Me too darlin, me too
And it ain'r because he doesn't remind me of the current Presidents on US currency.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Another Ludacris Affiliation

Just how many dogs does this guy have to sleep with before the MSM admits he has fleas?
A song by rap star Ludacris criticising Barack Obama's opponents has been called "outrageously offensive" by the US presidential candidate's campaign.
Politics As Usual calls President Bush "mentally handicapped", and insults both Hillary Clinton and John McCain.
"Ludacris is a talented individual but he should be ashamed of these lyrics," said Mr Obama's spokesman Bill Burton.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Coldest Summer....EVER?

Gloomy summer headed toward infamy
Right now the so-called summer of '08 is on pace to produce the fewest days ever recorded in which the temperature in Anchorage managed to reach 65 degrees.
That unhappy record was set in 1970, when we only made it to the 65-degree mark, which many Alaskans consider a nice temperature, 16 days out of 365.
This year, however -- with the summer more than half over -- there have been only seven 65-degree days so far. And that's with just a month of potential "balmy" days remaining and the forecast looking gloomy.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Rachael Ray Has Her Own Dog Food Line

What will they think of next? It looks like they've run out of ideas for people food when it comes to the Rachael Ray empire. Because now she's moving on to dogs!
She just launched Nutrish, a line of dog food, or as she likes to call it, pet cuisine. Rachael originally came up with the concept for her own pup, a pit bull named Isaboo.
Rachael says, "Look, we all want the best for our furry family members. And that's exactly why I worked with experts in pet nutrition to create Rachael Ray Nutrish. My Isaboo loves food and treats made with simple, natural ingredients."
Speaking of Duped
Funny, but when I first read the story about Obama's "private" wailing wall note being released I was bemused by the breathless indignation of his campaign and the MSM over something that could do nothing but help him. Now I know why I got that hinky feeling, it was a set up....
Obama Campaign Collaborated With Media On Release Of Western Wall Note
Obama Campaign Collaborated With Media On Release Of Western Wall Note
The Obama Campaign collaberated with the Israeli news media to publicize the note that Barack left at the Western Wall in Jerusalem. An Israeli paper was duped by the junior Illinois Senator’s campaign to publish the note.
The Israeli Insider broke the news:
What initially seemed to be a journalistic scoop of dubious moral propriety now seems to be a case of an Israeli paper being played by the Barack Obama campaign. Maariv, the second most popular newspaper in Israel, was roundly criticized for publishing the note Obama left in the Kotel. But now a Maariv spokesperson says that publication of the note was pre-approved for international publication by the Obama campaign, leading to the conclusion that the “private” prayer was intentionally leaked for public consumption.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Obama says he got 'hustled' by German tabloid
Perhaps a man who is so easily "hustled" by a second rate tabloid from a second tier country isn't quite prepared to be leader of the free world....
Barack Obama says he was "played" and "hustled" by German tabloid daily Bild after they published a rather embarrassing unauthorized article the day after his popular speech in Berlin last week.
Bild reporter Judith Bonesky's article, "Bild reporter in the gym with Obama," published on July 25, gushes with sexual innuendo over Obama's "firm rear end" and "well-trained arms," and ends with the phrase, "WHAT A MAN!" The article features a candid shot of the reporter with Obama, and both are smiling.
But Obama told New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd over the weekend that his encounter with Bonesky at the Berlin Ritz Carlton gym was a set up.
Headline of the Week
Obama in Berlin: "ICH BIN EIN BEGINNER"
Last Thursday, Sen. Barack Obama gave a speech in Berlin to a throng, which hung out to hear him after a rock concert that included free beer. (The mainstream media, which is doing everything to get him elected, didn't tell you the attendance was manipulated in this way, nor that this is far from the first time the Obama campaign has pulled this stunt to manufacture a large audience.)SO SOOO very true.
The speech he gave was galling in its moral equivocation, stunning in its factual and historical wrongness and insulting in its belittling of America and her people the victims of 9/11 in particular.
“Tonight, I speak to you not as a candidate for president, but as a citizen – a proud citizen of the United States, and a fellow citizen of the world.”
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Soy Linked to Lower Sperm Count
Kumbaya singing Vegan nimrods can't procreate, cooooooool.
Eating a half serving a day of soy-based foods could be enough to significantly lower a man's sperm count, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
The study is the largest in humans to look at the relationship between semen quality and a plant form of the female sex hormone estrogen known as phytoestrogen, which is plentiful in soy-rich foods.
"What we found was men that consume the highest amounts of soy foods in this study had a lower sperm concentration compared to those who did not consume soy foods," said Dr. Jorge Chavarro of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Human Reproduction.
Eating a half serving a day of soy-based foods could be enough to significantly lower a man's sperm count, U.S. researchers said on Wednesday.
The study is the largest in humans to look at the relationship between semen quality and a plant form of the female sex hormone estrogen known as phytoestrogen, which is plentiful in soy-rich foods.
"What we found was men that consume the highest amounts of soy foods in this study had a lower sperm concentration compared to those who did not consume soy foods," said Dr. Jorge Chavarro of the Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, whose study appears in the journal Human Reproduction.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
California Bans Trans Fats
You regulars know that I have always railed against the government for trying to "protect" us against ourselves. You can't legislate against suicide and their attempts to excessively regulate cigarettes and to a lesser degree alcohol are perfect examples. That being said "trans fats" are truly nasty things. Having personal experience with heart disease, I happen to believe that these hydrogenated atrocities are responsible for the lions share of artherosclerosis and associated conditions existing since the 20s. The government and AHA have wrongheadedly demonized saturated fats and cholesterol as being the culprits. They are not only wrong they are damned wrong, trans fats ARE killing us.
They need to research it to a much greater degree as it has not been proven sufficiently. Untill that time they simply need to clarify the labels on grocery foods and insist on resteraunts etc to identify if hydrogenated oils are being used in the preparation of their foods. Let people choose as their life and health is, as it should be, in their hands.
They need to research it to a much greater degree as it has not been proven sufficiently. Untill that time they simply need to clarify the labels on grocery foods and insist on resteraunts etc to identify if hydrogenated oils are being used in the preparation of their foods. Let people choose as their life and health is, as it should be, in their hands.
