Then after years of just doing that which they were designed to do they began having delusions of their own grandiosity. Reporting the weather in studio was not enough, they had to have their so called "meteorologist reporters" on scene. And from there on it has been all downhill.
They lost me two summers ago when during the most active night for tornadoes in decades (some 450+ sightings) across the country they chose to run "Storm Stories"while many of us huddled in our basements frantically channel flipping to our local news for an update. Then came their Katrina manifesto ad nauseum, it was unwatchable.
Now with additional irritants Abrams & Bettes, and Dr. Ms. Heidi Cullen (the self proclaimed climate expert and global warming cop) and other assorted knotheads the Weather Channel has become nothing more than a propaganda spewing agenda driven caricature of it's original self. Reporting the weather has become just another tiresome chore that gets in the way of them saving the world from itself.
They long ago quit dancing with the one who brung them and some day that may very well come back to bite them. They have no cable competition so their likely spending money like crazy and are, at least for the moment dumb, fat and happy in their success.
Some day however some bright young entrepreneur is going to realize that the cable Co's are probably fed up paying the inflated price for the new Weather Channel and all it's bells and whistles and put together a bare bones weather service channel similar to the way the original Weather Channel was designed all at a third the cost.
Then we'll see if the self indulgent a$$es running the WC and their views are as essential to the world as they believe them to be.
Update: Well we've done it again...
Global Warming is Real
And It’s Happening on Mars!
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