Tuesday, March 08, 2005

All we Can Say Tereeeza is ...Thank You

Terrrreeeeeza is back on the Nationwide "Promote Thyself Tour" and in what has become predictable behavior, sticking her foot in it again.
"Nobody told me what to do," she told a Saturday fund-raiser here.
implicit afterword: Nobody better try. (No, please, don't say a word, just
get more rope)
You cannot have bishops in the pulpit long before or the Sunday before the
election -- as they did in Catholic churches, saying it was a mortal sin to vote
for John Kerry," she said. (Say what?)
COUNTING THE VOTES: Heinz Kerry is openly skeptical about results from
November's election, particularly in sections of the country where optical
scanners were used to record votes.
"Two brothers own 80 percent of the
machines used in the United States," Heinz Kerry said. She identified both as
"hard-right" Republicans. She argued that it is "very easy to hack into the
mother machines." (Wow, GWs gonna owe them bigtime)
With a Bush margin of a little over 3 million votes, one could reasonably argue that Terrreeeza was what pushed GW over the top. Everytime the women opened her mouth J K waved goodbye to 100,000 votes or so. Other then the maniacal left, no one could realistically picture her as first lady nor did they want too.

So let us all say it again....Thanks T and BTW, when were you planning on starting to campaign for Hillary...real soon? Next week maybe???


Anonymous said...

Go Girl!

Anonymous said...

They've got the article wrong - she's dropped the "Kerry."

Dan said...

Where were the mother machines in Illinois when we needed them?