Solid numbers.
WASHINGTON — Fred Thompson's fundraising in his first go-round as a declared presidential candidate could offer some surprisingly strong numbers as the entire field of 2008 candidates gets down to counting up their booties in the third-quarter money chase.
FOX News has learned that Thompson, the former Tennessee senator, will report having raised in excess of $8 million dollars in this quarter of the fiscal year. That's in addition to $3.5 million he raised in June.
According to Thompson aides, the campaign raised $200,000 a day since "announcing" his candidacy after Labor Day. Thompson had more than 70,000 donors, which far outpaces most candidates in both fields in their first quarters as candidates.
Tough to negatively spin that.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Murtha Must Testify in Defamation Case

A Marine Corps sergeant is suing the 18-term congressman for alleging ''cold-blooded murder and war crimes'' by unnamed soldiers in connection with the deaths of Iraqi civilians in the town of Haditha. The deaths became prominent in May 2006 when Murtha, who opposes the Iraq war, said at a Capitol Hill news conference that a Pentagon war crimes investigation will show Marines killed dozens of innocent Iraqi civilians in the town in 2005.
U.S. District Judge Rosemary M. Collyer .... said she was troubled by the idea the lawmakers are immune from lawsuits regardless of what they say to advance their political careers.
Amen Judge Collyer, AMEN.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Latest Iowa Poll
As predicted the current Newsweek Poll shows the field tightening in Iowa.
Total------------------------Likely Republican Caucus-Goer
25 Mitt Romney/Lean Romney............... 24
16 Fred Thompson/Lean Thompson.......... 16
15 Rudy Giuliani/Lean Giuliani................. 13
BlogsforFredThompson offers up this additional stat:
Perhaps just as significant as Fred's strong move up, is another set of figures from the Newsweek poll. They asked respondents just how strong they supported their candidate. Here are the numbers for Fred, Mitt, and Rudy, with "Strong" listed first followed by "Not Strong/Lean":
Fred Thompson: 39 / 61
Mitt Romney: 26 / 74
Rudy Giuliani: 22 / 78
Total------------------------Likely Republican Caucus-Goer
25 Mitt Romney/Lean Romney............... 24
16 Fred Thompson/Lean Thompson.......... 16
15 Rudy Giuliani/Lean Giuliani................. 13
BlogsforFredThompson offers up this additional stat:
Perhaps just as significant as Fred's strong move up, is another set of figures from the Newsweek poll. They asked respondents just how strong they supported their candidate. Here are the numbers for Fred, Mitt, and Rudy, with "Strong" listed first followed by "Not Strong/Lean":
Fred Thompson: 39 / 61
Mitt Romney: 26 / 74
Rudy Giuliani: 22 / 78
Newt's Running ... In 2012
From CQ...
My friend and all-around brilliant political analyst Patrick Ruffini deduces that Newt Gingrich has decided to enter the 2008 presidential race. He takes a look at Newt's pledge scheme and figures that Newt only needs to find 14,000 donors to contribute the maximum $2300 in order to reach the threshold of $30 million Newt demanded as a prerequisite to opening a nomination bid:
Newt would need only 14,000 of his fans to flood the site with $2,300 "pledges" in order to declare a broad public groundswell for his candidacy.
Sound far-fetched? You've seen what Ron Paul supporters do. You think Newt fans wouldn't do the same if they believed his entry into the race depended on it? And if Newt's people actually left the system this open -- i.e. didn't require you to leave a credit card that could then be charged -- I guarantee this hack would spread like wildfire on the blogs the minute the site went up.
Well, that's certainly one look at the situation. The pledge system seems rather non-committal, and if Newt could generate a Paul-like Internet movement, he could garner that much in meaningless pledges. Something tells me that Newt isn't looking for vaporware donations, however, and that he's serious about needing $30 million to catch up to Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, if not Fred Thompson. I doubt seriously that Newt wants to give up his current commitments just to wind up with a few million dollars in actual receipts and drafting in just above the second tier.
I hope his analysis is correct. Gingrich has little chance of winning the nomination and even less of winning the general. His presence would serve only to dilute conservative votes and present Guiliani the nomination on a silver platter.
Appears we have some confirmation: FOX: GINGRICH WILL NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT
My friend and all-around brilliant political analyst Patrick Ruffini deduces that Newt Gingrich has decided to enter the 2008 presidential race. He takes a look at Newt's pledge scheme and figures that Newt only needs to find 14,000 donors to contribute the maximum $2300 in order to reach the threshold of $30 million Newt demanded as a prerequisite to opening a nomination bid:
Newt would need only 14,000 of his fans to flood the site with $2,300 "pledges" in order to declare a broad public groundswell for his candidacy.
Sound far-fetched? You've seen what Ron Paul supporters do. You think Newt fans wouldn't do the same if they believed his entry into the race depended on it? And if Newt's people actually left the system this open -- i.e. didn't require you to leave a credit card that could then be charged -- I guarantee this hack would spread like wildfire on the blogs the minute the site went up.
Well, that's certainly one look at the situation. The pledge system seems rather non-committal, and if Newt could generate a Paul-like Internet movement, he could garner that much in meaningless pledges. Something tells me that Newt isn't looking for vaporware donations, however, and that he's serious about needing $30 million to catch up to Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney, if not Fred Thompson. I doubt seriously that Newt wants to give up his current commitments just to wind up with a few million dollars in actual receipts and drafting in just above the second tier.
I hope his analysis is correct. Gingrich has little chance of winning the nomination and even less of winning the general. His presence would serve only to dilute conservative votes and present Guiliani the nomination on a silver platter.
Appears we have some confirmation: FOX: GINGRICH WILL NOT RUN FOR PRESIDENT
Friday, September 28, 2007
Huckabee rips Bush's war on terrorism
On one hotly debated issue, Huckabee endorsed Bush's surge of troops into Iraq, urging more time for that to work and criticizing Democratic proposals to get troops out as an invitation to chaos.
But beyond that, he differed with Bush across the map, using language more often heard from Democrats. He accused the administration of shunning allies and turning world sentiment against the United States.
''They've done a poor job of communicating and consulting countries much as they have, frankly, the American people,'' Huckabee told about 150 people at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a center-right think tank in Washington. "Our prestige in the world has been marred."
On Iran, he said Bush blew a chance to improve relations right after the 2001 terrorist attacks and that the United States should be talking to Iran today.
"When we first invaded Afghanistan, Iran helped, especially in dealings with their ally, the Northern Alliance,'' he said. ``They wanted to join us in fighting al Qaeda. ... The CIA and State Department supported a partnership. Some in the White House and beyond did not. And when President Bush included Iran in the axis of evil, everything went downhill pretty fast."
Even with today's sour relations, he said the United States should talk to Iran and use the promise of better relations and increased trade as well as the threat of economic isolation to persuade the country to abandon its nuclear program.
Well here's another second tier candidate you can cross of your list as a runner up choice. Just what we need, another Republican who sounds like a Denocrat. What an idiot.
But beyond that, he differed with Bush across the map, using language more often heard from Democrats. He accused the administration of shunning allies and turning world sentiment against the United States.
''They've done a poor job of communicating and consulting countries much as they have, frankly, the American people,'' Huckabee told about 150 people at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a center-right think tank in Washington. "Our prestige in the world has been marred."
On Iran, he said Bush blew a chance to improve relations right after the 2001 terrorist attacks and that the United States should be talking to Iran today.
"When we first invaded Afghanistan, Iran helped, especially in dealings with their ally, the Northern Alliance,'' he said. ``They wanted to join us in fighting al Qaeda. ... The CIA and State Department supported a partnership. Some in the White House and beyond did not. And when President Bush included Iran in the axis of evil, everything went downhill pretty fast."
Even with today's sour relations, he said the United States should talk to Iran and use the promise of better relations and increased trade as well as the threat of economic isolation to persuade the country to abandon its nuclear program.
Well here's another second tier candidate you can cross of your list as a runner up choice. Just what we need, another Republican who sounds like a Denocrat. What an idiot.
Senior Al Qaeda in Iraq Leader Killed by Coalition Forces

WASHINGTON — U.S.-led forces have killed one of the most important leaders of Al Qaeda in Iraq, a Tunisian believed connected to the kidnapping and killings last summer of American soldiers, a top commander said Friday.
Brig. Gen. Joseph Anderson said the death of the terrorist in a U.S. airstrike Tuesday south of Baghdad, and recent similar operations against Al Qaeda, have left the organization in Iraq fractured.
"Abu Usama al-Tunisi was one of the most senior leaders ... the emir of foreign terrorists in Iraq and part of the inner leadership circle," Anderson said.
Romney Losing His Granite State Grip
As we predicted two weeks ago after seeing Romney's national numbers slide, the state numbers are beginning to follow suit...
It's no secret former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's strategy for winning the Republican nomination hinges on racking up early wins in both Iowa and New Hampshire. But two recently released polls indicate Mr. Romney may be losing his grip on the Granite State, despite years of familiarity from nearby Boston TV coverage.
A Rasmussen Reports survey released last Tuesday showed Mr. Romney's lead over Rudy Giuliani dwindling over the course of the last month from 12 points to just three points. A survey by CNN and WMUR TV released yesterday indicated a similar downward trend: the 15-point lead Mr. Romney held over Mr. Giuliani in July is now down to a single point. Overall, Mr. Romney's lead in the RealClearPolitics Average for New Hampshire has slipped to 4%, its lowest level since the end of May.
It's no secret former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney's strategy for winning the Republican nomination hinges on racking up early wins in both Iowa and New Hampshire. But two recently released polls indicate Mr. Romney may be losing his grip on the Granite State, despite years of familiarity from nearby Boston TV coverage.
A Rasmussen Reports survey released last Tuesday showed Mr. Romney's lead over Rudy Giuliani dwindling over the course of the last month from 12 points to just three points. A survey by CNN and WMUR TV released yesterday indicated a similar downward trend: the 15-point lead Mr. Romney held over Mr. Giuliani in July is now down to a single point. Overall, Mr. Romney's lead in the RealClearPolitics Average for New Hampshire has slipped to 4%, its lowest level since the end of May.
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Iraq Electricity Production at All Time High
Iraq's electricity production has surpassed the government's interim goal of 120,000 KW average hours of production for the first time ever. This level has never been achieved before and represents a significant increase over pre-war levels (27% increase)
Page 40 of the Brookings Iraq index
Take some time to look at the entire PDF file. There are significant improvements in several other areas as well.
Page 40 of the Brookings Iraq index
Take some time to look at the entire PDF file. There are significant improvements in several other areas as well.
Miller's Folly

