The Palestians are pi$$ing down the back of their historical allies and it's beginning to pay the negative dividends.
Beirut, 31 May (AKI) - Lebanon will soon ask Arab states to assist it with a process to disarm Palestinian militants groups operating outside refugee camps situated in the country, a top government official was quoted as saying in the London-based newspaper, al-Sharq al-Awsat on Wednesday. "[Lebanese] premier Fuad Siniora will soon send out some requests for help to various Arab leaders," Khalili Makkawi, the official responsible for the Palestinian issue in Lebanon told the newspaper.
The request comes amid the realisation by the Lebanese authorities that they will not be able to carry out the disarmament of the militants alone, Makkawi said.
Two weeks ago a Lebanese soldier was killed during a gunfight between Lebanese troops and Palestinian militants from the Fatah-Intifada group. The incident took place near Lebanon's border with Syria.
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Lance Armstrong Cleared Of Doping Charges
Surrender monkeys stymied again.....
AP--AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Independent Dutch investigators cleared Lance Armstrong of doping in the 1999 Tour de France on Wednesday, and blamed anti-doping authorities for misconduct in dealing with the American cyclist.
A 132-page report recommended convening a tribunal to discuss possible legal and ethical violations by the World Anti-Doping Agency and to consider "appropriate sanctions to remedy the violations."
The French sports daily L'Equipe reported in August that six of Armstrong's urine samples from 1999, when he won the first of his record seven-straight Tour titles, came back positive for the endurance-boosting hormone EPO when they were retested in 2004.
AP--AMSTERDAM, Netherlands Independent Dutch investigators cleared Lance Armstrong of doping in the 1999 Tour de France on Wednesday, and blamed anti-doping authorities for misconduct in dealing with the American cyclist.
A 132-page report recommended convening a tribunal to discuss possible legal and ethical violations by the World Anti-Doping Agency and to consider "appropriate sanctions to remedy the violations."
The French sports daily L'Equipe reported in August that six of Armstrong's urine samples from 1999, when he won the first of his record seven-straight Tour titles, came back positive for the endurance-boosting hormone EPO when they were retested in 2004.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Iraq Says It Has Captured Key Militant

BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The Iraqi government said Tuesday it has captured a key terror suspect who allegedly confessed to hundreds of beheadings. Ahmed Hussein Dabash Samir al-Batawi was arrested by a terrorist combat unit on Monday in Baghdad, according to the prime minister's office.
The unit also seized documents, cell phones and computers that contained the names and addresses of other wanted terrorists and information on Islamic extremist groups, the government said in a statement.
"Al-Batawi is considered at the top of the terrorist list," the statement said, adding he had "committed the ugliest crimes against innocent civilians especially in Hurriyah neighborhood that witnessed many massacres."
Justices, 5-4, Limit Whistleblower Suits
The Supreme Court on Tuesday made it harder for government employees to file lawsuits claiming they were retaliated against for going public with allegations of official misconduct.
By a 5-4 vote, justices said the nation's 20 million public employees do not have carte blanche free speech rights to disclose government's inner-workings. New Justice Samuel Alito cast the tie-breaking vote.
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the court's majority, said the First Amendment does not protect "every statement a public employee makes in the course of doing his or her job."
Roberts,Kennedy, Scalia ,Thomas, Alito. This is one group I hope to see continued unanimity from for years to come.
By a 5-4 vote, justices said the nation's 20 million public employees do not have carte blanche free speech rights to disclose government's inner-workings. New Justice Samuel Alito cast the tie-breaking vote.
Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, writing for the court's majority, said the First Amendment does not protect "every statement a public employee makes in the course of doing his or her job."
Roberts,Kennedy, Scalia ,Thomas, Alito. This is one group I hope to see continued unanimity from for years to come.
Treasury Secretary Snow Resigns
This had been anticipated for some time. Will be replaced by Goldman Sachs Chair, Henry Paulson.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Zarqawi's Senior Aide, Two Assistants Arrested in Iraq
A good catch....
BAGHDAD (KUNA) -- A senior aide of Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was captured in Baghdad Sunday evening.
Qasim Al-Aani, one of the most wanted people in Iraq, was arrested with two other insurgents, Defense Ministry spokesman Kassim Al-Mosawi told reporters.
Chief of the 3rd Brigades in the Iraqi Army Jawad Roomi Al-Daini told KUNA Al-Aani is a leader of an insurgent group and is behind many attacks in several Iraqi districts.
He said Al-Aani was involved in the assassination of the son of Chief Justice of Iraqi Supreme Court, Judge Madhat Al-Mahmoud, pointing out that the killer's brother, who is a member in the terrorist group, was also arrested.
BAGHDAD (KUNA) -- A senior aide of Al-Qaeda leader in Iraq Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was captured in Baghdad Sunday evening.
Qasim Al-Aani, one of the most wanted people in Iraq, was arrested with two other insurgents, Defense Ministry spokesman Kassim Al-Mosawi told reporters.
Chief of the 3rd Brigades in the Iraqi Army Jawad Roomi Al-Daini told KUNA Al-Aani is a leader of an insurgent group and is behind many attacks in several Iraqi districts.
He said Al-Aani was involved in the assassination of the son of Chief Justice of Iraqi Supreme Court, Judge Madhat Al-Mahmoud, pointing out that the killer's brother, who is a member in the terrorist group, was also arrested.
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Moon Murtha Madness?
This new accusation is circulating aroung the blogospere, working on getting the exact quote.
On ABC's This Week, Jack Murtha suggested the possibility that General Peter Pace ordered "the massacre at Haditha." (Murtha holds that some Marines were killed by an IED and the surviving Martines went nuts, shooting civilians.)
Real classy on Memorial Day Weekend. I think this guy has lost it. Either that or he's one gargantuan POS.
Update--Actual quote from transcript:
Murtha--Well, that's what we're trying to figure out. We don't know how far it goes. I mean, it goes right up the chain of command. Right up to General Pace. When did he know about it? Did he order the cover-up? Who ordered the cover-up? I'm sure he didn't. But what - who said, we're not going to publicize this thing? We're not even going to investigate it. Until March, there was no serious investigation. There was an investigation right afterwards but then it was stifled. So we need to know what happened. And the point is, the pressure, the tremendous pressure on these guys, every day when they go out with an explosive device. Second is, the Marines knew about it. And so, this gets around the Marine community, as I'd heard rumors about it. Then, third is, the Iraqis all knew about it. You can bet.
Dissembling SOB.
On ABC's This Week, Jack Murtha suggested the possibility that General Peter Pace ordered "the massacre at Haditha." (Murtha holds that some Marines were killed by an IED and the surviving Martines went nuts, shooting civilians.)
Real classy on Memorial Day Weekend. I think this guy has lost it. Either that or he's one gargantuan POS.
Update--Actual quote from transcript:
Murtha--Well, that's what we're trying to figure out. We don't know how far it goes. I mean, it goes right up the chain of command. Right up to General Pace. When did he know about it? Did he order the cover-up? Who ordered the cover-up? I'm sure he didn't. But what - who said, we're not going to publicize this thing? We're not even going to investigate it. Until March, there was no serious investigation. There was an investigation right afterwards but then it was stifled. So we need to know what happened. And the point is, the pressure, the tremendous pressure on these guys, every day when they go out with an explosive device. Second is, the Marines knew about it. And so, this gets around the Marine community, as I'd heard rumors about it. Then, third is, the Iraqis all knew about it. You can bet.
Dissembling SOB.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss

He moves on to the photographs: his boat leaving the base at Ha Tien, Vietnam; the harbor; the mountains fading frame by frame as the boat heads north; the special operations team the boat was ferrying across the border; the men reading maps and setting off flares.
"They gave me a hat," Mr. Kerry says. "I have the hat to this day," he declares, rising to pull it from his briefcase. "I have the hat."
"Now where is that Hat, I had it right here. It was given to me by really little people, I just had it damnit."
Police Report: Alleged Victim Changed Story
Tahwana Brawley, Anita Hill, and......
The woman who accused three Duke lacrosse players of raping her changed her story and appeared to fake being unconscious, according to a police report obtained Friday by Eyewitness News.
We obtained documents from a new motion filed by defense attorney Joe Cheshire. His client, David Evans, is one of the accused players. Among the documents is a supplemental report, written by Sgt. J.C. Shelton of the Durham Police Department on April 9. [snip]
"He called me and stated the female stated she had been raped...Once at Duke [Hospital], I spoke to the female, who was now cooperative," Shelton wrote. "She said some of the guys from the party pulled her from the vehicle and groped her. She told me that no one forced her to have sex."
Then, Shelton says the alleged victim's story changed again.
Personally I think this woman was probably treated rudely by some of these young men at the party. In retribution, she decided get some payback.
The woman who accused three Duke lacrosse players of raping her changed her story and appeared to fake being unconscious, according to a police report obtained Friday by Eyewitness News.
We obtained documents from a new motion filed by defense attorney Joe Cheshire. His client, David Evans, is one of the accused players. Among the documents is a supplemental report, written by Sgt. J.C. Shelton of the Durham Police Department on April 9. [snip]
"He called me and stated the female stated she had been raped...Once at Duke [Hospital], I spoke to the female, who was now cooperative," Shelton wrote. "She said some of the guys from the party pulled her from the vehicle and groped her. She told me that no one forced her to have sex."
Then, Shelton says the alleged victim's story changed again.
Personally I think this woman was probably treated rudely by some of these young men at the party. In retribution, she decided get some payback.
Friday, May 26, 2006
Blog Holiday
Between business calls and putting in a new fireplace I'm taking a blog day off. Be back Manyana.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Qu(ix)ote of the Day

"In the United States of America, unfortunately we still live in a bubble of unreality. And the Category 5 denial is an enormous obstacle to any discussion of solutions. Nobody is interested in solutions if they don't think there's a problem. Given that starting point, I believe it is appropriate to have an over-representation of factual presentations on how dangerous (global warming) is, as a predicate for opening up the audience to listen to what the solutions are, and how hopeful it is that we are going to solve this crisis." -- Al Gore
Translation: It's OK to lie because it's just sooooo damned important.