LOS ANGELES — California, a national trendsetter in all matters edible, became the first state to ban trans fats in restaurants when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill Friday to phase out their use.
Under the new law, trans fats, long linked to health problems, must be excised from restaurant products beginning in 2010, and from all retail baked goods by 2011. Packaged foods will be exempt.
Friday, July 25, 2008
Offshore oil drilling -- cleaner than Mother Nature
Rare lucidity from the SPI...
U.S. offshore oil drilling is not perfectly tidy. It's only 99.999 percent clean. Indeed, since 1980 -- as MMS figures indicate -- 101,997 barrels spilled from among the 11.855 billion barrels of American oil extracted offshore. This is a 0.001 percent pollution rate. While offshore drilling is not 100 percent spotless, this record should satisfy all but the terminally fastidious.
Ironically, in terms of oil contamination, Mother Nature is 95 times dirtier than Man. Some 620,500 barrels of oil ooze organically from North America's ocean floors each year. Compare this to the average 6,555 barrels that oil companies have spilled annually since 1998, according to MMS.
U.S. offshore oil drilling is not perfectly tidy. It's only 99.999 percent clean. Indeed, since 1980 -- as MMS figures indicate -- 101,997 barrels spilled from among the 11.855 billion barrels of American oil extracted offshore. This is a 0.001 percent pollution rate. While offshore drilling is not 100 percent spotless, this record should satisfy all but the terminally fastidious.
Ironically, in terms of oil contamination, Mother Nature is 95 times dirtier than Man. Some 620,500 barrels of oil ooze organically from North America's ocean floors each year. Compare this to the average 6,555 barrels that oil companies have spilled annually since 1998, according to MMS.
Romney Tops List of VP Choices
Maybe McCain could have Mitt deliver all the major speeches.
With Washington abuzz over speculation that John McCain will announce his running mate this week to take some of the focus off Barack Obama’s overseas travels, over a third of U.S. voters say Mitt Romney will be the Republican vice presidential candidate.
The former Massachusetts governor and one-time rival of McCain’s for the GOP presidential nomination was the top vote-getter with 36% in a new Rasmussen Reports national survey taken last Friday night.
Among Republicans, Romney is the leading choice by far: 50% say they think he is the best running mate, and 47% think he will be picked by McCain. He is the top vote-getter among unaffiliated voters, too, with 34% expecting him to get the nod.
Forty-four percent (44%) of likely McCain voters believe Romney is the best choice, with 45% sure he will be the one who is actually chosen for the vice presidential slot.
With Washington abuzz over speculation that John McCain will announce his running mate this week to take some of the focus off Barack Obama’s overseas travels, over a third of U.S. voters say Mitt Romney will be the Republican vice presidential candidate.
The former Massachusetts governor and one-time rival of McCain’s for the GOP presidential nomination was the top vote-getter with 36% in a new Rasmussen Reports national survey taken last Friday night.
Among Republicans, Romney is the leading choice by far: 50% say they think he is the best running mate, and 47% think he will be picked by McCain. He is the top vote-getter among unaffiliated voters, too, with 34% expecting him to get the nod.
Forty-four percent (44%) of likely McCain voters believe Romney is the best choice, with 45% sure he will be the one who is actually chosen for the vice presidential slot.
MSNBC Now Sinks to Reporting "Scuttlebutt"
Amazing what passes for news when it bolsters their candidate...
Are reporters in the business of reporting facts or rumor? Andrea Mitchell, for one, has no problem sending along "scuttlebutt" that if true would be deeply damaging to John McCain.
Barack Obama's cancellation of plans to visit injured military members at bases in Germany has drawn considerable attention and criticism. On today's Morning Joe, Mitchell passed along a rumor that McCain used his Pentagon connections to sabotage the Obama visit.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
McCain Now Leads in Must Win Colorado
It appears that as far as Obama is concerned, famliararity does breed contempt.
John McCain is now winning among likely Colorado voters, helped by a surge of sentiment blaming Democrats for the soaring price of gas, new poll results show.
The Quinnipiac University polls shows McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, the top choice among 46 percent of likely Colorado voters. Democrat Barack Obama is the top choice among 44 percent of likely voters.
A month ago, Obama held a 49-44 percent lead over McCain in the same poll.
John McCain is now winning among likely Colorado voters, helped by a surge of sentiment blaming Democrats for the soaring price of gas, new poll results show.
The Quinnipiac University polls shows McCain, the presumptive Republican nominee, the top choice among 46 percent of likely Colorado voters. Democrat Barack Obama is the top choice among 44 percent of likely voters.
A month ago, Obama held a 49-44 percent lead over McCain in the same poll.
Iraq banned from Summer Olympics
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The International Olympic Committee has banned Iraq from competing in the upcoming Summer Olympics games because of what it says is political interference by the government in sports.
An Iraqi Olympic Committee official said the IOC sent letters in Arabic and English confirming the ban.
The official said the seven Iraqi athletes who were to travel to China for the games in August are disappointed by the decision
That my friends is too ludicrous for comprehension. Especially considering where the Olympic games will take place.
The IOC is becoming more and more like the UN everyday.
An Iraqi Olympic Committee official said the IOC sent letters in Arabic and English confirming the ban.
The official said the seven Iraqi athletes who were to travel to China for the games in August are disappointed by the decision
That my friends is too ludicrous for comprehension. Especially considering where the Olympic games will take place.
The IOC is becoming more and more like the UN everyday.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Gas Tax For Thee But Not For Me
DNC host's tax-free gas
The committee hosting the Democratic National Convention has used the city's gas pumps to fill up and apparently avoided paying state and federal fuel taxes.
The practice, which began four months ago, may have ended hours after its disclosure. An aide to Mayor John Hickenlooper released a statement Tuesday evening saying that Denver 2008 Host Committee members would pay market prices for fuel and would also be liable for all applicable taxes.
However, Public Works spokeswoman Christine Downs told City Council members just hours before that host committee members were fueling up at the city pumps. The city does not pay taxes on the fuel for its fleet, and Downs said the host committee would not either.
