Monday, December 21, 2009

Would Geraldo Quit If FOX News Hires Lou Dobbs?

The door couldn't possibly hit him in the a$$ fast enough. BTW, take Shep with you.
Over the weekend, the Daily News reported that Fox News host Geraldo Rivera has told Fox News founder and chairman Roger Ailes he'll quit if Ailes hires Lou Dobbs.

Rivera tells Rush & Molloy, "I never threatened to quit," adding, "The last time I checked, no one here was talking to the a-—." A rep for Ailes concurs, telling the paper he isn't looking to add Dobbs to either FNC or FBN.

And all this reminded us about a situation a few years ago just after Rivera signed a reported 6-year $36m contract with NBC. In August, 1998 Newsweek reported on a riff between Rivera and then NBC Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw. Rivera complained in a TV Guide interview that promos for his CNBC show "Rivera Live" didn't air during "Nightly" because Brokaw banned them. He also seemed to be gunning for Brokaw's job, telling TV Guide he was, "in the running for the center chair at the desk of the wise men."

A day after the quotes leaked, Rivera issued this statement: "Tom Brokaw is a great newsman who does a terrific job and the rivalry between us is grossly overstated." He also explained that his ambition to be "the news anchor for the next millennium" did not extend beyond his role as a CNBC host.

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