"While Miller has supported the Folsom Street Fair for several years, we take exception to the poster the organizing committee developed this year. We understand some individuals may find the imagery offensive and we have asked the organizers to remove our logo from the poster effective immediately."
“We are and will continue to be supportive [of Folsom Street Fair and the LGBT community],” said Julian Green, director of media relations of Miller Brewing Company, Wednesday afternoon.
Miller has not requested a refund of any sponsorship money, Green said.
Miller Brewing Co's quixotic quest to prove that pi$$ing down the back of the majority of faithful Christian consumers to support a tiny majority of peculiar fringe shirtlifters is sound business practice.
It isn't and they're going to discover that fact in short order.
If I was a major stockholder I'd be going ballistic as this is one of the most imbecilic business decisions I've seen in a very long time.
Hillary flip-flops, contradicts Bill - & herself - in N.H. debate
She sure has one thing in common with Bubba, altering beliefs to suit the audience of the moment...
HANOVER, N.H. - Sen. Hillary Clinton scored with a Democratic audience last night by contradicting her husband's belief that a terrorist could be tortured to foil an imminent plot - but what observers didn't know is she was contradicting herself, too.
"It cannot be American policy, period," Clinton (D-N.Y.) told debate moderator Tim Russert, who asked if there should be a presidential exemption to allow the torture of a terror chieftain if authorities knew a bomb was about to go off, but didn't know where it was.
Last October, Clinton told the Daily News: "If we're going to bepreparing for the kind of improbable but possible eventuality, then it has to be done within the rule of law."
She said then the "ticking time bomb" scenario represents a narrow exception to her opposition to torture as morally wrong, ineffective and dangerous to American soldiers.
HANOVER, N.H. - Sen. Hillary Clinton scored with a Democratic audience last night by contradicting her husband's belief that a terrorist could be tortured to foil an imminent plot - but what observers didn't know is she was contradicting herself, too.
"It cannot be American policy, period," Clinton (D-N.Y.) told debate moderator Tim Russert, who asked if there should be a presidential exemption to allow the torture of a terror chieftain if authorities knew a bomb was about to go off, but didn't know where it was.
Last October, Clinton told the Daily News: "If we're going to bepreparing for the kind of improbable but possible eventuality, then it has to be done within the rule of law."
She said then the "ticking time bomb" scenario represents a narrow exception to her opposition to torture as morally wrong, ineffective and dangerous to American soldiers.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
N.Y. Unveils Plan to Give Illegal Immigrants Drivers' Licenses
Next, voter registration cards?
New York State officials say a plan to provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants with valid foreign passports will enhance security by creating records of their identities. But critics say those records could compromise security instead.
New York has between 500,000 and 1 millionundocumented immigrants illegal aliens, many of whom drive without licenses and car insurance or with fake licenses, Gov. Eliot Spitzer said in announcing the plan Friday. He said it would bring "people out of the shadows'' into American society.
"They no longer need to hide and pretend they are not here,'' Spitzer said. "We will not become part of what is propagated on the federal level -- that if we don't admit they are here, then we can somehow not provide services. That is bad policy.''
New York State officials say a plan to provide driver's licenses to illegal immigrants with valid foreign passports will enhance security by creating records of their identities. But critics say those records could compromise security instead.
New York has between 500,000 and 1 million
"They no longer need to hide and pretend they are not here,'' Spitzer said. "We will not become part of what is propagated on the federal level -- that if we don't admit they are here, then we can somehow not provide services. That is bad policy.''
Over 165 insurgents killed in Afghanistan
Escalating violence is not a problem when the body count ratio is 165:1
KABUL, Afghanistan - Two battles killed more than 165 Taliban fighters and a U.S.-led coalition soldier in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday as President Hamid Karzai prepared to discuss the escalating violence with President Bush in New York.
One of the clashes began Tuesday when several dozen insurgents attacked a joint coalition-Afghan patrol with machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades near the Taliban-controlled town of Musa Qala in Helmand province, with Taliban reinforcements flowing in all day, a coalition statement said.
The coalition returned artillery fire and called in fighter aircraft, killing more than 100 of the Taliban fighters, the coalition said. One coalition soldier was killed and four wounded.
The coalition said there were no immediate reports of civilian deaths or injuries.
KABUL, Afghanistan - Two battles killed more than 165 Taliban fighters and a U.S.-led coalition soldier in southern Afghanistan on Wednesday as President Hamid Karzai prepared to discuss the escalating violence with President Bush in New York.
One of the clashes began Tuesday when several dozen insurgents attacked a joint coalition-Afghan patrol with machine guns, mortars and rocket-propelled grenades near the Taliban-controlled town of Musa Qala in Helmand province, with Taliban reinforcements flowing in all day, a coalition statement said.
The coalition returned artillery fire and called in fighter aircraft, killing more than 100 of the Taliban fighters, the coalition said. One coalition soldier was killed and four wounded.
The coalition said there were no immediate reports of civilian deaths or injuries.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Arrest of a major al-Queda terrorist (Abu Bakr)
Surfs up, waterboards ready!
BAGHDAD / file Press
A statement by the American forces as the large member in a cell of the Abu going Qaeda organization and who was arrested by the forces of the Iraqi army reconnaissance during raids by helicopters near Taji in September 16 that Salem Ismail Alehyale also known as Abu Bakr.
BAGHDAD / file Press
A statement by the American forces as the large member in a cell of the Abu going Qaeda organization and who was arrested by the forces of the Iraqi army reconnaissance during raids by helicopters near Taji in September 16 that Salem Ismail Alehyale also known as Abu Bakr.
Sarkozy says letting Iran go nuclear could cause war
For the first time in many years France (or least one person in France) gets it...
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons could destabilize the world and lead to war, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the United Nations on Tuesday.
(Advertisement) In his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sarkozy said: "There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation."
Iran was entitled to nuclear power for civilian purposes, he said, "but if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, we would incur an unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world".
In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: "Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war."
UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Allowing Iran to acquire nuclear weapons could destabilize the world and lead to war, French President Nicolas Sarkozy told the United Nations on Tuesday.
(Advertisement) In his maiden speech to the U.N. General Assembly, Sarkozy said: "There will be no peace in the world if the international community falters in the face of nuclear arms proliferation."
Iran was entitled to nuclear power for civilian purposes, he said, "but if we allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons, we would incur an unacceptable risk to stability in the region and in the world".
In a broader warning against the dangers of appeasement, the new French leader said: "Weakness and renunciation do not lead to peace. They lead to war."
Columbia's Conceit
"Never debate a fool for the audience won't know who he is." Debating a fool AND a liar is twice as futile.
On Saturday John Coatsworth, acting dean of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, made the remark that "if Hitler were in the United States and . . . if he were willing to engage in a debate and a discussion to be challenged by Columbia students and faculty, we would certainly invite him." This was by way of defending the university's decision to host a speech yesterday by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Read the rest, it's so simple it's scary.
On Saturday John Coatsworth, acting dean of Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs, made the remark that "if Hitler were in the United States and . . . if he were willing to engage in a debate and a discussion to be challenged by Columbia students and faculty, we would certainly invite him." This was by way of defending the university's decision to host a speech yesterday by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Read the rest, it's so simple it's scary.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Clinton says she can appeal to GOP voters
WASHINGTON, 23 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton said Sunday she can appeal to Republicans as well as Democrats on the presidential trail.
And the reaction...
And the reaction...
Scientists slam AP for using 'scare tactics' in global warming article
More crAP..
Nearly two dozen prominent scientists from around the world have denounced a recent Associated Press article promoting sea level fears in the year 2100 and beyond based on unproven computer models predictions. The AP article also has been accused of mischaracterizing the views of a leading skeptic of man-made global warming fears. The scientists are dismissing the AP article, entitled “Rising Seas Likely to Flood U.S. History” (LINK) as a “scare tactic,” “sheer speculation,” and “hype of the worst order.” (H/T: Noel Sheppard of - LINK)
Dr. Richard S. Courtney, a climate and atmospheric science consultant and a UN IPCC expert reviewer ridiculed the AP article.
“Rarely have I read such a collection of unsubstantiated and scare-mongering twaddle. Not only do real studies show no increase to rate of sea level change, the [AP] article gives reasons for concern that are nonsense,” Courtney told Inhofe EPW Press Blog on September 23.
Sir, you have described perfectly what AP is best at.
Nearly two dozen prominent scientists from around the world have denounced a recent Associated Press article promoting sea level fears in the year 2100 and beyond based on unproven computer models predictions. The AP article also has been accused of mischaracterizing the views of a leading skeptic of man-made global warming fears. The scientists are dismissing the AP article, entitled “Rising Seas Likely to Flood U.S. History” (LINK) as a “scare tactic,” “sheer speculation,” and “hype of the worst order.” (H/T: Noel Sheppard of - LINK)
Dr. Richard S. Courtney, a climate and atmospheric science consultant and a UN IPCC expert reviewer ridiculed the AP article.
“Rarely have I read such a collection of unsubstantiated and scare-mongering twaddle. Not only do real studies show no increase to rate of sea level change, the [AP] article gives reasons for concern that are nonsense,” Courtney told Inhofe EPW Press Blog on September 23.
Sir, you have described perfectly what AP is best at.
Free-Speech Hypocrisy
Institutional memory is short, so just a flashback to the Qadhafi speech at Columbia. The sad thing is that while faculty fall all over themselves to bring repressive dictators to campus, many dissidents from the same countries are ignored. Columbia has never invited chief Libyan democracy activist Fathi El-Jahmi, for example (his mailing address for the last two and a half years would be Libya's state prison system).
Likewise, Richard Bulliet, Columbia's point man to arrange giving a platform to Ahmadinejad, does not extend invitations to people like Mansour Osanlou, the head of the Islamic Republic's first independent trade union (his mailing address for the last 75 days has been Evin prison).
While university faculties at New York University and Notre Dame rally around convicted terrorists (in the former case) and those denied visa for terror support (in the latter), no faculty has yet to rally around the case of Issam Abu Issa, the Palestinian banker who blew the whistle on Arafat's corruption and promptly had his visa revoked by the Powell State Department in an effort to save Arafat's hurt feelings and keep the "peace process" going.
The issue we see with Columbia is deeper than freedom of speech but rather the inconsistency with which university faculties choose to support it. If men like Richard Bulliet and Lee Bollinger, and women like Lisa Marie Anderson cared about freedom of speech, they might want to enable those who don't have it, rather than celebrate the men who have taken it away.
Short, sweet and absolutely CORRECT.
Likewise, Richard Bulliet, Columbia's point man to arrange giving a platform to Ahmadinejad, does not extend invitations to people like Mansour Osanlou, the head of the Islamic Republic's first independent trade union (his mailing address for the last 75 days has been Evin prison).
While university faculties at New York University and Notre Dame rally around convicted terrorists (in the former case) and those denied visa for terror support (in the latter), no faculty has yet to rally around the case of Issam Abu Issa, the Palestinian banker who blew the whistle on Arafat's corruption and promptly had his visa revoked by the Powell State Department in an effort to save Arafat's hurt feelings and keep the "peace process" going.
The issue we see with Columbia is deeper than freedom of speech but rather the inconsistency with which university faculties choose to support it. If men like Richard Bulliet and Lee Bollinger, and women like Lisa Marie Anderson cared about freedom of speech, they might want to enable those who don't have it, rather than celebrate the men who have taken it away.
Short, sweet and absolutely CORRECT.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Hillary's Purple Prose
Everyones been parsing Hillay's infamous "willing suspension of disbelief " comment to General Patreus. It's amazing to me the number of misharacterizations that have been flying around as to what she actually meant.
It's pretty simple folks, she attempted to call him a liar without blatantly appearing to do so. It's a common bit of verbal artistry where the speaker weaves extra wordiness into the phrase so that one actual has to think about it to understand it's meaning. ie. "How are you". "I am not unwell". Have to think about it for a sec right? I am well and I am not unwell mean exactly the same thing but yet one has to put a bit of thought into the latter.
So a "willing suspension of disbelief" actually is saying you have to be willing to believe anything in order to believe Patreus. Patreus' lies are so "unbelievable" one is either unimaginably gullible or hopelessly obtuse to fall for them.
It also has a bit of the old "nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more" flavor to it as obviously educated lefties will decipher what she meant but clueless conservatives will just scratch their heads and mutter DUH, HUH?
It's pretty simple folks, she attempted to call him a liar without blatantly appearing to do so. It's a common bit of verbal artistry where the speaker weaves extra wordiness into the phrase so that one actual has to think about it to understand it's meaning. ie. "How are you". "I am not unwell". Have to think about it for a sec right? I am well and I am not unwell mean exactly the same thing but yet one has to put a bit of thought into the latter.
So a "willing suspension of disbelief" actually is saying you have to be willing to believe anything in order to believe Patreus. Patreus' lies are so "unbelievable" one is either unimaginably gullible or hopelessly obtuse to fall for them.
It also has a bit of the old "nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more" flavor to it as obviously educated lefties will decipher what she meant but clueless conservatives will just scratch their heads and mutter DUH, HUH?
UN hopes to broaden role on Iraq
If the chickensh!t UN feels it's safe to go back in, the situation must be dramatically improved.
The UN is ready to broaden its activity in support of Iraq, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said.
Mr Ban said at a key meeting in New York the time for determined action on Iraq had come, but that a greater UN presence would need better security.
The UN withdrew most of its staff in 2003 after a bomb killed its top envoy and 21 others but Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki says he can now guarantee UN security.
The secretary general said there would be a new "regional support office" in Baghdad to foster dialogue between involved countries and an office in the southern city of Basra was also being considered.
The UN is ready to broaden its activity in support of Iraq, Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has said.
Mr Ban said at a key meeting in New York the time for determined action on Iraq had come, but that a greater UN presence would need better security.
The UN withdrew most of its staff in 2003 after a bomb killed its top envoy and 21 others but Iraqi PM Nouri Maliki says he can now guarantee UN security.
The secretary general said there would be a new "regional support office" in Baghdad to foster dialogue between involved countries and an office in the southern city of Basra was also being considered.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
For GOP, primary looks like slugfest
Hot off the presses...
Michigan native and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads with 21 percent in the survey by the polling firm Mitchell Interactive of East Lansing. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has 19 percent support and former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is at 18 percent. All are within the poll's 5 point margin of error. Arizona Sen. John McCain, the upset winner of Michigan's 2000 GOP primary, is struggling, garnering just 10 percent backing in the poll of 380 likely Republican primary voters
Michigan native and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney leads with 21 percent in the survey by the polling firm Mitchell Interactive of East Lansing. Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani has 19 percent support and former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson is at 18 percent. All are within the poll's 5 point margin of error. Arizona Sen. John McCain, the upset winner of Michigan's 2000 GOP primary, is struggling, garnering just 10 percent backing in the poll of 380 likely Republican primary voters