The disclosure brought immediate scrutiny. Colorado Attorney General John Suthers said the practice "would seem" to be illegal and referred the matter to the state Department of Revenue.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Obama:The Surge Was a Bad Strategy
That's my story and I'm sticking to it! What a silly pompous ass, vid HERE.
British forces kill third Taliban commander in as many weeks
As successful as the Taliban in Afghanistan has been according to the MSM and left, they certainly are losing a lot of commanders...
KABUL (Reuters) - A senior Taliban commander in southern Afghanistan surrendered to Pakistani authorities and British forces killed another leader, dealing a "shattering blow" to the militant group's leadership, the British army said on Tuesday.
Hours after his surrender, another senior Taliban commander, Abdul Rasaq, also known as "Mullah Sheikh", was killed in a British missile strike 15 km (9 miles) north of the town of Musa Qala in Helmand on Monday morning, the British army said in a statement. Three other insurgents also died.
Rasaq headed Taliban actions around Musa Qala and was active in the insurgency for a number of years, it said.
KABUL (Reuters) - A senior Taliban commander in southern Afghanistan surrendered to Pakistani authorities and British forces killed another leader, dealing a "shattering blow" to the militant group's leadership, the British army said on Tuesday.
Hours after his surrender, another senior Taliban commander, Abdul Rasaq, also known as "Mullah Sheikh", was killed in a British missile strike 15 km (9 miles) north of the town of Musa Qala in Helmand on Monday morning, the British army said in a statement. Three other insurgents also died.
Rasaq headed Taliban actions around Musa Qala and was active in the insurgency for a number of years, it said.
Less than Half Americans Don't Believe We Cause Warming
Good old run of the mill common sense is alive and well in America today and trumps pseudo scientific elitism every time.
And it's people like this that are setting the record straight:
U.S. Senate Hearing: Climate Scientist Says Warming of 'last 100 years is mostly natural’
Fewer than half of Americans polled by the Pew Research Center believe humans are causing global warming, and a declining number even believe the Earth is experiencing a warming trend.
The survey, conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, finds "roughly half, or 47 percent, of Americans say the Earth is warming because of human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels."
Nearly as many, 45 percent of respondents, contend the higher Earth temperatures are due to "natural environment patterns," that no global warming exists, or that causes cannot be scientifically determined.
And it's people like this that are setting the record straight:
U.S. Senate Hearing: Climate Scientist Says Warming of 'last 100 years is mostly natural’
Monday, July 21, 2008
Indiana AAA
As a former Hoosier (always a Hoosier at heart) I congratulate Gov. Daniels and all right minded legislators of Indiana who have exhibited uncommon common sense and fiscal restraint. It pays off guys....
INDIANAPOLIS— For the first time in the state's history, Indiana's credit rating has been raised to AAA, the highest rating assigned by the independent credit rating agency Standard & Poor's Ratings Service (S&P).
The upgrade from AA+, the state's rating since January 2006, "reflects the state's continued strong management that has led to the property tax reform that has realigned state and local spending and is not expected to impact the state's long-term financial performance.
INDIANAPOLIS— For the first time in the state's history, Indiana's credit rating has been raised to AAA, the highest rating assigned by the independent credit rating agency Standard & Poor's Ratings Service (S&P).
The upgrade from AA+, the state's rating since January 2006, "reflects the state's continued strong management that has led to the property tax reform that has realigned state and local spending and is not expected to impact the state's long-term financial performance.
As Iraqis stop living in fear, end of Iraq war is at hand (headline as written)
'The war in Iraq is over. We won. Which means the Iraqi people won."
When I wrote this on my Web site a few days ago, I set off a mini-firestorm. Perhaps because I have spent more time embedded with combat troops in Iraq than any journalist I know - and have interviewed countless Iraqis and members of the coalition military.
But I stand by my words, just as I stood by my assertion of February 2005 that Iraq was in a state of civil war, and later understood that Al Qaeda was its proximate cause. Those statements went against the vested interests of both Bush supporters who didn't want to admit how bad the situation was in Iraq, and war critics, who didn't want to admit that much of it was Al Qaeda's fault.
Back then, both sides brought out their dictionaries and muddied the water by arguing semantics: What exactly do you mean by a civil war? What exactly do you mean by Al Qaeda?
Read the whole thing, it's not only accurate, it's good.
When I wrote this on my Web site a few days ago, I set off a mini-firestorm. Perhaps because I have spent more time embedded with combat troops in Iraq than any journalist I know - and have interviewed countless Iraqis and members of the coalition military.
But I stand by my words, just as I stood by my assertion of February 2005 that Iraq was in a state of civil war, and later understood that Al Qaeda was its proximate cause. Those statements went against the vested interests of both Bush supporters who didn't want to admit how bad the situation was in Iraq, and war critics, who didn't want to admit that much of it was Al Qaeda's fault.
Back then, both sides brought out their dictionaries and muddied the water by arguing semantics: What exactly do you mean by a civil war? What exactly do you mean by Al Qaeda?
Read the whole thing, it's not only accurate, it's good.
Is Media Playing Fair?
Believe it or not I actually don't have a problem with this whole matter. As long as he receives adequate scrutiny and they refrain from the genuflecting adoration and breathless puff peices, I'm cool with it.
NEW YORK — Television news' royalty will fly in to meet Barack Obama during this week's overseas trip: CBS chief anchor Katie Couric in Jordan on Tuesday, ABC's Charles Gibson in Israel on Wednesday and NBC's Brian Williams in Germany on Thursday.
The anchor blessing defines the trip as a Major Event and - much like a "Saturday Night Live" skit in February that depicted a press corps fawning over Obama - raises anew the issue of fairness in campaign coverage.
The news media have devoted significantly more attention to the Democrat since Hillary Rodham Clinton suspended her campaign and left a two-person contest for the presidency between Obama and Republican John McCain, according to research conducted by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.
NEW YORK — Television news' royalty will fly in to meet Barack Obama during this week's overseas trip: CBS chief anchor Katie Couric in Jordan on Tuesday, ABC's Charles Gibson in Israel on Wednesday and NBC's Brian Williams in Germany on Thursday.
