Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Consumer Confidence Hits 6-Year High
With the situation in Iraq markedly improving and the economy continuing to steam ahaed the left is running low on issues to campaign against.
NEW YORK (AP) -- American consumers -- shrugging off a struggling housing market as jobs remained plentiful -- became more confident in July and sent a gauge of sentiment to a six-year-high, a private research group said Tuesday.
The New York-based Conference Board said that its Consumer Confidence Index, rebounded to 112.6, its highest level since August 2001 when it recorded a 114.0 reading. That compared to a revised 105.3 in June.
NEW YORK (AP) -- American consumers -- shrugging off a struggling housing market as jobs remained plentiful -- became more confident in July and sent a gauge of sentiment to a six-year-high, a private research group said Tuesday.
The New York-based Conference Board said that its Consumer Confidence Index, rebounded to 112.6, its highest level since August 2001 when it recorded a 114.0 reading. That compared to a revised 105.3 in June.
Gitmo Inmate Pleads for U.S. to Keep Him in Custody
They've got it so bad at Gitmo, that is untill it's compared to anywhere else.
An inmate of Guantanamo Bay who spends 22 hours each day in an isolation cell is fighting for the right to stay in the notorious internment camp.
Ahmed Belbacha fears that he will be tortured or killed if the United States goes ahead with plans to return him to his native Algeria.
The London Times reported that Belbacha, who lived in Britain for three years, has filed an emergency motion at the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., asking for his transfer out of Guantanamo to be halted. He was cleared for release from Camp Delta in February and his lawyers believe that his return to Algerian custody is imminent.
An inmate of Guantanamo Bay who spends 22 hours each day in an isolation cell is fighting for the right to stay in the notorious internment camp.
Ahmed Belbacha fears that he will be tortured or killed if the United States goes ahead with plans to return him to his native Algeria.
The London Times reported that Belbacha, who lived in Britain for three years, has filed an emergency motion at the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., asking for his transfer out of Guantanamo to be halted. He was cleared for release from Camp Delta in February and his lawyers believe that his return to Algerian custody is imminent.
Monday, July 30, 2007
CJ John Roberts Suffers Fall
WASHINGTON (AP) - Chief Justice John Roberts was taken by ambulance to a hospital on Monday after a fall on a dock near his summer home in Maine.
Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said she did not know how he fell or what injuries he might have suffered. She said he was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
Roberts, 52, bought a home last year in Port Clyde on Maine's Hupper Island. Port Clyde, which is part of the town of St. George, is about 90 miles by car northeast of Portland, midway up the coast of Maine.
And the classless imbeciles at Democratic Underground respond...
“Benhurst (1000+ posts) Mon Jul-30-07 05:51 PM
Response to Original message
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18”
“One down, Fat Tony to go. “
Supreme Court spokeswoman Kathy Arberg said she did not know how he fell or what injuries he might have suffered. She said he was taken to the hospital as a precaution.
Roberts, 52, bought a home last year in Port Clyde on Maine's Hupper Island. Port Clyde, which is part of the town of St. George, is about 90 miles by car northeast of Portland, midway up the coast of Maine.
And the classless imbeciles at Democratic Underground respond...
“Benhurst (1000+ posts) Mon Jul-30-07 05:51 PM
Response to Original message
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18”
“One down, Fat Tony to go. “
The woman of 108 told to wait 18 months for hearing aid
Government run healthcare at it's best...
A woman aged 108 has been told she must wait 18 months before the Health Service will give her the hearing aid she needs.
Former piano teacher Olive Beal, one of the oldest people in Britain, has poor eyesight and uses a wheelchair. The delay could mean she will be unable to communicate and listen to the music she loves. Now her family have said that realistically Mrs Beal is unlikely ever to receive the digital hearing aid that will save her from isolation.
The one-time suffragette is one of hundreds of thousands of older people made to wait up to two years and sometimes more for modern digital hearing aids that make a dramatic difference to their ability to hear and communicate. The case of Mrs Beal comes just a few days after the Mail revealed how another centenarian, Esme Collins, has been threatened with eviction from the nursing home where she has lived for ten years in a dispute between home owners and the local council over her fees.
She said yesterday: 'I could be dead by then.' Her youngest son was a World War Two soldier killed in Normandy on the day after the D-Day landings. She was widowed 45 years ago. Donna Tipping of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf said: 'I am afraid this is a common problem.
I think that's what the governments counting on Ms. Beal.
A woman aged 108 has been told she must wait 18 months before the Health Service will give her the hearing aid she needs.
Former piano teacher Olive Beal, one of the oldest people in Britain, has poor eyesight and uses a wheelchair. The delay could mean she will be unable to communicate and listen to the music she loves. Now her family have said that realistically Mrs Beal is unlikely ever to receive the digital hearing aid that will save her from isolation.
The one-time suffragette is one of hundreds of thousands of older people made to wait up to two years and sometimes more for modern digital hearing aids that make a dramatic difference to their ability to hear and communicate. The case of Mrs Beal comes just a few days after the Mail revealed how another centenarian, Esme Collins, has been threatened with eviction from the nursing home where she has lived for ten years in a dispute between home owners and the local council over her fees.
She said yesterday: 'I could be dead by then.' Her youngest son was a World War Two soldier killed in Normandy on the day after the D-Day landings. She was widowed 45 years ago. Donna Tipping of the Royal National Institute for the Deaf said: 'I am afraid this is a common problem.
I think that's what the governments counting on Ms. Beal.
ISAF: Chairman of the Taliban military council killed in Helmand
Another high level scumbag takes a dirt nap....
ISAF says Qari Faiz Mohammad, a top Taliban commander with close links to supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, died in a fierce clash with ANA and ISAF troops last week. Details of the raid were not released but one ISAF soldier died in southern Afghanistan that same day.
There has been no official announcement of Qari Faiz Mohammad’s death from Taliban sources.
Qari Faiz Mohammad was one of Afghanistan’s ‘Most Wanted’ Taliban leaders. He acted as Chairman of the Taliban military council and allegedly financed many Taliban operations launched in Helmand province, according to the BBC.
ISAF says Qari Faiz Mohammad, a top Taliban commander with close links to supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar, died in a fierce clash with ANA and ISAF troops last week. Details of the raid were not released but one ISAF soldier died in southern Afghanistan that same day.
There has been no official announcement of Qari Faiz Mohammad’s death from Taliban sources.
Qari Faiz Mohammad was one of Afghanistan’s ‘Most Wanted’ Taliban leaders. He acted as Chairman of the Taliban military council and allegedly financed many Taliban operations launched in Helmand province, according to the BBC.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Water Experts Find Earth’s Warming, Rainfall Linked to Sun
I wonder if self appointed carboncop and climofascist Dr. Mrs Heidi Cullen is listening......NAW
A team of water experts says the pattern of droughts and floods in South Africa shows our global warming was triggered by the variability of the sun’s irradiance rather than by human-emitted CO2. They say variations in South African rainfall patterns are keyed to periodic reversals of the sun’s magnetic field—and to the constantly changing distance between the sun and the earth as both move through space.
In South Africa, alternate 11-year sunspot cycles produce opposite rainfall results. One complete “double sun cycle” occurs every 20.8 years: the “first” cycle brings a big flood, followed by a small drought; the next brings a big drought, followed by a small flood.
Lead author Will Alexander used the double sunspot cycle to publicly predict the end of major South African droughts in both 1995 and 2006. He notes that South African droughts have often been broken at 11-year intervals by severe floods associated with sunspot maxima—as in 1822, 1841, 1863, 1874 and 1885. The research summary appears in the June 2007 issue of the Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering.
A team of water experts says the pattern of droughts and floods in South Africa shows our global warming was triggered by the variability of the sun’s irradiance rather than by human-emitted CO2. They say variations in South African rainfall patterns are keyed to periodic reversals of the sun’s magnetic field—and to the constantly changing distance between the sun and the earth as both move through space.
In South Africa, alternate 11-year sunspot cycles produce opposite rainfall results. One complete “double sun cycle” occurs every 20.8 years: the “first” cycle brings a big flood, followed by a small drought; the next brings a big drought, followed by a small flood.
Lead author Will Alexander used the double sunspot cycle to publicly predict the end of major South African droughts in both 1995 and 2006. He notes that South African droughts have often been broken at 11-year intervals by severe floods associated with sunspot maxima—as in 1822, 1841, 1863, 1874 and 1885. The research summary appears in the June 2007 issue of the Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering.
Schumer's Delusion
Schumer has been smoking his socks again....
New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”
“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”
Schumer’s assertion comes as Democrats and liberal advocacy groups are increasingly complaining that the Supreme Court with Bush’s nominees – Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito – has moved quicker than expected to overturn legal precedents.
Senators were too quick to accept the nominees’ word that they would respect legal precedents, and “too easily impressed with the charm of Roberts and the erudition of Alito,” Schumer said.
"Extraordiany circumstances" Where exactly does he get this? Certainly not from the Constitution. Must be the voices in his head again. What he appears to be saying is that he and his liberal Senatorial compadres will not consent to ANY nominee from President Bush unless they are ideologically sympatico with say Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Such a nominee from Bush would indeed be an extraordinay circumstance albeit monumentally unlikely. A sure cure for this sort of philosophical obstinence would be for Bush to make each succeeding nominee further to the right than the previous one, sooner or later they would have to copitulate.
His statement that the court is "dangerously out of balance" is equally ludicrous. As it stands it's 4 libs, 4 conservatives and one swing. Sounds pretty balanced to me. What he's really worried about is a Stevens or Ginsburg being replaced by a conservative making the court 3-5-1. Considering there is nothing in the Constitution prohibiting an "unbalanced" court, should a vacancy arise, he'll eventually be forced to choke it down.
New York Sen. Charles E. Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S. Supreme Court nominee under President Bush “except in extraordinary circumstances.”
“We should reverse the presumption of confirmation,” Schumer told the American Constitution Society convention in Washington. “The Supreme Court is dangerously out of balance. We cannot afford to see Justice Stevens replaced by another Roberts, or Justice Ginsburg by another Alito.”
Schumer’s assertion comes as Democrats and liberal advocacy groups are increasingly complaining that the Supreme Court with Bush’s nominees – Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justice Samuel A. Alito – has moved quicker than expected to overturn legal precedents.
Senators were too quick to accept the nominees’ word that they would respect legal precedents, and “too easily impressed with the charm of Roberts and the erudition of Alito,” Schumer said.
"Extraordiany circumstances" Where exactly does he get this? Certainly not from the Constitution. Must be the voices in his head again. What he appears to be saying is that he and his liberal Senatorial compadres will not consent to ANY nominee from President Bush unless they are ideologically sympatico with say Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Such a nominee from Bush would indeed be an extraordinay circumstance albeit monumentally unlikely. A sure cure for this sort of philosophical obstinence would be for Bush to make each succeeding nominee further to the right than the previous one, sooner or later they would have to copitulate.
His statement that the court is "dangerously out of balance" is equally ludicrous. As it stands it's 4 libs, 4 conservatives and one swing. Sounds pretty balanced to me. What he's really worried about is a Stevens or Ginsburg being replaced by a conservative making the court 3-5-1. Considering there is nothing in the Constitution prohibiting an "unbalanced" court, should a vacancy arise, he'll eventually be forced to choke it down.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Global Warming Brownshirts
The level of vitriol and hysteria oozing up from the deep recesses of the leftist soul is nothing short of breathtaking. This Global warming nympholepsy for absolute and complete adherence to their new religion is alarmingly similar to the single minded fervor of a jihadist with a fresh fatwa under his belt. As a very wise man once told me... "Beware, stupid and crazy are a dangerous combination".
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency says he will investigate a threatening letter sent by the leader of an EPA-member group, vowing to "destroy" the career of a climate skeptic.
During a Capitol Hill hearing yesterday, Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican and ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, confronted EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson about the strongly-worded letter written July 13 by Michael T. Eckhart, president of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) that was sent to Marlo Lewis, senior fellow of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).
"It is my intention to destroy your career as a liar," Mr. Eckhart wrote. "If you produce one more editorial against climate change, I will launch a campaign against your professional integrity. I will call you a liar and charlatan to the Harvard community of which you and I are members. I will call you out as a man who has been bought by Corporate America. Go ahead, guy. Take me on."
The head of the Environmental Protection Agency says he will investigate a threatening letter sent by the leader of an EPA-member group, vowing to "destroy" the career of a climate skeptic.
During a Capitol Hill hearing yesterday, Sen. James M. Inhofe, Oklahoma Republican and ranking member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, confronted EPA Administrator Stephen L. Johnson about the strongly-worded letter written July 13 by Michael T. Eckhart, president of the American Council on Renewable Energy (ACORE) that was sent to Marlo Lewis, senior fellow of the Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI).
"It is my intention to destroy your career as a liar," Mr. Eckhart wrote. "If you produce one more editorial against climate change, I will launch a campaign against your professional integrity. I will call you a liar and charlatan to the Harvard community of which you and I are members. I will call you out as a man who has been bought by Corporate America. Go ahead, guy. Take me on."
Economy Growth Is Best in a Year
The Dems can't bemoan the economy so expect all Iraq all the time.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The economy snapped out of a lethargic spell and grew at a 3.4 percent pace in the second quarter, the strongest showing in more than a year. A revival in business spending was a main force behind the energized performance
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The economy snapped out of a lethargic spell and grew at a 3.4 percent pace in the second quarter, the strongest showing in more than a year. A revival in business spending was a main force behind the energized performance
Research 2000 poll: Romney, Edwards lead in Iowa
The fact that John Edwards leads in Iowa begs the question; How significant is Romney's lead?
Sen. John Edwards now holds a 5-point lead, climbing up to 27 percent. Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, and Barack Obama, D-Illinois, both fell 6 points. They now sit at 22 and 16 percent, respectively. Edwards wasn’t the only Democrat gaining, however. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson gained 4 points and now sits at 11 percent.
On the Republican side, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney bumped his numbers up to 25 percent, and unofficial GOP candidate Fred Thompson rose to 14. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani slips a bit, falling to 13, and Sen. John McCain, who had been the leader of the pack in May, is now seeing 10 percent.
Sen. John Edwards now holds a 5-point lead, climbing up to 27 percent. Sens. Hillary Clinton, D-New York, and Barack Obama, D-Illinois, both fell 6 points. They now sit at 22 and 16 percent, respectively. Edwards wasn’t the only Democrat gaining, however. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson gained 4 points and now sits at 11 percent.
On the Republican side, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney bumped his numbers up to 25 percent, and unofficial GOP candidate Fred Thompson rose to 14. Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani slips a bit, falling to 13, and Sen. John McCain, who had been the leader of the pack in May, is now seeing 10 percent.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Daily Rant
I getting irritated with some of my fellow conservative bloggers who disingenuously put on the facade of being impartial and undecided about their choice for a Republican Presidential nominee and then surreptitiously shill for one in particular.
Michell Malkin comes to mind as she has been hammering Fred Thomspon at every opportunity but has defended Rudy Guiliani on a consistent basis. Her last posting (Fred Thompson and Spencer Abraham: Bad combo) tries to argue that because Abraham was an "open border" guy Thompson is also. She obviously hasn't listened to what Fred has said on the subject. And btw, since when is a Campaign Manager responsible for drafting policy? Abraham was a terrific Senator and knows how to win elections that is why he was hired.
We here at OP have been upfront whom we support. Love you Michelle but I would suggest you and the other bloggers who have a dog in the race be upfront and quit playing games.
Michell Malkin comes to mind as she has been hammering Fred Thomspon at every opportunity but has defended Rudy Guiliani on a consistent basis. Her last posting (Fred Thompson and Spencer Abraham: Bad combo) tries to argue that because Abraham was an "open border" guy Thompson is also. She obviously hasn't listened to what Fred has said on the subject. And btw, since when is a Campaign Manager responsible for drafting policy? Abraham was a terrific Senator and knows how to win elections that is why he was hired.
We here at OP have been upfront whom we support. Love you Michelle but I would suggest you and the other bloggers who have a dog in the race be upfront and quit playing games.
Scott Thomas Revealed