September 22, 2007 -- Hold on, it's Judi.
That's the stunning line Rudy Giuliani told an already-skeptical crowd of gun enthusiasts yesterday when he abruptly interrupted his speech - to take a call from his wife.
The interruption drew awkward laughs and some outrage from the 400 National Rifle Association members on hand in a Washington, D.C., hotel ballroom.
Because of his history of supporting gun control as mayor, Giuliani had already entered the room with a bull's-eye on him.
Update: Maybe now we know what he was thinking.
Just before Giuliani took the call ostensibly from his wife during the NRA speech, he was discussing the second amendment. However, when discussing the second amendment's language, he mistakenly began to paraphrase the fourth amendment instead.
Paraphrased snippet from the speech:
"After all the second amendment is a freedom every bit as important as the other freedoms in the first ten amendments. Just think of the language of it -- the people shall be secure let's see, this is my wife calling..."
(talks to and about his wife)
(when he resumes his speech we have a change of subject) "...but the parking decision offers an excellent example..."
Giuliani forgetting the second amendment in front of a group that lives and breaths it would be a monumental gaffe.
Was the call actually from his wife (likely staged to make him appear more human) or a staffer alerting him to the fact that he was quoting from the wrong ammendment? Makes one wonder.
Friday, September 21, 2007
New Strategic Vision State Polls
I throw it out for your consumption and analysis.
Ohio: Hillary 48 Fred 47
Kansas: Fred 53 Hillary 40
Kentucky: Fred 50 Hillary 45
Alabama: Fred 54 Hillary 41
Ohio: Hillary 52 Mitt 42
Kansas: Hillary 48 Mitt 45
Kentucky: Hillary 46 Mitt 46
Alabama: Mitt 46 Hillary 45
See entire results here.
Ohio: Hillary 48 Fred 47
Kansas: Fred 53 Hillary 40
Kentucky: Fred 50 Hillary 45
Alabama: Fred 54 Hillary 41
Ohio: Hillary 52 Mitt 42
Kansas: Hillary 48 Mitt 45
Kentucky: Hillary 46 Mitt 46
Alabama: Mitt 46 Hillary 45
See entire results here.
Biker's penis hit by lightning
Goofy Friday posting, let the quips commence...
A Croatian motorbiker's penis was zapped by lightning as he stopped beside the road to take a leak.
Ante Djindjic, 29, from Zagreb, said: "I don't remember what happened. One minute I was taking a leak and the next thing I knew I was in hospital.
"Doctors said the lightning went through my body and because I was wearing rubber boots it earthed itself through my penis."
A Croatian motorbiker's penis was zapped by lightning as he stopped beside the road to take a leak.
Ante Djindjic, 29, from Zagreb, said: "I don't remember what happened. One minute I was taking a leak and the next thing I knew I was in hospital.
"Doctors said the lightning went through my body and because I was wearing rubber boots it earthed itself through my penis."
Columbia Says It Canceled Ahmadinejad's Appearance
Why does it take conspicuous public outrage and droves of screaming alumni closing their checkbooks for a supposedly esteemed University to do what's right (or more accurately, not do what's wrong).
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Columbia University said it canceled a planned speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after failing to reach agreement on the format of his scheduled appearance on Sept. 24.
Columbia wasn't able to ``establish a conversation with the Iranian embassy that would ensure to my satisfaction that the specific arrangements of any such program would reflect the academic values that are the hallmark of a university, university President Lee Bollinger said in a statement.
Sept. 20 (Bloomberg) -- Columbia University said it canceled a planned speech by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad after failing to reach agreement on the format of his scheduled appearance on Sept. 24.
Columbia wasn't able to ``establish a conversation with the Iranian embassy that would ensure to my satisfaction that the specific arrangements of any such program would reflect the academic values that are the hallmark of a university, university President Lee Bollinger said in a statement.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Iraq violence lowest since 2006 attack
Even Reuters can ignore it no longer.
Violence in Iraq has fallen to its lowest level since before a 2006 mosque attack which unleashed reprisal sectarian killings, the number two commander of US forces in Iraq said.
Lieutenant-General Raymond Odierno said attacks in Baghdad had also fallen about 50% since January, just before Washington began pouring 30,000 extra troops into Iraq to try to drag the nation back from the brink of civil war.
Violence in Iraq has fallen to its lowest level since before a 2006 mosque attack which unleashed reprisal sectarian killings, the number two commander of US forces in Iraq said.
Lieutenant-General Raymond Odierno said attacks in Baghdad had also fallen about 50% since January, just before Washington began pouring 30,000 extra troops into Iraq to try to drag the nation back from the brink of civil war.
Thompson Leads Giuliani While Clinton’s Lead over Obama Grows
Rasmussen is not alone....
ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--After officially declaring his candidacy, U.S. Senator Fred Thompson moves ahead of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the race for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. One-third (32%) of those who say they will vote in a Republican primary or caucus will vote for Thompson while 28 percent will vote for Giuliani. Much further back is John McCain, who continues his downward slide with 11 percent saying they would vote for the Arizona Senator, and 9 percent who say they would vote for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
This is one of the best illustrations yet that Thompson is turning this thing on it's head:
American Res. Group 09/15 - 09/18 20 25 12 8 8 Thompson +5.0
American Res. Group 07/15 - 07/18 35 20 11 9 1 Giuliani +15.0
American Res. Group 03/29 - 04/02 25 10 23 9 2 Giuliani +2.
ROCHESTER, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--After officially declaring his candidacy, U.S. Senator Fred Thompson moves ahead of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani in the race for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination. One-third (32%) of those who say they will vote in a Republican primary or caucus will vote for Thompson while 28 percent will vote for Giuliani. Much further back is John McCain, who continues his downward slide with 11 percent saying they would vote for the Arizona Senator, and 9 percent who say they would vote for former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney.
This is one of the best illustrations yet that Thompson is turning this thing on it's head:
American Res. Group 09/15 - 09/18 20 25 12 8 8 Thompson +5.0
American Res. Group 07/15 - 07/18 35 20 11 9 1 Giuliani +15.0
American Res. Group 03/29 - 04/02 25 10 23 9 2 Giuliani +2.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
U.S. May Escort Ahmadinejad to Ground Zero
They let Imindeedanutjob set one foot on that hallowed ground and they'll be riots.
In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, which will jointly oversee security during the leader's two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against his country for its uranium enrichment program.
"It is an insult to the memories of those who died on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists, and those who have fought terrorism for years, to allow the president of the world's top state sponsor of terrorism to step foot at ground zero," a spokeswoman for Senator Thompson, Karen Hanretty, said. "Iran is responsible for supplying weapons and supporting extremist who are killing U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to this very day."
Well said.
Update: Not in this life...Iranian Leader Was Denied Ground Zero Visit
In a move that has stunned New York, the Bloomberg administration is in discussions to escort the Iranian president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, to ground zero during his visit to New York next week, Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said today.
The Iranian mission to the U.N. made the request to the New York City Police Department and the Secret Service, which will jointly oversee security during the leader's two-day visit. Mr. Ahmadinejad is scheduled to arrive September 24 to speak to the U.N. General Assembly as the Security Council decides whether to increase sanctions against his country for its uranium enrichment program.
"It is an insult to the memories of those who died on 9/11 at the hands of terrorists, and those who have fought terrorism for years, to allow the president of the world's top state sponsor of terrorism to step foot at ground zero," a spokeswoman for Senator Thompson, Karen Hanretty, said. "Iran is responsible for supplying weapons and supporting extremist who are killing U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan to this very day."
Well said.
Update: Not in this life...Iranian Leader Was Denied Ground Zero Visit
U.S. college students fail civics test
They first have to be accurately taught the subject which could have been surmised by most even before this testing they are not.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- Harvard, even though it scored the highest, was among elite U.S. colleges where students proved dismal in their knowledge of civics and history, a report said.
The non-profit Intercollegiate Studies Institute analyzed scores of a test given to 14,419 freshmen and seniors at 50 U.S. colleges last fall, USA Today reported Tuesday.
Overall, the freshmen tested averaged 50.4 percent on a civic literacy test, while the seniors tested averaged 54.2 percent.
Seniors tested at Harvard had the highest overall average at 69.6 percent, nearly 6 points higher than its freshmen but still a D-plus, said the ISI report.
You can take the test here. It's tough folks, yours truly just took it and squeeked by with 80%.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 18 (UPI) -- Harvard, even though it scored the highest, was among elite U.S. colleges where students proved dismal in their knowledge of civics and history, a report said.
The non-profit Intercollegiate Studies Institute analyzed scores of a test given to 14,419 freshmen and seniors at 50 U.S. colleges last fall, USA Today reported Tuesday.
Overall, the freshmen tested averaged 50.4 percent on a civic literacy test, while the seniors tested averaged 54.2 percent.
Seniors tested at Harvard had the highest overall average at 69.6 percent, nearly 6 points higher than its freshmen but still a D-plus, said the ISI report.
You can take the test here. It's tough folks, yours truly just took it and squeeked by with 80%.
Bush's Rating 3 Times higher than Congress
Single digit approval on the horizon? Continue as they have and it's not only possible it's likely.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress registered record-low approval ratings in a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday, and a new monthly index measuring the mood of Americans dipped slightly on deepening worries about the economy.
Only 29 percent of Americans gave Bush a positive grade for his job performance, below his worst Zogby poll mark of 30 percent in March. A paltry 11 percent rated Congress positively, beating the previous low of 14 percent in July.
The Reuters/Zogby Index, a new measure of the mood of the country, dropped from 100 to 98.8 in the last month on worries about the economy and fears of a recession, pollster John Zogby said.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush and the U.S. Congress registered record-low approval ratings in a Reuters/Zogby poll released on Wednesday, and a new monthly index measuring the mood of Americans dipped slightly on deepening worries about the economy.
Only 29 percent of Americans gave Bush a positive grade for his job performance, below his worst Zogby poll mark of 30 percent in March. A paltry 11 percent rated Congress positively, beating the previous low of 14 percent in July.
The Reuters/Zogby Index, a new measure of the mood of the country, dropped from 100 to 98.8 in the last month on worries about the economy and fears of a recession, pollster John Zogby said.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Rasmussen: New Hampshire Poll
As we predicted, the state polls are beginning to tighten.
New Hampshire Primary: Romney 25% Giuliani 22% Thompson 19%
Expect the same in Iowa, possibly even a lead change.
More bad news for Mitt, latest from Gallup:
Date/wk 9/18 9/10
Giuliani 30 34
Thompson 22 22
McCain 18 15
Romney 7 10
Gingrich - -
No opinion 8 11
Romney's RCP national average is now less than 10% for the first time since early August.
For those who would question the veracity of the Rasmussen numbers, Elephant Biz has a terrific analysis:
Rasmussen's recent polls have had Thompson up by seven to 10 points, while other recent polls have Thompson second to or virtually tied with Rudy Giuliani. Jim Geraghty at National Review's blog "The Corner" decided to ask Scott Rasmussen to explain. The short answer: As a poll respondent pool gets more selective, Thompson’s support grows.
"Every poll has seen Fred Thompson gaining ground, so that’s a common point among all the polls,” Rasmussen said. “We are only group that’s doing any kind of a screen to determine who is likely to vote in a primary. It’s not just on all adults, not just on registered voters. When you include people not following the race closely, the candidate with the biggest name ID is going to win out. The tighter you draw the screen on your pool of respondents, the better Thompson performs.”
New Hampshire Primary: Romney 25% Giuliani 22% Thompson 19%
Expect the same in Iowa, possibly even a lead change.
More bad news for Mitt, latest from Gallup:
Date/wk 9/18 9/10
Giuliani 30 34
Thompson 22 22
McCain 18 15
Romney 7 10
Gingrich - -
No opinion 8 11
Romney's RCP national average is now less than 10% for the first time since early August.
For those who would question the veracity of the Rasmussen numbers, Elephant Biz has a terrific analysis:
Rasmussen's recent polls have had Thompson up by seven to 10 points, while other recent polls have Thompson second to or virtually tied with Rudy Giuliani. Jim Geraghty at National Review's blog "The Corner" decided to ask Scott Rasmussen to explain. The short answer: As a poll respondent pool gets more selective, Thompson’s support grows.
"Every poll has seen Fred Thompson gaining ground, so that’s a common point among all the polls,” Rasmussen said. “We are only group that’s doing any kind of a screen to determine who is likely to vote in a primary. It’s not just on all adults, not just on registered voters. When you include people not following the race closely, the candidate with the biggest name ID is going to win out. The tighter you draw the screen on your pool of respondents, the better Thompson performs.”
Scarborough Grovels

