Monday, June 04, 2007

Thompson's First Test: Raising Funds Fast

When we began reporting on the Fred Thompson phenomenon back in March the nattering nimrods were already pontificating that it was late, maybe too late for him to realistically compete with Rudy McRomney and their money making machines. Steaming cowpie we said. If Fred gets in he may very well set records for the greatest amount of money collected in the shortest period of time. Nothing being reported so far would disuade me from that position.

Signs suggest that he [Fred] won't have trouble in the early going. In a conference call Tuesday with more than 100 supporters, Mr. Thompson flogged each to raise a quick $46,000 by early this week to become "First Day Founders," participants said. Each can presumably meet his or her goal by tapping 20 friends to make a maximum $2,300 individual donation. If they do, Mr. Thompson will start his campaign with a quick display of fund-raising prowess and about $5 million on hand.

"I see the indecision and noncommitted people on the Republican side who are yearning for a conservative," said Mack Mattingly, a former Georgia senator who was on the conference call and committed to raising the cash. "I don't see raising money as a big problem. Even bad candidates are raising money."

Jawa reports on Fredheads and CQ discusses what classless RINO punk Joe Scarborough has to say about Jeri Thompson.

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