Economy Dashes Ahead at 5.3 Percent Pace
Look for the Democrat narrative of "Hoover economy" to be replaced by "Overheated economy spurring inflation"
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Emerging from a year-end rut, the economy dashed ahead in the opening quarter of this year at a 5.3 percent pace, the fastest in 2 1/2 years.
The new snapshot showed gross domestic product was even stronger during the January-to-March period than the 4.8 percent annual rate first estimated a month ago, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- Emerging from a year-end rut, the economy dashed ahead in the opening quarter of this year at a 5.3 percent pace, the fastest in 2 1/2 years.
The new snapshot showed gross domestic product was even stronger during the January-to-March period than the 4.8 percent annual rate first estimated a month ago, the Commerce Department reported Thursday.
Scientists Grow Artificial Penis in Lab
Yea but who wants to be hung like a rabbit.
It's now possible to replace a defective, damaged, or diseased penis with a penis grown in a laboratory -- in rabbits.
But the finding promises an amazing new treatment for infants, boys, and men who suffer penis disfigurement. The replacement organ would be grown on a penis-shaped matrix seeded with cells from the patient's own body.
My wife wants to know if XL and XXL are available.
It's now possible to replace a defective, damaged, or diseased penis with a penis grown in a laboratory -- in rabbits.
But the finding promises an amazing new treatment for infants, boys, and men who suffer penis disfigurement. The replacement organ would be grown on a penis-shaped matrix seeded with cells from the patient's own body.
My wife wants to know if XL and XXL are available.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Man convicted of plot to bomb busy New York subway station
Talk about under the radar. How many people were even aware this trial was taking place.
NEW YORK (AP) — A Pakistani immigrant was convicted on Wednesday on charges he plotted to blow up one of Manhattan's busiest subway stations in retaliation for the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
A federal jury in Brooklyn deliberated two days before convicting Shahawar Matin Siraj of conspiracy and other charges. He faces up to life in prison.
The defense had sought to portray Siraj, 23, as an impressionable simpleton who was lured into a phony plot by a paid informant eager to earn his keep. Prosecutors disputed that claim, arguing that even if it was not the defendant's idea to bomb a subway station, no law-abiding citizen would have gone along with it.
U.S. Attorney Todd Harrison suggested to jurors that "normal people" like them would have responded, "Excuse me, are you crazy? Thanks, but no thanks."
Siraj and another man suspected in the plot, James Elshafay, were arrested on the eve of the 2004 Republican National Convention carrying crude diagrams of their target — the subway station in Herald Square, a dense shopping district that includes Macy's flagship department store. Elshafay immediately agreed to cooperate with the government.
Yea, you bet, he was undoubtedly very pro-American before the "scandal" hit.
NEW YORK (AP) — A Pakistani immigrant was convicted on Wednesday on charges he plotted to blow up one of Manhattan's busiest subway stations in retaliation for the Abu Ghraib prison scandal.
A federal jury in Brooklyn deliberated two days before convicting Shahawar Matin Siraj of conspiracy and other charges. He faces up to life in prison.
The defense had sought to portray Siraj, 23, as an impressionable simpleton who was lured into a phony plot by a paid informant eager to earn his keep. Prosecutors disputed that claim, arguing that even if it was not the defendant's idea to bomb a subway station, no law-abiding citizen would have gone along with it.
U.S. Attorney Todd Harrison suggested to jurors that "normal people" like them would have responded, "Excuse me, are you crazy? Thanks, but no thanks."
Siraj and another man suspected in the plot, James Elshafay, were arrested on the eve of the 2004 Republican National Convention carrying crude diagrams of their target — the subway station in Herald Square, a dense shopping district that includes Macy's flagship department store. Elshafay immediately agreed to cooperate with the government.
Yea, you bet, he was undoubtedly very pro-American before the "scandal" hit.
Jefferson refuses to quit Ways and Means
Pelosi wants this out of the light and over, aint gonna happen.
WASHINGTON - Democrats sought to get embattled Rep. William Jefferson to resign his seat on the House's most prestigious committee.
In the interest of upholding the high ethical standard of the House Democratic Caucus, I am writing to request your immediate resignation from the Ways and Means Committee," wrote House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in the one-sentence correspondence.
The Louisiana Democrat was defiant.
"With respect, I decline to do so," he wrote back to Pelosi."I will not give up a committee assignment that is so vital to New Orleans at this crucial time for any uncertain, long-term political strategy."
Great! The longer this thing drags out and the more attention that comes to it can only serve to hurt the Democrats.
WASHINGTON - Democrats sought to get embattled Rep. William Jefferson to resign his seat on the House's most prestigious committee.
In the interest of upholding the high ethical standard of the House Democratic Caucus, I am writing to request your immediate resignation from the Ways and Means Committee," wrote House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi in the one-sentence correspondence.
The Louisiana Democrat was defiant.
"With respect, I decline to do so," he wrote back to Pelosi."I will not give up a committee assignment that is so vital to New Orleans at this crucial time for any uncertain, long-term political strategy."
Great! The longer this thing drags out and the more attention that comes to it can only serve to hurt the Democrats.
Iraq sets timeline for security takeover
Now maybe Pelosi, Murtha, Kennedy etc. will shut the fu#% up.............NAWWWWW
AP/BAGHDAD, Iraq - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Wednesday that Iraqi forces are capable of taking control of security in all of Iraq within 18 months, but still need more recruits, training and equipment.
After meeting with Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, al-Maliki issued a statement saying: "Our forces are capable of taking over the security in all Iraqi provinces within a year and a half.
AP/BAGHDAD, Iraq - Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Wednesday that Iraqi forces are capable of taking control of security in all of Iraq within 18 months, but still need more recruits, training and equipment.
After meeting with Denmark's prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, al-Maliki issued a statement saying: "Our forces are capable of taking over the security in all Iraqi provinces within a year and a half.
Joan Baez in Tree to Help Save Garden

LOS ANGELES - Folk singer Joan Baez and tree-sitter Julia "Butterfly" Hill have taken up residence in a tree to raise awareness about a 14-acre urban farm threatened with demolition.
Hill, who lived in a redwood in Northern California for more than two years to prevent loggers from cutting it down, said Tuesday that she, Baez and others will occupy the tree in shifts.
Two door-sized platforms have been placed in the tree for the sitters, and a support group has set up an encampment on the ground.
Hundreds of farmers could face evictions after The Trust for Public Land came up $10 million short in its bid to buy the site. The nonprofit group was not able to raise the $16.35 million required by the time the purchase option expired Monday.
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Nice to Get Noticed
Nice reference of OpiniPundit today by one of my absolute favorite sites Real Clear Politics. Thanks for the recognition and thanks for reading.
FBI Search of House Office Questioned
WASHINGTON - The FBI' weekend search of the House office of a Louisiana Democrat under investigation for bribery may have overstepped Constitutional boundaries, House leaders said as the congressman under investigation pledged to stay in office.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert said the Justice Department had never before crossed a line that separates Congress from the executive branch by searching a congressional office while investigating a member of Congress.
The search warrant was issued by a federal district judge in suburban Virginia, based on an affidavit from FBI investigators outlining some of the evidence that have accumulated in the case, including video tape of the congressman accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant, who agreed to have her conversations with the congressman taped.
I can understand this crap from the Democrats, after all they'll do whatevers neccessary to divert attention from the issue here. But what's up with Republicans ie. Hastert, Gingerich, Frist? Are they asserting this is another Congressional perk, that law enforcement cannot search the sacred ground of their office even with a warrant?
Let me be the first to straighten them out. If a congressman's office is a crime scene, and if you have a warrant supported by probable cause, there is NO privilege that applies to a congressional office......PERIOD!
WASHINGTON - The FBI' weekend search of the House office of a Louisiana Democrat under investigation for bribery may have overstepped Constitutional boundaries, House leaders said as the congressman under investigation pledged to stay in office.
House Speaker Dennis Hastert said the Justice Department had never before crossed a line that separates Congress from the executive branch by searching a congressional office while investigating a member of Congress.
The search warrant was issued by a federal district judge in suburban Virginia, based on an affidavit from FBI investigators outlining some of the evidence that have accumulated in the case, including video tape of the congressman accepting $100,000 in $100 bills from an FBI informant, who agreed to have her conversations with the congressman taped.
I can understand this crap from the Democrats, after all they'll do whatevers neccessary to divert attention from the issue here. But what's up with Republicans ie. Hastert, Gingerich, Frist? Are they asserting this is another Congressional perk, that law enforcement cannot search the sacred ground of their office even with a warrant?
Let me be the first to straighten them out. If a congressman's office is a crime scene, and if you have a warrant supported by probable cause, there is NO privilege that applies to a congressional office......PERIOD!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Cryptic Teaser UPDATED
Jordan announces that on Tuesday they will reveal the name of a top Al Qaeda leader in Iraq that they have captured.
Could it be............
UPDATE: Jordan says arrests top Zarqawi aide
ReutersAMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanian security authorities have arrested a senior al-Qaeda operative thought to be behind a spate of kidnappings and killing of foreigners and other acts of violence, the state news agency said on Monday.
A security official who requested anonymity was quoted by the state news agency as saying the details would be broadcast on state television on Tuesday.
The official said the man was an aide to Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, but no information was given on his nationality or where he was arrested.
Close but no cigar.
Could it be............
UPDATE: Jordan says arrests top Zarqawi aide
ReutersAMMAN (Reuters) - Jordanian security authorities have arrested a senior al-Qaeda operative thought to be behind a spate of kidnappings and killing of foreigners and other acts of violence, the state news agency said on Monday.