Even as the words were leaving his mouth, Joe Scarborough acknowledged that he was going to get "killed by conservative bloggers." And being the obliging sorts we are here at NewsBusters . . .
Joe's interview of Hillary Clinton on today's "Morning Joe" was one long paean to her greatness coupled with a mea culpa for the wrongs that he and other Republicans visited on her during the '90s.
Bucking for a Peabody there Jose'?
Read the rest
Monday, September 17, 2007
Global ocean temperatures drop to coldest in 6 1/2 years
Alarmist theories take another hit....
The temperature of the ocean has cooled 0.2 degrees C in the past few of years, and is now only 0.1 degrees C warmer than it was throughout much of 1944. This data set had been showing a general warming trend since the late 1970s, (as well as a warming trend from the 1910s through the mid 1940s) with the warmest time being recorded in the El Nino year of 1998.
Despite temperatures peaking in 1998, it's been reasonable to describe the temperature trend as continuing, since 1998 at the time was a flukishly hot spell. Since 1998, the "normal" trend line approached what had been flukishly warm.
The reversal to cooler temperatures is not yet long or strong enough to discredit global warming completely... by a long shot. However, global warming alarmists had been warning that global warming had dramatically accelerated in the past couple decades; although ocean temperatures had risen a mere degree over the last century, the alarmists had warned of an increasing rate of warming, or even an increasing rate of an increasing rate of warming, suggesting the next century could see temperatures increase by several degrees.
The temperature of the ocean has cooled 0.2 degrees C in the past few of years, and is now only 0.1 degrees C warmer than it was throughout much of 1944. This data set had been showing a general warming trend since the late 1970s, (as well as a warming trend from the 1910s through the mid 1940s) with the warmest time being recorded in the El Nino year of 1998.
Despite temperatures peaking in 1998, it's been reasonable to describe the temperature trend as continuing, since 1998 at the time was a flukishly hot spell. Since 1998, the "normal" trend line approached what had been flukishly warm.
The reversal to cooler temperatures is not yet long or strong enough to discredit global warming completely... by a long shot. However, global warming alarmists had been warning that global warming had dramatically accelerated in the past couple decades; although ocean temperatures had risen a mere degree over the last century, the alarmists had warned of an increasing rate of warming, or even an increasing rate of an increasing rate of warming, suggesting the next century could see temperatures increase by several degrees.
Keep watching, this thing is bigger, deeper and more encompassing than the Abramoff scandal.
September 17, 2007 -- Members of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign staff got a nice payoff last year for their work to get her re-elected - a trip to Las Vegas funded by her fugitive former fund-raiser.
Among the Sin City guests of disgraced former fund-raiser Norman Hsu was Patti Solis Doyle, one of Clinton's most trusted advisers who now runs the senator's presidential campaign.
According to The Los Angeles Times, Hsu - who raised more than $850,000 for Clinton before being jailed last month on charges related to an investment scheme - treated the senator's campaign staff to several days at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, complete with free show tickets and dinners at posh restaurants.
September 17, 2007 -- Members of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's campaign staff got a nice payoff last year for their work to get her re-elected - a trip to Las Vegas funded by her fugitive former fund-raiser.
Among the Sin City guests of disgraced former fund-raiser Norman Hsu was Patti Solis Doyle, one of Clinton's most trusted advisers who now runs the senator's presidential campaign.
According to The Los Angeles Times, Hsu - who raised more than $850,000 for Clinton before being jailed last month on charges related to an investment scheme - treated the senator's campaign staff to several days at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, complete with free show tickets and dinners at posh restaurants.
Sunday, September 16, 2007
GOP Hopeful Thompson Back in Hometown

