Sunday, March 06, 2005

Cellucci says Canada reneged on missile plan

If you were paying close attention, you probably noticed the administration appeared to be caught a bit off-guard on this. The following may explain why.
Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to Canada Paul Cellucci said American officials were
given the direct impression that Canada was going to participate in the U.S.-led
ballistic missile-defence plan.

He said Americans were "perplexed" at the decision not to participate because
"we've been pretty much assured for a long time that Canada wanted to
participate, that this was in Canada's sovereign interest to participate."
Are you reminded of anyone else when you read this story? Care to take a guess, only one because it's easy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Canada knows they will be saved in the event they are attacked. They just want a free ride. Pathetic, but not surprising.