Well he's come forward to identify himself as Scott Thomas Beauchamp a member of Alpha Company, 1/18 Infantry. This offering by TNR/Thomas does nothing to corroborate his accounts it only serves to show that he is indeed a soldier and not another Jesse McBeth.
The most prescient question still remains ...is he lying. If not why did he not report these alleged abusers by his fellow soldiers to the higher ups as is required.In his self outing Thomas/Beauchamp states:
“I was initially reluctant to take the time out of my already insane schedule fighting an actual war in order to play some role in an ideological battle that I never wanted to join.”
If this is indeed the case reporting these alleged incidents to his superiors would have been the best way to avoid "some role in an ideological battle" wouldn't it? If their wasn't an agenda here why report to the notoriously leftist New Republic?
Time will tell whether this man is a liar or derelict in his duties. Either way he's got some splainin to do.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Thompson tops GOP hopefuls in state poll
Fred owns the South...
MONTGOMERY - Former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee is the leading candidate for president among Alabamians likely to vote in the Republican primary next year, a new poll shows.
The Capital Survey Research Center, an arm of the Alabama Education Association teachers lobby, conducted the poll July 11-13 and July 16-19.
It also showed that support for Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, fueled by a jump in support among blacks, has grown since a similar poll in May among Alabamians likely to vote in the Democratic presidential primary. Support for Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York has stagnated, and the race between them is a statistical dead heat.
He still hasn't officially declared himself a candidate. But in the July poll, 34 percent of those likely to vote in the Feb. 5 Republican primary said they would cast ballots for Thompson if the election were today.
That compares with 20 percent support for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, down from 29 percent in May; 11 percent for Sen. John McCain of Arizona, down from 23 percent; 7 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, down from 15 percent; and 5 percent for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who got 7 percent in May.
Also this from Rasmussen:
Florida: Giuliani 22% Thompson 21%
The Republican Presidential Primary in Florida is looking a lot like the race nationally. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is on top in the Sunshine State with 22% support and former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson is close behind at 21%. Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney are tied for third at 13%.
In Rasmussen Reports national polling, Thompson holds a slight edge over Giuliani. In both the national and Florida polling, Thompson leads among conservatives and Giuliani leads among moderates.
MONTGOMERY - Former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee is the leading candidate for president among Alabamians likely to vote in the Republican primary next year, a new poll shows.
The Capital Survey Research Center, an arm of the Alabama Education Association teachers lobby, conducted the poll July 11-13 and July 16-19.
It also showed that support for Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, fueled by a jump in support among blacks, has grown since a similar poll in May among Alabamians likely to vote in the Democratic presidential primary. Support for Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York has stagnated, and the race between them is a statistical dead heat.
He still hasn't officially declared himself a candidate. But in the July poll, 34 percent of those likely to vote in the Feb. 5 Republican primary said they would cast ballots for Thompson if the election were today.
That compares with 20 percent support for former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, down from 29 percent in May; 11 percent for Sen. John McCain of Arizona, down from 23 percent; 7 percent for former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, down from 15 percent; and 5 percent for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who got 7 percent in May.
Also this from Rasmussen:
Florida: Giuliani 22% Thompson 21%
The Republican Presidential Primary in Florida is looking a lot like the race nationally. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is on top in the Sunshine State with 22% support and former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson is close behind at 21%. Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney are tied for third at 13%.
In Rasmussen Reports national polling, Thompson holds a slight edge over Giuliani. In both the national and Florida polling, Thompson leads among conservatives and Giuliani leads among moderates.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Churchill Canned!