"One thing occurs to me: Our people have shed more blood for the liberty of other people than all other nations combined," he said. "I'm tired of people feeling the need to apologize for the United States of America."
So am I Mr. Thompson, so am I.
Beaner's Coffee Changing Name

A small but growing coffeehouse chain is changing its name amid concern that the moniker meant to celebrate the seed of its main product also is a disparaging term for Hispanics.
Juan Tornoe, an Austin, Texas-based Hispanic marketing consultant, said it's clear to him and should be to anyone that Beaner's name is about coffee, not contempt. But the name change could be a smart move for a company with national aspirations: By 2050, nearly a quarter of the U.S. population will be of Hispanic heritage.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Qaeda urges cartoonist death, threatens Swedish firms

The head of an al Qaeda-led group in Iraq has offered a $100,000 reward for the killing of a Swedish cartoonist for his drawing of Islam's Prophet Mohammad and threatened to attack major Swedish companies.
Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq, also offered $50,000 in an audiotape posted on an Islamist Web site on Saturday to anyone who killed the editor of the newspaper that published the drawing by Lars Vilks.
Sweden's daily Nerikes Allehanda published the drawing, part of a series which art galleries in Sweden had declined to display, last month.
Now this via CQ:
AQI Declares War On The Sunni
An al-Qaida front group warned it will hunt down and kill Sunni Arab tribal leaders who cooperate with the U.S. and its Iraqi partners, saying the assassination of the leader of the revolt against the terror movement was just a beginning. ...
In claiming responsibility for Abu Risha's death Thursday, the Islamic State said it had formed "special security committees" to track down and "assassinate the tribal figures, the traitors, who stained the reputations of the real tribes by submitting to the soldiers of the Crusade" and the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
"We will publish lists of names of the tribal figures to scandalize them in front of our blessed tribes," the statement added.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fred Thompson speaks out on immigration issues
Immigration is in my top three list or priorities for a Presdidential nominee. These are the type of things I've been waiting to hear...
On his campaign swing through Florida, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson has hammered away illegal immigration, saying that America must secure its borders to ensure national security.[snip]
Friday, he went a step further.Thompson, a former senator from Tennessee, said it might be time to reconsider the country's long-standing practice -- one prescribed by the Constitution -- of granting citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil
"That law was created in another time and place for valid reasons," Thompson said during a campaign stop here. "It probably needs to be revisited." [snip]
All have taken a hard line against illegal immigration but as of Friday no other contender has gone as far as Thompson.
On his campaign swing through Florida, Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson has hammered away illegal immigration, saying that America must secure its borders to ensure national security.[snip]
Friday, he went a step further.Thompson, a former senator from Tennessee, said it might be time to reconsider the country's long-standing practice -- one prescribed by the Constitution -- of granting citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil
"That law was created in another time and place for valid reasons," Thompson said during a campaign stop here. "It probably needs to be revisited." [snip]
All have taken a hard line against illegal immigration but as of Friday no other contender has gone as far as Thompson.
Iraq tribes vow to avenge murder
AI continues to prove that they are indeed their own worst enemy.
Sunni Arab tribes in Anbar, the western Iraqi province, have vowed to avenge the killing of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, their leader.
He died in a roadside-bomb attack near his home in Ramadi, the provincial capital, on Thursday.
Abdul Sattar Abu Risha was leader of the Anbar Salvation Council, an alliance of clans that supported the Iraqi government and US forces in fighting al-Qaeda in the province.
Thousands of people gathered in Ramadi to attend Friday's funeral.
"We blame al-Qaeda and we are going to continue our fight and avenge his death," Sheikh Ahmed Abu Risha, brother of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, said on Friday.
Bush had it right in his speech last night.....The murder of Abu Risha will only serve to "further galvanize" the Sunni tribes.
Sunni Arab tribes in Anbar, the western Iraqi province, have vowed to avenge the killing of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, their leader.
He died in a roadside-bomb attack near his home in Ramadi, the provincial capital, on Thursday.
Abdul Sattar Abu Risha was leader of the Anbar Salvation Council, an alliance of clans that supported the Iraqi government and US forces in fighting al-Qaeda in the province.
Thousands of people gathered in Ramadi to attend Friday's funeral.
"We blame al-Qaeda and we are going to continue our fight and avenge his death," Sheikh Ahmed Abu Risha, brother of Abdul Sattar Abu Risha, said on Friday.
Bush had it right in his speech last night.....The murder of Abu Risha will only serve to "further galvanize" the Sunni tribes.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Fred Rocks the Sunshine State

Hsuicide? Slit his throat shaving? This was the question we asked one week ago when Norman Hsu dissapeared. Well as it turns out we may not have been far from the mark as this article from the WSJ reports.
Hsu Sent Suicide Note Before Disappearance
Before Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu skipped a court hearing and temporarily vanished last week, he typed out a suicide note and sent copies to several acquaintances and charitable organizations, according to people who received it.
The one-page note, signed by Mr. Hsu, "very explicitly said he intended to commit suicide," said one of the recipients in an account corroborated by others, including law-enforcement officials. Mr. Hsu also apologized for putting anybody "through inconvenience or trouble," the recipient said.
The letter, which began, "To whom it may concern," arrived by FedEx at the addresses of several recipients last Thursday, the day after Mr. Hsu disappeared.
Nukes News and views has more.
Hsu Sent Suicide Note Before Disappearance
Before Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu skipped a court hearing and temporarily vanished last week, he typed out a suicide note and sent copies to several acquaintances and charitable organizations, according to people who received it.
The one-page note, signed by Mr. Hsu, "very explicitly said he intended to commit suicide," said one of the recipients in an account corroborated by others, including law-enforcement officials. Mr. Hsu also apologized for putting anybody "through inconvenience or trouble," the recipient said.
The letter, which began, "To whom it may concern," arrived by FedEx at the addresses of several recipients last Thursday, the day after Mr. Hsu disappeared.
Nukes News and views has more.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hundreds of Scientists Have Published Evidence Countering Man-Made Global Warming Fears
A new analysis of peer-reviewed literature reveals that more than 500 scientists have published evidence refuting at least one element of current man-made global warming scares. More than 300 of the scientists found evidence that 1) a natural moderate 1,500-year climate cycle has produced more than a dozen global warmings similar to ours since the last Ice Age and/or that 2) our Modern Warming is linked strongly to variations in the sun's irradiance. "This data and the list of scientists make a mockery of recent claims that a scientific consensus blames humans as the primary cause of global temperature increases since 1850," said Hudson Institute Senior Fellow Dennis Avery.
Other researchers found evidence that 3) sea levels are failing to rise importantly; 4) that our storms and droughts are becoming fewer and milder with this warming as they did during previous global warmings; 5) that human deaths will be reduced with warming because cold kills twice as many people as heat; and 6) that corals, trees, birds, mammals, and butterflies are adapting well to the routine reality of changing climate.
Despite being published in such journals such as Science, Nature and Geophysical Review Letters, these scientists have gotten little media attention. "Not all of these researchers would describe themselves as global warming skeptics," said Avery, "but the evidence in their studies is there for all to see."
Weather channel's Dr. Ms. Heide Cullen was reached for comment and stated "They should all be arrested and shot!"
Other researchers found evidence that 3) sea levels are failing to rise importantly; 4) that our storms and droughts are becoming fewer and milder with this warming as they did during previous global warmings; 5) that human deaths will be reduced with warming because cold kills twice as many people as heat; and 6) that corals, trees, birds, mammals, and butterflies are adapting well to the routine reality of changing climate.
Despite being published in such journals such as Science, Nature and Geophysical Review Letters, these scientists have gotten little media attention. "Not all of these researchers would describe themselves as global warming skeptics," said Avery, "but the evidence in their studies is there for all to see."
Weather channel's Dr. Ms. Heide Cullen was reached for comment and stated "They should all be arrested and shot!"
Led Zeppelin confirm reunion gig

Tickets for the one-off show at the O2 arena in London on 26 November will cost £125 and be allocated by ballot. Pete Townshend and Bill Wyman will also perform. Ertegun, who signed Led Zeppelin in the 1970s, died last year.
"During the Zeppelin years, Ahmet Ertegun was a major foundation of solidarity and accord," Plant said. "For us, he was Atlantic Records and remained a close friend and conspirator. This performance stands alone as a tribute to the work and life of a longstanding friend."
With a missing Bonham it's a different band.
Team Clinton can't explain ignoring warnings on Hsu

WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton's campaign couldn't explain yesterday why it blew off warnings about felon-turned-fund-raiser Norman Hsu - and the Daily News learned FBI agents are collecting e-mail evidence in the widening scandal.
Clinton was forced Monday to give back a whopping $850,000 raised by convicted scam artist Hsu after learning his investment ventures were being probed by the FBI as a potential Ponzi scheme.
She earlier gave to charity $23,000 Hsu donated himself after reports revealed he fled sentencing for a $1 million scam in California in 1992.
Yesterday, the campaign insisted it did all it should to vet Hsu after California businessman Jack Cassidy warned in June that Hsu's investment operation was fishy. Cassidy e-mailed his tips to the California Democratic Party, which forwarded them to the Clinton campaign.
"They knew [about Hsu], and they knew back in June," a source told The News.
Wapo reports it's deja vu all over again: For Clintons, An Unwelcome Echo
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Disturbed anti-war protester can't find soldier, kills civilian with axe instead
As we have proven on multiple occasions, Liberalism is a mental disorder...
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — A U.S. citizen has confessed to using an axe to kill a Dutch student after failing to find a soldier to attack, his lawyer said Tuesday.
The suspect, Carlos Hartmann, 41, of Tecumseh, Mich., has confessed to the Sept. 8 killing on a train platform in the southern city of Roosendaal, defence lawyer Peter Gremmen said.
Gremmen said Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq.
This is Hillary's base folks.
AMSTERDAM, Netherlands (AP) — A U.S. citizen has confessed to using an axe to kill a Dutch student after failing to find a soldier to attack, his lawyer said Tuesday.
The suspect, Carlos Hartmann, 41, of Tecumseh, Mich., has confessed to the Sept. 8 killing on a train platform in the southern city of Roosendaal, defence lawyer Peter Gremmen said.
Gremmen said Hartmann wanted to punish the Netherlands for its support of the war in Iraq.
This is Hillary's base folks.
9/11/07 Rasmussen Thompson 28% Giuliani 21%
This is the largest lead Thompson, or anyone for that matter, has had over Guiliani. Expect the state polls (Iowa, Nevada, Michigan, NH) to begin showing eroding support for Romney as they reflect the Thompson surge.
CNN showing a similar trend: WASHINGTON (CNN) — Five days after he officially jumped into the Republican race for the White House, former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson finds himself in a statistical dead heat with frontrunner Rudy Giuliani, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Tuesday.
The former New York City mayor garners 28 percent nationally among registered Republicans while Thompson is only one point behind at 27 percent — well within the poll's 5 percentage point margin of error. In a similar poll taken in August, Giuliani registered 29 percent while Thompson, then not yet an official presidential candidate, was at 22 percent.
Arizona Sen. John McCain comes in a distant third at 15 percent, with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney close behind at 11 percent. McCain was at 16 percent in the August poll while Romney registered 12 percent. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee now stands at 5 percent.
CNN showing a similar trend: WASHINGTON (CNN) — Five days after he officially jumped into the Republican race for the White House, former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson finds himself in a statistical dead heat with frontrunner Rudy Giuliani, according to a new CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll out Tuesday.
The former New York City mayor garners 28 percent nationally among registered Republicans while Thompson is only one point behind at 27 percent — well within the poll's 5 percentage point margin of error. In a similar poll taken in August, Giuliani registered 29 percent while Thompson, then not yet an official presidential candidate, was at 22 percent.
Arizona Sen. John McCain comes in a distant third at 15 percent, with former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney close behind at 11 percent. McCain was at 16 percent in the August poll while Romney registered 12 percent. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee now stands at 5 percent.
Ted Olson becomes frontrunner for Attorney General
Breaking: Announcement could be imminent...
Appropriate and ironic considering that Ted lost his wife Barbara on flight 77 this very day six years ago.
Appropriate and ironic considering that Ted lost his wife Barbara on flight 77 this very day six years ago.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Moonbats on Parade

Thompson's Post Announcement Bounce
The early returns are encouraging for Thompson and his team. Despite the fact that his intentions have been far from secret for a very long time, the actor and politician is enjoying a nice bounce in the polls since making his announcement. He now leads in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for the first time since July.
In the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination, Thompson is on top for the first time since late July. The former Tennessee Senator is currently the top choice for 26% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Rudy Giuliani, who has been the frontrunner for most of the year, is close behind with support from 22%.
And just out from CBS/NY Times:
Rudy Giuliani, after holding the front-runner spot in the race for the Republican presidential nomination for months, has seen his lead nearly evaporate with the entry of former senator and TV star Fred Thompson into the race, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds.
The poll contains other foreboding signs for the former New York City mayor as well, including indications that Republican primary voters may not buy his argument that running America’s biggest city makes Giuliani fit to occupy the White House.
After seeing his support among Republican primary voters rise to 38 percent in August, Giuliani was backed by only 27 percent of respondents in the most recent survey, narrowing his lead over Thompson to 5 percentage points after holding a 20-point edge last month.
This folks is one of the reasons I cannot support Romney. Granted politics ain't beanbag but this sort of thing just plain stinks.
Anti-Thompson Site Connects to Romney Camp: A top adviser to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appears to be behind today's launch of a new Web site attacking GOP presidential rival Fred Thompson.
The site,, paints an unflattering picture of Thompson, dubbing him: Fancy Fred, Five O'clock Fred, Flip-Flop Fred, McCain Fred, Moron Fred, Playboy Fred, Pro-Choice Fred, Son-of-a-Fred and Trial Lawyer Fred. [View an image of the Web site]
Shortly after a Washington Post reporter made inquiries about the site to the Romney campaign, the site was taken down.
In the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination, Thompson is on top for the first time since late July. The former Tennessee Senator is currently the top choice for 26% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Rudy Giuliani, who has been the frontrunner for most of the year, is close behind with support from 22%.
And just out from CBS/NY Times:
Rudy Giuliani, after holding the front-runner spot in the race for the Republican presidential nomination for months, has seen his lead nearly evaporate with the entry of former senator and TV star Fred Thompson into the race, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds.
The poll contains other foreboding signs for the former New York City mayor as well, including indications that Republican primary voters may not buy his argument that running America’s biggest city makes Giuliani fit to occupy the White House.
After seeing his support among Republican primary voters rise to 38 percent in August, Giuliani was backed by only 27 percent of respondents in the most recent survey, narrowing his lead over Thompson to 5 percentage points after holding a 20-point edge last month.
This folks is one of the reasons I cannot support Romney. Granted politics ain't beanbag but this sort of thing just plain stinks.
Anti-Thompson Site Connects to Romney Camp: A top adviser to former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney appears to be behind today's launch of a new Web site attacking GOP presidential rival Fred Thompson.
The site,, paints an unflattering picture of Thompson, dubbing him: Fancy Fred, Five O'clock Fred, Flip-Flop Fred, McCain Fred, Moron Fred, Playboy Fred, Pro-Choice Fred, Son-of-a-Fred and Trial Lawyer Fred. [View an image of the Web site]
Shortly after a Washington Post reporter made inquiries about the site to the Romney campaign, the site was taken down.
FBI looks into disgraced donor's business
Who knows how deep in the Democrat party this corruption will ultimately go but one things for sure, this time the Hsu's on the other foot.
Investigators study the legitimacy of an investment pool operated by Hsu, a Democratic fundraiser, who was arrested last week.
WASHINGTON — The FBI has begun examining a murky business venture run by disgraced Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu that paid out hefty profits over the last several years to investors, some of whom were pressed to make contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other political candidates.
Sources told The Times on Sunday that a number of participants and their associates in Southern California and elsewhere had been in contact with the FBI about an investment pool operated by Hsu.
One associate, Irvine businessman Jack Cassidy, said he had tried to warn authorities and the Clinton campaign as early as June that he feared Hsu was running an illicit enterprise, but had gotten no response.
Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson declined to respond to Cassidy's claim, saying only that the campaign had conducted a background check of Hsu, who has emerged in the last three years as one of the Democratic Party's biggest fundraisers.
Update:Clinton to Return $850,000 Raised by Hsu
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said Monday it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for violating election laws.
Clinton, D-N.Y., previously had planned only to give to charity $23,000 she received from Hsu for her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac.
The FBI is investigating whether Hsu paid so-called straw donors to send campaign contributions to Clinton and other candidates, a law enforcement official said Monday.
Investigators study the legitimacy of an investment pool operated by Hsu, a Democratic fundraiser, who was arrested last week.
WASHINGTON — The FBI has begun examining a murky business venture run by disgraced Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu that paid out hefty profits over the last several years to investors, some of whom were pressed to make contributions to Hillary Rodham Clinton and other political candidates.
Sources told The Times on Sunday that a number of participants and their associates in Southern California and elsewhere had been in contact with the FBI about an investment pool operated by Hsu.
One associate, Irvine businessman Jack Cassidy, said he had tried to warn authorities and the Clinton campaign as early as June that he feared Hsu was running an illicit enterprise, but had gotten no response.
Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson declined to respond to Cassidy's claim, saying only that the campaign had conducted a background check of Hsu, who has emerged in the last three years as one of the Democratic Party's biggest fundraisers.
Update:Clinton to Return $850,000 Raised by Hsu
Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign said Monday it will return $850,000 in donations raised by Democratic fundraiser Norman Hsu, who is under federal investigation for violating election laws.
Clinton, D-N.Y., previously had planned only to give to charity $23,000 she received from Hsu for her presidential and senatorial campaigns and to her political action committee, HillPac.
The FBI is investigating whether Hsu paid so-called straw donors to send campaign contributions to Clinton and other candidates, a law enforcement official said Monday.
Sunday, September 09, 2007
A Class Act
Thompson on Sunday also rejected comparisons with Ronald Reagan, another former Republican actor-turned-politician.
"The only comparison I like with regard to Ronald Reagan — which nobody can live up to — is that he was so believable. He was such a good communicator because he believed so intensely in his principles and he stuck with them. The camera doesn't lie," Thompson said.
"When you do that, people see that. To the extent that one could compare us in that respect, I'd be honored," he continued. "Other than that, there won't be another Ronald Reagan in my lifetime."
It appears the more America sees Fred the more they like him:
Thompson climbs in GOP poll
At 34%, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani leads the field, as he has all year.
Thompson continues to be a wild card in the GOP contest. He ranks second at 22%, up 3 points since August and his strongest showing since his name was added to the list of contenders in March.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has slipped 4 points from August, to 10%.
"The only comparison I like with regard to Ronald Reagan — which nobody can live up to — is that he was so believable. He was such a good communicator because he believed so intensely in his principles and he stuck with them. The camera doesn't lie," Thompson said.
"When you do that, people see that. To the extent that one could compare us in that respect, I'd be honored," he continued. "Other than that, there won't be another Ronald Reagan in my lifetime."
It appears the more America sees Fred the more they like him:
Thompson climbs in GOP poll
At 34%, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani leads the field, as he has all year.
Thompson continues to be a wild card in the GOP contest. He ranks second at 22%, up 3 points since August and his strongest showing since his name was added to the list of contenders in March.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney has slipped 4 points from August, to 10%.
Mastermind of Iraq Yazidi attack killed: U.S. military
Another dirtbag down...
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A U.S. air strike killed a senior al Qaeda militant who masterminded truck bombings on Iraq's minority Yazidi community last month that killed more than 400 people, the military said on Sunday.
"On September 3, a coalition air strike killed the terrorist responsible for the planning and conducting of the horrific attack against the Yazidis in northern Iraq on August 14," military spokesman Rear Admiral Mark Fox told a news conference.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - A U.S. air strike killed a senior al Qaeda militant who masterminded truck bombings on Iraq's minority Yazidi community last month that killed more than 400 people, the military said on Sunday.
"On September 3, a coalition air strike killed the terrorist responsible for the planning and conducting of the horrific attack against the Yazidis in northern Iraq on August 14," military spokesman Rear Admiral Mark Fox told a news conference.
Latest Bin Laden Video Is a Forgery

