good news".
WASHINGTON (AP) - The number of newly laid off people signing up for unemployment benefits rose sharply for the second straight week, suggesting that jobs are still hard to come by even as the economic recovery gains traction.
The Labor Department reported Thursday that first-time requests for jobless benefits rose by 24,000 last week to a seasonally adjusted 484,000, the highest level since late February. Economists were predicting claims would fall.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Army officer won’t accept Obama as chief
The Army may be forced to court-martial a lieutenant colonel who refused to deploy to Afghanistan because he considers orders from President Barack Obama to be illegal, military officials told NBC News on Tuesday.
Army doctor Lt. Col. Terry Lakin believes Obama does not meet the constitutional requirements to be president and commander-in-chief because Lakin believes the president was not born in the United States. A video with statements from Lakin on the subject was released by the right-wing American Patriot Foundation.
Lakin refused to report to Fort Campbell, Ky., for deployment to Afghanistan, but instead went to the Pentagon. There on Monday he was confronted by his brigade commander, Col. Gordon Roberts, and informed he could face court martial, and his Pentagon building pass and government laptop computer were seized.
Wanna bet it never reaches a "court martial".
Update: Don't ya just hate it when I'm right.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Incomes Down During Obama's Tenure
Not the change you were looking for?
Real personal income for Americans - excluding government payouts such as Social Security - has fallen by 3.2 percent since President Obama took office in January 2009, according to the Commerce Department's Bureau of Economic Analysis.
For comparison, real personal income during the first 15 months in office for President George W. Bush, who inherited a milder recession from his predecessor, dropped 0.4 percent. Income excluding government payouts increased 12.7 percent during Mr. Bush's eight years in office.
"This is hardly surprising," said Douglas Holtz-Eakin, an economist and former director of the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. "Under President Obama, only federal spending is going up; jobs, business startups, and incomes are all down. It is proof that the government can't spend its way to prosperity."
Monday, April 12, 2010
Air Force's Mystery X-37B

...The U.S. Air Force is on the verge of showcasing a new and long-sought after spaceflight capacity with its X-37B space plane, but it will do so on a space mission that's cloaked in secrecy.
What the X-37B mission truly portends is in the eye of the beholder, from a game-changing tool to hone military hardware to a provocative harbinger of things-to-come in terms of space warfare.
Now ready for an Atlas boost into Earth orbit from Florida on April 20, the reusable robotic X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle (OTV) is a small space shuttle-like craft. The craft will wing its way into Earth orbit, remain aloft for an unspecified time, then high-tail its way back down to terra-firma – auto-piloting down to a landing at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, or at neighboring Edwards Air Force Base as back-up.
Democrats in Congress Sink to Historic Low
Very shortly expect them to enter severe panic mode.
WASHINGTON -- The Democratic Party's favorability rating dropped to an all-time low of 41 percent in the Gallup poll -- the latest worrisome indicator in an election cycle that has the party sweating.
The rating is a percentage point below the Republican Party's score, which has climbed over the last year as the GOP dug in its heels against President Obama's agenda.
The Democrats' bad numbers are five points below the party's worst previous favorability rating, recorded in 2005, and represents the worst rating in 18 years of surveys.
The poll comes after a separate survey last week showed Republicans passing Democrats on the "generic" ballot test, where Americans state the party of the candidate they plan to vote for in their congressional districts -- a rarity in the poll's 60-year history.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Coroner Dies at 94
He "is not just merely dead, but really most sincerely dead". Size certainly does not equal longevity. Godspeed Mr. Raabe

Saturday, April 10, 2010
Vladimir Putin to head investigation into Polish president's death
What a tremendous blow to Poland who I consider our single greatest ally in Eastern Europe. Every American should lament this most terrible tragedy.
That being said, Expect Putin to protect Russia from any possible responsiblity great or small.
That being said, Expect Putin to protect Russia from any possible responsiblity great or small.
Russia says Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will personally head the investigation into an aeroplane crash that killed Poland's president.
A total of 96 people were on board the plane that crashed near the western Russian city of Smolensk, all of whom are believed to be dead.