University of Colorado regents voted 8-1 to fire controversial professor Ward Churchill this afternoon.
Regent Cindy Carlisle, D-Boulder, cast the lone dissenting vote. There was no discussion.
After the quick vote, dissenters in the crowd at the Glenn Miller Ballroom shouled "bullshit" and "cowards."
A US-Iranian face Iraqi resistance

The negotiators from the United States, Iran and Iraq, at the end of their meeting today, Tuesday, to the formation of a trilateral security committee; To cope with the Iraqi resistance groups.
A spokesman for the Iraqi government : the three countries agreed to set up a trilateral security committee; In order to support the efforts of "establishing security", and the elimination of armed groups in Iraq.
A statement issued by the Prime Minister's Office Iraqi, "Nuri al-Maliki," that the American and Iranian sides agreed to "support the political process in Iraq."
Congressman Ron Paul Attracts Less Than 35% Against Top Democrats
This for all the delusional Paulaholics....
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 The first national telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports of Republican Congressman Ron Paul's presidential candidacy shows him trailing New York Senator Hillary Clinton by fifteen points and Illinois Senator Barack Obama by twenty.
Overall, the numbers show Clinton getting 49% of the vote when matched against Paul while the Republican hopeful picks up just 34%. Obama leads Paul 50% to 30%.
Among Republicans, Paul manages just 65% support when matched against Clinton and only 55% against Obama.
Paul's long-shot bid for the GOP nomination drew more attention after his campaign reported having more cash on hand than Arizona Senator John McCain. However, he attracts only about 1% support from voters in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. Clinton and Obama are on top among Democrats seeking their party’s nomination.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007 The first national telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports of Republican Congressman Ron Paul's presidential candidacy shows him trailing New York Senator Hillary Clinton by fifteen points and Illinois Senator Barack Obama by twenty.
Overall, the numbers show Clinton getting 49% of the vote when matched against Paul while the Republican hopeful picks up just 34%. Obama leads Paul 50% to 30%.
Among Republicans, Paul manages just 65% support when matched against Clinton and only 55% against Obama.
Paul's long-shot bid for the GOP nomination drew more attention after his campaign reported having more cash on hand than Arizona Senator John McCain. However, he attracts only about 1% support from voters in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination. Clinton and Obama are on top among Democrats seeking their party’s nomination.
Monday, July 23, 2007
Rasmussen: 2008 Republican Presidential Primary
From Rasmussen
Fred 26%,
Giul 21%,
Romn 12%,
McCain 11%
Money quote: Among all voters nationwide, Thompson has enjoyed growing support as his amazingly successful pre-campaign roll-out moves along. Twenty-five percent (25%) of all voters now say they will definitely vote for the man from Tennessee if he is on the ballot in 2008. No other Republican matches that level of base support. Among Democrats, only Clinton and Obama have higher levels of base support (and Clinton has the highest level of base opposition among all candidates).
Fred 26%,
Giul 21%,
Romn 12%,
McCain 11%
Money quote: Among all voters nationwide, Thompson has enjoyed growing support as his amazingly successful pre-campaign roll-out moves along. Twenty-five percent (25%) of all voters now say they will definitely vote for the man from Tennessee if he is on the ballot in 2008. No other Republican matches that level of base support. Among Democrats, only Clinton and Obama have higher levels of base support (and Clinton has the highest level of base opposition among all candidates).
Iraqi tribes reach security accord
Not hearing the term "civil war" much anymore are we.
TAJI, Iraq — U.S. forces have brokered an agreement between Sunni and Shi'ite tribal leaders to join forces against al Qaeda and other extremists, extending a policy that has transformed the security situation in western Anbar province to this area north of the capital.
Members of the First Calvary Division based at nearby Camp Taji helped broker the deal on Saturday with the tribal leaders, who agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji from both Sunni and Shi'ite extremists.
We have said many times that this is the single most important factor to winning this war.
The American people seem to be sensing improvement despite the Democrats and Press...
Poll: American Support for War Inches Up
TAJI, Iraq — U.S. forces have brokered an agreement between Sunni and Shi'ite tribal leaders to join forces against al Qaeda and other extremists, extending a policy that has transformed the security situation in western Anbar province to this area north of the capital.
Members of the First Calvary Division based at nearby Camp Taji helped broker the deal on Saturday with the tribal leaders, who agreed to use members of more than 25 local tribes to protect the area around Taji from both Sunni and Shi'ite extremists.
We have said many times that this is the single most important factor to winning this war.
The American people seem to be sensing improvement despite the Democrats and Press...
Poll: American Support for War Inches Up
Sunday, July 22, 2007
McCain loses key South Carolina supporter
But if the one-time frontrunner hopes to re-energize his presidential bid, he is going to have to convince the likes of Cyndi Mosteller that he is the only candidate who can keep the White House in Republican hands.
Mosteller, a former chairwoman of the Charleston County Republican Party, is a true grassroots activist who is willing to speak her mind and defend her candidate from attacks and criticism by opponents.
She was a vocal advocate for McCain in South Carolina during the 2000 presidential contest when supporters of then-Texas Gov. George Bush effectively derailed his bid to win the South Carolina primary.
This time, with McCain now appearing at his weakest, McCain won’t have Mosteller to defend him. She is waiting for former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee to formally enter the race.
But if the one-time frontrunner hopes to re-energize his presidential bid, he is going to have to convince the likes of Cyndi Mosteller that he is the only candidate who can keep the White House in Republican hands.
Mosteller, a former chairwoman of the Charleston County Republican Party, is a true grassroots activist who is willing to speak her mind and defend her candidate from attacks and criticism by opponents.
She was a vocal advocate for McCain in South Carolina during the 2000 presidential contest when supporters of then-Texas Gov. George Bush effectively derailed his bid to win the South Carolina primary.
This time, with McCain now appearing at his weakest, McCain won’t have Mosteller to defend him. She is waiting for former Sen. Fred Thompson of Tennessee to formally enter the race.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Mitt Catches S%!t Over Hillary-Bashing Sign