A security official who requested anonymity was quoted by the state news agency as saying the details would be broadcast on state television on Tuesday.
The official said the man was an aide to Jordanian militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the al-Qaeda leader in Iraq, but no information was given on his nationality or where he was arrested.
Close but no cigar.
Coin image omits 'In God We Trust'
More PC insanity.....
A Keller school district parent said political correctness has run amok at her daughter's elementary school, where the principal chose to omit the words "In God We Trust" from an oversize coin depicted on the yearbook cover.
Janet Travis, principal of Liberty Elementary School in Colleyville, wanted to avoid offending students of different religions, a district spokesman said. Students were given stickers with the words that could be affixed to the book if they so chose.
Debi Ackerman of North Richland Hills said she is offended by the omission. It's yet another example of a politically correct culture that is removing Christian references from all public places, she said.
Reminiscent of the former USSR where making religious icons and entire people disappear from pictures was commonplace.
A Keller school district parent said political correctness has run amok at her daughter's elementary school, where the principal chose to omit the words "In God We Trust" from an oversize coin depicted on the yearbook cover.
Janet Travis, principal of Liberty Elementary School in Colleyville, wanted to avoid offending students of different religions, a district spokesman said. Students were given stickers with the words that could be affixed to the book if they so chose.
Debi Ackerman of North Richland Hills said she is offended by the omission. It's yet another example of a politically correct culture that is removing Christian references from all public places, she said.
Reminiscent of the former USSR where making religious icons and entire people disappear from pictures was commonplace.
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Edwards: Bush Worse than Nixon

May 21, 2006 — - Former Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., says George W. Bush is the "worst president of our lifetime," and "absolutely" worse than Watergate-tainted President Richard M. Nixon.
In an exclusive appearance on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos," the former presidential and vice presidential contender said of Bush, "He's done a variety of things -- things which are going to take us forever to recover from.
"You have to give Bush and Cheney and gang credit for being good at politics -- you know, good at political campaigns," Edwards added. "They're very good at dividing the country and taking advantage of it. What they're not good at is governing, and it shows every single day in this administration. And the country is paying a huge price for that."
The Breck girl is such an irrelevant nit.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Iraqi Parliament Approves New Cabinet
A major accomplishment, but look for the Entrenched Media to spin it as negatively as humanly possible.
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq's parliament approved the country's new Cabinet Saturday, opening the way for the inauguration of a national unity government three years after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein.
Incoming Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki told the 275-member parliament that he would make restoring stability and security the top priority of his new administration.
Approval of the Cabinet is the final stage in formation of a national unity government the United States hopes can calm the violence raging in the country.
Update: Headlines as predicted.....
Iraq gets new government as bombs kill 24 (Reuters)
Iraq forms government but security posts unfilled (AP)
Iraqi Cabinet selection skips 2 key ministries Later appointments for Defense, Interior may cause dissent. (San Fran Cronicle)
The usual suspects and their time honored use of "qualifiers".
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraq's parliament approved the country's new Cabinet Saturday, opening the way for the inauguration of a national unity government three years after the U.S.-led invasion toppled Saddam Hussein.
Incoming Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki told the 275-member parliament that he would make restoring stability and security the top priority of his new administration.
Approval of the Cabinet is the final stage in formation of a national unity government the United States hopes can calm the violence raging in the country.
Update: Headlines as predicted.....
Iraq gets new government as bombs kill 24 (Reuters)
Iraq forms government but security posts unfilled (AP)
Iraqi Cabinet selection skips 2 key ministries Later appointments for Defense, Interior may cause dissent. (San Fran Cronicle)
The usual suspects and their time honored use of "qualifiers".
Friday, May 19, 2006
Iran eyes badges for Jews
One of the few times "Hitler" comparisons are completely appropriate.
Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.
"This is reminiscent of the Holocaust," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. "Iran is moving closer and closer to the ideology of the Nazis."
Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical "standard Islamic garments."
Human rights groups are raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the country's Jews and Christians to wear coloured badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims.
"This is reminiscent of the Holocaust," said Rabbi Marvin Hier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. "Iran is moving closer and closer to the ideology of the Nazis."
Iranian expatriates living in Canada yesterday confirmed reports that the Iranian parliament, called the Islamic Majlis, passed a law this week setting a dress code for all Iranians, requiring them to wear almost identical "standard Islamic garments."
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Senate Follows OpiniPundits Advice
If you're a regular reader here you'll remember a post titled "5 Biggest Immigrant Rally Day Truths +1". My # 3 was this........
"English IS the national language. In order to function in this society an immigrant MUST learn the national language as all have done before them. If companies wish to offer multilingual ads instructions etc, it is as a discretionary accomodation. It is incumbent upon no body including the government to do so."
Well it appears that the Senate agrees.
Rare indeed, but I do love it when they listen to me.
"English IS the national language. In order to function in this society an immigrant MUST learn the national language as all have done before them. If companies wish to offer multilingual ads instructions etc, it is as a discretionary accomodation. It is incumbent upon no body including the government to do so."
Well it appears that the Senate agrees.
Rare indeed, but I do love it when they listen to me.
Mexico Threatens Suits Over Guard Patrols
I guess you would call this mucho el Chutzpa....
Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants.
Mexican border officials also said they worried that sending troops to heavily trafficked regions would push illegal migrants into more perilous areas of the U.S.-Mexican border to avoid detection.
President Bush announced Monday that he would send 6,000 National Guard troops to the 2,000-mile border, but they would provide intelligence and surveillance support to Border Patrol agents, not catch and detain illegal immigrants.
If there is a real wave of rights abuses, if we see the National Guard starting to directly participate in detaining people ... we would immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates," Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez told a Mexico City radio station. He did not offer further details.
Well then, if you care so much about their welfare, maybe you can patrol your own dam^ borders and keep people from trying to cross illegally into the United States for their own good.
Update: More goofy bluster from Frijole central.....
Mexican FM blasts US border plans
MEXICAN Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez today slammed US President George W. Bush's plan to send 6000 troops to secure the US-Mexico border and stanch the flow of illegal immigrants there, adding that Mexico has no plans to follow suit.
UPDATE: Mexico, ACLU Preparing Lawsuit Against US Over Guard Deployment
A representative from Mexican President Vicente Fox claims that if the US National Guard troops detain illegal aliens crossing the US-Mexico border, the Fox government will file a lawsuit against the Bush Administration in US federal court.
There are some political observers who believe that the American Civil Liberties Union is preparing to assist the Mexican government in such a lawsuit. In fact, the ACLU sent a statement to the Mexican government regarding their stance on immigration enforcement.
As Congress moves forward to reform our nation’s immigration laws, the ACLU said the US must reject measures that threaten to increase the bloodshed on our borders. "Innocent peoples’ lives and liberty should not be threatened by this dangerous deployment," said ACLU Director Anthony Romero.
So much for the "American" in American Civil Liberties Union.
Mexico said Tuesday that it would file lawsuits in U.S. courts if National Guard troops on the border become directly involved in detaining migrants.
Mexican border officials also said they worried that sending troops to heavily trafficked regions would push illegal migrants into more perilous areas of the U.S.-Mexican border to avoid detection.
President Bush announced Monday that he would send 6,000 National Guard troops to the 2,000-mile border, but they would provide intelligence and surveillance support to Border Patrol agents, not catch and detain illegal immigrants.
If there is a real wave of rights abuses, if we see the National Guard starting to directly participate in detaining people ... we would immediately start filing lawsuits through our consulates," Foreign Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez told a Mexico City radio station. He did not offer further details.
Well then, if you care so much about their welfare, maybe you can patrol your own dam^ borders and keep people from trying to cross illegally into the United States for their own good.
Update: More goofy bluster from Frijole central.....
Mexican FM blasts US border plans
MEXICAN Foreign Minister Luis Ernesto Derbez today slammed US President George W. Bush's plan to send 6000 troops to secure the US-Mexico border and stanch the flow of illegal immigrants there, adding that Mexico has no plans to follow suit.
UPDATE: Mexico, ACLU Preparing Lawsuit Against US Over Guard Deployment
A representative from Mexican President Vicente Fox claims that if the US National Guard troops detain illegal aliens crossing the US-Mexico border, the Fox government will file a lawsuit against the Bush Administration in US federal court.
There are some political observers who believe that the American Civil Liberties Union is preparing to assist the Mexican government in such a lawsuit. In fact, the ACLU sent a statement to the Mexican government regarding their stance on immigration enforcement.
As Congress moves forward to reform our nation’s immigration laws, the ACLU said the US must reject measures that threaten to increase the bloodshed on our borders. "Innocent peoples’ lives and liberty should not be threatened by this dangerous deployment," said ACLU Director Anthony Romero.
So much for the "American" in American Civil Liberties Union.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Some Context on Those Poll Numbers
From Powerline
Bush's poll numbers are typical for just about any president at his low ebb.
*Johnson: 35%
*Nixon: 24%
*Ford: 37%
*Carter: 28%
*Reagan: 35%
*Bush I: 29%
*Clinton: 37%
Contrary to what you might surmise from screaming newspaper headlines, every president from Johnson to the present has gone through a period when his poll numbers were around where Bush's are now; in several instances, lower. So maybe it's time to ease off on the poll hysteria and get back to talking about the substantive pros and cons of the president's policies.
Isn't context a wonderful thing.
Bush's poll numbers are typical for just about any president at his low ebb.
*Johnson: 35%
*Nixon: 24%
*Ford: 37%
*Carter: 28%
*Reagan: 35%
*Bush I: 29%
*Clinton: 37%
Contrary to what you might surmise from screaming newspaper headlines, every president from Johnson to the present has gone through a period when his poll numbers were around where Bush's are now; in several instances, lower. So maybe it's time to ease off on the poll hysteria and get back to talking about the substantive pros and cons of the president's policies.
