Sunday, March 13, 2005

Free Heroin in Canada

Another progressive and ridiculous idea coming from the Great White North. One good thing though, maybe the promise of La La Land will cause mass exodus of our addicts.

VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Just over the United States northwest border, addicts will soon be able to get their fix from the Canadian government in the form of free heroin (search) administered by nurses and doctors on the taxpayer's dime.

"They're using heroin. They'll continue to use heroin. What we're trying to do is prevent them from getting something irreversible like HIV, hep [hepatitis] C and overdose death,” said Dr. Martin Schechter, the director of the heroin program.

Their entire philosophy is this: You should never socially engineer ones behavior regardless of how adverse it's effects on society or self destructive that behavior may be. These people are misguided, defeatist and superficial in their thought and action.


Anonymous said...

If the U.S. government is to be small, it cannot attempt to prescribe people's behavior. It can only limit their harm to others. The only thing wrong with the Canadian government dispensing heroin to addicts is that the government is paying for it. The addicts should be paying for it, and it should be sold by pharmacists to adults without prescription.

The U.S. had morphine addicts a-plenty before drugs were turned into the province of the federal government. The 'solution' to the problem of drug addiction was to make everyone who uses some drugs into criminals. Before we had addicts that could live their lives, though addicted to this stuff, because they could afford it--any pharmacist would sell it to them--and law didn't put up with them being uncivilized about their addictions (like it deals with alcohol today). Now we have multimillion dollar drug cartels based on the law of the jungle, and the law is overwhelmed trying to play nanny state.

traderrob said...

Awfully Libertarian of you GW...