The anchor blessing defines the trip as a Major Event and - much like a "Saturday Night Live" skit in February that depicted a press corps fawning over Obama - raises anew the issue of fairness in campaign coverage.
The news media have devoted significantly more attention to the Democrat since Hillary Rodham Clinton suspended her campaign and left a two-person contest for the presidency between Obama and Republican John McCain, according to research conducted by the Project for Excellence in Journalism.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Pelosi blocks vote on Bush request to lift ban on offshore oil drilling
The Democrats will pay for this in Nov. Just how much is anyones guess.
WASHINGTON – A plan to lift the ban on coastal drilling is stalled on Capitol Hill, for one simple reason: A Californian who opposes President Bush's proposal is calling the shots in the House of Representatives.
Despite growing public support for ending the ban, even in California, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said she won't allow the immediate vote the president wants.
"I have no plans to do so," Pelosi said last week.
WASHINGTON – A plan to lift the ban on coastal drilling is stalled on Capitol Hill, for one simple reason: A Californian who opposes President Bush's proposal is calling the shots in the House of Representatives.
Despite growing public support for ending the ban, even in California, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of San Francisco said she won't allow the immediate vote the president wants.
"I have no plans to do so," Pelosi said last week.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Sunni group rejoins Iraq cabinet
They're all beginning to realize either become a part of the solution or become completely irrelevant.
BAGHDAD, July 19 (UPI) -- A group of disgruntled Sunni Arab lawmakers have rejoined Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's cabinet in a key reconciliation step, observers say.
Six ministers from the Sunni Accordance Front, which left the government a year ago to protest Shiite unwillingness to share power, have rejoined al-Maliki's cabinet, the BBC reported Saturday. The move was hailed as an important step in persuading the country's Sunni Arab minority to participate in upcoming provincial elections.
An Accordance Front spokesman, Salim al-Joubouri, told the BBC that the bloc's candidates would attend the next Iraq cabinet meeting.
BAGHDAD, July 19 (UPI) -- A group of disgruntled Sunni Arab lawmakers have rejoined Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's cabinet in a key reconciliation step, observers say.
Six ministers from the Sunni Accordance Front, which left the government a year ago to protest Shiite unwillingness to share power, have rejoined al-Maliki's cabinet, the BBC reported Saturday. The move was hailed as an important step in persuading the country's Sunni Arab minority to participate in upcoming provincial elections.
An Accordance Front spokesman, Salim al-Joubouri, told the BBC that the bloc's candidates would attend the next Iraq cabinet meeting.
Olbermann calls Bud Day a "clown"
I'd like to think that Olbermann says these things because he just an attention whore unfortunately the imbecile actually believes it.
Vile MSNBC Obamabot Keith Olbermann has outdone even himself with his "Worst Person in the World" segment tonight. He gave that award to America's most decorated living veteran, Bud Day, calling him a "clown" because he said recently he was not prepared to bow the knee to the "Muslims," referring to Muslim terrorists who seek to destroy America. Olbermann went nuts on Day, calling him a racist and religious hater. Of course, Olbermann never mentioned that Day is America's most decorated living veteran, and did not show one ounce of deference for a man who has given so much for his country.
Every American should demand that MSNBC/NBC force Olbermann to apologize for speaking of this great man in such a disrespectful fashion. Every single night, Olbermann shows America who the "clown" is -- and it is not Bud Day.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Bush, Maliki agree 'time horizon' for US drawdown
Unfortunate timing for Barack Hussein...
TUCSON, Arizona (AFP) — US President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki have agreed on "a general time horizon," not an "arbitrary timetable" for a drawdown of US forces, the White House said Friday.
In talks by video conference Thursday, Bush and Maliki said improving security conditions in Iraq should allow for including that goal in a pending long-term diplomatic and security pact, said spokeswoman Dana Perino.
"Improving conditions should allow for the agreements now under negotiation to include a general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals -- such as the resumption of Iraqi security control in their cities and provinces and the further reduction of US combat forces from Iraq," she said in a statement
TUCSON, Arizona (AFP) — US President George W. Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki have agreed on "a general time horizon," not an "arbitrary timetable" for a drawdown of US forces, the White House said Friday.
In talks by video conference Thursday, Bush and Maliki said improving security conditions in Iraq should allow for including that goal in a pending long-term diplomatic and security pact, said spokeswoman Dana Perino.
"Improving conditions should allow for the agreements now under negotiation to include a general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals -- such as the resumption of Iraqi security control in their cities and provinces and the further reduction of US combat forces from Iraq," she said in a statement
Thursday, July 17, 2008
California as No. in taxation
Way to go Arnie.
New York City has long been the highest tax jurisdiction in the United States, but California politicians are proposing to steal that brass tiara. California faces a $15 billion budget deficit and Democrats who rule the state Legislature have proposed closing the gap with a $9.7 billion tax hike on business and "the rich." There's a movie that describes this idea: Clueless.
The plan would raise the top marginal income tax rate to 12% from 10.3%; that would be the highest in the nation and twice the national average. This plan would also repeal indexing for inflation, which is a sneaky way for politicians to push middle-income Californians into higher tax brackets every year, especially when prices are rising as they are now. The corporate income tax rate would also rise to 9.3% from 8.4%. So in the face of one of the worst real-estate recessions in the state's history, the politicians want to raise taxes on businesses that are still making money.
One bright note concerning Californias 15B shortfall; It makes it all the more likely that they will look at authorizing and taxing offshore drilling as a means of generating a potential windfall of revenue.
New York City has long been the highest tax jurisdiction in the United States, but California politicians are proposing to steal that brass tiara. California faces a $15 billion budget deficit and Democrats who rule the state Legislature have proposed closing the gap with a $9.7 billion tax hike on business and "the rich." There's a movie that describes this idea: Clueless.
The plan would raise the top marginal income tax rate to 12% from 10.3%; that would be the highest in the nation and twice the national average. This plan would also repeal indexing for inflation, which is a sneaky way for politicians to push middle-income Californians into higher tax brackets every year, especially when prices are rising as they are now. The corporate income tax rate would also rise to 9.3% from 8.4%. So in the face of one of the worst real-estate recessions in the state's history, the politicians want to raise taxes on businesses that are still making money.