TMZ obtained photos of presidential candidate Mitt Romney trying to win over grammatically challenged South Carolinians Thursday by holding a sign that said, "No to Obama, Osama and Chelsea's Moma."
Referring to South Carolinians as "grammatically challenged" for an obviously tongue in cheek political poster is by far the greater insult in my mind.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Darfur Yes, Iraq No
Barack Obama seems to feel that some lives are worth more than others. Earlier today he made it clear that Iraqi's aren't worth the effort...
SUNAPEE,NH (AP)-Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday that the United States cannot use it's military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep US forces there.
But back in April he has this to say about protecting the people of Darfur....
"The crisis in Sudan and the situation in the sub-region continues to worsen by the day. The recent announcement by the Government of Sudan that it will finally accept 3,000 UN peacekeepers is insufficient to stop the killing. It is time for the Administration and the international community to take long-overdue steps to ensure that Khartoum allows the immediate and unconditional deployment of a robust international force with a clear mandate to protect civilians and stop the slaughter."
One can only conclude that "certain" lives are worth protecting, others, not so much.
SUNAPEE,NH (AP)-Democrat presidential hopeful Barack Obama said Thursday that the United States cannot use it's military to solve humanitarian problems and that preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn't a good enough reason to keep US forces there.
But back in April he has this to say about protecting the people of Darfur....
"The crisis in Sudan and the situation in the sub-region continues to worsen by the day. The recent announcement by the Government of Sudan that it will finally accept 3,000 UN peacekeepers is insufficient to stop the killing. It is time for the Administration and the international community to take long-overdue steps to ensure that Khartoum allows the immediate and unconditional deployment of a robust international force with a clear mandate to protect civilians and stop the slaughter."
One can only conclude that "certain" lives are worth protecting, others, not so much.
Churchill expects to be fired Tuesday
If you've ever wondered just how difficult it is to fire a tenured professor, now you know (2+ years)
University of Colorado regents will decide whether to fire professor Ward Churchill after a special meeting and hearing Tuesday.
The university's regents — the week before a decision viewed as a defining mark in the university's 131-year history — are poring over more than 1,000 pages of documents pertaining to Churchill's academic-misconduct case. They will hold a closed-door hearing preceding their pivotal public vote Tuesday on whether Churchill should be fired.
University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill said he expects to be fired Tuesday.
University of Colorado regents will decide whether to fire professor Ward Churchill after a special meeting and hearing Tuesday.
The university's regents — the week before a decision viewed as a defining mark in the university's 131-year history — are poring over more than 1,000 pages of documents pertaining to Churchill's academic-misconduct case. They will hold a closed-door hearing preceding their pivotal public vote Tuesday on whether Churchill should be fired.
University of Colorado professor Ward Churchill said he expects to be fired Tuesday.
Senate Democrats vote to keep the Alternative Minimum Tax
True to form the Democrat controlled Senate voted to retain the often unfair and always confiscatory AMT. Way to go guys.
Vote Count:
YEAs 47
NAYs 49
Not Voting 4
Vote Count:
YEAs 47
NAYs 49
Not Voting 4
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Study: Whites would want $1,500 to live as blacks
COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) -- In a study co-authored by an Ohio State professor, whites were asked how much money they'd want if they had to live the rest of their lives as blacks.
The typical answer was about 15-hundred dollars.
Compare that to the one million dollars the same people said they'd need to swear off T-V for the remainder of their lives.
Psychology professor Philip Mazzocco from Ohio State's Mansfield campus says the findings suggest whites aren't bothered by the idea of being black. He says whites may be ignorant of the difficulties many blacks still face because of their skin color.
More likely the vast majority of whites see the hardships endured by blacks in this country to be fundamentally self imposed.
The typical answer was about 15-hundred dollars.
Compare that to the one million dollars the same people said they'd need to swear off T-V for the remainder of their lives.
Psychology professor Philip Mazzocco from Ohio State's Mansfield campus says the findings suggest whites aren't bothered by the idea of being black. He says whites may be ignorant of the difficulties many blacks still face because of their skin color.
More likely the vast majority of whites see the hardships endured by blacks in this country to be fundamentally self imposed.
Misleading Headline of the Week
AP's latest excursion into the land of made up news offers us this incredulous steaming cowpie....
Poll: Most Republicans Pick 'None of the Above' for President
An AP/Ipsos poll shows that 23% of Republicans have not yet made of their minds who they will support in the primaries a full nine months before they will vote. Somehow the creative minds of the AP editorial staff conclude that Undecided = Dissatisfied. Since when is taking time to make an informed, well reasoned decision synonomous with a disgruntled electorate?
Spinning the results of a poll is one thing but this outright intentional distortion of the facts is beyond the pale....even for AP.
Poll: Most Republicans Pick 'None of the Above' for President
An AP/Ipsos poll shows that 23% of Republicans have not yet made of their minds who they will support in the primaries a full nine months before they will vote. Somehow the creative minds of the AP editorial staff conclude that Undecided = Dissatisfied. Since when is taking time to make an informed, well reasoned decision synonomous with a disgruntled electorate?
Spinning the results of a poll is one thing but this outright intentional distortion of the facts is beyond the pale....even for AP.
Mountains from Molehills
It appears now that the Times has dug up billing records showing that Fred Thompson spent a grand total of 20 hours "consulting with" a pro-abortion group back in 1991-1992.
The work was done as a professional courtesy for one of the Arent Fox partners and amounted to very little other than the minimal "lobbying" (3.5 hours) certain "administration officials" on behalf of the organization. One does not lobby for 3.5 hours in a year and a half, at most it was consultation and direction.
Nothing dredged up by the Times contradicts Thompsons statements that didn't he recall doing any lobbying work for the organization or that he DID NOT lobby John Sununu the White House Chief of Staff. Considering that Thompson career in law spans some 30+ years, not remembering 20 hours of consulting work 16 years ago is both plausible and understandable.
It's not the hard right pushing this story but rather the left. They are palpably fearful of the Fred and seem to feel that this story is particularly damaging to him. In the misguided belief that many of his supporters are uninfomred one issue dullards who will toss any candidate overboard if he can be even remotely linked to a pro-abortion group regardless of the circumstances; They greatly underestimate the right.
Fred Thompson is the staunchest pro-life top tier candidate we have. His voting record and statements on the subject show a strong consistent and long held opposition to abortion. The conservative electorate knows this and most if not all will see this grand kerfuffle for the red herring it is.
The work was done as a professional courtesy for one of the Arent Fox partners and amounted to very little other than the minimal "lobbying" (3.5 hours) certain "administration officials" on behalf of the organization. One does not lobby for 3.5 hours in a year and a half, at most it was consultation and direction.
Nothing dredged up by the Times contradicts Thompsons statements that didn't he recall doing any lobbying work for the organization or that he DID NOT lobby John Sununu the White House Chief of Staff. Considering that Thompson career in law spans some 30+ years, not remembering 20 hours of consulting work 16 years ago is both plausible and understandable.
It's not the hard right pushing this story but rather the left. They are palpably fearful of the Fred and seem to feel that this story is particularly damaging to him. In the misguided belief that many of his supporters are uninfomred one issue dullards who will toss any candidate overboard if he can be even remotely linked to a pro-abortion group regardless of the circumstances; They greatly underestimate the right.
Fred Thompson is the staunchest pro-life top tier candidate we have. His voting record and statements on the subject show a strong consistent and long held opposition to abortion. The conservative electorate knows this and most if not all will see this grand kerfuffle for the red herring it is.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Cache Of Weapons Found In Dallas Apartment
This guy they need to find....
(CBS 11 News) DALLAS Federal sources tell CBS 11 News that law enforcement officers have confiscated a large cache of weapons found in an apartment near the federal building in downtown Dallas.
Sources say a maintenance man entered the apartment in the 300 block of North Akard to work on some plumbing. Once inside, authorities say, the man found the weapons.
According to sources, among the weapons discovered were two AK-47 rifles, an Uzi 9 millimeter submachine gun, a TEC-9 submachine gun, a 40 millimeter ordnance launcher, a handheld ordnance launcher, and about 500 rounds of ammunition.
As of 6 pm, authorities had not yet arrested anyone, but were searching for the tenant of the apartment. Authorities tell us the tenant travels to the Middle East frequently and just returned from there this morning.
(CBS 11 News) DALLAS Federal sources tell CBS 11 News that law enforcement officers have confiscated a large cache of weapons found in an apartment near the federal building in downtown Dallas.
Sources say a maintenance man entered the apartment in the 300 block of North Akard to work on some plumbing. Once inside, authorities say, the man found the weapons.
According to sources, among the weapons discovered were two AK-47 rifles, an Uzi 9 millimeter submachine gun, a TEC-9 submachine gun, a 40 millimeter ordnance launcher, a handheld ordnance launcher, and about 500 rounds of ammunition.
As of 6 pm, authorities had not yet arrested anyone, but were searching for the tenant of the apartment. Authorities tell us the tenant travels to the Middle East frequently and just returned from there this morning.
Rosie O'Donnell Says CBS Rejected Her Attempts to "Gay Up" Game Show

Taking away her seat on "The view" can't shut up Rosie O'Donnell, as she loves the attention way to much. She s again trying to push up the banter and hyperbole and now claims that CBS rejected her because she wanted to take "The Price is Right" and turn it gay. TV Guide has a report that despite earlier assertions on her blog, that she turned down hosting The Price is Right because she refused to uproot her family from New York City to Los Angeles, O’Donnell has again changed her mind.
US: Top al-Qaida in Iraq Figure Captured

The U.S. command said Wednesday the highest-ranking Iraqi in the leadership of al-Qaida in Iraq has been arrested, adding that information from him indicates the group's foreign-based leadership wields considerable influence over the Iraqi chapter.
Khaled Abdul-Fattah Dawoud Mahmoud al-Mashhadani, also known as Abu Shahid, was captured in Mosul on July 4, said Brig. Gen. Kevin Bergner, a military spokesman.
"Al-Mashhadani is believed to be the most senior Iraqi in the al-Qaida in Iraq network," Bergner said. He said al-Mashhadani was a close associate of Abu Ayub al-Masri, the Egyptian-born head of al-Qaida in Iraq.
And here's something that's getting minimal coverage...
'Sea Change' Is Claimed in Iraq Battle
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Plame's hubby joins Hil's team
Considering they're two of the most prolific liars on the planet it should work out quite well.
WASHINGTON - Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson signed on with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign yesterday, saying "it's entirely possible" his ex-spy wife will hit the trail with her, too.
Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as a covert CIA operations officer by President Bush's advisers in 2003 as they sought to discredit her Iraq war critic husband. She's writing a memoir due in the fall.
"I would expect her to be engaged [politically] probably after the book tour," Wilson told the Daily News after Clinton announced his endorsement.
WASHINGTON - Former Ambassador Joseph Wilson signed on with Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign yesterday, saying "it's entirely possible" his ex-spy wife will hit the trail with her, too.
Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, was outed as a covert CIA operations officer by President Bush's advisers in 2003 as they sought to discredit her Iraq war critic husband. She's writing a memoir due in the fall.
"I would expect her to be engaged [politically] probably after the book tour," Wilson told the Daily News after Clinton announced his endorsement.
Man's smelly feet trigger police raid
And my wife complains about me....
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police broke into a darkened apartment fearing they would find a dead body, after neighbors complained of a nasty smell seeping out onto the staircase.
The shutters of the apartment had been closed for more than a week and the mailbox was filled with uncollected mail.
But instead of a corpse, they found a tenant with very smelly feet, asleep in bed next to a pile of foul-smelling laundry, police in the southwestern town of Kaiserslautern said on Sunday.
BERLIN (Reuters) - German police broke into a darkened apartment fearing they would find a dead body, after neighbors complained of a nasty smell seeping out onto the staircase.
The shutters of the apartment had been closed for more than a week and the mailbox was filled with uncollected mail.
But instead of a corpse, they found a tenant with very smelly feet, asleep in bed next to a pile of foul-smelling laundry, police in the southwestern town of Kaiserslautern said on Sunday.
Monday, July 16, 2007
McCain campaign running out of money