Polish president Lech Kaczynski was on board the Russian-built Tupolev 154 jet when it went down in heavy fog near a military airport.
Russian authorities have already said they suspect pilot error in the crash, near Smolensk, in Western Russia.
There are reports the jet made several attempted landings before the crash.
Friday, April 09, 2010
Bart Stupak to Retire
Due to his health care vote, he will likely be taken care of by the powers that be for life.
Michigan Rep. Bart Stupak, the congressman who led anti-abortion rights Democrats in the House during health care negotiations, will retire this year, CBS News has learned. He is expected to announce his plans later this morning.Rumor has it Bwarney Fwank as well.
Had Stupak sought re-election, he would have faced challengers from both the left and the right backed by interest groups angered by Stupak's health care vote.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
New Jobless Claims Rise to 460,000
Gotta love the recovery!
The number of newly laid-off workers seeking unemployment benefits rose last week, a sign that jobs remain scarce even as the economy recovers.Wouldn't the Easter "Holiday" reduce claims?
The Labor Department said first-time claims increased by 18,000 to a seasonally adjusted 460,000. That's worse than economists' estimates of a drop to 435,000, according to a survey by Thomson Reuters.
The report covers the week that includes the Easter holiday, and a Labor Department analyst said seasonal adjustment for that week can be difficult since the Easter holiday occurs in different weeks each year.
New States Join Courtroom Revolt Against ObamaCare
As Hannity would say "let not your heart be troubled", the battle over socialized medicine has just begun.
Five more U.S. states have now joined the attorneys general of a dozen other states in a lawsuit aimed at toppling the federal government’s new health care law.
The states assert that portions of the health care legislation signed into law by President Obama on March 23 amounts to constitutional overreach that infringes on the right of states and individuals to manage their own affairs.
"We welcome the partnership of Indiana, North Dakota, Mississippi, Nevada and Arizona as we continue fighting to protect the constitutional rights of American citizens and the sovereignty of our states," said Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum in a statement.
“On behalf of the residents in Florida and the states joining our efforts, we are committed to aggressively pursuing this lawsuit to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary to prevent this unprecedented expansion of federal powers, impact upon state sovereignty, and encroachment on our freedom,” McCollum continued.
Wednesday, April 07, 2010
Tax Woes
I have been working on taxes all morning. I'm getting freekin hammered!. It is getting more difficult every moment to save and improve. Supporting the 50% of people that pay NO taxes is taking it's toll.
I've got 11 yr old twins to send to college, yet making an exceedingly decent living, to put money away for them and retirement is almost impossible.
I have not bought a new car in 25 years, I have not bought a new piece of furniture in 10. Other then food and groceries/gas we spend nothing on ourselves yet I still manage to crank 20% away for the kids. NOT NEAR ENOUGH!
I beginning to believe, with what I have saved, the best route is to live off the government teat and take it easy. After all, why bust my a$$ when I can skate and do just as well.
And this is the reason I'm pi$$ed.
I've got 11 yr old twins to send to college, yet making an exceedingly decent living, to put money away for them and retirement is almost impossible.
I have not bought a new car in 25 years, I have not bought a new piece of furniture in 10. Other then food and groceries/gas we spend nothing on ourselves yet I still manage to crank 20% away for the kids. NOT NEAR ENOUGH!
I beginning to believe, with what I have saved, the best route is to live off the government teat and take it easy. After all, why bust my a$$ when I can skate and do just as well.
And this is the reason I'm pi$$ed.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Poseur in Chief
If nothing else, I have come to realize that Barack Hussein Obama is the most disingenuous President of the Twentieth Century, possibly ever.
Disagree with him or not, the man is a consumate liar. He makes Bill Clinton look positively virtuous by comparison.
That is all.
Disagree with him or not, the man is a consumate liar. He makes Bill Clinton look positively virtuous by comparison.
That is all.
Dead Politician Walking
SEARCHLIGHT -- U.S. Sen. Harry Reid launched his re-election campaign Monday with a sentimental send-off from his hometown of Searchlight, cheered on by more than 100 close supporters.Pretty darn pathetic considering that the Tea Party in Searchlight drew close to 10,000 people just a week or so ago.