One bright note concerning Californias 15B shortfall; It makes it all the more likely that they will look at authorizing and taxing offshore drilling as a means of generating a potential windfall of revenue.
3.9m acres in Alaska Freed for Drilling
It's a start.
The US federal government on Wednesday said it would open 3.9m acres of land in a designated petroleum reserve in Alaska for drilling as a means to help curb rising petrol prices.
“This is welcome news at a time when Americans are paying record prices at the pump,” said C. Stephen Allred, assistant US Secretary for Land and Minerals. “Together with proposed new production from other offshore and onshore areas, these increased supplies will help to stabilise energy costs.’’
The Alaska decision follows one by President George W. Bush on Monday to lift a presidential ban on drilling on the US outer continental shelf, off Florida. That decision still requires Congress to lift a separate ban on the area before the area can be leased for development
The US federal government on Wednesday said it would open 3.9m acres of land in a designated petroleum reserve in Alaska for drilling as a means to help curb rising petrol prices.
“This is welcome news at a time when Americans are paying record prices at the pump,” said C. Stephen Allred, assistant US Secretary for Land and Minerals. “Together with proposed new production from other offshore and onshore areas, these increased supplies will help to stabilise energy costs.’’
The Alaska decision follows one by President George W. Bush on Monday to lift a presidential ban on drilling on the US outer continental shelf, off Florida. That decision still requires Congress to lift a separate ban on the area before the area can be leased for development
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Quote of the Week
"The atmospheric greenhouse effect is a flea on the back of an oceanic elephant and the influence of CO2 but a microbe on the back of the flea and the influence of anthropogenic CO2 but a molecule on the back of the microbe."
Stephen Wilde
Stephen Wilde
Sniffer dogs to wear ‘Muslim’ bootees
Good grief...
Police sniffer dogs will have to wear bootees when searching the homes of Muslims so as not to cause offence. Guidelines being drawn up by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) urge awareness of religious sensitivities when using dogs to search for drugs and explosives.
The guidelines, to be published this year, were designed to cover mosques but have been extended to include other buildings. Where Muslims object, officers will be obliged to use sniffer dogs only in exceptional cases.
Where dogs are used, they will have to wear bootees with rubber soles. “We are trying to ensure that police forces are aware of sensitivities that people can have with the dogs to make sure they are not going against any religious or cultural element within people’s homes.
Police sniffer dogs will have to wear bootees when searching the homes of Muslims so as not to cause offence. Guidelines being drawn up by the Association of Chief Police Officers (Acpo) urge awareness of religious sensitivities when using dogs to search for drugs and explosives.
The guidelines, to be published this year, were designed to cover mosques but have been extended to include other buildings. Where Muslims object, officers will be obliged to use sniffer dogs only in exceptional cases.
Where dogs are used, they will have to wear bootees with rubber soles. “We are trying to ensure that police forces are aware of sensitivities that people can have with the dogs to make sure they are not going against any religious or cultural element within people’s homes.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Archbishop of Canterbury: 'Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims'
Unforunately Judaism, Hinduism and every other belief on earth is offensive to Muslims. BTW dhimmitude and in particular sharia is offensive to all the aforementioned as well as the vast majority of seculars in the world so perhaps Archbishop YOU should STFU.
Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today.
Dr Rowan Williams also criticised Christiaity in history for its violence, harsh use of punishments, and its betrayal of its peaceful principles.
His acknowledgement of Christian faults came in a highly conciliatory letter to Islamic leaders calling for an alliance between the two faiths for 'the common good'.
It risked fresh controversy for the Archbishop in the wake of his pronouncement earlier this year that a place should be found for Islamic sharia law in the British legal system.
Christian doctrine is offensive to Muslims, the Archbishop of Canterbury said today.
Dr Rowan Williams also criticised Christiaity in history for its violence, harsh use of punishments, and its betrayal of its peaceful principles.
His acknowledgement of Christian faults came in a highly conciliatory letter to Islamic leaders calling for an alliance between the two faiths for 'the common good'.
It risked fresh controversy for the Archbishop in the wake of his pronouncement earlier this year that a place should be found for Islamic sharia law in the British legal system.
District Leaders Announce New Handgun Regulations
District residents will be able to keep a handgun in the home for self-defense but that right would be limited to the home and not outside it, city leaders said today, announcing new gun regulations in response to the Supreme Court's recent ruling striking down the city's handgun ban.
Gun owners will have to pass vision and written tests, provide a photo with their application to register a gun, and submit their weapon for ballistics testing. Guns will also still require trigger locks.
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and interim Attorney General Peter J. Nickles announced the regulations alongside D.C. Council Chairman Vincent G. Gray (D), Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) and several other council members.
It ain't gonna fly....
The 5-4 majority decision said: “3.The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment.”
It doesn't get any clearer than that and the feeble attempt by the mayor and council to nip at the edges of this ruling will be struck down in short order.
Gun owners will have to pass vision and written tests, provide a photo with their application to register a gun, and submit their weapon for ballistics testing. Guns will also still require trigger locks.
Mayor Adrian M. Fenty (D) and interim Attorney General Peter J. Nickles announced the regulations alongside D.C. Council Chairman Vincent G. Gray (D), Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) and several other council members.
It ain't gonna fly....
The 5-4 majority decision said: “3.The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment.”
It doesn't get any clearer than that and the feeble attempt by the mayor and council to nip at the edges of this ruling will be struck down in short order.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Pres Bush Lifts Offshore Drilling Ban
As we used to say "now it's time to get down to the nut cuttin"...
In a Rose Garden statement on Monday, the president plans to lift the ban. But by itself, the move will not lead to more drilling off America's coastline.
Congress must still lift its own legislative ban before offshore drilling can happen.
White House press secretary Dana Perino says Bush is acting now in hopes of spurring Congress to act. So far, lawmakers have shown no interest in doing so.
In a Rose Garden statement on Monday, the president plans to lift the ban. But by itself, the move will not lead to more drilling off America's coastline.
Congress must still lift its own legislative ban before offshore drilling can happen.