WASHINGTON (CNN) – CNN has learned the already-dire situation for Sen. John McCain’s presidential campaign has actually gotten even worse, with two sources close to the candidate saying the campaign only has a paltry $250,000 left.
The sources tell CNN that next week the McCain campaign will reveal it has about $1.75 million in unpaid debts, wiping out the $2 million in cash-on-hand the campaign currently has in the bank.
It was not immediately clear whether the campaign debt must be repaid immediately or whether the debt can be paid back over time, including after the presidential campaign ends.
Frankly I shouldn't be feeling Schadenfreude as John McCain is a war hero and a very decent man. He has spent his entire life serving this country and that counts for a lot. That being said, he has repeatedly screwed the Republican party and I disagree with him on so many core issues that the demise of his presidential aspirations come as a welcome developement.
Juror: oral sex is not sex
Bill Clintons real legacy....
A 28-year-old Beeville man (Texas) accused of molesting a 6-year-old girl last summer was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Thursday.
Ten of the jurors wanted to give Edward Lee Robinson more time behind bars but one juror didn’t believe oral sex constituted sex.
“We really wanted him to get more time but I guess we have to be satisfied with 10 years because one juror insisted on no more than five years,” said Assistant District Attorney Deborah Branch. “She didn’t think oral sex was sex.”
A 28-year-old Beeville man (Texas) accused of molesting a 6-year-old girl last summer was sentenced to 10 years in prison on Thursday.
Ten of the jurors wanted to give Edward Lee Robinson more time behind bars but one juror didn’t believe oral sex constituted sex.
“We really wanted him to get more time but I guess we have to be satisfied with 10 years because one juror insisted on no more than five years,” said Assistant District Attorney Deborah Branch. “She didn’t think oral sex was sex.”
Pakistan militants end truce deal
Musharraf is learning what Bush already knows....you can't negotiate with terrorists, period.
Pro-Taleban militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan region say they have ended their truce with the government.
In a statement issued in Miranshah, the main town, the militants accused the government of breaking the agreement.
It came as Pakistan deployed more troops in the area, fearing "holy war" after the storming of the militant Red Mosque last week left 102 dead.
More than 60 Pakistanis, including soldiers and police recruits, have died in three attacks in the past two days.
Pro-Taleban militants in Pakistan's North Waziristan region say they have ended their truce with the government.
In a statement issued in Miranshah, the main town, the militants accused the government of breaking the agreement.
It came as Pakistan deployed more troops in the area, fearing "holy war" after the storming of the militant Red Mosque last week left 102 dead.
More than 60 Pakistanis, including soldiers and police recruits, have died in three attacks in the past two days.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Et tu ABC?
In what can only be described as a purely speculative hit piece ABC, Thompson's home network, disingenuously accuses Thompson of evasion and expediency.
Thompson Uses Loophole to Avoid Reporting Fundraising
Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., has avoided revealing his fundraising figures by exploiting a legal loophole whereby he says he is simply "testing the waters" for a campaign — even as his supporters build an infrastructure for his all-but-official run.
But supporters of campaign finance reform, as well as Thompson's opponents, say that he is violating at least the spirit of the law, despite his past support for openness in government and the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law.
With the help of a former FEC chairman on Thompson's payroll, the ex-Tennessee senator is evading, at least for now, the requirements of the campaign finance system that he helped reform. In the words of an attorney associated with another campaign, Thompson is "playing footsie" with the campaign rules.
This is a poorly researched and intentionally misleading pantload. The FEC explicitly provided for a candidate to form a "testing the waters" committee, a technical term that allows any candidate to forgo filing a detailed report on June 30 – though once he's an official candidate, he'll have to file retroactively. This "specific" clause allows Thompson to raise money, travel and conduct polling to determine whether a bid is feasible. If he were to start campaigning, he officially would become a candidate, subject to filing requirements.
Thompson has certainly followed both the letter and spirit of the law as he has NOT campaigned , declared himself a candidate or even voiced specific positions. He is adhering to the rules precisely as the FEC intended.
The author is just pi$$ed off because Thompson is running first or second in the polls which is something the FEC probably hadn't envisioned. Too bad, so sad.
Thompson Uses Loophole to Avoid Reporting Fundraising
Former Sen. Fred Thompson, R-Tenn., has avoided revealing his fundraising figures by exploiting a legal loophole whereby he says he is simply "testing the waters" for a campaign — even as his supporters build an infrastructure for his all-but-official run.
But supporters of campaign finance reform, as well as Thompson's opponents, say that he is violating at least the spirit of the law, despite his past support for openness in government and the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law.
With the help of a former FEC chairman on Thompson's payroll, the ex-Tennessee senator is evading, at least for now, the requirements of the campaign finance system that he helped reform. In the words of an attorney associated with another campaign, Thompson is "playing footsie" with the campaign rules.
This is a poorly researched and intentionally misleading pantload. The FEC explicitly provided for a candidate to form a "testing the waters" committee, a technical term that allows any candidate to forgo filing a detailed report on June 30 – though once he's an official candidate, he'll have to file retroactively. This "specific" clause allows Thompson to raise money, travel and conduct polling to determine whether a bid is feasible. If he were to start campaigning, he officially would become a candidate, subject to filing requirements.
Thompson has certainly followed both the letter and spirit of the law as he has NOT campaigned , declared himself a candidate or even voiced specific positions. He is adhering to the rules precisely as the FEC intended.
The author is just pi$$ed off because Thompson is running first or second in the polls which is something the FEC probably hadn't envisioned. Too bad, so sad.
India, US to sign military pact
This is really a big deal as India/US military cooperation is imperative to counterbalance China's increasing dominance in the area.
July 15 (APP)- India and the United States are close to sign a military pact under which their armed forces will extend to each other logistics support.
The Indian daily “The Asian Age” reported on Sunday while quoting a Pentagon official, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey B. Kohler, the director of the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency who is visiting New Delhi as saying the draft agreement was at present before India’s Cabinet Committee on Security for clearance.
Jeffrey B. Kohler while briefing a handful of journalists on the pact said the agreement is called the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement, formerly known as the Nato Mutual Support Act.
Under this agreement the armed forces of both the countries will provide each other logistics and other support, such as food, fuel, transportation, ammunition and equipment.
July 15 (APP)- India and the United States are close to sign a military pact under which their armed forces will extend to each other logistics support.
The Indian daily “The Asian Age” reported on Sunday while quoting a Pentagon official, Lt. Gen. Jeffrey B. Kohler, the director of the US Defence Security Cooperation Agency who is visiting New Delhi as saying the draft agreement was at present before India’s Cabinet Committee on Security for clearance.
Jeffrey B. Kohler while briefing a handful of journalists on the pact said the agreement is called the Acquisition and Cross-Servicing Agreement, formerly known as the Nato Mutual Support Act.
Under this agreement the armed forces of both the countries will provide each other logistics and other support, such as food, fuel, transportation, ammunition and equipment.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Beauty And The Beast

Imagine if Hillary Clinton were married to a 36-year-old stud. She'd be laughed out of town. Imagine, at 60, if she decided she wanted two more children. Too old, we'd all be screaming.
So, does anyone care when Fred Thompson does it?
There is so much wrong with this "article" on so many levels.
Susan Estrich declaring Fred is "64 and looks like it" is a bit like Robert Byrd accusing a fellow Senator of looking frail. C'mon Susan, haven't you ever heard the old adage "those who live in glass houses".....
She also states that if her thighness had nabbed a 36 year old stud she'd be laughed out of town. Perhaps, but without doubt, she'd be the first one racing to her defense screaming how unfair and superficial and juvenile we all were for making an issue of it. Considering that Hill can't even keep a 61 year old paunchy ex Pres interested, it's academic.
Estrich goes on to state... All of this should support the view that Jeri Thompson's assets are irrelevant to her husband's prospects. But I don't buy it for a moment — at least not among women of a certain age, both married and single, who are liable to play a decisive role in this campaign, particularly if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic candidate. The reaction I hear from every woman I know, those who have gotten sick to their stomachs over seeing middle-aged men cavorting with girls barely beyond their teen years, is a giant "yuck."
Susan, the women you "know" are in all likelihood, homely, frustrated radical liberal feminist types with a giant chip on their shoulder and are generally hateful of men to begin with let alone ones with pretty younger wives.
This little piece of bird cage bottom is pure projection by it's author. Not all women, not even a decent number, see things as she does. Women are concerned about how men treat their wives though and from ALL accounts Thompson has been a terrific husband. They also care about loving relationships regardless of age. Now who do you think they are going to feel more comfortable with, a man with a young, extremely intelligent spouse who obviously care about each other deeply or a women in a loveless relationship who only stays with her husband (a documented serial philanderer) because it's politically expedient?
I think we all know the answer.
Friday, July 13, 2007
How Not to Be Poor
About 31 million Americans live in households with incomes below the poverty level, according to the latest U.S. Census data. Poverty is more than a lack of income. It is also the consequence of specific behaviors and decisions. The 2001 Census data clearly show that dropping out of high school, staying single, having children without a spouse, working only part time or not working at all substantially increase the chances of long-term poverty. Certain behaviors are a recipe for success. Among those who finish high school, get married, have children only within a marriage and go to work, the odds of long-term poverty are virtually nil.
Well go figure.
Well go figure.
Author claims anti-war groups gave material support to terrorists

