Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Poll: Trump tied for first in race for GOP nod

I've never had much faith in CNN polling but this is interesting nonetheless.
Real estate mogul Donald Trump is tied for first in the race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, according to a new poll of Republicans.

Nineteen percent of Republicans named Trump, who is flirting with a run for the party's presidential nomination, as their top choice for the nomination, according to a CNN/Opinion Research poll released Tuesday. Another 13 percent said Trump was their second choice in a nominee.


Anonymous said...

This poll is a lie! Ron Paul is easily the favorite, and the only candidate that could actually give Soetoro, if eligible, doubt it, a run for his mega corporate/Wall Street money! (you know, the money that was stolen from the tax payers, in the form of "bail-outs" for things like this) ...that is, unless Trump's investigators find the evidence, or lack thereof (in this case), that Soetoro is simply not eligible, which could possibly pole-vault Trump into a viable candidacy!

Anonymous said...

When are we going to wise up and quit letting the press and Rino Party Hacks chose our candidates?????????