White House press secretary Dana Perino says Bush is acting now in hopes of spurring Congress to act. So far, lawmakers have shown no interest in doing so.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
McKinney for President as Green Candidate

(CNN) -- The liberal environmentalist Green Party nominated former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney as its presidential candidate Saturday. Cynthia McKinney represented a suburban Atlanta, Georgia, district for six terms as a Democrat.
Cynthia McKinney represented a suburban Atlanta, Georgia, district for six terms as a Democrat.
McKinney, 53, held off three rivals to win the party's nomination during its convention in Chicago, Illinois. She picked journalist and activist Rosa Clemente as her running mate.
But it Looked so Real!
A "man wearing a T-shirt depicting a cartoon character holding a gun was stopped from boarding a flight by the security at Heathrow's Terminal 5," The BBC reported on June 1.
Brad Jayakody, from Bayswater, central London, said he was "stumped" at the objection to his Transformers T-shirt.
Mr. Jayakody, a clean-shaven young man with eyeglasses and short hair, said the incident happened in mid May, when he was challenged by an official during a pre-flight security check.
It wasn't even loaded!
Brad Jayakody, from Bayswater, central London, said he was "stumped" at the objection to his Transformers T-shirt.
Mr. Jayakody, a clean-shaven young man with eyeglasses and short hair, said the incident happened in mid May, when he was challenged by an official during a pre-flight security check.
"He says, 'We won't be able to let you through because your T-shirt has got a gun on it'," Mr. Jayakody told reporters.
"I was like, 'What are you talking about?'
"(The goon's) supervisor comes over and goes, 'Sorry, we can't let you through and you've a gun on your T-shirt.' "
It wasn't even loaded!
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Tony Snow, Former White House Press Secretary and Fox News Anchor is Dead at 53

Tony Snow, the former White House press secretary and conservative pundit who bedeviled the press corps and charmed millions as a FOX News television and radio host, has died after a long bout with cancer. He was 53.
A syndicated columnist, editor, TV anchor, radio show host and musician, Snow worked in nearly every medium in a career that spanned more than 30 years.
Snow joined FOX in 1996 as the original anchor of FOX News Sunday, and hosted Weekend Live and a radio program, The Tony Snow Show, before departing in 2006. A sometime fill-in host for Rush Limbaugh, Snow said he loved the intimacy of his radio audience.
"It's a tremendous loss for us who knew him, but it's also a loss for the country," Roger Ailes, Chairman of FOX News, said Saturday morning about Snow, calling him a "renaissance man."
And at least one blog anticipates the predictably classless reaction from the left and battens down the hatches.
HuffPost Closes Comments On Snow's Death Announcement
BTW has anyone noticed that when Tim Russert passed it was wall to wall coverage but Tony has gotten significant mention on only one network...Fox. Anyone surprised?
Friday, July 11, 2008
Texas County Official Sees Race in Term 'Black Hole'
A more appropriate description would be "Black A-hole".
DALLAS — What do "black hole," "angel food cake," and "devil's food cake" have in common?
They're all racist terms, says a Dallas County, Texas, official.
A county commissioners' meeting this week over traffic tickets turned into a tense discussion over race when one commissioner said the county's collections office was like a certain astronomical phenomenon.
"It sounds like Central Collections has become a black hole," Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said during the Monday meeting.
DALLAS — What do "black hole," "angel food cake," and "devil's food cake" have in common?
They're all racist terms, says a Dallas County, Texas, official.
A county commissioners' meeting this week over traffic tickets turned into a tense discussion over race when one commissioner said the county's collections office was like a certain astronomical phenomenon.
"It sounds like Central Collections has become a black hole," Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said during the Monday meeting.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Obama: Kids Should Learn Spanish
You mean like George Bush?
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama lamented legislative pushes to make English the official language of the United States and said Americans should instead focus on making sure their children learn Spanish at a recent campaign stop.
“I don’t understand when people are going around worrying about, we need to have English only. They want to pass a law, we just, we want English only,” Obama told supporters in Powder Springs, Georgia on Tuesday. “Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English, I agree with this. But understand this, instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they’ll learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”
He continued his thoughts by expressing embarrassment at Americans’ language skills compared to the Europeans. “You should be thinking about how can your child become bilingual,” he said. “We should have every child speaking more than one language. It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beacoup, right?”
Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama lamented legislative pushes to make English the official language of the United States and said Americans should instead focus on making sure their children learn Spanish at a recent campaign stop.
“I don’t understand when people are going around worrying about, we need to have English only. They want to pass a law, we just, we want English only,” Obama told supporters in Powder Springs, Georgia on Tuesday. “Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English, I agree with this. But understand this, instead of worrying about whether immigrants can learn English, they’ll learn English, you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish.”
He continued his thoughts by expressing embarrassment at Americans’ language skills compared to the Europeans. “You should be thinking about how can your child become bilingual,” he said. “We should have every child speaking more than one language. It’s embarrassing when Europeans come over here, they all speak English, they speak French, they speak German. And then we go over to Europe and all we can say is merci beacoup, right?”
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Reid: It's Bush's Fault
BWAAAAHAHAHAHA....this guy is priceless.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) today pointed to President Bush’s unpopularity as an explanation for Congress’s single-digit approval rating.
"Any time you have a president that is down so, so far in poll numbers, it drags down a city councilmember. It drags down any elected official, including us, and we recognize that," Reid said when asked about Congress’s rating.
Rasmussen reported today that Congress’s approval rating has slipped to 9 percent—down two percentage points from last month, and the first-ever single-digit rating for Congress in Rasmussen’s history.
Polls this month show Bush’s approval between 29 and 30 percent. But Reid said pollsters told him Bush’s rating is lower.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) today pointed to President Bush’s unpopularity as an explanation for Congress’s single-digit approval rating.
"Any time you have a president that is down so, so far in poll numbers, it drags down a city councilmember. It drags down any elected official, including us, and we recognize that," Reid said when asked about Congress’s rating.
Rasmussen reported today that Congress’s approval rating has slipped to 9 percent—down two percentage points from last month, and the first-ever single-digit rating for Congress in Rasmussen’s history.