Isn't context a wonderful thing.
Sunni & Shi'ites Agree on New Goverment
Breaking....Details to be presented Saturday
More to follow.
UPDATE: Iraqis to Present Cabinet on Saturday
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Prime Minister-designate Nouri al-Maliki will present his Cabinet to Parliament on Saturday, signaling a possible end to months of uncertainty after legislative elections, Shiite and Sunni deputies said.
Al-Maliki "will present his government to the presidency today, and the presidency will refer it tomorrow to the parliamentary council," Deputy Parliament Speaker Khalid al-Atiya, a Shiite, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
"On Saturday, the parliament will convene to vote on each of al-Maliki's nominees and the government's program."
Adnan al-Duleimi, head of the Sunni Arab Accordance Front said parliament "would be convened on Saturday to vote on al-Maliki's government." The makeup of the Cabinet was not released.
More to follow.
UPDATE: Iraqis to Present Cabinet on Saturday
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - Prime Minister-designate Nouri al-Maliki will present his Cabinet to Parliament on Saturday, signaling a possible end to months of uncertainty after legislative elections, Shiite and Sunni deputies said.
Al-Maliki "will present his government to the presidency today, and the presidency will refer it tomorrow to the parliamentary council," Deputy Parliament Speaker Khalid al-Atiya, a Shiite, told The Associated Press on Wednesday.
"On Saturday, the parliament will convene to vote on each of al-Maliki's nominees and the government's program."
Adnan al-Duleimi, head of the Sunni Arab Accordance Front said parliament "would be convened on Saturday to vote on al-Maliki's government." The makeup of the Cabinet was not released.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Tony Snow New Press Secretary UPDATED and Corrected

Personally I would have preferred Dan Senor. I like Tony Snow a lot but he always came across to me as a "nice guy" maybe too nice of a guy. Tony's got the brains but I think the job also requires someone with a heart of stone.
We'll see what happens but I am afraid with his personality, he may get pushed around.
Allow me to gladly admit my concerns were unfounded. Tony Snow kicked the DC press corps a$$ in todays presser. He smoked Gregory and handled Helen Thomas like a crazy old aunty who visits once a year.There is now no doubt in my mind that he is well up to the task.
Illegal Immigration....The Rights Roe?
The entire issue of illegal immigration is a good deal more complex than some on the left and many on the right would have us believe.
At least initially, most on the right are correct to insist on border control first. Without it, illegals will continue to stream across the border in droves making any other measure irrelevant. After all one does not start bailing out ones boat untill the leak is fixed. I personally would prefer a double fence along the entire border. It's true, the cost initially would be high however, it would be the cheapest solution in the long run. Many feel that the fence would conjure up images of the Berlin wall and an oppressive regime giving more fodder to those who look for any reason whatsoever to hate America. I believe this is a chance worth taking as it would stop 95+% of the sneak overs. Just look at Israel for an example as their fence has cut terrorist infiltration to practically nil.
I have to learn more about the "virtual fence" as their are cogent arguments on both sides as to it's efficacy. Time will tell.
Where we begin to run into real disagreements within our own party is the question of what to do with the illegals already here. I believe the Presidents approach is workable. Trying to round up 12,000,000 people and deporting them en mass would be a logistical nightmare. Even if it could be done, it would be a public relations disaster. Can't you just picture the news reports night after night showing immigrations agents ripping children from their beds whisking them off in the night as they beg for their parents. It would be Elian Gonzales x 12,000,000, not a pretty sight. It would diminish us as a nation unlike anything we have ever done.
One other consideration is the economy. We are already at a 4.7% unemployment rate, full employment by most economists calculations. Try and rip 12 million undocumented workers from the employment rolls and you will see inflation in this country so rampant it will make Carters tenure look utopian.
A fair percentage on the right are as steeled on this issue as the left is on Roe. It's an all or nothing proposition with them. The left erroneously declares that ALL abortions must be allowed unfettered or there will be no abortions. This is as big a canard as the right saying that all illegals must be deported and the fence built with tanks and machine gun towers or there will be no control. Extremists on any position are almost always wrong.
We on the right need to initiate proceedures to control illegal immigration but not be perceived as cruel in the process. It's a fact of life that Bush would have not won the election had it not been for the ~200% increase he received in the Hispanic vote. This is a precarious tightrope Republicans must walk and unless they are content with permanent minority status, they must do it prudently.
One of my favorite blogs Polipundit shows just how contentious this issue has become within our own party. The editor in charge has relieved his 3 co-bloggers for consistently disagreeing with his positions. Michelle Malkin appears to be in a perpetual "fit of vapors" and ABP sounds incoherently vicious. Free Republic has become nothing more than a hysterial right caricature of the DU. It seems like normally rational people on the right have suddenly become cerebrally challenged and hormonally turbocharged. It's analogous to the lefts knee jerk reactionism to abortion and it's dangerously counterproductive.
There are bugs that need to be worked out in Bush's proposal, make no mistake. The dramatic increase in "legal" immigration over the next 20 years is just one example. The National guard deployment, "virtual fence", discontinuation of "catch and release", increased penalties for hiring illegals and, National ID card are, however, vast improvements and offer encouragment. If the actual enforcement matches the rhetoric, I'll be a happy man.
At least initially, most on the right are correct to insist on border control first. Without it, illegals will continue to stream across the border in droves making any other measure irrelevant. After all one does not start bailing out ones boat untill the leak is fixed. I personally would prefer a double fence along the entire border. It's true, the cost initially would be high however, it would be the cheapest solution in the long run. Many feel that the fence would conjure up images of the Berlin wall and an oppressive regime giving more fodder to those who look for any reason whatsoever to hate America. I believe this is a chance worth taking as it would stop 95+% of the sneak overs. Just look at Israel for an example as their fence has cut terrorist infiltration to practically nil.
I have to learn more about the "virtual fence" as their are cogent arguments on both sides as to it's efficacy. Time will tell.
Where we begin to run into real disagreements within our own party is the question of what to do with the illegals already here. I believe the Presidents approach is workable. Trying to round up 12,000,000 people and deporting them en mass would be a logistical nightmare. Even if it could be done, it would be a public relations disaster. Can't you just picture the news reports night after night showing immigrations agents ripping children from their beds whisking them off in the night as they beg for their parents. It would be Elian Gonzales x 12,000,000, not a pretty sight. It would diminish us as a nation unlike anything we have ever done.
One other consideration is the economy. We are already at a 4.7% unemployment rate, full employment by most economists calculations. Try and rip 12 million undocumented workers from the employment rolls and you will see inflation in this country so rampant it will make Carters tenure look utopian.
A fair percentage on the right are as steeled on this issue as the left is on Roe. It's an all or nothing proposition with them. The left erroneously declares that ALL abortions must be allowed unfettered or there will be no abortions. This is as big a canard as the right saying that all illegals must be deported and the fence built with tanks and machine gun towers or there will be no control. Extremists on any position are almost always wrong.
We on the right need to initiate proceedures to control illegal immigration but not be perceived as cruel in the process. It's a fact of life that Bush would have not won the election had it not been for the ~200% increase he received in the Hispanic vote. This is a precarious tightrope Republicans must walk and unless they are content with permanent minority status, they must do it prudently.
One of my favorite blogs Polipundit shows just how contentious this issue has become within our own party. The editor in charge has relieved his 3 co-bloggers for consistently disagreeing with his positions. Michelle Malkin appears to be in a perpetual "fit of vapors" and ABP sounds incoherently vicious. Free Republic has become nothing more than a hysterial right caricature of the DU. It seems like normally rational people on the right have suddenly become cerebrally challenged and hormonally turbocharged. It's analogous to the lefts knee jerk reactionism to abortion and it's dangerously counterproductive.
There are bugs that need to be worked out in Bush's proposal, make no mistake. The dramatic increase in "legal" immigration over the next 20 years is just one example. The National guard deployment, "virtual fence", discontinuation of "catch and release", increased penalties for hiring illegals and, National ID card are, however, vast improvements and offer encouragment. If the actual enforcement matches the rhetoric, I'll be a happy man.
Monday, May 15, 2006
Cheney donated $6.87 million
For the most part, the left adheres to the notion that charity is best administered with other people's money.
The fact that Dick Cheney made last year a charitable donation of $6.87 million – the largest ever by a public servant – has gone virtually unnoticed in the mainstream media. Given that they are so eager to report all the bad things they can find about those evil trial-lawyer shooting republicans, they should at least have the decency to also report the praiseworthy. But obviously they don’t. To be fair, one does not often hear them reporting charitable donations by liberals either.
This, however, is probably due a different reason. Do you still remember Al Gore’s 1997 charity totaling $367?
As a general rule, heart-bleeding liberals talk very good talk when it comes to giving something back, but when it comes to their own money they are rather careful. Most of the wealthy ones have become masters at avoiding taxation and hiding their wealth in various tax sheltered instruments. Ted Kennedy could tell you a great deal about it. But since he won’t there is an excellent book that does.
Ain't it the truth.
The fact that Dick Cheney made last year a charitable donation of $6.87 million – the largest ever by a public servant – has gone virtually unnoticed in the mainstream media. Given that they are so eager to report all the bad things they can find about those evil trial-lawyer shooting republicans, they should at least have the decency to also report the praiseworthy. But obviously they don’t. To be fair, one does not often hear them reporting charitable donations by liberals either.
This, however, is probably due a different reason. Do you still remember Al Gore’s 1997 charity totaling $367?
As a general rule, heart-bleeding liberals talk very good talk when it comes to giving something back, but when it comes to their own money they are rather careful. Most of the wealthy ones have become masters at avoiding taxation and hiding their wealth in various tax sheltered instruments. Ted Kennedy could tell you a great deal about it. But since he won’t there is an excellent book that does.