All References to Current Events Are Made During Video Freeze.
Osama Bin Laden's widely publicized video address to the American people has a peculiarity that casts serious doubt on its authenticity: the video freezes at about 1 minute and 36 seconds, and motion only resumes again at 12:30. The video then freezes again at 14:02 remains frozen until the end. All references to current events, such as the 62nd anniversary of the U.S. atomic bombing of Japan, and Sarkozy and Brown being the leaders of France and the UK, respectively, occur when the video is frozen! The words spoken when the video is in motion contain no references to contemporary events and could have been (and likely were) made before the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
The audio track does appear to be in the voice of a single speaker. What I suspect was done is that an older, unreleased video was dubbed over for this release, with the video frozen when the audio track departed from that of the original video.
Saturday, September 08, 2007
Iraqi parliament gears up to pass key draft laws
The Democrats better hope that nothing gets accomplished in the next week as inaction of the Iraqi Congress is the last credible talking point they have left.
Baghdad: The Iraqi parliament is preparing to debate controversial draft laws on oil and gas, accountability, justice, resources and the provinces.
According to Salim Abdullah, a member in the Sunni Accord Front, the parliament will approve the Accountability and Justice Laws concerning the return of the Baathists to senior administrative and military positions, in addition to the Provinces Law that will regulate this week's provincial elections that is a significant step towards forming federal regions in Iraq.
Abdullah added: "The Oil and Gas and the Resources Laws will be subjected to some [amendments and] yet it is likely that the laws will be approved by the parliament because of some understandings between [major] political blocs inside the parliament to legislate the laws."
Baghdad: The Iraqi parliament is preparing to debate controversial draft laws on oil and gas, accountability, justice, resources and the provinces.
According to Salim Abdullah, a member in the Sunni Accord Front, the parliament will approve the Accountability and Justice Laws concerning the return of the Baathists to senior administrative and military positions, in addition to the Provinces Law that will regulate this week's provincial elections that is a significant step towards forming federal regions in Iraq.
Abdullah added: "The Oil and Gas and the Resources Laws will be subjected to some [amendments and] yet it is likely that the laws will be approved by the parliament because of some understandings between [major] political blocs inside the parliament to legislate the laws."
Chuck Hagel is calling it quits
I think Hagel saw the writing on the wall and determined that the surest way to keep from getting trounced is not to play the game.
WASHINGTON - Chuck Hagel will announce Monday that he is retiring from the U.S. Senate and will not run for president next year, people close to the Nebraska Republican said Friday.
Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel plans to leave the Senate after two terms as a Republican Party maverick, people close to him say.Hagel plans to announce that "he will not run for re-election and that he does not intend to be a candidate for any office in 2008," said one person, who asked not to be named.
Hagel has scheduled a press conference for 10 a.m. Monday at the Omaha Press Club.
WASHINGTON - Chuck Hagel will announce Monday that he is retiring from the U.S. Senate and will not run for president next year, people close to the Nebraska Republican said Friday.
Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel plans to leave the Senate after two terms as a Republican Party maverick, people close to him say.Hagel plans to announce that "he will not run for re-election and that he does not intend to be a candidate for any office in 2008," said one person, who asked not to be named.
Hagel has scheduled a press conference for 10 a.m. Monday at the Omaha Press Club.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Cato Scholar Comments on Fred Thompson and Ronald Reagan
Sorry for so many Thompson postings but hey there's some awfully interesting stuff out there since his recent announcement.
The New York Times is right that Fred Thompson's strong support of federalism makes him an intellectual heir of Ronald Reagan. Central to Reagan's campaign for president was his belief that the federal government was too big and that there should be an "orderly transfer" of federal activities back to the states and the people.
Kudos to Thompson for injecting federalism back into public discussion. Thompson is right that federalism "is a tool to promote freedom."
All the Republican candidates should do less griping about "pork" spending, and put their efforts into plans for abolishing major agencies and reviving the federalist structure of American government.
The New York Times is right that Fred Thompson's strong support of federalism makes him an intellectual heir of Ronald Reagan. Central to Reagan's campaign for president was his belief that the federal government was too big and that there should be an "orderly transfer" of federal activities back to the states and the people.
Kudos to Thompson for injecting federalism back into public discussion. Thompson is right that federalism "is a tool to promote freedom."
All the Republican candidates should do less griping about "pork" spending, and put their efforts into plans for abolishing major agencies and reviving the federalist structure of American government.
Huckabee Challenges Fred Thompson To Debate
From Stop the ACLU...
Per his campaign, Mike Huckabee today sent a letter to Fred Thompson, inviting the former Tennessee senator to debate. “I am aware of your comments on Fox News that you would like to participate in a series of Lincoln-Douglas styled debates. I would like to officially accept your offer,” Huckabee says in the letter. “I agree that what is needed is a real discussion by the candidates about their vision for the future of our country.”
“Senator, let’s lead by example and get the ball rolling,” Huckabee adds.
Fred has nothing to gain and everything to lose by debating a second tier candidate. That being said I'd love to see it, Federalist vs Statist YEEHAW!
Per his campaign, Mike Huckabee today sent a letter to Fred Thompson, inviting the former Tennessee senator to debate. “I am aware of your comments on Fox News that you would like to participate in a series of Lincoln-Douglas styled debates. I would like to officially accept your offer,” Huckabee says in the letter. “I agree that what is needed is a real discussion by the candidates about their vision for the future of our country.”
“Senator, let’s lead by example and get the ball rolling,” Huckabee adds.
Fred has nothing to gain and everything to lose by debating a second tier candidate. That being said I'd love to see it, Federalist vs Statist YEEHAW!
Petraeus, Seeing Gains in Iraq as Fragile, Is Wary of Cuts
Sept. 6 — Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top American commander in Iraq, has told President Bush that he wants to maintain heightened troop levels in Iraq well into next year to reduce the risk of military setbacks, but could accept the pullback of roughly 4,000 troops beginning in January, in part to assuage critics in Congress, according to senior administration and military officials.
But military strategical genius Bill Clinton disagrees..Bill Clinton Urges 'Substantial' Drawdown in Iraq
Who's advice would you take?
But military strategical genius Bill Clinton disagrees..Bill Clinton Urges 'Substantial' Drawdown in Iraq
Who's advice would you take?
Thursday, September 06, 2007

Stay tuned to Drudge for the other Hsu to drop.
Update: Disgraced Democratic Donor Norman Hsu Arrested in Colorado
Thompson Officially In!