Polls this month show Bush’s approval between 29 and 30 percent. But Reid said pollsters told him Bush’s rating is lower.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Worst Congressional Approval Rating Ever
We asked just a little over two weeks ago how long it would be before we saw this. Well, now we know. Congressional Aproval Rating falls to single digits.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Obama denies protection for infants of botched abortions
There's liars and then there's damned liars....
A pro-life activist in Illinois says Barack Obama has repeatedly mischaracterized his opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act while he was a state senator.
The Federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act was signed into law in 2002 after receiving unanimous support from the U.S. Senate. The measure that forces hospitals to give medical care to abortion survivors -- if warranted -- even received the backing of liberal senators Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts ), Barbara Boxer (D-California), and Hillary Clinton (D-New York).
Obama now says he did not support the Illinois measure because it "lacked the Federal language clarifying the act would not be used to undermine Roe vs. Wade."
Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek recently wrote a column for titled "Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide." She points out Obama actively opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act for three years in the Illinois senate.
A pro-life activist in Illinois says Barack Obama has repeatedly mischaracterized his opposition to the Illinois Born Alive Infants Protection Act while he was a state senator.
The Federal Born Alive Infants Protection Act was signed into law in 2002 after receiving unanimous support from the U.S. Senate. The measure that forces hospitals to give medical care to abortion survivors -- if warranted -- even received the backing of liberal senators Ted Kennedy (D-Massachusetts ), Barbara Boxer (D-California), and Hillary Clinton (D-New York).
Obama now says he did not support the Illinois measure because it "lacked the Federal language clarifying the act would not be used to undermine Roe vs. Wade."
Pro-life blogger Jill Stanek recently wrote a column for titled "Obama's biggest lie about supporting infanticide." She points out Obama actively opposed the Born Alive Infants Protection Act for three years in the Illinois senate.
Laura Ingraham 's TV Show is History
I like Laura a lot but after watching only a few times one could predict that her new show on Fox was going to be shortlived.
DCRTV hears that Fox News has decided to end its 5 PM Laura Ingraham (right) experiment after just three weeks. The DC-based right-leaning host has already returned to her national radio show and will continue to fill-in on Bill O'Reilly's TV show. Fox will return to "America's Election HQ" at 5 PM, with rotating hosts.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
AQI on Borrowed Time
Despite the very best efforts of the left in this country and around the world this thing is most decidedly coming down in favor of the good guys.
American and Iraqi forces are driving Al-Qaeda in Iraq out of its last redoubt in the north of the country in the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror.
After being forced from its strongholds in the west and centre of Iraq in the past two years, Al-Qaeda’s dwindling band of fighters has made a defiant “last stand” in the northern city of Mosul.
A huge operation to crush the 1,200 fighters who remained from a terrorist force once estimated at more than 12,000 began on May 10.
Operation Lion’s Roar, in which the Iraqi army combined forces with the Americans’ 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment, has already resulted in the death of Abu Khalaf, the Al-Qaeda leader, and the capture of more than 1,000 suspects.
The group has been reduced to hit-and-run attacks, including one that killed two off-duty policemen yesterday, and sporadic bombings aimed at killing large numbers of officials and civilians.
American and Iraqi forces are driving Al-Qaeda in Iraq out of its last redoubt in the north of the country in the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror.
After being forced from its strongholds in the west and centre of Iraq in the past two years, Al-Qaeda’s dwindling band of fighters has made a defiant “last stand” in the northern city of Mosul.
A huge operation to crush the 1,200 fighters who remained from a terrorist force once estimated at more than 12,000 began on May 10.
Operation Lion’s Roar, in which the Iraqi army combined forces with the Americans’ 3rd Armoured Cavalry Regiment, has already resulted in the death of Abu Khalaf, the Al-Qaeda leader, and the capture of more than 1,000 suspects.
The group has been reduced to hit-and-run attacks, including one that killed two off-duty policemen yesterday, and sporadic bombings aimed at killing large numbers of officials and civilians.
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Growing Number say NO SALE
This has to change dramatically as Obama Hussein can't win with half of clinton's support staying home.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- One week after Sen. Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Sen. Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.
A growing number of Clinton supporters polled say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, an indication the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.
According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Friday, the number of Clinton supporters who plan to defect to Republican Sen. John McCain's camp is down from one month ago, but -- in what could be an ominous sign for Obama as he seeks to unify the party -- the number of them who say they plan to vote for Obama is also down, and a growing number say they may not vote at all.
In a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey completed in early June before the New York senator ended her White House bid, 60 percent of Clinton backers polled said they planned on voting for Obama. In the latest poll, that number has dropped to 54 percent.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- One week after Sen. Hillary Clinton made a public show of unity with Sen. Barack Obama, a new survey suggests supporters of the New York senator are increasingly less likely to follow her lead.
A growing number of Clinton supporters polled say they may stay home in November instead of casting their ballot for Obama, an indication the party has yet to coalesce around the Illinois senator four weeks after the most prolonged and at times divisive primary race in modern American history came to a close.
According to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Friday, the number of Clinton supporters who plan to defect to Republican Sen. John McCain's camp is down from one month ago, but -- in what could be an ominous sign for Obama as he seeks to unify the party -- the number of them who say they plan to vote for Obama is also down, and a growing number say they may not vote at all.
In a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey completed in early June before the New York senator ended her White House bid, 60 percent of Clinton backers polled said they planned on voting for Obama. In the latest poll, that number has dropped to 54 percent.
Al Qaeda Expanding Recruitment Of Children
Dipping in to the "seed corn", the last desperate act of a dying effort.
Al Qaeda has successfully established a network for recruiting boys as young as 12 from across central Asia as it seeks new volunteers to enlarge its team of prospective suicide bombers and militants fighters, senior security officials from the Middle East have revealed to CBS News.
News of al Qaeda venturing into the former Soviet central Asian republics with a population that has a largely Muslim heritage marks a significant addition to reports earlier this year that the hardline group had recruited young boys in the Pak-Afghan border region.
Last May, a senior Pakistani security official showed a rare video clip to CBS News documenting a boy, barely 12 years old, using a machete to severe the head of a middle-aged man whom militants probably suspected as being a spy for the U.S.
Al Qaeda has successfully established a network for recruiting boys as young as 12 from across central Asia as it seeks new volunteers to enlarge its team of prospective suicide bombers and militants fighters, senior security officials from the Middle East have revealed to CBS News.
