Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Greenspan Urges Action on Social Security

Contrary to the lefts "no big deal" attitude toward fixing Social Security, Alan Greenspan reitterated again his concern for the program and the need for immediate action:

WASHINGTON - Federal Reserve (news - web sites) Chairman Alan Greenspan (news - web sites) urged Congress Wednesday to move quickly to fix the financing problems in Social Security (news - web sites) and Medicare, arguing that delay will only make the country's budgetary problems more severe

Greenspan again endorsed the key part of President Bush (news - web sites)'s Social Security overhaul to set up private accounts, but he stressed that much more needed to be done to put the giant retirement program and Medicare, which he said faced even more severe financial strains, on a more sound footing.

The liberals in Congress can just say he's another ignorant misinformed redneck that doesn't know what he's talking about who's out to hurt old people and the country.....or can they?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just hope it's not too late to do any good