A New York Times best-selling author says members of the supposed "peace movement" delivered hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and supplies to terrorists engaged in a bloody street battle against United States Marines in Iraq.
The latest book by Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson (U.S. Air Force-Ret.) is called War Crimes: The Left's Campaign to Destroy Our Military and Lose the War on Terror. In the book, he claims that two anti-war groups -- "United for Peace & Justice" and "CODEPINK: Women for Peace" -- literally gave aid and comfort to terrorists when they delivered $600,000 in cash and supplies they claim was humanitarian aid to civilians.
According to Patterson, Congressman Henry Waxman (D-California) facilitated the transaction for CODEPINK by signing a letter allowing them to get the cash and supplies into Fallujah.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Nobel laureate calls for removal of Bush
In today's installment of moonbats on parade....
Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams came from Ireland to Texas to declare that President Bush should be impeached.
In a keynote speech at the International Women's Peace Conference on Wednesday night, Ms. Williams told a crowd of about 1,000 that the Bush administration has been treacherous and wrong and acted unconstitutionally.
"Right now, I could kill George Bush," she said at the Adam's Mark Hotel and Conference Center in Dallas. "No, I don't mean that. How could you nonviolently kill somebody? I would love to be able to do that."
Why is it that so many "peace activists" are so viciously inclined to embrace violence?
Nobel Peace Prize winner Betty Williams came from Ireland to Texas to declare that President Bush should be impeached.
In a keynote speech at the International Women's Peace Conference on Wednesday night, Ms. Williams told a crowd of about 1,000 that the Bush administration has been treacherous and wrong and acted unconstitutionally.
"Right now, I could kill George Bush," she said at the Adam's Mark Hotel and Conference Center in Dallas. "No, I don't mean that. How could you nonviolently kill somebody? I would love to be able to do that."
Why is it that so many "peace activists" are so viciously inclined to embrace violence?
More crAP
On Tues the Associated Press gleefully reported:
WASHINGTON — A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration’s reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.
One likely result of the report will be a vastly accelerated debate among President Bush’s top aides on withdrawing troops and scaling back the U.S. presence in Iraq. Well their source must once again have been Jamil Hussein as Fox sets the record straight:
U.S. Official: Iraq Progress Good on 8 of 18 Benchmarks
WASHINGTON — A U.S. official said Thursday the Iraq government has been given a satisfactory rating on eight of 18 political and security benchmarks measured in an interim White House report to Congress, a mixed rating on two and an unsatisfactory rating on eight benchmarks.
Officials emphasize this is an interim report to measure progress in Iraq, and they continue to place emphasis on a report due in September, which will include comments and recommendations of Gen. David Petraeus, head of Multinational Forces in Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker.
President Bush is expected to make comments after the White House Iraq Report to Capitol Hill is released in full Thursday morning.
Is there any question why the majority of Americans don't trust the Press and why so many newspapers across the country are struggling to survive?
WASHINGTON — A progress report on Iraq will conclude that the U.S.-backed government in Baghdad has not met any of its targets for political, economic and other reform, speeding up the Bush administration’s reckoning on what to do next, a U.S. official said Monday.
One likely result of the report will be a vastly accelerated debate among President Bush’s top aides on withdrawing troops and scaling back the U.S. presence in Iraq. Well their source must once again have been Jamil Hussein as Fox sets the record straight:
U.S. Official: Iraq Progress Good on 8 of 18 Benchmarks
WASHINGTON — A U.S. official said Thursday the Iraq government has been given a satisfactory rating on eight of 18 political and security benchmarks measured in an interim White House report to Congress, a mixed rating on two and an unsatisfactory rating on eight benchmarks.
Officials emphasize this is an interim report to measure progress in Iraq, and they continue to place emphasis on a report due in September, which will include comments and recommendations of Gen. David Petraeus, head of Multinational Forces in Iraq, and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker.
President Bush is expected to make comments after the White House Iraq Report to Capitol Hill is released in full Thursday morning.
Is there any question why the majority of Americans don't trust the Press and why so many newspapers across the country are struggling to survive?
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
No charges for Marine, report urges
But wait, John Murtha already proclaimed them all guilty!
CAMP PENDLETON – An investigator has recommended that all charges be dismissed against Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, accused of killing three Iraqis execution-style in Haditha.
In a written report, Lt. Col. Paul Ware said the evidence shows that Sharratt's actions Nov. 19, 2005, “were in accord with the rules of engagement and use of force.”
Sharratt's attorneys made the report public yesterday.
At a preliminary hearing last month, Sharratt, who faces three counts of murder, said he shot the three Iraqi men only after one of them pointed a gun at him. In the report, Ware, who presided over last month's hearing, said Sharratt's version is “strongly corroborated by independent forensic analysis of the death scene.”
btw if you would like to let Murtha know how you feel, here is his contact info:
John Murtha's Contact information:
Telephone: 800-289-2642 from Western PA
US Mail: 647 Main St, Suite 401
Johnstown, PA 15901
Fax: 814-539-6229 -- District
202-225-5709 -- Washington
CAMP PENDLETON – An investigator has recommended that all charges be dismissed against Lance Cpl. Justin Sharratt, accused of killing three Iraqis execution-style in Haditha.
In a written report, Lt. Col. Paul Ware said the evidence shows that Sharratt's actions Nov. 19, 2005, “were in accord with the rules of engagement and use of force.”
Sharratt's attorneys made the report public yesterday.
At a preliminary hearing last month, Sharratt, who faces three counts of murder, said he shot the three Iraqi men only after one of them pointed a gun at him. In the report, Ware, who presided over last month's hearing, said Sharratt's version is “strongly corroborated by independent forensic analysis of the death scene.”
btw if you would like to let Murtha know how you feel, here is his contact info:
John Murtha's Contact information:
Telephone: 800-289-2642 from Western PA
US Mail: 647 Main St, Suite 401
Johnstown, PA 15901
Fax: 814-539-6229 -- District
202-225-5709 -- Washington
Top Candidates to Appear at First Ever Gay Debate

Most of the major Democratic presidential contenders will participate in a forum on gay issues next month, co-sponsored by a major gay rights advocacy group and a cable channel aimed at gays and lesbians.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards and Chris Dodd have agreed to appear in the live, one-hour forum in Los Angeles on Aug. 9. The program is the result of a joint effort by the Human Rights Campaign and the LOGO cable channel, which will broadcast the event. LOGO will also stream the forum live on its Web site.
Sen. Joe Biden declined the invitation to appear at the forum, citing scheduling conflicts. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson and Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich have not yet said whether they'll attend.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Romney surrogate pushing discredited Thompson story?
Attempting to butch up ones own conservatism by impuning anothers is not a winning strategy. This type of thing has a tendency to elicit the exact opposite of the desired result.
Gary Marx, a senior adviser to former Gov. Mitt Romney, apparently has started a Fred Thompson clipping service, along the way adding a bit of editorial perspective.
Marx, along with state Romney folks, spent most of Monday peddling the partially discredited Los Angeles Times articles that claimed Thompson lobbied for a pro-abortion group back in 1991.
Over the past 36 hours, the story has literally changed twice on the L.A. Times website, with facts removed or recollections changed.
That hasn't stopped Marx, who serves as a senior aide to Romney for outreach to social conservative groups, from emailing the articles, introducing them as a seemingly concerned conservative.....
Read rest
Gary Marx, a senior adviser to former Gov. Mitt Romney, apparently has started a Fred Thompson clipping service, along the way adding a bit of editorial perspective.
Marx, along with state Romney folks, spent most of Monday peddling the partially discredited Los Angeles Times articles that claimed Thompson lobbied for a pro-abortion group back in 1991.
Over the past 36 hours, the story has literally changed twice on the L.A. Times website, with facts removed or recollections changed.
That hasn't stopped Marx, who serves as a senior aide to Romney for outreach to social conservative groups, from emailing the articles, introducing them as a seemingly concerned conservative.....
Read rest
Campaign Manager, Chief Strategist for McCain resign

ARLINGTON, VA - Terry Nelson, Campaign Manager and John Weaver, Chief Strategist for John McCain 2008 issued the following statements:
"This morning I informed Senator McCain that I would be resigning from his presidential campaign, effective immediately. It has been a tremendous honor to serve Senator McCain and work on his campaign. I believe John McCain is the most experienced and prepared candidate to represent the Republican Party and defeat the Democratic nominee next year." - Terry Nelson, Campaign Manager
"As of today, I have resigned my position as chief strategist to John McCain's presidential campaign. It has been my honor and a distinct privilege to serve someone who has always put our country first. I believe that most Americans will come to the conclusion that I have long known there is only one person equipped to serve as our nation's chief executive and deal with the challenges we face, and that person is John McCain." - John Weaver, Chief Strategist
Al Qaeda losing ground, retired general says
This in spite of Reid, Pelosi and and the rest of the defeatocrats.
WASHINGTON (Map, News) - U.S. intelligence officers in Iraq believe 2007 will be looked on someday as “the beginning of the defeat of al Qaeda,” an adviser to the command in Baghdad said Monday.
Retired Army Gen. John Keane offered the assessment after being briefed by a senior intelligence official who is an expert on the insurgency. The upbeat view marked a shift from 2006 intelligence reports that al Qaeda in Iraq was growing stronger.
Keane also said he expects a U.S. troop drawdown next spring, when forces should be able to turn over security in some Baghdad neighborhoods to Iraqis.
Keane, who has made two fact-finding trips to Iraq since a surge of U.S. troops began in February, said two new developments convinced intelligence officials that al Qaeda was on its way to defeat.
WASHINGTON (Map, News) - U.S. intelligence officers in Iraq believe 2007 will be looked on someday as “the beginning of the defeat of al Qaeda,” an adviser to the command in Baghdad said Monday.
Retired Army Gen. John Keane offered the assessment after being briefed by a senior intelligence official who is an expert on the insurgency. The upbeat view marked a shift from 2006 intelligence reports that al Qaeda in Iraq was growing stronger.
Keane also said he expects a U.S. troop drawdown next spring, when forces should be able to turn over security in some Baghdad neighborhoods to Iraqis.
Keane, who has made two fact-finding trips to Iraq since a surge of U.S. troops began in February, said two new developments convinced intelligence officials that al Qaeda was on its way to defeat.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Squirrels on Patrol!