News of al Qaeda venturing into the former Soviet central Asian republics with a population that has a largely Muslim heritage marks a significant addition to reports earlier this year that the hardline group had recruited young boys in the Pak-Afghan border region.
Last May, a senior Pakistani security official showed a rare video clip to CBS News documenting a boy, barely 12 years old, using a machete to severe the head of a middle-aged man whom militants probably suspected as being a spy for the U.S.
Friday, July 04, 2008
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Has McCain Chosen His VP?
As always I'm terribly leary of anonymous sources especially being offered up by a mag hardly known for their political savvy. That being said the author does make some legitimate points.
Sen. John McCain will choose businessman and former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney as Vice President, in his bid for the White House this November, a source closely connected with the McCain campaign, who asked to remain anonymous, told us earlier this afternoon.
Though others were close in the running, the choice ultimately came down to the money–not the man. According to our source, the campaign narrowed their Vice Presidential options to Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, the two most successful opponents of McCain in the bid for the Republican nomination. But despite Huckabee’s sway with far Right conservatives and evangelical voters, Romney packs the deepest fund-raising pockets.
As a successful businessman and prominent member of the staggeringly wealthy Mormon community, Romney brings with him the potential to raise “upwards of $60 million in 30 to 60 days, whereas Huckabee could only raise $10 to $15 million,” says our source.
Sen. John McCain will choose businessman and former Massachusetts Governor, Mitt Romney as Vice President, in his bid for the White House this November, a source closely connected with the McCain campaign, who asked to remain anonymous, told us earlier this afternoon.
Though others were close in the running, the choice ultimately came down to the money–not the man. According to our source, the campaign narrowed their Vice Presidential options to Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, the two most successful opponents of McCain in the bid for the Republican nomination. But despite Huckabee’s sway with far Right conservatives and evangelical voters, Romney packs the deepest fund-raising pockets.
As a successful businessman and prominent member of the staggeringly wealthy Mormon community, Romney brings with him the potential to raise “upwards of $60 million in 30 to 60 days, whereas Huckabee could only raise $10 to $15 million,” says our source.
U.S., Poland strike missile deal while Russia objects
Poland continues to be one of our greatest allies.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States and Poland have reached a tentative deal to place part of a ballistic missile defense system on its territory, a plan that has drawn sharp objections from Russia, a senior administration official said Wednesday.
Poland's political establishment still has to sign off on the deal and determine the next steps, the official said.
The agreement came after several days of negotiations and less than a week before a planned visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The United States and Poland have reached a tentative deal to place part of a ballistic missile defense system on its territory, a plan that has drawn sharp objections from Russia, a senior administration official said Wednesday.
Poland's political establishment still has to sign off on the deal and determine the next steps, the official said.
The agreement came after several days of negotiations and less than a week before a planned visit by U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Sunnis close to joining Iraqi government
Wait, the left says any progress in Iraq is smoke and mirrors!
BAGHDAD • Iraq's main Sunni Arab bloc is close to rejoining the Shia-led government, officials said yesterday, a move that would amount to a long-awaited political breakthrough.
Getting the Accordance Front to return to government after it quit nearly a year ago is widely seen as a key step in reconciling feuding factions after years of sectarian conflict. Sunni Arabs have little voice in the current cabinet, which is dominated by Shias and ethnic Kurds.
Asked if the Front was set to rejoin, spokesman Salim Al Jubouri said: "Yes. Many of our demands have been executed ... sharing of responsibility, the issuance of the
amnesty law."
BAGHDAD • Iraq's main Sunni Arab bloc is close to rejoining the Shia-led government, officials said yesterday, a move that would amount to a long-awaited political breakthrough.
Getting the Accordance Front to return to government after it quit nearly a year ago is widely seen as a key step in reconciling feuding factions after years of sectarian conflict. Sunni Arabs have little voice in the current cabinet, which is dominated by Shias and ethnic Kurds.
Asked if the Front was set to rejoin, spokesman Salim Al Jubouri said: "Yes. Many of our demands have been executed ... sharing of responsibility, the issuance of the
amnesty law."
Mitt Odds on Fav?
Hmmmmm, interesting
When former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney dropped out of the presidential race on February 7, GOP insiders and observers in the press figured he would be persona non grata in John McCain's campaign.
During the primary, the distaste that McCain felt for Romney (and, to an extent, vice versa) was palpable, surfacing quite clearly at times during debates. The two campaign staffs battled daily for the better part of a year, a bitter back and forth that furthered the storyline that the two men could never share a GOP presidential ticket.
And yet, over the last few weeks, Romney seems to be at the center of the national veep buzz. The Politico's Mike Allen penned a piece earlier this week entitled "Romney Tops McCain Veep List," in which he codified that conventional wisdom nicely.
When former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney dropped out of the presidential race on February 7, GOP insiders and observers in the press figured he would be persona non grata in John McCain's campaign.
During the primary, the distaste that McCain felt for Romney (and, to an extent, vice versa) was palpable, surfacing quite clearly at times during debates. The two campaign staffs battled daily for the better part of a year, a bitter back and forth that furthered the storyline that the two men could never share a GOP presidential ticket.
And yet, over the last few weeks, Romney seems to be at the center of the national veep buzz. The Politico's Mike Allen penned a piece earlier this week entitled "Romney Tops McCain Veep List," in which he codified that conventional wisdom nicely.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Grand Jury Clears Texan in the Killing of 2 Burglars
It's so refreshing when the justice system works.
HOUSTON — A grand jury on Monday refused to indict a 62-year-old man who fatally shot two burglars last November as they fled his neighbor’s house.
In a case that raised questions of ethnic bias, self-defense and property rights, the jury rejected charges against the man, Joe Horn, who is white. Both victims were illegal immigrants from Colombia.
HOUSTON — A grand jury on Monday refused to indict a 62-year-old man who fatally shot two burglars last November as they fled his neighbor’s house.
In a case that raised questions of ethnic bias, self-defense and property rights, the jury rejected charges against the man, Joe Horn, who is white. Both victims were illegal immigrants from Colombia.
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