"We love you Harry," friends, neighbors and longtime Democratic Party backers shouted from inside the Searchlight Nugget where 86-year-old owner Verlie Doing and former U.S. Sen. Richard Bryan stood by Reid to help start his bid for a fifth term.
David Shuster Suspended Indefinitely
So being a small minded, biased political shill for the left was not a problem but heaven forbid he job shop.
MSNBC's David Shuster has been suspended from MSNBC "indefinitely" according to a spokesperson.
The action was taken this morning by MSNBC president Phil Griffin after it was revealed that Shuster had taken part in a pilot for CNN.
Shuster's MSNBC contract expires in December. Over the weekend, an MSNBC executive told TVNewser's Gail Shister, anything less than a suspension "sends a message from management that this is OK."
Monday, April 05, 2010
Idiotic Headline/Quote of the Week
Michael Steele Says He and Obama Have 'Slimmer Margins of Error' Because of Their Race.
He couldn't be more wrong. It's predominantly because of race that they are afforded such deference in spite of their demonstrable incompetence.
Is it any wonder why both are such ardent supporters of affirmative action?
He couldn't be more wrong. It's predominantly because of race that they are afforded such deference in spite of their demonstrable incompetence.
Is it any wonder why both are such ardent supporters of affirmative action?
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Rasmussen: Tea Party 48% Obama 44%
Not the crazy, wild eyed seditious lynch mob the MSM has been portraying to us eh...
On major issues, 48% of voters say that the average Tea Party member is closer to their views than President Barack Obama. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% hold the opposite view and believe the president’s views are closer to their own.
Not surprisingly, Republicans overwhelmingly feel closer to the Tea Party and most Democrats say that their views are more like Obama’s. Among voters not affiliated with either major political party, 50% say they’re closer to the Tea Party while 38% side with the President.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Support for Obamacare Continues to Erode
Appears that the rest of America is finally waking up.
Fifty-three percent of Americans say they disapprove of the new reforms, including 39 percent who say they disapprove strongly. In the days before the bill passed the House, 37 percent said they approved and 48 percent disapproved.
Republicans and independents remain opposed to the reforms, and support has dropped some among Democrats. Now 52 percent of Democrats approve of the new reforms, a drop from 60 percent just before the bill was passed by Congress…
Even though the president and Democratic leaders have repeatedly pointed out that the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office called the reform package a deficit-reducer, six in 10 Americans still think the new health care reforms will increase the budget deficit. Just 13 percent think the reforms will decrease the deficit and another 15 percent expect no effect.
Friday, April 02, 2010
Obama Hits New Low
If a CBS poll has him this bad, look out.
Last week, President Obama signed historic health care reform legislation into law --but his legislative success doesn't seem to have helped his image with the American public.
The latest CBS News Poll, conducted between March 29 and April 1, found Americans unhappier than ever with Mr. Obama's handling of health care - and still worried about the state of the economy.
President Obama's overall job approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 44 percent, down five points from late March, just before the health bill's passage in the House of Representatives. It's down 24 points since his all-time high last April. Forty-one percent of those polled said they disapproved of the president's performance.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
Sea Ice INCREASING at an Alarming Rate in Arctic
Don't you just hate it when the facts don't fit the prevailing narrative.

Steven Goddard and Anthony Watts:
Barring an about face by nature or adjustments, it appears that for the first time since 2001, Arctic Sea ice will hit the “normal” line as defined by the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) for this time of year.
More Voters Than Ever View Obama as a ‘Partisan Democrat’
Partisan is as partisan does...
A new Rasmussen Report survey shows that 56 percent of likely voters believe President Obama is governing like a partisan Democrat, up three points since last month and currently at the highest level since he took office in January 2009. The week after his inauguration, only 39 percent felt this way.
Only 28 percent of voters questioned said that Obama is governing on a bipartisan basis, tying the lowest levels measured from last month, with 16 percent not sure.
Sick Day
Can barely read the news let alone report on it. Will do my best if I find something interesting.
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