Ain't it the truth.
Sen. Clinton Apologizes for Work Remarks
Oh the tribulations of a moonbat lefty trying to convince the great unwashed masses that she is conservative.
NEW YORK - After telling an audience that young people today "think work is a four-letter word," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she apologized to her daughter.
"I said, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to convey the impression that you don't work hard,'" Clinton said Sunday in a commencement address at Long Island University. "I just want to set the bar high, because we are in a competition for the future."
Clinton spoke to more than 2,000 graduates days after she criticized young people at a gathering of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. In those remarks, she said young people have a sense of entitlement after growing up in a "culture that has a premium on instant gratification."
NEW YORK - After telling an audience that young people today "think work is a four-letter word," Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said she apologized to her daughter.
"I said, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to convey the impression that you don't work hard,'" Clinton said Sunday in a commencement address at Long Island University. "I just want to set the bar high, because we are in a competition for the future."
Clinton spoke to more than 2,000 graduates days after she criticized young people at a gathering of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in Washington. In those remarks, she said young people have a sense of entitlement after growing up in a "culture that has a premium on instant gratification."
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Roe attorney: Use abortion to 'eliminate poor'
In unearthed letter urged President-elect Clinton to 'reform' country .
Believeable? It would be consistent with the socialist utopian mindset of many on the far left today.
A letter to Bill Clinton written by the co-counsel who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade decision urged the then-president-elect to "eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country" by liberalizing abortion laws. Ron Weddington, who with his wife Sarah Weddington represented "Jane Roe," sent the four-page letter to President Clinton's transition team before Clinton took office in January 1993.
The missive turned up in an exhibit put together by the watchdog legal group Judicial Watch, which has been researching the Clinton administration's policy on the abortion drug RU-486, notes James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web.
Still, hard to believe.
Believeable? It would be consistent with the socialist utopian mindset of many on the far left today.
A letter to Bill Clinton written by the co-counsel who successfully argued the Roe v. Wade decision urged the then-president-elect to "eliminate the barely educated, unhealthy and poor segment of our country" by liberalizing abortion laws. Ron Weddington, who with his wife Sarah Weddington represented "Jane Roe," sent the four-page letter to President Clinton's transition team before Clinton took office in January 1993.
The missive turned up in an exhibit put together by the watchdog legal group Judicial Watch, which has been researching the Clinton administration's policy on the abortion drug RU-486, notes James Taranto in the Wall Street Journal's Best of the Web.
Still, hard to believe.
Friday, May 12, 2006
Putting the Horse Before the Cart?
More to follow.
CBS/AP--President Bush, trying to build momentum for a major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, is considering plans to shore up the Mexican border with National Guard troops paid for by the federal government, according to senior administration officials.
One defense official said military leaders believe the number of troops required could range from 3,500 to perhaps 10,000, depending on the final plan. Another administration official cautioned that the 10,000 figure was too high.
More to follow.
CBS/AP--President Bush, trying to build momentum for a major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, is considering plans to shore up the Mexican border with National Guard troops paid for by the federal government, according to senior administration officials.
One defense official said military leaders believe the number of troops required could range from 3,500 to perhaps 10,000, depending on the final plan. Another administration official cautioned that the 10,000 figure was too high.
Phone-Records Surveillance Is Broadly Acceptable to Public
Democrats hitch their wagon to another turd.....
May 12, 2006 /ABC— Americans by nearly a 2-1 ratio call the surveillance of telephone records an acceptable way for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, expressing broad unconcern even if their own calling patterns are scrutinized.
Lending support to the administration's defense of its anti-terrorism intelligence efforts, 63 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll say the secret program, disclosed Thursday by USA Today, is justified, while far fewer, 35 percent, call it unjustified.
May 12, 2006 /ABC— Americans by nearly a 2-1 ratio call the surveillance of telephone records an acceptable way for the federal government to investigate possible terrorist threats, expressing broad unconcern even if their own calling patterns are scrutinized.
Lending support to the administration's defense of its anti-terrorism intelligence efforts, 63 percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll say the secret program, disclosed Thursday by USA Today, is justified, while far fewer, 35 percent, call it unjustified.
Read of the Week
VDH nails it with Eye of the Beholder (Imagine if we’d reported and opined on WWII the way we do now).
Great read and worth the time.
Great read and worth the time.
Thursday, May 11, 2006
President says his letter to President Bush was invitation to Islam
We all know what happens when someone refuses to accept an "invitation" to Islam don't we.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.
He made the above remarks in reply to a reporter while attending press conference on his letter to President Bush in Jakarta in the afternoon of the third day of his stay in Jakarta.
Stressing that the letter was beyond the nuclear issue, the chief executive said that in principle, the country's nuclear case is not so significant to make him write a letter about it.
It's obvious from her stand on the talk show circuit yesterday that Madeline Albright wishes to accept that invitation. Enjoy wearing your new Burka with veil Maddie. I know it will make the rest of us happy.
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Thursday that his letter to President George W. Bush did not concern the nuclear dossier, but rather was an invitation to Islam and the prophets culture.
He made the above remarks in reply to a reporter while attending press conference on his letter to President Bush in Jakarta in the afternoon of the third day of his stay in Jakarta.
Stressing that the letter was beyond the nuclear issue, the chief executive said that in principle, the country's nuclear case is not so significant to make him write a letter about it.
It's obvious from her stand on the talk show circuit yesterday that Madeline Albright wishes to accept that invitation. Enjoy wearing your new Burka with veil Maddie. I know it will make the rest of us happy.
Ali Ibrahim Al-Tikriti:Iraq had WMD, Moved by Russia
Never-Before-Seen Videotaped Testimony of Former Iraqi General Confirming Iraq had WMD 2006-05-11.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
April Tax Revenue 2nd-Highest in History
Women and minorities hardest hit......
AP/A flood of income tax payments pushed up government receipts to the second-highest level in history in April, giving the country a sizable surplus for the month.
In its monthly accounting of the government's books, the Treasury Department said Wednesday that revenue for the month totaled $315.1 billion as Americans filed their tax returns by the April deadline. The gusher of tax revenue pushed total receipts up by 13.4 percent from April 2005.
It marked the largest one-month receipt total since the government collected $332 billion in revenue in April 2001, reflecting a boom in capital gains from stock investors lucky enough to cash out their investments before the bursting of the stock market bubble in early 2000.
Tax cuts fueling a roaring economy will do that for you.
AP/A flood of income tax payments pushed up government receipts to the second-highest level in history in April, giving the country a sizable surplus for the month.
In its monthly accounting of the government's books, the Treasury Department said Wednesday that revenue for the month totaled $315.1 billion as Americans filed their tax returns by the April deadline. The gusher of tax revenue pushed total receipts up by 13.4 percent from April 2005.
It marked the largest one-month receipt total since the government collected $332 billion in revenue in April 2001, reflecting a boom in capital gains from stock investors lucky enough to cash out their investments before the bursting of the stock market bubble in early 2000.
Tax cuts fueling a roaring economy will do that for you.
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A judge said Monday he is likely to prohibit the state from requiring that high school seniors pass an exit exam to graduate
SACRAMENTO, Calif. - A judge said Monday he is likely to prohibit the state from requiring that high school seniors pass an exit exam to graduate, siding with attorneys who say the test discriminates against the poor.
A group of high school students and their parents sued the state Department of Education in February, seeking a preliminary injunction to halt giving the exam to this year's senior class. It's the first class required to pass the exam to earn a diploma.
Both sides are scheduled to appear Tuesday before Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert Freedman in Oakland. Freedman said in his tentative ruling that he is likely to issue the injunction, based on the plaintiffs' argument that all California students do not have access to the same quality of education.
The judge really is saying....California Graduation Exam Ruled Unfair to Stupid People.
A group of high school students and their parents sued the state Department of Education in February, seeking a preliminary injunction to halt giving the exam to this year's senior class. It's the first class required to pass the exam to earn a diploma.
Both sides are scheduled to appear Tuesday before Alameda County Superior Court Judge Robert Freedman in Oakland. Freedman said in his tentative ruling that he is likely to issue the injunction, based on the plaintiffs' argument that all California students do not have access to the same quality of education.
The judge really is saying....California Graduation Exam Ruled Unfair to Stupid People.
Italy Picks Former Communist as New President
Another ally bites the dust.
ROME — The Italian Parliament elected an 80-year-old former communist to be president on Wednesday, paving the way for a government headed by center-left leader Romano Prodi to be formed within days.
Giorgio Napolitano, a widely respected senator-for-life, was chosen during the fourth round of voting by some 1,000 electors, including lawmakers from the two houses of parliament and regional representatives
ROME — The Italian Parliament elected an 80-year-old former communist to be president on Wednesday, paving the way for a government headed by center-left leader Romano Prodi to be formed within days.
Giorgio Napolitano, a widely respected senator-for-life, was chosen during the fourth round of voting by some 1,000 electors, including lawmakers from the two houses of parliament and regional representatives
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Dow Close Second Highest Ever
What was the highest closing during the Hoover administration you ask. That would be 381.
The Dow was up 55.23 today, closing at 11,639.77. Today's close was the second highest ever for the Dow. Today's close was within 85 points of the all time Dow closing high, which was 11,722.98 on 1/14/2000. CNBC reports that the stock market got a late afternoon boost from the approval of tax cut extensions on Capitol Hill.
The Dow was up 55.23 today, closing at 11,639.77. Today's close was the second highest ever for the Dow. Today's close was within 85 points of the all time Dow closing high, which was 11,722.98 on 1/14/2000. CNBC reports that the stock market got a late afternoon boost from the approval of tax cut extensions on Capitol Hill.
Key Obstacle in Forming Iraq Govt Resolved
Maliki may turn out to be a real gift to us and his people. He has accomplished more in two weeks than Jafaari did in his entire tenure.
