1. Over the past several years, have Republicans in Congress done a good job of representing Republican values? Or have Republicans in Congress lost touch with Republican voters from throughout the nation?Thanks to reaganaut1 at FR for doing the legwork.
16% Republicans in Congress have done a good job of representing Republican values
69% Republicans in Congress have lost touch with Republican voters
14% Not sure
2. Looking to the future, is it more important for the Republican Party to stand for what it believes in or to work with President Obama?
51% To stand for what it believes in
42% To work with President Obama
7% Not sure
3. Is the average Republican in Congress more conservative than the average Republican voter, more liberal, or about the same?
26% Average Republican in Congress is more conservative than the average Republican voter
37% More liberal
28% About the same
9% Not sure
The other side of the coin does not bode well for Comradery Democratico: The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 43% would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate while 36% would opt for his or her Democratic opponent.
That represents the lowest level of support for Democrats in recent years, while Republicans have tied their highest level of support for the third straight week. The previous low for Democrats over the past year was 37%.
The most accurate pollster constrasted with the farcile... Poll: Obama Approval Rating Dips Slightly
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