Live earth Underwhelms
Appears that most folks get their fill of hypocrisy from the politicians.
Live Earth has been branded a foul-mouthed flop.
Organisers of the global music concert - punctuated by swearing from presenters and performers - had predicted massive viewing figures.
But BBC's live afternoon television coverage attracted an average British audience of just 900,000.
Live Earth has been branded a foul-mouthed flop.
Organisers of the global music concert - punctuated by swearing from presenters and performers - had predicted massive viewing figures.
But BBC's live afternoon television coverage attracted an average British audience of just 900,000.
This type of thing is one of the main reasons we are supporting Fred Thompson over Mitt Romney. At the recently held straw poll for Young Republicans in Hollywood Fla. the Mittster stacked the deck by busing in 100+ donors....
If you subtract the 100 or so "guests" former Gov. Mitt Romney brought with him to stuff the ballot box in Florida on Saturday night, Fred Thompson won another straw poll.
As Erick Erickson over at RedState pointed out on Saturday, Romney, struggling in the polls everywhere he isn't spending money on media buys, is reduced to also buying up straw polls to promote his candidacy.
He will have plunked down close to an estimated $5 million to make the Ames Republican Straw Poll in Iowa next month a personal political rally (no other major GOP candidate will be participating), and that includes outbidding by sometimes three times as much his nearest competitor for bus rentals to get his folks into Ames.
If you subtract the 100 or so "guests" former Gov. Mitt Romney brought with him to stuff the ballot box in Florida on Saturday night, Fred Thompson won another straw poll.
As Erick Erickson over at RedState pointed out on Saturday, Romney, struggling in the polls everywhere he isn't spending money on media buys, is reduced to also buying up straw polls to promote his candidacy.
He will have plunked down close to an estimated $5 million to make the Ames Republican Straw Poll in Iowa next month a personal political rally (no other major GOP candidate will be participating), and that includes outbidding by sometimes three times as much his nearest competitor for bus rentals to get his folks into Ames.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Live Earth puts celebrity lifestyles in eco-spotlight
More rules for thee but not for me....
Private jets for climate change!" joked the singer from British rock band Muse about Live Earth earlier this year, creating an awkward tag for the biggest ever series of "green" celebrity concerts. Al Gore's gigs to fight global warming take place on Saturday, with some of the biggest names in the industry due to appear on stages in seven cities across the world.
Environmentalist John Buckley, managing director of British consultancy Carbonfootprint.com, stresses the dangers of cynicism to the event and he expects performers to set an example to fans.
"On the one hand, Live Earth wouldn't be able to get such a large audiences without getting high-profile stars, but then sometimes you wonder if they are the best people because they do live an affluent lifestyle," he says.
"Affluent lifestyle" is a euphemism for exorbitant, wasteful, mega carbon producing self indulgence.
Private jets for climate change!" joked the singer from British rock band Muse about Live Earth earlier this year, creating an awkward tag for the biggest ever series of "green" celebrity concerts. Al Gore's gigs to fight global warming take place on Saturday, with some of the biggest names in the industry due to appear on stages in seven cities across the world.
Environmentalist John Buckley, managing director of British consultancy Carbonfootprint.com, stresses the dangers of cynicism to the event and he expects performers to set an example to fans.
"On the one hand, Live Earth wouldn't be able to get such a large audiences without getting high-profile stars, but then sometimes you wonder if they are the best people because they do live an affluent lifestyle," he says.
"Affluent lifestyle" is a euphemism for exorbitant, wasteful, mega carbon producing self indulgence.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Slime Thompson Onslaught
In case you haven't noticed the MSM has unleashed a weeklong Fredapalooza bashfest. Ap called him an empty suit then the NY Times chimed in with a vacuous thinly thought out lobbying/nepotism expose' and now the LA Times jumps on board with this:
Thompson lobbied for abortion-rights group, it says
One would surmise that Thompson showing up on top of the Rasmussen poll this week was the impetus for this mudslingathon.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out though. The story really isn't about Thompson having done some work for a pro-abortion group as lobbyists routinely work for people they don't neccessarily agree with. What's worth investigating is who's lying. It's either Thompson and Sununu or the NFPRHA people, there's no 3rd option. Considering that the evidence and therefor the answer to this question should be fairly simple to ferret out, we should have our answer in fairly short order.
Thompson lobbied for abortion-rights group, it says
One would surmise that Thompson showing up on top of the Rasmussen poll this week was the impetus for this mudslingathon.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out though. The story really isn't about Thompson having done some work for a pro-abortion group as lobbyists routinely work for people they don't neccessarily agree with. What's worth investigating is who's lying. It's either Thompson and Sununu or the NFPRHA people, there's no 3rd option. Considering that the evidence and therefor the answer to this question should be fairly simple to ferret out, we should have our answer in fairly short order.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Appeals Court Dismisses ACLU Lawsuit Challenging Bush's Eavesdropping Program
Breaking on Fox, more to follow.
Update: In a 2-1 decision, two Republican appointees on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against allowing the lawsuit. A Democratic appointee judge disagreed, saying it was clear to him that the post-911 warrantless surveillance program aimed at uncovering terrorist activity violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
Although the Bush administration said in January the program is now overseen by a special federal intelligence court, opponents said that without a court order, the president could resume the spying outside judicial authority at any time.
Update: In a 2-1 decision, two Republican appointees on the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against allowing the lawsuit. A Democratic appointee judge disagreed, saying it was clear to him that the post-911 warrantless surveillance program aimed at uncovering terrorist activity violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978.
Although the Bush administration said in January the program is now overseen by a special federal intelligence court, opponents said that without a court order, the president could resume the spying outside judicial authority at any time.
Clintons hit over Libby criticism
Without doubt one of the most brazen illustrations of the pot calling the kettle black in my lifetime. This sort of return fire from the WH is something that's been sorely lacking for the last 6 years....
The White House yesterday ridiculed Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton for complaining about President Bush's decision to keep former vice-presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr. out of jail, saying their criticism smacks of hypocrisy.
"I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it," press secretary Tony Snow said.
The White House also suggested that a slew of pardons granted by Mr. Clinton on his final day in office were never properly investigated and said they ought to be.
The White House yesterday ridiculed Bill and Hillary Rodham Clinton for complaining about President Bush's decision to keep former vice-presidential aide I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr. out of jail, saying their criticism smacks of hypocrisy.
"I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it," press secretary Tony Snow said.
The White House also suggested that a slew of pardons granted by Mr. Clinton on his final day in office were never properly investigated and said they ought to be.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Election 2008: Clinton, Thompson Tied
How amazing is it that the Democrats premier candidate is barely tied with a guy who hasn’t even announced his candidacy.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) tied with former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) in an Election 2008 match-up. Both candidates attract support from 45% of voters. Given a Clinton-Thompson match-up, 5% of voters say they’d pull the lever for some other candidate and 4% are not sure.
The survey also found Clinton holding a four-point advantage over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R), 46% to 42%. In that match-up, 9% would prefer some other candidate and 3% are not sure. The survey was conducted June 27-28, 2007, just before the July 4th holiday festivities began to unfold.
Compared to our previous survey of these matchups, conducted early in June, Clinton has lost a net five points against both Thompson and Romney. In May, Clinton led both of these GOP hopefuls by three points.
And this: New North Carolina Poll Shows Fred Thompson Surging To Double-Digit Lead Over Giuliani
34% Fred Thomspon
15% Rudy Giuliani
13% Newt Gingrich
21% Undecided
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds New York Senator Hillary Clinton (D) tied with former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson (R) in an Election 2008 match-up. Both candidates attract support from 45% of voters. Given a Clinton-Thompson match-up, 5% of voters say they’d pull the lever for some other candidate and 4% are not sure.
The survey also found Clinton holding a four-point advantage over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R), 46% to 42%. In that match-up, 9% would prefer some other candidate and 3% are not sure. The survey was conducted June 27-28, 2007, just before the July 4th holiday festivities began to unfold.
Compared to our previous survey of these matchups, conducted early in June, Clinton has lost a net five points against both Thompson and Romney. In May, Clinton led both of these GOP hopefuls by three points.
And this: New North Carolina Poll Shows Fred Thompson Surging To Double-Digit Lead Over Giuliani
34% Fred Thomspon
15% Rudy Giuliani
13% Newt Gingrich
21% Undecided
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Happy Birthday America

This great nation, the United States of America,
In a struggle for what was right and free,
Was proudly born...
May we celebrate that precious freedom
For which our forbears fought so bravely...
The freedom that is inherent
In the Stars and Stripes, our revered flag...
Celebrate Freedom
This Fourth of July!
Edwards' Hairstylist Speaks Out on Locks, $1,250 Bill