BAGHDAD, Iraq/WAPO -- Iraq's prime minister-designate said Tuesday the main stumbling blocks to forming a new Cabinet have been overcome and he expects to present his team to parliament for approval by the end of the week.
Nouri al-Maliki said representatives of the country's political parties had agreed on who will head the main posts and that just a few ministries remain unfilled. Discussions were still under way on the nominees for the oil, trade and transportation ministries, he said.
The incoming prime minister did not say who would get the key ministries of interior, which controls police, and defense, which runs the army. U.S. and British officials have insisted those posts go to people without ties to sectarian militias, believed responsible for many of the revenge killings of Sunnis and Shiites.
BAGHDAD, Iraq/WAPO -- Iraq's prime minister-designate said Tuesday the main stumbling blocks to forming a new Cabinet have been overcome and he expects to present his team to parliament for approval by the end of the week.
Nouri al-Maliki said representatives of the country's political parties had agreed on who will head the main posts and that just a few ministries remain unfilled. Discussions were still under way on the nominees for the oil, trade and transportation ministries, he said.
The incoming prime minister did not say who would get the key ministries of interior, which controls police, and defense, which runs the army. U.S. and British officials have insisted those posts go to people without ties to sectarian militias, believed responsible for many of the revenge killings of Sunnis and Shiites.
Monday, May 08, 2006
Moussaoui asks to withdraw guilty plea
Now anyone who believes we should try these turds in the conventional justice system, look at this situation and multiply it by a thousand.
ALEXANDRIA, Va./AP - Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea because he now believes he can get a fair trial.
In a motion filed Friday but released Monday, Moussaoui said he testified March 27 he was supposed to hijack a fifth plane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House "even though I knew that was a complete fabrication."
A federal court jury spared the 37-year-old Frenchman the death penalty last Wednesday. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema gave him six life sentences, to run as two consecutive life terms, in the federal supermax prison at Florence, Colo.
At sentencing, she told Moussaoui: "You do not have a right to appeal your convictions, as was explained to you when you plead guilty" in April 2005. "You waived that right."
Guess he's had second thoughts about the "I won, America lost" comment.
ALEXANDRIA, Va./AP - Convicted Sept. 11 conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui says he lied on the witness stand about being involved in the plot and wants to withdraw his guilty plea because he now believes he can get a fair trial.
In a motion filed Friday but released Monday, Moussaoui said he testified March 27 he was supposed to hijack a fifth plane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House "even though I knew that was a complete fabrication."
A federal court jury spared the 37-year-old Frenchman the death penalty last Wednesday. On Thursday, U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema gave him six life sentences, to run as two consecutive life terms, in the federal supermax prison at Florence, Colo.
At sentencing, she told Moussaoui: "You do not have a right to appeal your convictions, as was explained to you when you plead guilty" in April 2005. "You waived that right."
Guess he's had second thoughts about the "I won, America lost" comment.
Maybe they should take a more leftist position on issues as the fair and balanced approach they have been taking in years past doesn't appear to be working. Yea, that's the ticket.
NEW YORK The Audit Bureau of Circulations FAS-FAX report released Monday morning reveals that circulation sank again this spring, with circ at major metros declining dramatically. Gains were slight.
Since March 2005, circulation has been declining at a more rapid pace. This spring, the numbers were expected to be better because of easier comparisons. Yet for the six-month period ending March 2006 compared to the same period a year ago, circulation at newspapers in major cities across the country continued to drop. Most notable so far: the San Francisco Chronicle, which experienced a dramatic 15% decline in daily copies, to 398,246.
Daily circulation at the Los Angeles Times dropped about 5.4% to 851,832. Sunday proved better for the paper, down 1.8%. The San Jose Mercury News, which McClatchy intends to buy, also showed decreases in daily circ, down 7.6% to 242,865.
and this from Drudge....
Circulation For Top 20 Newspapers in USA
NEW YORK The Audit Bureau of Circulations FAS-FAX report released Monday morning reveals that circulation sank again this spring, with circ at major metros declining dramatically. Gains were slight.
Since March 2005, circulation has been declining at a more rapid pace. This spring, the numbers were expected to be better because of easier comparisons. Yet for the six-month period ending March 2006 compared to the same period a year ago, circulation at newspapers in major cities across the country continued to drop. Most notable so far: the San Francisco Chronicle, which experienced a dramatic 15% decline in daily copies, to 398,246.
Daily circulation at the Los Angeles Times dropped about 5.4% to 851,832. Sunday proved better for the paper, down 1.8%. The San Jose Mercury News, which McClatchy intends to buy, also showed decreases in daily circ, down 7.6% to 242,865.
and this from Drudge....
Circulation For Top 20 Newspapers in USA
and this from Breitbart......
Newspaper Circulation Declines 2.6 Percent
And the beat goes on.
More Hypocrisy
Why are the same people who advocated that Generals in the military dicate to the "civilian" Secretary of Defense aghast that a military man will run the "civilian" CIA? Just more of thwe same from the left.
This btw, is not unprecedented by any stretch as the CIA has been run by military men in the past on 7 separate occasions.
This btw, is not unprecedented by any stretch as the CIA has been run by military men in the past on 7 separate occasions.
Saturday, May 06, 2006
French Political Scandal Threatens Chirac
Sacre Bleu!
PARIS - In Paris they're calling it the French Watergate. What began as a discreet investigation into a computerized list of secret bank accounts has exploded into major scandal that threatens to disgrace President Jacques Chirac at the end of his long political career.
A CD-ROM sent to an investigative judge listed Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy among industrialists, secret agents and politicians holding accounts at Luxembourg bank Clearstream, flush with kickback money from the $2.8 million sale of French frigates to Taiwan in 1991.
The list turned out to be fake, embarrassing Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who ordered an investigation into the allegations.
Villepin is fending off demands for his resignation and allegations that the whole thing was a scheme to discredit Sarkozy, his chief rival for the governing party's presidential nomination in elections next year.
Now politicians are demanding that Chirac — who is widely believed to support Villepin for the nomination — break his silence over the scandal and answer questions over his own alleged role. This president's office insists he had little to do with it. But last week, Le Monde newspaper published extracts of testimony from an intelligence agent who said Villepin asked him to investigate Sarkozy on Chirac's orders.
PARIS - In Paris they're calling it the French Watergate. What began as a discreet investigation into a computerized list of secret bank accounts has exploded into major scandal that threatens to disgrace President Jacques Chirac at the end of his long political career.
A CD-ROM sent to an investigative judge listed Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy among industrialists, secret agents and politicians holding accounts at Luxembourg bank Clearstream, flush with kickback money from the $2.8 million sale of French frigates to Taiwan in 1991.
The list turned out to be fake, embarrassing Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, who ordered an investigation into the allegations.
Villepin is fending off demands for his resignation and allegations that the whole thing was a scheme to discredit Sarkozy, his chief rival for the governing party's presidential nomination in elections next year.
Now politicians are demanding that Chirac — who is widely believed to support Villepin for the nomination — break his silence over the scandal and answer questions over his own alleged role. This president's office insists he had little to do with it. But last week, Le Monde newspaper published extracts of testimony from an intelligence agent who said Villepin asked him to investigate Sarkozy on Chirac's orders.
General Hayden to Head CIA

Confirmation hearings could be interesting as this guy takes crap from no one.
Friday, May 05, 2006
Porter Goss Resigns
This one is perplexing considering the limited amount of time he's been overseeing the CIA. No doubt he's made a lot off enemies swinging the broom but he had the full faith and confidence of the White House, or so it appeared.
Updates to follow.....
Update: Fox's Chris Wallace is reporting that a high level White House source is telling him this is just part of Bolton's shake up. CNN however is spinning it as a likely "bad news revelation"
Updates to follow.....
Update: Fox's Chris Wallace is reporting that a high level White House source is telling him this is just part of Bolton's shake up. CNN however is spinning it as a likely "bad news revelation"
Another Kennedy Lie
A witness will reportedly come forward today and confirm that Patrick Kennedy was, contrary to his denial, indeed drinking the night of his automoblie crash.
Details to follow....
WASHINGTON -U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy insisted yesterday that he had consumed “no alcohol” before he slammed his Mustang convertible into a concrete barrier near his office, but a hostess at a popular Capitol Hill watering hole (Hawk & Dove) told the Herald she saw him drinking in the hours before the crash.
A bartender at the Tune Inn, which is next to the Hawk & Dove, also said Kennedy was spotted in the Hawk & Dove Wednesday.
Update:Cops: Kennedy Was Under Influence via The Smoking Gun
Capitol Police report says congressman's eyes watery, speech slurred
Police report here
Update II: Patrick Kennedy entering rehab for addiction to prescription drugs. The big story will be who intervened with the police on his behalf, stay tuned.
Update III: FOX- "Police are collecting the drink tabs from local bars."
Update IV: Commentary: Just how many passes do we give this guy. Two drug/alcohol related car accidents in 14 days. Two rehabs in less than 6 months. When does personal responsibility for ones actions become the focus?
Details to follow....
WASHINGTON -U.S. Rep. Patrick Kennedy insisted yesterday that he had consumed “no alcohol” before he slammed his Mustang convertible into a concrete barrier near his office, but a hostess at a popular Capitol Hill watering hole (Hawk & Dove) told the Herald she saw him drinking in the hours before the crash.
A bartender at the Tune Inn, which is next to the Hawk & Dove, also said Kennedy was spotted in the Hawk & Dove Wednesday.
Update:Cops: Kennedy Was Under Influence via The Smoking Gun
Capitol Police report says congressman's eyes watery, speech slurred
Police report here
Update II: Patrick Kennedy entering rehab for addiction to prescription drugs. The big story will be who intervened with the police on his behalf, stay tuned.
Update III: FOX- "Police are collecting the drink tabs from local bars."
