Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Tutu: Mugabe is a Frankenstein for his people

Brothers in Marxism just the same.

Nobel peace laureate Desmond Tutu labeled Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe "Frankenstein" and called for other countries to intervene before the country descended into bloodshed. Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu has labelled Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe a "Frankenstein for his people"

International military action against Mugabe's regime, however, is unlikely, said Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith. And Friday's runoff election in the country will go on "no matter what," said the U.S. ambassador in Zimbabwe.

Tutu -- speaking from Capetown, South Africa -- told Australian television that Mugabe has disappointed many who held him in high regard for his role in liberating the country from "the shackles of colonialism."

The "shackles of colonialism" don't look so bad by comparison eh TUTU?

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