For four decades, Joseph Torrenueva has cut the hair of Hollywood celebrities, including Marlon Brando and Bob Barker, so when a friend told him in 2003 that a presidential candidate needed grooming advice, he agreed to help.
The Beverly Hills hairstylist, a Democrat, said he hit it off with then-Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) at a meeting in Los Angeles that brought several fashion experts together to advise the candidate on his appearance. Since then, Torrenueva has cut Edwards's hair at least 16 times.
At first, the haircuts were free. But because Torrenueva often had to fly somewhere on the campaign trail to meet his client, he began charging $300 to $500 for each cut -- plus the cost of airfare and hotels when he had to travel outside California.
Torrenueva said that one haircut during the 2004 presidential race cost $1,250 because he traveled to Atlanta and lost two days of work.
Report: Al Qaeda In Iraq Boasted Of British Plots
al Qaida in Iraq...absurd
(CBS News) LONDON More evidence of a possible link between the British car bomb plotters and al Qaeda in Iraq emerged Wednesday, as a respected British church official based in Baghdad said one of the group's leaders boasted to him of plans to attack Britain.
Cannon Andrew White is quoted by The Times newspaper as saying an al Qaeda in Iraq leader told him in the spring that "those who cure you will kill you".
The quote by White, who CBS News correspondent Sheila MacVicar says is well-regarded and frequently plays an active role in Middle East issues, strikes an eerie chord in Britain; all eight of the suspects in the plot were doctors or medical workers with ties to the country's National Health Service.
(CBS News) LONDON More evidence of a possible link between the British car bomb plotters and al Qaeda in Iraq emerged Wednesday, as a respected British church official based in Baghdad said one of the group's leaders boasted to him of plans to attack Britain.
Cannon Andrew White is quoted by The Times newspaper as saying an al Qaeda in Iraq leader told him in the spring that "those who cure you will kill you".
The quote by White, who CBS News correspondent Sheila MacVicar says is well-regarded and frequently plays an active role in Middle East issues, strikes an eerie chord in Britain; all eight of the suspects in the plot were doctors or medical workers with ties to the country's National Health Service.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Thompson Maintains Lead (Rasmussen)
Looks like last week was no fluke.
After weeks of turmoil and change, the race for the Republican Presidential nomination has stabilized.
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson remains on top in Rasmussen Reports national polling with 27% support. That’s unchanged from a week ago. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is three points behind at 24%.
Thompson has a 16-point advantage over Giuliani among conservatives while Giuliani holds an even larger edge among moderate voters. However, in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination, there are always more conservative voters than moderates.
A separate survey found that Thompson is currently viewed as the most conservative of all GOP candidates. Giuliani remains the best liked candidate. Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans now have a favorable opinion of America’s Mayor. Thompson’s numbers among the GOP faithful have been moving in the opposite direction. Sixty-four percent (64%) of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of the actor while just 12% have an unfavorable view.
After weeks of turmoil and change, the race for the Republican Presidential nomination has stabilized.
Former Tennessee Senator Fred Thompson remains on top in Rasmussen Reports national polling with 27% support. That’s unchanged from a week ago. Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is three points behind at 24%.
Thompson has a 16-point advantage over Giuliani among conservatives while Giuliani holds an even larger edge among moderate voters. However, in the race for the Republican Presidential nomination, there are always more conservative voters than moderates.
A separate survey found that Thompson is currently viewed as the most conservative of all GOP candidates. Giuliani remains the best liked candidate. Seventy-four percent (74%) of Republicans now have a favorable opinion of America’s Mayor. Thompson’s numbers among the GOP faithful have been moving in the opposite direction. Sixty-four percent (64%) of GOP voters have a favorable opinion of the actor while just 12% have an unfavorable view.
US optimistic the Iraq surge is starting to work
Despite al Qaida and the co-dependent left in this country we ARE succeeding in Iraq.
AFTER his visit to Iraq a few days ago the message Alexander Downer will give John Howard is that the Australian Government should keep its nerve and maintain its present troop commitment for the election. This is not just Downer's advice to Howard. It reveals the military advice Downer got when he was in Iraq last week.
Petraeus told Downer that al-Qa'ida was conducting its own campaign to discredit President George W. Bush's surge strategy - that it was going for highly populated targets for maximum impact. He said the number of attacks was down, though the number of casualties remained high. He advised, however, that since the surge began, there had been a decline in sectarian killings.
Iraqis and some tribal chiefs are turning their guns against al-Qa'ida while al-Qa'ida's tactics have an overriding aim: to shift US public opinion further against the war.
AFTER his visit to Iraq a few days ago the message Alexander Downer will give John Howard is that the Australian Government should keep its nerve and maintain its present troop commitment for the election. This is not just Downer's advice to Howard. It reveals the military advice Downer got when he was in Iraq last week.
Petraeus told Downer that al-Qa'ida was conducting its own campaign to discredit President George W. Bush's surge strategy - that it was going for highly populated targets for maximum impact. He said the number of attacks was down, though the number of casualties remained high. He advised, however, that since the surge began, there had been a decline in sectarian killings.
Iraqis and some tribal chiefs are turning their guns against al-Qa'ida while al-Qa'ida's tactics have an overriding aim: to shift US public opinion further against the war.
CNNs Pollster Has Dog in the Race
I guess Gallup wasn't giving them the "desired" result.
The latest report from the Federal Election Commission shows that CNN pollster Vinod Gupta donated $14,250 to the Democratic National Committee in May. Here is Gupta's list of donations for the 2008 election cycle.....
The latest report from the Federal Election Commission shows that CNN pollster Vinod Gupta donated $14,250 to the Democratic National Committee in May. Here is Gupta's list of donations for the 2008 election cycle.....
Terror suspects all linked to NHS
Just another benefit of socialized medicine....
Eight people arrested in connection with failed car bombings in Glasgow and London all have links with the National Health Service, the BBC has learned.
Seven are believed to be doctors or medical students, while one formerly worked as a laboratory technician.
Seven doctors or medical students have been arrested in England, Scotland and Australia in connection with the attacks. All worked in NHS hospitals.
Eight people arrested in connection with failed car bombings in Glasgow and London all have links with the National Health Service, the BBC has learned.
Seven are believed to be doctors or medical students, while one formerly worked as a laboratory technician.
Seven doctors or medical students have been arrested in England, Scotland and Australia in connection with the attacks. All worked in NHS hospitals.
Monday, July 02, 2007
President Bush Commutes Libby's Sentence
Good move as it keeps Libby out of prison but still allows him to pursue his appeal.
Update: Well Bush did it again.....took a pretty good move and screwed it up with a squishy statement praising the juries decision and closing the door on what I would have predicted was a likely pardon as he was leaving office.
He still hasn't learned after 6 years that you can't please the left with compromise. He would have been better off pardoning him now, at least he would have gotten kudos from the right. As it stands now nobody is going to be happy.
Update: Well Bush did it again.....took a pretty good move and screwed it up with a squishy statement praising the juries decision and closing the door on what I would have predicted was a likely pardon as he was leaving office.
He still hasn't learned after 6 years that you can't please the left with compromise. He would have been better off pardoning him now, at least he would have gotten kudos from the right. As it stands now nobody is going to be happy.
McCain's Toast

McCain's campaign manager, Terry Nelson, told reporters that the Arizona Republican's campaign raised $11.2 million in the past three months, compared to $13.6 million in the first quarter.
He blamed the negative environment among Republican faithful in particular on McCain's support for an immigration overhaul proposal that was cut down in the Senate last week.
US to hunt the Taliban inside Pakistan
Taliban AND al Qaida....
KARACHI - Since last September, North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces in Afghanistan have been pressing Islamabad for the right to conduct extensive hot-pursuit operations into Pakistan to target Taliban and al-Qaeda bases.
According to Asia Times Online contacts, NATO and its US backers have gotten their wish: coalition forces will start hitting targets wherever they might be.
Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf is expected to make an important announcement on extremism during an address to the nation in the next day or two.
KARACHI - Since last September, North Atlantic Treaty Organization forces in Afghanistan have been pressing Islamabad for the right to conduct extensive hot-pursuit operations into Pakistan to target Taliban and al-Qaeda bases.
According to Asia Times Online contacts, NATO and its US backers have gotten their wish: coalition forces will start hitting targets wherever they might be.
Pakistani President General Pervez Musharraf is expected to make an important announcement on extremism during an address to the nation in the next day or two.
'Jordanian doc involved in UK bombing plots'
Hmmmm, wasn't Southern Baptists after all.
AMMAN: One of the suspects arrested in Britain by police investigating three failed car bombings is a Jordanian surgeon called Mohammed Jamil Abdelkader Asha, officials in Jordan said on Monday.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said his wife had also been arrested.
Asha is of Palestinian origin and carries a Jordanian passport, they said. He obtained his medical degree in Jordan.
Additional: Phone calls failed to set off UK bombs
THE attempted London car bombings were meant to be detonated by calls to mobile phones in the two vehicles, but failed for technical reasons, the Evening Standard reported today.
The calls made on the phones allowed police to trace those behind the failed attacks last Friday, the London daily evening newspaper said, without giving sources.
The phones were meant to set off blasts when they were called, but the devices failed to detonate the mixture of gas canisters and nails in the two Mercedes cars parked in London's entertainment district.
AMMAN: One of the suspects arrested in Britain by police investigating three failed car bombings is a Jordanian surgeon called Mohammed Jamil Abdelkader Asha, officials in Jordan said on Monday.
The officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said his wife had also been arrested.
Asha is of Palestinian origin and carries a Jordanian passport, they said. He obtained his medical degree in Jordan.
Additional: Phone calls failed to set off UK bombs
THE attempted London car bombings were meant to be detonated by calls to mobile phones in the two vehicles, but failed for technical reasons, the Evening Standard reported today.
The calls made on the phones allowed police to trace those behind the failed attacks last Friday, the London daily evening newspaper said, without giving sources.
The phones were meant to set off blasts when they were called, but the devices failed to detonate the mixture of gas canisters and nails in the two Mercedes cars parked in London's entertainment district.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Hamas TV Kills Islamic Mickey Mouse

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- A Mickey Mouse lookalike who preached Islamic domination on a Hamas-affiliated children's television program was beaten to death in the show's final episode Friday.
In the final skit, "Farfour" was killed by an actor posing as an Israeli official trying to buy Farfour's land. At one point, the mouse called the Israeli a "terrorist."
Sick crazy ba$tards.
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