Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rasmussen 11/21

The all important South Carolina...

The good news for Romney:

Fred Thompson 21%
Mitt Romney 21%
Rudy Giuliani 13%
Mike Huckabee 12%
John McCain 9%
Ron Paul 8%

Very Favorable:

Fred Thompson 32% * Mitt Romney 28% * Rudy Giuliani 24% * Mike Huckabee 22% * John McCain 19% * Ron Paul 14%

Very Unfavorable:

Ron Paul 25% * John McCain 12% * Mike Huckabee 9% * Rudy Giuliani 8% * Mitt Romney 8% * Fred Thompson 4%

Voters who will certainly vote for their choice

Fred Thompson 24% * Rudy Giuliani 16% * Mitt Romney 16% * Mike Huckabee15% * John McCain 13% * Ron Paul 12%

The bad news for Romney...his support is the softest as 68% are open to changing their mind, while every other candidate is between 47-57%.

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