Update IV: Commentary: Just how many passes do we give this guy. Two drug/alcohol related car accidents in 14 days. Two rehabs in less than 6 months. When does personal responsibility for ones actions become the focus?
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Stocks end higher; Dow at fresh six-year high
The fact that the stock market can shake off $70 oil indicates earnings and the economic outlook as a whole appear strong enough to compensate.
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks ended higher Thursday as strong April sales results for retailers and a drop in crude-oil prices to a one-month low lifted the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its best level in more than six years. Gains came even as the latest data showed a rise in labor costs in the first quarter, a worrying development for those investors concerned the Federal Reserve may have to keep raising interest rates to choke off inflationary pressure.
DOW up 38.58 points today at 11,438.86. The previous highest close was 11,489.36 on 1/19/2000. Today's close was within 285 points of the all time closing high of 11,722.98 on 1/14/2000.
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- U.S. stocks ended higher Thursday as strong April sales results for retailers and a drop in crude-oil prices to a one-month low lifted the Dow Jones Industrial Average to its best level in more than six years. Gains came even as the latest data showed a rise in labor costs in the first quarter, a worrying development for those investors concerned the Federal Reserve may have to keep raising interest rates to choke off inflationary pressure.
DOW up 38.58 points today at 11,438.86. The previous highest close was 11,489.36 on 1/19/2000. Today's close was within 285 points of the all time closing high of 11,722.98 on 1/14/2000.
Zarqawi, Curly and Moe in "The Jihadists"
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military said on Thursday it was close to capturing the leader of al Qaeda in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, after discovering documents and the unedited copy of a video he released last week.
Zarqawi was throwing all his resources into attacks in Baghdad and was probably somewhere close to the capital, U.S. military spokesman Major-General Rick Lynch told a news conference.
At his weekly media briefing, Lynch showed brief clips from what he said was the unedited video showing Zarqawi, wearing New Balance running shoes, struggling to handle the machine gun he was shown firing in the version posted on the Internet and aired on television.
Another clip appears to show his aides grabbing the gun's hot muzzle and fumbling with it after he had finished.
"So what you saw on the Internet was what he wanted the world to see 'look at me. I am a capable leader of a capable organization and we are indeed declaring war against democracy in Iraq'," Lynch said. What he didn't show you were the clips that I showed you: wearing New Balance sneakers with his uniform, surrounded by supposedly competent subordinates who grab the hot barrel of a just-fired machine gun, ... a warrior leader, Zarqawi, who doesn't understand how to operate his weapons system.
Zarqawi's funniest home videos can be found here.
Zarqawi was throwing all his resources into attacks in Baghdad and was probably somewhere close to the capital, U.S. military spokesman Major-General Rick Lynch told a news conference.
At his weekly media briefing, Lynch showed brief clips from what he said was the unedited video showing Zarqawi, wearing New Balance running shoes, struggling to handle the machine gun he was shown firing in the version posted on the Internet and aired on television.
Another clip appears to show his aides grabbing the gun's hot muzzle and fumbling with it after he had finished.
"So what you saw on the Internet was what he wanted the world to see 'look at me. I am a capable leader of a capable organization and we are indeed declaring war against democracy in Iraq'," Lynch said. What he didn't show you were the clips that I showed you: wearing New Balance sneakers with his uniform, surrounded by supposedly competent subordinates who grab the hot barrel of a just-fired machine gun, ... a warrior leader, Zarqawi, who doesn't understand how to operate his weapons system.
Zarqawi's funniest home videos can be found here.
Lie of the Day "Torture Preventing Justice"
The latest post Moussaoui verdict meme being offered up by the left and the co-dependent Entrenched media is that the wrong man was prosecuted. A memo must have been held in reserve for distribution should the verdict come back for life imprisonment because the similarirty of comment emanating from these groups is uncanny.
"The real terrorists, the real bad guys cannot be prosecuted because the coercive tactics (the left calls it torture) used by the military to gleen intel from the likes of Sheik Mohamed, Mohammad al-Qahtani. etc. preclude prosecution for their crimes."
I have news for these intellectual goose stepping bleeding hearts, that's the idea. The last thing the government and the American people need is for these murderious scumbags to be afforded the same cvil rights as the average Joe being accused of a common crime. High priced lawyers who would defend Satan himself if it would elevate their profile, sympathetic juries who would excuse their abhorrent crimes because their father drank or their mother was a whore, judges who would give a 3 time child molester probation, millions of dollars spent to prosecute and endless appeals is a three ring circus we don't need.
The Bush administration realized this early on and that is why the vast majority of these murdering thugs will never see the inside of a civilian courtroom, nor should they. After every shred of intelligence can be wrenched from these turds coercivelly or otherwise they will face a military tribunal where the aformentioned nonsense ain't gonna play. The libs don't like it but it's the best, the only viable option for prosecuting those who have declared war on the people of the United States.
Civil courts are for civilian crimes military courts are for military crimes. The left attempts to blur the debate because they don't truly believe we are at war. Make no mistake we ARE at war and the terrorists have committed WAR crimes. The military tribunals are designed precisely for this and we can rest assured that ultimately justice will be done.
"The real terrorists, the real bad guys cannot be prosecuted because the coercive tactics (the left calls it torture) used by the military to gleen intel from the likes of Sheik Mohamed, Mohammad al-Qahtani. etc. preclude prosecution for their crimes."
I have news for these intellectual goose stepping bleeding hearts, that's the idea. The last thing the government and the American people need is for these murderious scumbags to be afforded the same cvil rights as the average Joe being accused of a common crime. High priced lawyers who would defend Satan himself if it would elevate their profile, sympathetic juries who would excuse their abhorrent crimes because their father drank or their mother was a whore, judges who would give a 3 time child molester probation, millions of dollars spent to prosecute and endless appeals is a three ring circus we don't need.
The Bush administration realized this early on and that is why the vast majority of these murdering thugs will never see the inside of a civilian courtroom, nor should they. After every shred of intelligence can be wrenched from these turds coercivelly or otherwise they will face a military tribunal where the aformentioned nonsense ain't gonna play. The libs don't like it but it's the best, the only viable option for prosecuting those who have declared war on the people of the United States.
Civil courts are for civilian crimes military courts are for military crimes. The left attempts to blur the debate because they don't truly believe we are at war. Make no mistake we ARE at war and the terrorists have committed WAR crimes. The military tribunals are designed precisely for this and we can rest assured that ultimately justice will be done.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
An April Shower of Tax Revenue
More evidence that tax cuts actually increase government receipts......
Soaring Treasury receipts signal a far smaller than expected U.S. budget deficit for fiscal year 2006.
All the daily data for receipt of tax payments by the U.S. Treasury for the key month of April are now available, and the results speak for themselves: By our estimates at Action Economics, April receipts soared at a 15% year-over-year rate. This is well in excess of the 2% year-over-year growth in outlays, which were depressed by a "pull ahead" of some spending into March because of calendar effects.
The April data signal that the fiscal 2006 U.S. budget deficit is on track to reach the vicinity of our $270 billion forecast, despite official and market forecasts that are all nearly $50 billion to $150 billion higher. A shortfall of this magnitude in the U.S. budget deficit from official forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) happens with remarkable consistency in healthy "middle years" of business expansions, and it's happening again.
Now let's just make them permanent.
Soaring Treasury receipts signal a far smaller than expected U.S. budget deficit for fiscal year 2006.
All the daily data for receipt of tax payments by the U.S. Treasury for the key month of April are now available, and the results speak for themselves: By our estimates at Action Economics, April receipts soared at a 15% year-over-year rate. This is well in excess of the 2% year-over-year growth in outlays, which were depressed by a "pull ahead" of some spending into March because of calendar effects.
The April data signal that the fiscal 2006 U.S. budget deficit is on track to reach the vicinity of our $270 billion forecast, despite official and market forecasts that are all nearly $50 billion to $150 billion higher. A shortfall of this magnitude in the U.S. budget deficit from official forecasts by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) happens with remarkable consistency in healthy "middle years" of business expansions, and it's happening again.
Now let's just make them permanent.
Madeliene Albright: Bill Clinton 'Misstated' Bin Laden Offer

Former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright insisted Tuesday that Sudan never offered to round up Osama bin Laden and extradite him to the U.S. - saying President Clinton's claim to the contrary was "a misstatement."
Asked about Clinton's 2002 admission that six years earlier he had turned down Sudan's offer to extradite bin Laden because "he had commited no crime against America,"
Albright told Fox News Channel's "Hannity & Colmes": "He was not [offered]. He was not."
"If you look at the people who were saying that, there were many people who were lobbying for Sudan," she claimed.
But in a Feb. 2002 speech to a New York business group, Mr. Clinton detailed the episode, explaining "We'd been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America."
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
Baghdad neighborhood rises up and fights back
Great story, also refreshing to see the EM actually report it.
Abu Salah heard the screeching tires and gunfire outside his home in central Baghdad, and cowered. He'd feared this moment. He'd even plotted leaving the city, though he'd never followed through on his plan.
Now invaders had entered his street, and he knew that as the only Sunni on a street filled with Shiites, he was probably their target, whomever the invaders might be - insurgents, kidnappers or sectarian death squads.
"I was shaking; it was the fourth time in three days they'd invaded," he said. "I knew they were coming for me."
Then he heard another sound: the gunfire being returned.
He rushed from his house to see his neighbors - Shiite neighbors - on their roofs, in their windows, in their yards, firing at the attackers. In a trembling voice, he explained that at that moment he felt life change. He realized that his neighbors weren't going to stand by and let the bad guys win.
"I prefer now to die among my friends and neighbors rather than leave my home," he said. "I felt thrilled to see them fighting, all my neighbors standing next to each other guarding the area."
Abu Salah heard the screeching tires and gunfire outside his home in central Baghdad, and cowered. He'd feared this moment. He'd even plotted leaving the city, though he'd never followed through on his plan.