You can see Thompson's kick off video here. It's excellent and worth a watch.
Money quote: A Goverment that's big enough to do everything for you is big enough to do anything to you. PERFECT!
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Republican Debate #....whatever
Again fred Thompson wins the Republican debate by not participating.
The first question right out of the block was concerning Thompson's absence. It served to highlight his steadfast individuality thereby separating him from the sheeple at the podiums. It was a thinly veiled jab by Fox that will end up having opposite the intended effect. People love mavericks, boat rockers who dance to their own tune as long as it's a pleasing melody. A lone wolf who speaks directly to the people offering a bedrock of thoughtful conservative ideals is just what the Doctor ordered. Reagan knew, when the MSM gets in your way make an end run around them directly to the electorate. I believe you'll find that Thompson has learned that lesson well.
Freds announcment on Leno here
The first question right out of the block was concerning Thompson's absence. It served to highlight his steadfast individuality thereby separating him from the sheeple at the podiums. It was a thinly veiled jab by Fox that will end up having opposite the intended effect. People love mavericks, boat rockers who dance to their own tune as long as it's a pleasing melody. A lone wolf who speaks directly to the people offering a bedrock of thoughtful conservative ideals is just what the Doctor ordered. Reagan knew, when the MSM gets in your way make an end run around them directly to the electorate. I believe you'll find that Thompson has learned that lesson well.
Freds announcment on Leno here
Thompson Hanging Tough: Giuliani 24% Thompson 23%
Rooty can't shake him...
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Rudy Giuliani with 24% support in the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. As former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson prepares to formally enter the race, the actor and politician is just a point behind the frontrunner. Thompson is the top choice for 23% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney earns the vote from 14% while Arizona Senator John McCain is at 11%. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee remains atop the second tier and is preferred by 5%
Stop the ACLU has Thompson's first video ad.
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows Rudy Giuliani with 24% support in the race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. As former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson prepares to formally enter the race, the actor and politician is just a point behind the frontrunner. Thompson is the top choice for 23% of Likely Republican Primary Voters. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney earns the vote from 14% while Arizona Senator John McCain is at 11%. Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee remains atop the second tier and is preferred by 5%
Stop the ACLU has Thompson's first video ad.
Germans Arrest 3, Thwart "Imminent Threat"
Just what the Germans should expect due to their participation and support of the Iraq invasion.....oh wait, they didn't did they.
Three men have been arrested for planning attacks on Frankfurt's international airport and the U.S. military base in Ramstein, the German Defense Minister said Wednesday.
"There was an imminent threat," Franz Josef Jung told Germany's ARD broadcaster. He declined to elaborate.
Two of the suspects had German citizenship while the third was Pakistani, Germany's Sudwestrundfunk public broadcaster said.
From Spiegel: Islamist Terrorists Planned Massive Attacks in Germany
And Denmark
Three men have been arrested for planning attacks on Frankfurt's international airport and the U.S. military base in Ramstein, the German Defense Minister said Wednesday.
"There was an imminent threat," Franz Josef Jung told Germany's ARD broadcaster. He declined to elaborate.
Two of the suspects had German citizenship while the third was Pakistani, Germany's Sudwestrundfunk public broadcaster said.
From Spiegel: Islamist Terrorists Planned Massive Attacks in Germany
And Denmark
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Thompson Outperforms McCain in Arizona
If this doesn't convince you that McCain is toast, nothing will.
Arizona is the home state for John McCain, but Fred Thompson is the strongest GOP Presidential candidate in the state at this time.
A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that Thompson leads Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton by seventeen percentage points, 51% to 34%. Thompson will be formally announcing his candidacy this week.
Rudy Giuliani, who leads the polls for the Republican Presidential nomination, leads Clinton by eleven points, 49% to 38%. McCain has a ten-point edge over Clinton, 46% to 36%. With McCain as the GOP candidate, 15% of Arizona voters say they’d select a third party option. Mitt Romney is the weakest of the GOP candidates in Arizona but still leads Clinton by seven points, 46% to 39%.
Arizona is the home state for John McCain, but Fred Thompson is the strongest GOP Presidential candidate in the state at this time.
A Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that Thompson leads Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton by seventeen percentage points, 51% to 34%. Thompson will be formally announcing his candidacy this week.
Rudy Giuliani, who leads the polls for the Republican Presidential nomination, leads Clinton by eleven points, 49% to 38%. McCain has a ten-point edge over Clinton, 46% to 36%. With McCain as the GOP candidate, 15% of Arizona voters say they’d select a third party option. Mitt Romney is the weakest of the GOP candidates in Arizona but still leads Clinton by seven points, 46% to 39%.
Iraqis agree on secret peace plan
Progress or posturing, lets hope it's the latter. Considering what's been happening over the last six weeks in Iraq, I'm hopeful.
Iraqi Sunni and Shia representatives have agreed to work towards peace during talks in Finland.
"Participants committed themselves to work towards a robust framework for a lasting settlement," said a statement issued on Monday by the Crisis Management Initiative, a conflict-prevention group that organised the meeting.
In an agreement released by CMI, the participants "agreed to consult further" on a list of recommendations to begin reconciliation talks, including resolving political disputes through non-violence and democracy.
The recommendations also included the disarming of factions and forming an independent commission to supervise the disarming "in a verifiable manner".
Iraqi Sunni and Shia representatives have agreed to work towards peace during talks in Finland.
"Participants committed themselves to work towards a robust framework for a lasting settlement," said a statement issued on Monday by the Crisis Management Initiative, a conflict-prevention group that organised the meeting.
In an agreement released by CMI, the participants "agreed to consult further" on a list of recommendations to begin reconciliation talks, including resolving political disputes through non-violence and democracy.
The recommendations also included the disarming of factions and forming an independent commission to supervise the disarming "in a verifiable manner".
Monday, September 03, 2007
Al-Absi, leader of Fatah al-Islam is dead
Way to go Lebanese army!
Beirut - Shaker Youssef Al-Absi , the fugitive leader of the Fatah al-Islam militants was killed today as he was trying to flee the Nahr el Bared Palestinian refugee camp in north Lebanon.
This information was confirmed by a hospital in Tripoli and by Lebanese army sources.
According to army sources, Al-Absi was killed in the morning and his body was found near the eastern section of the camp. The army brought in some Fatah al Islam detainees to view the body and they all confirmed that it was that of Al- Absi. Later in the day, the army performed DNA tests which provided the final proof of his death.
Beirut - Shaker Youssef Al-Absi , the fugitive leader of the Fatah al-Islam militants was killed today as he was trying to flee the Nahr el Bared Palestinian refugee camp in north Lebanon.
This information was confirmed by a hospital in Tripoli and by Lebanese army sources.
According to army sources, Al-Absi was killed in the morning and his body was found near the eastern section of the camp. The army brought in some Fatah al Islam detainees to view the body and they all confirmed that it was that of Al- Absi. Later in the day, the army performed DNA tests which provided the final proof of his death.
Pres. Bush makes surprise visit to Iraq
Breaking via Fox:
AL-ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq — President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq on Monday, using the war zone as a backdrop to argue his case that the buildup of U.S. troops is helping stabilizing the nation.
The president secretly flew 11 hours to Iraq as a showdown nears with Congress over whether his decision in January to order 30,000 more U.S. troops to Iraq is working. He landed at an air base in Anbar province west of Baghdad.
Next week, Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, testify before Congress. Their assessment of the conflict, along with a progress report the White House must give lawmakers by Sept. 15, will determine the next chapter of the war.
AL-ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq — President Bush made a surprise visit to Iraq on Monday, using the war zone as a backdrop to argue his case that the buildup of U.S. troops is helping stabilizing the nation.
The president secretly flew 11 hours to Iraq as a showdown nears with Congress over whether his decision in January to order 30,000 more U.S. troops to Iraq is working. He landed at an air base in Anbar province west of Baghdad.
Next week, Gen. David Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, the U.S. ambassador in Baghdad, testify before Congress. Their assessment of the conflict, along with a progress report the White House must give lawmakers by Sept. 15, will determine the next chapter of the war.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
UPI/Zogby Poll: Most Americans Say Iraq War Not Lost
A combination of being invested in defeat and wishful thinking
Survey finds two in three Democrats believe the war is already lost. A majority of Americans - 54% - believe the United States has not lost the war in Iraq, but there is dramatic disagreement on the question between Democrats and Republicans, a new UPI/Zogby Interactive poll shows. While two in three Democrats (66%) said the war effort has already failed, just 9% of Republicans say the same.
The poll comes ahead of a September report to Congress by David Petraeus, commander of the multi-national force in Iraq, on the progress of the so-called surge in quelling attacks by insurgents and creating an atmosphere where the new Iraqi government can develop.
Survey finds two in three Democrats believe the war is already lost. A majority of Americans - 54% - believe the United States has not lost the war in Iraq, but there is dramatic disagreement on the question between Democrats and Republicans, a new UPI/Zogby Interactive poll shows. While two in three Democrats (66%) said the war effort has already failed, just 9% of Republicans say the same.
The poll comes ahead of a September report to Congress by David Petraeus, commander of the multi-national force in Iraq, on the progress of the so-called surge in quelling attacks by insurgents and creating an atmosphere where the new Iraqi government can develop.
US Forces Battle al-Qaeda, Iran Revolutionary Guards in Baghdad, Mosul
BAGHDAD, Sept 1 (KUNA) -- Coalition forces have conducted two separate raids to capture or kill suspected Special Groups operatives in Baghdad before dawn on Saturday, the Multi-National Force (MNF) said in a statement.
The statement said coalition forces detained eight suspected Special Groups terrorists during the raids. Coalition forces conducted two deliberate ground assaults to raid what were believed to be the residences of two high-level Special Groups leaders. The targeted individuals are believed to be leaders of Special Groups responsible for logistical facilitation of Iranian weapons and lethal aid flowing into Iraq, the statement added.
Both targeted individuals are implicated in anti-Coalition forces attacks and the recruitment of extremists to conduct criminal activity.
MNF spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said they are continuing a series of synchronized operations against the Special Groups that utilize Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps - Quds Force support to import weapons, explosives and training, Coalition forces conducted a set of sequential raids last night in Baghdad targeting Special Groups operatives.
Sooner or later we're going to have to initiate a more dceisive response than just rounding em up.
The statement said coalition forces detained eight suspected Special Groups terrorists during the raids. Coalition forces conducted two deliberate ground assaults to raid what were believed to be the residences of two high-level Special Groups leaders. The targeted individuals are believed to be leaders of Special Groups responsible for logistical facilitation of Iranian weapons and lethal aid flowing into Iraq, the statement added.
Both targeted individuals are implicated in anti-Coalition forces attacks and the recruitment of extremists to conduct criminal activity.
MNF spokesman Lt. Col. Christopher Garver said they are continuing a series of synchronized operations against the Special Groups that utilize Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps - Quds Force support to import weapons, explosives and training, Coalition forces conducted a set of sequential raids last night in Baghdad targeting Special Groups operatives.
Sooner or later we're going to have to initiate a more dceisive response than just rounding em up.
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Judge Puts Hold on White House Plan to Warn Employers About Hiring Illegals
A California judge (San Francisco) and a Clinton appointee.....bad combination.
A federal judge has put a halt on a planned White House crackdown on employers who hire illegal immigrants while she considers a lawsuit filed by the AFL-CIO claiming the move would harm citizens and those working in the U.S. legally, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.
The ruling, issued by U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney, bars the Department of Homeland Security from sending mail notices to 140,000 employers about suspect Social Security numbers.
The AFL-CIO and the American Civil Liberties Union say that DHS is going beyond its mandate to enforce immigration laws and is misusing the Social Security Administration’s database, according to the report.
"We're disappointed by the delay and expect to prevail once the court has the benefit of full briefing and argument," DHS spokeswoman Laura Keehner said. She added that Homeland Security will continue other immigration enforcement programs. The ruling allows Judge Chesney to review the lawsuit before issuing a decision on the DHS plan. A hearing on the case has been set for Oct. 1.
A federal judge has put a halt on a planned White House crackdown on employers who hire illegal immigrants while she considers a lawsuit filed by the AFL-CIO claiming the move would harm citizens and those working in the U.S. legally, the Washington Post reported on Saturday.
The ruling, issued by U.S. District Judge Maxine M. Chesney, bars the Department of Homeland Security from sending mail notices to 140,000 employers about suspect Social Security numbers.
The AFL-CIO and the American Civil Liberties Union say that DHS is going beyond its mandate to enforce immigration laws and is misusing the Social Security Administration’s database, according to the report.
"We're disappointed by the delay and expect to prevail once the court has the benefit of full briefing and argument," DHS spokeswoman Laura Keehner said. She added that Homeland Security will continue other immigration enforcement programs. The ruling allows Judge Chesney to review the lawsuit before issuing a decision on the DHS plan. A hearing on the case has been set for Oct. 1.
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