Now invaders had entered his street, and he knew that as the only Sunni on a street filled with Shiites, he was probably their target, whomever the invaders might be - insurgents, kidnappers or sectarian death squads.
"I was shaking; it was the fourth time in three days they'd invaded," he said. "I knew they were coming for me."
Then he heard another sound: the gunfire being returned.
He rushed from his house to see his neighbors - Shiite neighbors - on their roofs, in their windows, in their yards, firing at the attackers. In a trembling voice, he explained that at that moment he felt life change. He realized that his neighbors weren't going to stand by and let the bad guys win.
"I prefer now to die among my friends and neighbors rather than leave my home," he said. "I felt thrilled to see them fighting, all my neighbors standing next to each other guarding the area."
Hollywood star Robbins blasts US media ignorance of 'high crimes' in Iraq
Another Hollywood primadonna trying to "portray" the intellectual and failing miserably....
Acclaimed American actor/director Tim Robbins blasted the US government's policy on terrorism -- and the US media's failure to examine it critically -- at a news conference in Athens promoting his stage version of George Orwell's "1984".
"We have right now a media that is willfully ignoring the high crimes and misdemeanours of the president of the United States," the star of Hollywood hits including "Mystic River" and "The Player" told reporters.
"Clinton lied about a blowjob, and got impeached by the media and Congress," Robbins said.
"(Bush) got us into (the Iraq) war based on lies that he knew were lies. ... His war has recruited more Al-Qaeda members than Osama bin Laden could ever have dreamed for ... yet no one in the media is calling for impeachment," he said.
Robbins pointed out similarities between current US policies on terrorism and the authoritarian society described by Orwell.
Contrary to his warped interpretation, 1984 is a brilliant satire of the Stalinist society that Mr Robbins so admires.
Acclaimed American actor/director Tim Robbins blasted the US government's policy on terrorism -- and the US media's failure to examine it critically -- at a news conference in Athens promoting his stage version of George Orwell's "1984".
"We have right now a media that is willfully ignoring the high crimes and misdemeanours of the president of the United States," the star of Hollywood hits including "Mystic River" and "The Player" told reporters.
"Clinton lied about a blowjob, and got impeached by the media and Congress," Robbins said.
"(Bush) got us into (the Iraq) war based on lies that he knew were lies. ... His war has recruited more Al-Qaeda members than Osama bin Laden could ever have dreamed for ... yet no one in the media is calling for impeachment," he said.
Robbins pointed out similarities between current US policies on terrorism and the authoritarian society described by Orwell.
Contrary to his warped interpretation, 1984 is a brilliant satire of the Stalinist society that Mr Robbins so admires.
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition forces killed ten terrorists, three of them wearing suicide vests, and wounded one at approximately 1:30 a.m. May 2 at a safe house located approximately 40 kilometers southwest of Balad while searching for an al-Qaida terrorist leader. Upon the troops’ arrival, one terrorist who was sleeping while on guard outside the safe house, woke up and attempted to engage the assault troops with a pistol. The terrorist was shot before he could fire his weapon. As the wounded terrorist fell backward, he reached toward his chest and detonated a suicide vest. None of the assault troops were harmed in the explosion.
Meanwhile, the troops killed nine other terrorists, seven of whom exited the safe house during the fight and two who were killed inside. Two of the nine terrorists were wearing suicide vests, but the troops killed these bombers before either could detonate his vest.
I just love a happy ending.
Meanwhile, the troops killed nine other terrorists, seven of whom exited the safe house during the fight and two who were killed inside. Two of the nine terrorists were wearing suicide vests, but the troops killed these bombers before either could detonate his vest.
I just love a happy ending.
Monday, May 01, 2006
5 Biggest Immigrant Rally Day Truths +1
1. Illegal aliens HAVE NO RIGHTS. Rights in this country are constitutionally and legislatively afforded US citizens and people who are here LEGALLY.
2. Illegal aliens have NOTHING in common with the throngs of people who LEGALLY immigrated to this country in the 19th and 20th centuries other than being poor.
3. English IS the national language. In order to function in this society an immigrant MUST learn the national language as all have done before them. If companies wish to offer multilingual ads instructions etc, it is as a discretionary accomodation. It is incumbent upon no body including the government to do so.
4. Residing in this country for all non-citizens has and remains a privilege. Unlike legal citizenship and much like a drivers license that privilege CAN be revoked at any time.
5. The best way to plead ones case and gain groundswell support from the ~87% of Americans ambivalent to their cause IS NOT to spit in their face.
*Illegal aliens are NOT immigrants.
2. Illegal aliens have NOTHING in common with the throngs of people who LEGALLY immigrated to this country in the 19th and 20th centuries other than being poor.
3. English IS the national language. In order to function in this society an immigrant MUST learn the national language as all have done before them. If companies wish to offer multilingual ads instructions etc, it is as a discretionary accomodation. It is incumbent upon no body including the government to do so.
4. Residing in this country for all non-citizens has and remains a privilege. Unlike legal citizenship and much like a drivers license that privilege CAN be revoked at any time.
5. The best way to plead ones case and gain groundswell support from the ~87% of Americans ambivalent to their cause IS NOT to spit in their face.
*Illegal aliens are NOT immigrants.
U.S. April ISM manufacturing index 57.3% vs 55.2% in March

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) -- Factory activity in the United States accelerated in April, the Institute for Supply Management reported Monday. The ISM index rose to 57.3% in April from 55.2% in March. The rise was larger than expected. The consensus forecast of estimates collected by Marketwatch was for the index to inch higher to 55.3%. Readings above 50 indicate expansion. New orders slipped to 57.6% in April from 58.4% in March, but production soared to 60.4 from 57.5. The price index jumped to 71.5% from 66.5%.
And concerning wages.....
Incomes, the fuel for future spending, advanced by 0.8 percent in March. That was up from a 0.3 percent increase in February and marked the largest gain since September.
Iraq Shiites hail partial deal with Sunnis on key ministries
I'm always cautious when making any blanket statements concerning the political situation in Iraq. The imbroglio has so many unquantifiable factors affecting the ultimate outcome that informed prognostication is more akin to rank speculation. I suppose "gut feel" is about as good a way to divine the truth as anything.
Personally I get the definate feeling that Iraq is turning the corner. Maliki has been a pleasant surprise in that he appears intent on governing in a non-sectarian manner. Unlike Jafaari, he seems to have the backbone to make proposals that are in the best interest of his entire country rather than pandering to specific groups and the motivation to see them through.
One thing has become abundantly clear, they won't push Maliki around as they did Jafaari. His policies may not be in lockstep with our interests but his governess will likely for Iraq and ultimately us, be far superior to Jafaari's impotence and inaction.
BAGHDAD, May 1, 2006 (AFP) - Iraq's dominant Shiite bloc said it had reached a preliminary deal with minority Sunnis Monday on sharing out the key posts in a national unity government although the details remained to be ironed out.
"We reached an agreement that the 'sovereign' posts would be distributed fairly," said Shiite politician Salam al-Maliki, the outgoing transport minister, after talks with Sunni leaders.
He was referring to the key defense, interior, foreign, oil and finance ministries.
"There is a consensus of views under which independent people should be nominated to the security ministries," the minister added.
Prime minister designate Nuri Maliki had already said he intended to name independent MPs to the interior and defense ministries to avoid allegations of sectarianism.
Personally I get the definate feeling that Iraq is turning the corner. Maliki has been a pleasant surprise in that he appears intent on governing in a non-sectarian manner. Unlike Jafaari, he seems to have the backbone to make proposals that are in the best interest of his entire country rather than pandering to specific groups and the motivation to see them through.
One thing has become abundantly clear, they won't push Maliki around as they did Jafaari. His policies may not be in lockstep with our interests but his governess will likely for Iraq and ultimately us, be far superior to Jafaari's impotence and inaction.
BAGHDAD, May 1, 2006 (AFP) - Iraq's dominant Shiite bloc said it had reached a preliminary deal with minority Sunnis Monday on sharing out the key posts in a national unity government although the details remained to be ironed out.
"We reached an agreement that the 'sovereign' posts would be distributed fairly," said Shiite politician Salam al-Maliki, the outgoing transport minister, after talks with Sunni leaders.
He was referring to the key defense, interior, foreign, oil and finance ministries.
"There is a consensus of views under which independent people should be nominated to the security ministries," the minister added.
Prime minister designate Nuri Maliki had already said he intended to name independent MPs to the interior and defense ministries to avoid allegations of sectarianism.
Iraqi armed rebels 'ready for peace'
"Ready for peace" is a euphemism for "want to surrender"
THE Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, claimed a peace deal with seven armed Sunni rebel groups was within reach after he met their representatives yesterday.
A spokesman for the president's office said Mr Talabani was optimistic that they would agree to lay down their arms.
I think we may reach an agreement with seven armed groups that visited me," his office said in a statement.
Mr Talabani's spokesman, Kamran Qaradaghi, refused to identify the seven groups, although they were believed to be Sunni Arab insurgents.
It was the first time a senior Iraqi official had acknowledged meeting figures from such rebel groups, although United States officials say privately they have talked with Iraqis claiming to have contacts with insurgents.
THE Iraqi president, Jalal Talabani, claimed a peace deal with seven armed Sunni rebel groups was within reach after he met their representatives yesterday.
A spokesman for the president's office said Mr Talabani was optimistic that they would agree to lay down their arms.
I think we may reach an agreement with seven armed groups that visited me," his office said in a statement.
Mr Talabani's spokesman, Kamran Qaradaghi, refused to identify the seven groups, although they were believed to be Sunni Arab insurgents.
It was the first time a senior Iraqi official had acknowledged meeting figures from such rebel groups, although United States officials say privately they have talked with Iraqis claiming to have contacts with insurgents.
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